M — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Feb. 7, 1986 U.S./WORLD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 General Dynamics Proficient Blake State Bank posts is eligible again unique individual record earnings MISCELLANEOUS ICARS/TRUCKS APARTMENTS For Sale I ... page 13 ... page 20 FOR RENT I FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ... page 9 3 Room Apartment for Hay for Sale by the Bale. HOUSEHOLD Cash and carry. Pella rent. Prefer professlon- GOODS________ ollv worKIne couple with Brothers, Bldwell Street. I^PMNTIND/ 643- 7405. 1979 C h e v r o le t CIO ISERVICEG ■^SERVICES FLDDRINB no children, coll 627-S905 OFFERED IgZJpAPEBIND otter 7pm. Used Refrigerators, Pickup. Low mileage, ex­ OFFERED |51J Hendv Lathe, 6 foot bed, cellent condition. $4,200. Washers, Ranges — Floorsondlno — Floors Manchester — 2 bedroom clean, guaranteed, parts 10" swing, 2 chucks hard After 5pm, 647-8902. Child Core. Certified ele- Nome your owtj price — and saft, complete colic Odd lobs. Trucklno- Father and son. Fast, like new. Speclolliing In apartment, appliances, and service. Law prices. Homt rtpolrt. You name nientory tedcher will core older floors, natural ond heat, $500 a month, two B.D. Pearl 8, San, 649 and attachments, best 1979 Ford Thunderbird. 2 for your child while you dependable service. offer. After 5pm, 647-8120. door hardtop. Excellent It, w t do It. Fro* eotl- Painting. Paperhonging stained. No woxlng onv- months security & refer­ Main Street, 643-2171. mofet. Iniured. 643-0304. In my Hebron home- more. John Vertollle. Call ences. Close to 84 and condition. V-8, automatic, (neor Gay City Pork). S. Removol. Coll_6jg;^L. Hide A Bed Couch — $75.4 air, am/fm radio, power 646-5750. __________ busline. March 1 occu­ Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ HawkM Tr#B Service — Lots of TLC, fully li­ iManrlirstrr pancy. No pets. Call after trial freezer. $350. 649- X 8 slate pool table, $250. steering, power brakes, censed. Call Janet after BUIL0IN8/ There's someone out 644- 8360. 69,000 miles. $3,500. Call Bucket Truck & Chipper. ) Manchester — A City ol Village Charm limih <pm, 649-4370 or 742-9410. 9012. Stump Removal. Free Es­ 6:30pm. 646-3B88.________ CDMTRACTINB there who wants to buy 649-2573. your power tools. Find Jenny Lynn Spindle crib timates. Special consider­ Hebron — 3 bedroom Large Mahogany Stereo ation for Elderly and Hon- Hove You Been Wishing lhaf buyer with a low-cost Cabinet, Ideal for com- with firm mattress. $85. 1979 Ford F250, 4 wheel you could find a home day Farrand Remodeling — duplex, 1 Vi baths on treed dlcopped. 647-7553. Cabinets, roofing, gof­ od In Classified. 643-2711. lot. $Sn per month plus ponet system. Has minor 649-2068. drive, loaded, good condi­ core where someone will 25 Cents tion. $6,000. 684-3133. fers, room additions, Saturday, Feb. 8, 1986 heat. References and se­ scratches. Best offer over dndymon. Carpentry, show 0 child how, some­ $600. Call 643-4353 and Bath Seat with back adlus- one who listens ond decks, oil types of remo­ curity required, no pets, home repairs and clean­ deling and repairs. FREE IINCDMETAX 228-0561 Monday thru Fri­ leave a message between table. Original. $59.50. 1975 450 Case Crawler cores? Pleose coll 643- Asking $40 or best offer. Loader, 4 In 1 bucket. ing, neot, relloble. Free estimates. Folly Insured. SERVICE day, otter 5pm, Saturday 9am-3pm. quotes. Monchester home 0475. Very reosonoble 649-7756.0 $14,000. 684-3133. rates, near 384, Main Telephone 643-6017, otter 8i Sunday after 9am. owner. 649-1150, Steve 6pm, 647-8509^________ Rug, 9 X 12 beige tweed. Glorrotana. Street, Manchester. Netkin's Tax Service 3 Bedroom Duplex In $40. 643-8820 after 5pm. For Sale — Wilton Wood­ Aquino said in iead Low rates, strictly confl' workers vise. New. $75. I MOTORCYCLES/ Carpentry ond remodel­ newer 2 family home. Will babysit In my home. My dentiol. Over 10 years Waterbed — King size, Call 643-1634 after 6pm.□ BICYCLES ing services — Complete Available February 12th. I $2 on hour. Working moth- home has * home repairs ond remo­ experience. 644-1009. Includes appliances, wall bookcase headboard, 12 *jrs^^com..Ca..Bouou, deling. Quality work. Ref­ to wall carpeting, heat not drawer, waveless mat­ Large Spring Rocking •t" 1985 Yamaha RX 350 Mo­ erences, licensed and In­ You Sove Time— Receive Included. $520 monthly, tress, liner, heater. $350. Horse. $20. 646-1760.O torcycle. 1,394 miles, ex­ sured. Coll 646-8165. Concerned Service — Get security and references 643-5668 after 6pm. The House Works. Resi­ Greof Convenience with Lowrance LFP 250 Fish cellent condition. Match­ as death toli ciimbs Get o Shorp stort. Profes­ required, 2 children oc- ing SchoelzlOO helmet. dential housecleonlng. An Tax Corporation of New Hoaver Vacuum Cleaner Locator, with transducer, sional sharpening Includ­ established company Robert E. Jarvis, cepted. No pets. Call 643- $2,700 takes all. 742-7549. Bulldlno-Remodellno England's reasonably 7635. — Good condition. $20 or mount portable, audible ing knives, scissors, fully bonded with above alarm, excellent condi­ Specialist. Additions, gar­ priced 'In home' Income best offer. 647-9322. pinkino shears, lawn and overage work below the tax service. A tax expert because the documents have not tion. $99. 643-9934.0 1976 Harley Davidson garden fools, rotorv ages, roofing, siding, kit­ MANILA, Philippines (UPI) — Sportster XLCHIOOO In overage rote. Coll Today, will call on you of your been authenticated.” he said. Kerson Heofer — Very mower blades, chisels, chens, bathrooms, re- Reports of vote fraud, a chaotic mint condition. 10,000 647-0873. convenience when you |e»JH0M ES sturdy, used a few times, plain blades and many plocement ballot count and violence resulting Namfrei Chairman Jose Concep­ original miles. $3,000 or coll 646-3219(home) or 528- too large for my home. others. Coll Sunny-Em. windows/doors. 643-6712. in 62 deaths clouded the outcome cion vowed to carry on, however, 1 ^ 1 FOR RENT I MUSICAL best offer. 633-7834. Certified Nurse will bab­ 5535(offlce). $88. 649-1433.0 649-1088 offer 5pm. ysit for 1 or 2 children. My Saturday of the fiercely fought declaring. "There is no way this ITEMS Dumas Electric— Having home. 649-6684. election between President Ferdi­ place will be closed." House For Rent, North G irl’s Bike — 24" Cactus Electrical Problems? Coventry, close to high­ Black Counter Top Sewing Done — Expe­ nand Marcos and challenger Co- Members of the U.S, observer 8 7 flower. Good condition. Yamaha Clarinet. Good Need a large or a small ways. $550 per month, 36”x57", bar type, both rienced seamstress. INCOME TAXES razon Aquino. Government and group said they had heard numer­ condition. Call 649-3120 $20. 646,4495.0 Dressmoklng, alterations Illlng Student will babysit." Repair? We Specialize In Retired Tax Examiner 742-6141. edges rolled. Call 644-2063. Bowers or Illlng area, independent counts showed Aquino ous reports of widespread fraud $35.0 evenings. $75.d and repairs. Coll anytime. Residential Work. Joseph Federal & State Returns. Bicycle — Men's 10 speed after school. Coll otter Dumas. Folly Licensed. pulling ahead. and harassment of voters and 647-8730: We give Estimated Fees. The independent citizens group RCA Television, perfect huffy. Needs new shift 5pm, 64M616. Free Estimates. 646-5253. Lugar complained about the slow lever, otherwise, excel­ Mr. Cook • 040-0022 called the National Citizens Move­ I STORE ANO condition. Excellent pic­ vote count. lent shape. $35. 643-547B.D Professional Income Tax ment for Free Elections, or Nam- OFFICE SPACE ture. $99. Call 646-6331.0 ■ (,7 J RECREATIONAL Military sources and the official Preparation and Account­ PMNTIN8/ frel, watching the vote-count government news agency said at IB'I ITEMS ing. Fully computerized. White Dinette — 4 uphol­ PAPERIND HEATING/ showed Aquino leading 1,353,739 to least 62 people were murdered on Office Space — Excellent MISCELLANEOUS 12veorsexperlence. Reos- PLUMBING 998,091 with 11.24 percent of the stered chairs, formica ta­ Duck Pin Bowling Balls. I election day. boosting the death location with ample park­ onoble rotes. At your Zingler’s Tax Service vote counted. ble top, 2 extra leaves. $99. Blue swirl, blue case. AUTOMOTIVE toll in two months of campaigning ing. 600, 400 & 300 sq. ft. convenience, days or ev­ Pointing and Poperhang- Government officials called the Office suites are now Call 646-4985.0 Excellent condition. Used enings. John Willoughby, Ing — Exterior and Inte­ Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Filing personal and business to 113. tax returns within your honre group's results “ spurious,” even available. 649-2891. one season. $35. 644-3084.o 1957 Chevy Trunk lid. $40. 646-2623. rior, ceilings repaired. throom remodeling: In­ In a Manila suburb, police using Maple Stereo Console, After 6pm, 646-4298.0 stallation water heaters, since 1073, siso booKkeeping though the government election References, fully Insured. services available. water hoses and truncheons and Office Space — New pro­ $50. 647-1912.0 Ladles Ice Skates — Black garbage disposals; faucet commission’s own tallies also will Babysit In my home Quality work. Martin Please call 646-8346. firing shots into the air, twice tried fessional building, one Le a th e r, 6 Vj . H e a vy New HR78-14 w/w steel days or evenings. Coll Mottsson, evenings, 649- repairs. 649-4539, Vlsa/M- showed her slightly ahead of to disperse about 200 determined Plaid Sleeper Sofa, $50. mile from 1-84. 1,000-3,000 gouge steel blade, lOVj, belted radial mounted. 646-9788, osk for Linda. 4431. asterCard accepted. Marcos. poll watchers, including several 643-6463.0 $35. Fits 78 Ford. Coll otter sq. ft. avalloble. Can build special temper Barney 8, Sen.
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