LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 7 ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Nicolosi, Janet M., dec’d. Late of 2381 Rt. 405 Hwy., Muncy. Notice is hereby given that, in the es- Executor: Christopher J. Nicolosi, tates of the decedents set forth below, 50 Mahoning Street, Milton Towers, the Register of Wills has granted letters Apt. 501, Milton, PA 17847. testamentary or of administration to the Attorneys: John A. Smay, Esquire, persons named. Notice is also hereby Williams and Smay, 39 South Main given of the existence of the trusts of Street, P.O. Box 35, Muncy, PA the deceased settlors set forth below 17756. for whom no personal representatives have been appointed within 90 days of death. All persons having claims or Peck, Edna C. a/k/a Edna Claire demands against said estates or trusts Peck, dec’d. are requested to make known the same, Late of the Township of Loyalsock. and all persons indebted to said estates The Edna Claire Peck Protector or trusts are requested to make pay- Trust dated March 31, 2008 as ment, without delay, to the executors amended November 29, 2010. or administrators or trustees or to their The Peck Family Protector Trust attorneys named below. dated October 9, 2012. FIRST PUBLICATION Settlor: Edna Claire Peck. Co-Trustee: Anne E. Hayes, 212 Good, Susan V. a/k/a Amelia V. Jerome Avenue, Williamsport, PA Good, dec’d. 17701. Late of Williamsport. Executor/Co-Trustee: Woodlands Administrator: John M. Good, Jr., 64 Bank, 2450 E. Third Street, Wil- Maple Ave., Williamsport, PA 17701. liamsport, PA 17701. Attorneys: McNerney, Page, Vander- Attorney: Joseph L. Rider, Esquire, lin & Hall, 433 Market Street, Wil- 143 West Fourth Street, Williams- liamsport, PA 17703. port, PA 17701. Haines, Eric J., dec’d. Shelley, Jean S., dec’d. Late of Lycoming County. Late of the Township of Loyalsock. Executor: Paul S. Dubendorf, 326 The Donald E. and Jean S. Shelley Manor Drive, Northumberland, PA Protector Trust, dated September 17857. Attorney: Jeffrey J. Crossland, Es- 22, 2008. quire, 129 Market Street, P.O. Box Settlor: Jean S. Shelley. 352, Lewisburg, PA 17837. Trustees: Donna J. Biehl f/k/a Donna J. Bobbs, 317 Grampian Blvd., Wil- liamsport, PA 17701 and Stephen Lagana, Allison M., dec’d. Late of Wolf Township. H. Shelley, 230 Brooklet Court, Co-Administrators: Karen E. Swim- Huntsville, AL 35806. ley, 136 Zeisloft Avenue, Muncy, Attorneys: Elizabeth A. White, Es- PA 17756, Scott E. Wertman, 109 quire, Steinbacher & Stahl, 413 Ryan Street, Lexington, NC 27295 Washington Boulevard, Williams- and Gary L. Wertman, 407 Sherman port, PA 17701. Street Extension, Muncy, PA 17756. Attorneys: Thomas D. Hess, Esquire, Swank, Lois L. a/k/a Lois Louise Hess and Hess, P.C., 30 South Main Swank, dec’d. Street, Hughesville, PA 17737. Late of Hughesville. 8 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Co-Executors: Robert Wayne Swank, Martin, William H., dec’d. 144 S. Broad Street, Hughesville, PA Late of Jersey Shore. 17737 and Judith Ann Babb, 4186 Executrix: Susan E. Straub, P.O. Box Clarkstown Road, Muncy, PA 17756. 6, Jersey Shore, PA 17740. Attorney: Layne R. Oden, Esquire, Attorney: Leroy H. Keiler, III, Es- Nine South Main Street, Muncy, PA quire, 110 Oliver Street, Ste. 2, P.O. 17756-1306. Box 263, Jersey Shore, PA 17740, (570) 398-2750. SECOND PUBLICATION Triplett, Beletha June a/k/a Bele- Artley, Miles F., dec’d. tha P. Triplett, dec’d. Late of the City of Williamsport. Late of Muncy. Executor: Thomas A. Eiswerth c/o Executrix: Mary R. Hockenbrock, 53 James T. Baldwin, Esquire, Baldwin Heatherbrooke Estates, Muncy, PA & Baldwin, 42 South Front Street, 17756. Milton, PA 17847. Attorneys: McNerney, Page, Vander- Attorneys: James T. Baldwin, Es- lin & Hall, 433 Market Street, Wil- quire, Baldwin & Baldwin, 42 South liamsport, PA 17703. Front Street, Milton, PA 17847. THIRD PUBLICATION Gilson, David L., dec’d. Eiswerth, Sylvester G., dec’d. Late of Williamsport. Late of South Williamsport. Executrix: Wendy J. Walter, 1413 Executrix: Carol E. Bower, 15 West Briarwood Drive, Montoursville, PA Mountain Avenue, South Williams- 17754. port, PA 17702. Attorneys: McNerney, Page, Vander- Attorney: Christian D. Frey, Esquire, lin & Hall, 433 Market Street, Wil- 140 East Third Street, Williamsport, liamsport, PA 17703. PA 17701. Hamm, Thelma L., dec’d. Fry, Clair E., dec’d. Late of Williamsport. Late of Muncy. Executor: Robert K. Mowery c/o Executor: Jodie L. Sanner. Lester L. Greevy, Jr., Esquire, Greevy Attorneys: Tammy A. Weber, Es- & Associates, 5741 State Route 87, quire, Marshall, Parker & Weber, Williamsport, PA 17701. LLC, 49 E. Fourth Street, Williams- port, PA 17701. Attorneys: Lester L. Greevy, Jr., Esquire, Greevy & Associates, 5741 State Route 87, Williamsport, PA Lester, Esther L., dec’d. 17701. Late of Montoursville. Executrix: Elizabeth L. Hilton. Attorneys: Gary T. Harris, Es- Haskins, Warren E., dec’d. quire, Rieders, Travis, Humphrey, Late of Hughesville. Harris, Waters, Waffenschmidt & Executrix: Mindy B. Foresman, 325 Dohrmann, 161 West Third Street, Lehman Drive, Watsontown, PA Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) 17777. 323-8711. Attorneys: Thomas D. Hess, Esquire, Hess and Hess, P.C., 30 South Main Meyer, Beulah G., dec’d. Street, Hughesville, PA 17737. Late of Montoursville. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 9 Executrix: Michelle M. Kuhn. Administratrices: Carol S. Avery, Attorneys: Gary T. Harris, Es- 1104 Amy Lane, Lancaster, PA 17601 quire, Rieders, Travis, Humphrey, and Linda Banks Hansee, 312 Douglas Harris, Waters, Waffenschmidt & Park Avenue, Davenport, FL 33897. Dohrmann, 161 West Third Street, Attorneys: Julieanne E. Steinbacher, Williamsport, PA 17701, (570) Esquire, Steinbacher & Stahl, 413 323-8711. Washington Boulevard, Williams- port, PA 17701. Phelps, Freda, dec’d. Late of Jackson Township. Executrix: Sharon Warn c/o Lester Taylor, William N., dec’d. L. Greevy, Jr., Esquire, Greevy & Late of Williamsport. Associates, 5741 State Route 87, Executor: James N. Taylor c/o Lester Williamsport, PA 17701. L. Greevy, Jr., Esquire, Greevy & Attorneys: Lester L. Greevy, Jr., Associates, 5741 State Route 87, Esquire, Greevy & Associates, 5741 Williamsport, PA 17701. State Route 87, Williamsport, PA Attorneys: Lester L. Greevy, Jr., 17701. Esquire, Greevy & Associates, 5741 State Route 87, Williamsport, PA Schlesing, Stephen Arthur a/k/a 17701. Stephen A. Schlesing, dec’d. Late of the Township of Loyalsock. 10 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS SHERIFF’S SALE Title to said premises is vested in Jacob A. Aikey, single and Michelle L. By virtue of Writs of Execution issued Burkholder, single, as joint tenants with out of the Court of Common Pleas of the right of survivorship by deed from Lycoming County, and directed to me, TIMOTHY A. WHEELAND AND ME­ there will be exposed to public sale at the LISSA K. WHEELAND, HIS WIFE dated Executive Plaza, 1st Floor, Commissioners July 1, 2005 and recorded July 8, 2005 in Board Room, 330 Pine Street, Wil liams­ Deed Book 5357, Page 164. port, PA 17701 on Friday, FEBRUARY Tax parcel #: 11­1­600. 7, 2014, at 10:30 A.M., the following Improvements: Residential Dwelling. described real estate to wit: NO. 2-1 NO. 2-5 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel or lot of land situated in the Eighth and lot of land situate in the Township of Ward (erroneously referred to as Eighty Washington, Lycoming County, Pennsyl­ Ward in previous deed) of the City of vania, more fully bounded and described Williamsport, County of Lycoming and from a survey and drawing number 1075­ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded 72 by the English Engineering Corp., made and described as follows: the 4th day of October 1972, as follows, BOUNDED on the north by lot now to wit: or late of Jacob Muller; on the east by BEGINNING at an iron pin set in Luigi Paternostro; on the south by land the southern right­of­way line of T­397, said pin bring located four thousand now or late of Carl Greenawalt, and on seven hundred fifty­two (4,752’) feet in a the west by Henrietta Alley, said lot in westerly direction from the intersection width or front on Henrietta Alley thirty­ of T­397 and Legislative Route 41001; six (36) feet an in depth to land of Luigi thence by land now or formerly of Lewis Paternostro ninety­nine (99) feet and six A. Starr, the next two(2) courses and (6) inches. distances; (1) South seven degrees forty­ TAX PARCEL # 68­007.0­0502.00­ three minutes twenty­seven seconds 000. West five hundred forty­four and fifty BEING KNOWN AS: 950 Henrietta hundredths (S. 07 degrees 43’ 27” W. Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. 544.50’) feet to No. 6 bar and stone cor­ ner; (2) North sixty­six degrees twenty­ NO. 2-3 eight minutes twenty­eight seconds West ALL that certain lot of land situate in one hundred thirty and no hundredths the village of Warrensville, Township of (N 66 degrees 28’ 28” W. 130.00’) feet Eldred, County of Lycoming and Com­ to an existing No. 4 bar; Thence by monwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and land now or formerly of Antos V. Starr described as follows: North eight degrees thirty minutes no On the north by a street running seconds East four hundred forty­five and west from Main Street and a lot now no hundredths (N. 08 degrees 30’ 00” or formerly of Benjamin Kiess: on the E. 445.00’) feet to an existing No. 4 bar; east by long alley; on the south and west thence North sixty­seven degrees fifty­ by other land now or formerly of Mary five minutes fifty­three seconds East one Wilson Pettee. hundred thirty and no hundredths (N. 49 Morse Drive, Williamsport, Penn­ 67 degrees 55’ 53” E. 130.00’) feet to a sylvania 17701. No. 4 bar, the point and place of begin­ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 11 ning, containing one and three hundred less, to the Eastern line of lot now or fifty thousandths (1,350) acres.
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