Apartm ent Project For M SU Retirees Proposed A unique, ambitious proposal for cooperative retiree residen­ ces for MSU employes was revealed at Tuesday’s Men’s Club meeting. Apartments, nursing homes and a wide variety of services for employes and retirees are Included in the multi-million dollar 1 I n program . Independence after retirement and care for retirees who become dependent, all at costs which would not make them paupers, are 1 the proposal’s objectives, said John Winburne, assistant dean of MICHIGAN the University College. 1 [I Within 10 to 12 years the non-profit project could be housing or STATE caring for some 800 family units or approximately 1,200 persons, 0 he said. UNIVERSITY Such a project would involve many millions of dollars as the 228 new married housing apartments being built at Spartan Village are to cost some $2.6 million. I Price 10c f t East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 13, 1965 Another value aspect not mentioned by Winburne would be the Vol. 57 Number 30 project’s value to the Univer- —— — — — —— ——— sity in attracting and holding personnel. This is an increasing problem as the nation’s short­ age of teachers grows. Winburne was reporting for an MSU Employes Credit Union committee which has been study­ ing prospective retireeprograms UNION for months. FIVE ARRESTED h . ' report revealed that the » * * committee had made much pro­ g ress, but that it was still seek­ ing answers to some key ques­ MARINES COUNTER tions, including costs and loca­ V iet Protest Stirs tion. Costs for the project involve Medicare and other federal pro­ Career Carnival grams as well as tax decisions, Protests Backfired but its feasibility was confirm­ ed before the coming of Medi­ Some of the m arines stationed he said we’ d beat the hell out for any appreciable length of care. at the m arine recruiting booth at of them,’ ’ Asked about the site, Winburne time. Demonstrators Bracket Career Carnival Tuesday said Other m arines said student Career representatives from joked that some would like it to they didn’ t mind the students who protesters on campuses were be built where Erickson Hall is, booths nearby said the students Marine Recuiting Booth bracketed their booth and dis­ nothing n ew to him. but then assured the group that it w ere sitting in chairs in their tributed literature condemning would be close to the University. "We’ve encountered such ac­ booths. U.S. policies in Viet Nam. we r e arrested in the i mon He commented that University tions before at other campuses," Miss Judy Ball, an MSU stu­ Five students "T h ey drew a great deal of personnel retain their interests he said, "esp ecially at the Uni­ dent and representative for Pan- while trilmting litera- attention to our booth," one ma­ Tuesday afternoon in their work after retirement. versity of Michigan.” American Airlines said the pro­ rine said. , S . policio ? in Viet X am While continuing to seek the testers were congesting the area ture condemning U,t Another marine, however, did Career Carnival Advisor Ed and interfering with students try­ cost answers the committee will re c ru it m oothth seem to mind. Fitzpatrick said he didn’ t think next to a Marine Cor. be surveying the interests of re­ ing to get to her booth. **lf our sergeant was h e re ," the protesters tied up activity for the Career Carnival. tirees and employes and plan­ Later, John McQuitty, chair­ ning its membership campaign. man of the Career Carnival, said Arrested were: Howard liar ri : on Winburne said that the pro­ if he had known the students want­ address listed as 217 Center S t . : I , a n - ject could get rolling with 150 ed a booth at the C arnival, his m em bers, but that the committee committee would have considered sing: Albert Halprin. 1 7. of 322 W St Ml D o n e ! was seeking 500 m em bers by giving them one. Hall: Peter Hornbeck. it'. *<>i l H Mobile March 1. All employes, peri­ "Although theirs ■ was not a J. pheral employes and board mem­ ca re er booth," he said, "w e Home Manor in Meridian Townsli am es bers of MSU and all Credit Union would have given them consid­ Dukarm. 19. of 120 Center m ., K a • i., an - employes will be eligible. eration .'' a rie s This goal appears realistic McQuitty added, however, that : and Fred Janurin. 22. ol as 347 retirees of the Univer­ because so many businesses it. Fast L.an s i ng. sity were living as of July 1 and wanted to ''et up exhibits and booths, space was very limit­ The students were carried an estimated 1,740 employes 3:30 p.m., after they refused to w ere expected to retire in the next NE IGHBORS— Members of the MSU Com-nittee to ed. “ We had to turn down 82 com­ Bureau Director Jack Shingleton. 10 y e ars. End the War in Viet Nam Tuesday set up dis­ panies who wanted to set up they were taken to the campus Members would pay dues to plays and handed out anti-war pamphlets on both their own d isp lays," he saie. violating the state trespass law ; subsidize development of the non­ sides of the Marine Corps recruitment booth at the After the five students were nance prohibiting the distri! itlori profit program and make month­ Career Carnival in the Union. Both the committee arrested, the Career Carnival Three of the students wer als ly payments to individual trust and the Marine displays are shown here. proceeded Ml refused, to post $50 bor and funds. On his retirement an em­ Photo by Larry Fritzlan without incident. Early' estim ates indicated that jail in Mason to await arralg ploye's trust fund and its ac­ a record number of students are Shingleton said about ¡5 cumulated Interest would be con­ stands on each side of the verted to a rein fund. attending the two-day Carnival. floor A m axim um age for joThing will : La: probably be set, but empl«v Plans For Library probably w ill be able to join ft nr later by paying a penalty to in cover m issed dues. Winburne Sought B y State jdents we i i ask said. be Carni- licla Members will probably have Preliminary' plans for a $3 million addition to the MSL li­ their choice of four types of brary, proposed administration, social science and communication j p.m., Shingleton apartments which will offer va­ arts buildings, were requested by a legislative committee Monday. read a statement twice to.the stu­ riety in size, ranging up to 1,000 The library' project, one of eight from state educational insti­ dents saying he would call the square feet, and facilities. Those tutions placed on a top-priority basis, was one of 67 which would poiice If they did no; leave in living in kitchenless units would total about $223 million in construction costs if approved, accord­ 10 minutes. eat in a common dining room. ing to joint capital outlay committee estimates. "1 haven’t been given any good Recreation facilities,Including A $2.5 million engineering building at Oakland University and a reason to leave,” Harrison told workshops, studios and garden $22 million medical research building at Wayne State University him. plots would be included in the were also selected for priority attention. Plans were requested to JUST THE FACTS— One of the students-later ar­ Richard Bernitt, MSI Director planning of the apartment build­ be submitted by Feb. 1, 1966. rested is told the risks involved in participating of Public Safety again asked the ings which would probably be high If these plans are ready, by that date, the appropriations could in illegal disruption of the Career Carnival and dis­ students to leave before he or­ rise style due to costs, Winburne be voted by the Legislature by next spring, according to Sen. tribution of literature against University rules. dered them to be carried out. said. Garland Lane, D-Flint. Three of the students dropped Nursing facilities wouldbeful- M e m b e rs of the C am p u s Po lice look on. The administration building was placed on a second-priority Photo by Larry Fritzlan to the floor and went limp. ly integrated with the apartment basis, while the social science and communication arts buildings Shingleton said the demonstra­ buildings, allowing residents to were given third priority rank.- tion and the arrests were, a get outpatient treatment or to Changes in original plans sub­ nuisance but they , didn’t Inter­ visit bed-ridden spouses easily. mitted and rising construction fere with the carnival. Dependent retirees would be al­ costs may cause the original The arrested students said they lowed to spend their days with estimate of $223 million for these High U.S. Authority Claim s were members of the MSU Com­ spouses in their apartm ents. projects to rise , Lane said. mittee. to End the War in Viet Included in the service divi­ Another third-priority project Nam and the May Second Move­ sions of the program would be which would effect this area Is ment. trust advice, guardian and exe­ the proposed relocation of State cutor departments and a consul­ Police headquarters in a new- Indonesian Reds' Loss Big Gottlieb Speaks tant on insurance and other mat­ complex of state services build­ the moderates get into control te rs. ings and facilities, which is al­ WASHINGTON f — A top directed against Sukarno Sept.
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