THE BRANDON SUN, Tw««J«y, Aof uit *, IN* In the Manitoba legislature His destination: i Osaka Desjardins tangles with hecklers his transportation: feet wir from Mon- The 58-year-old Montrealer is sleeps in the small house on storm, and Mr. Duquette car- Desjardins Japan. But no rookie in the walking busi- wheels, converting \ it into a ried on alone. He completed stop Elzear ness. In the past 35 years, he storage compartment for his be- the trip in 18 mosths. During Democratic rai-v «,Ui=ua «,« ski waswa'sIabe labelleiiedd aa "smilinsmilingg BudBud-- pegpeg. signed w meet spe eiaipi*,- from walking the dis- has covered 35,000 miles on foot longings in the daytime. They that time, he was the guest of calls himself a Liberal Demo- dlia " and later "a horsethief After Air. BorowsUs leply, lems of piaine fishi matketmg 4 e marathon walks. These amount to a stove, some food the Prince of Wales for three 8 crat, ran into continued heckling fromn Thompson." "f;,.,, ^ said: Why not? and fishermen with a better M^ ^^^ apHy named aclventures have taken him all arid souvenirs of {his many weeks. The trip consumed six in the Manitoba legislature Mon- H\f\e sainnirdJ i»t wa\i»**cs* strangC> 11*'111 If£ek notint .t tro* "That'LII tit sS ouOUrP businesDUSLIlcSSs , iJaLJUl TGLUrXl. il Kin-»j-*_- g_ o__ ff thit e Walk"rtf — ll-, "lef1 _ tTi . Mon"»r. - thi Ue. _ wa...r..y . frof.*nwm i MontreaH.Tn-n t*m nl I to4n Van\7rtH- journeys-t/xit%*n *ITTC.« ' - pairf\OlVsO of\ff bootsVinr\f C.? hear the long speeches of Health Minister A. R. (Russ) Paulley The corporation will seek to uayIQJI f ,.~,-.— a —IT May and hopes to couver and from Abitibi, Ont. John Robert Gordon, a Mon- In 1942, he journeyed to a spot Mr- . Desjardins, elected as a Ministe•'•-—err Sidney Green compacomparr- shot back. eliminate duplication of «>««•* all the way to Vancouver to Miami, Fla. treal artist and writer, is a just north of Abitibi in north- J _ A^ fn "thoe dulceniilnat tonetnnfiss; w\i'ee» ***rnpat ' both at the fisherman and Liberal in St. Boniface but who ed to oo a - December. From there, he Although Mr. Duquette is a companion for Mr. Duquette, ern Ontairo. Sixteen years later, from him now. pany level. Arrangements tor a {oi> Tflk long w JVom Montreal, he's He follows in a trunk, keeping he walked to Miami, Fla. later sincss - . - . •'..; . •- - * support told the conscience. • mier Ed Schreyer should inves- Mr. Duquette's walking attire representatives of police de-- At one point during his speech, tigate subsidizing the interest . le Mgnitoba iegjsiature Mon~ WINNIPEG (CP) - Consid- Harry Enns (PC-Lakeside) in- ™l? ^n J^.^.?1^ ^-S day. eration may be given to en- consists of a pair of RCMP S'Sf te stoS" ^^ boots, a pair of ba,?gy brown He carries & ^ bQok terjected that Mr. Desjardins ^ Sgttin(? up a sep|rate pro- Municipal Affairs Minister acting legislation in Manitoba First immunology was a "Liberal deserter." . vinc.ial aeencv to make loans Howard Pawley appealed to the to control the sale of skunks Mr. Desjardins said he con- Agriculture needs change, he House to deal with the legisla- ^.ffj^^^^^ j . it fit quite well, but 1.800 miles natures of people he meets on of walking have trimmed Mr. the road, newspaper clippings rjiss^rss^-s^-^ w^^^^=™c/epoiYmenf sef up Duquette's weight by 30 pounds, and post cards. to tace speech — proposed by Opposi- . jion from Jake- proese (SC— P restrictions on people Now the pants are about two'or Mr. Duquette averages about WINNIPEG (CP) — A 35- surgery has brought it into its three sizes too big. 30 miles a day. In all, he will tion Leader Weir "unreasonable, WINN1PEr (CP) _ Educa. Rliineland) whether similar re- as to what kind of petsi they wiwmrjsu lur own as a new lief ould be iven to team from discipline. Tne King of tjie ^ya[^ -IS a wa|k about 3,400 miles. deceitful and sheer hypocrisy." M^ ^tr Saul Miller tofd »' g Arsons should have,'' said Health member scientific Saul MUler old « Bran_ ^ SK! Green but if t Montreal ^ -m th, "But investigators don't grow real adventurer. In 19M he start- He arrived in Brandon Sun- prSiff of ?h?£SS SnsS£ ?M^ ^^ ^ Z^n^^r ^ Bran- SoStratel? lectsZ we" ^T * ^ ^^f « on trees so "everybody today ^ . On Monday he *it- ltoba overament has no im d n and settm U ed his flrat long hike Mon day night Fivfrvprnmpnf warned Mani- S - ° * FarIfiei Co ff t thHie ^ peopl^/^.*^JX1»e - theHJ^In J per c^*W- * S P ™e Uim«sit1C?V.j ol T , after them and we are faced I*. VCIl *,!Vancouver/ T t*lJ%-Vt* ,» V-ian t dUJJ bacU *^l*t-ik el d Wlth» el'* cityU ifl.^, cooke, uvuokrd anu d*~*> at» e^>~ a— -^- tlVe gOVCrnmcnt, Warned lUdlll- ,,.a,4:.,f« nlanc- tn cmmA mnnmT icm- •-• ~ r~ . , .. »*_.-:t_u~ *JT « A : n n 1 C«V,rtr.l»c- s_..;j.i_ i\__ J _-c T__: __i = i.traa l to . - . -.., i ^vTt*tt~» i JJlX-UlaLe UiaJ.13 LU OL/\TliU 111U1K?> haps something may be done." Manitoba Medical School s with the danger of being split againi He sLavted out with a steak dinner in front of City ^™L™L*™^^t^ freezing university tuition The five persons were bitten by first department of immunology, apart by all kinds of places friend, pulling a 700-pc<und trail- Hall, then walked on toward b cu*fed 'ne go™ m[ " S he ' -, WINNIPEG (CP) -The Man- ^b"a" £eT"staink~ and "nine ~ Dr. Alec Sehon, head of Flie Wring our members er. During the trip.'His friend the sunset and the land of the M ?mnw,fn nrolrams -''• <* M ^uld not itoba legislature was told Mon- Qther ns were bitten by new department, said it will "The University of Manitoba was badly injured in- a wind rising sun. to implement progrante. --an^er at this time" whether day that private fish companies {Qur 0^her skuilks k|lown to begin W01-k next month on com- and its dean, Dr. T. W. F vies. I -*- an npndment I have expected budgetary surplus Plan to make representations bave been -m contact with the pletion of its new quarters ad- had the foresight and initiative h,,t nnp wnrri ihamP " Mr could be used for such a pur- concerning a bill that sets up a rabid animaL jacent to the medical and den- to establish a separate immu- n^iprLr^iri Pose- fresh water fish marketing cor- M w SOJ]S received anti. tal schoo]. nologj- department with its own SCHOOL CLOTHING HP ™\A he SUDD or ts the He was reglyiiig from ques- poration. tment. Dr. Sehon, 44, until this administration structure, ttans from steve rables trea cphrpvp, anvprnrnpnt became Patrick (L- The bill, which came up for Mr. Green said he has asked summer professor of chemistry The group comprises .sur- «» u?« thP, oiiN ^ tci do" Assiniboia.) second reading but was ad- city health officer Dr. Roper at McGill University, said the geons, biologists, chemists, an- SENSIBLY urned unl11 a later sittin is vrt It L HmP did thp nremier J° 8' Cadliam whether there should move to Manitoba was the only atomists, geneticists, including nffpr ^nv oflhineJ aKwintment ' companion legislation to a fed- be legislation enacted on the wav to keep the immunology post-graduate stdents and post- or addmonaf aty ^ WINNIPEG (CP) - The Man- *ral act. use Of skunks as pets. team together as a separate doctoral fellows . PRICED [n explaining whv he labels itoba legislature was told \lon- Sidney Spivak (PC-River "His answer," said Mr. Green, entity in university life Ihe teams brings THE N'EW, SYSTEM STORE, 619 Rosser himself a Liberal Democrat, Mr. day that the provincial govern-.Heights) asked if the matter ^vas that the matter should In the past, immunology was worth of research ^ equipment, Desjardins said he remains just ment has made no .... ,. __.. <_ i .....i. .1 ui... as liberal-minded as the mem- tion to the federal OF COURSE bers of the oartv concerning a proposed Winni- in the legislature. --- "Except you vote different," peg-Toronto air service. Resources Minister Leonard ing. Then we'll see." but the advent of transplant cil of Canada. said Mr. Enns. ' Transportation Minister Joe Evans said he had met with " Mr. Desjardins said he could Borowski was replying to a ques- tte companies who told him not call himself an independent tion from Sidney Spivak (PC— they planned to appear when Liberal because he was in the River Heights) who wanted to the bill reached committee stage NDP caucus, so he adopted the DemocraJ tag. He invited any opposition, mem- Toronto Stock bers disgruntled at their lot to "join me, you'll be most wel- EATON'S come." Market Closings "Except you," he said, point- ing to Mr. Enns. (Supplied by Richardson Securities of Canada, Mr. Desjardins said his re- Brandon office) Made-to-measure sponsibilities in his appointment Aug. 25, 1969 by Mr. Schreyer as-a legisla- 1NDUSTR)ALS live assistant to deal with do- Sid Asked 9W 57 minion-provincial relations was A||Acii'aM G 5s 22? s I to bring about unitv in the ° ° . Trunk 4J ii'.i Texaco ... , ,r * .. , Algoma Siee! 15'. 15'.: i oronlo Dom ethnic mosaic of Manitoba. Aicon 29 Traders Grp A He said he will contact such sank of win.
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