March 5, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 3343 Jeff’s enthusiasm for gathering information, I have been pleased to host two amazing Deakin University, interning with Rep. JERROLD seeking answers, and solving puzzles was in- young women, Siobhan Coughlan and Katrina NADLER; Lucas Robson of Melbourne Univer- satiable. He found equal joy in discovering a Mae. sity, interning with Sen. CHRISTOPHER DODD; new species of clover or swapping wild tales Siobhan Coughlan, who is in her third year Clare Anderson of Griffith University, interning with an old timer. As a consulting biologist he at the University of Queensland, first arrived in with Rep. JOHN TIERNEY, Stephanie Lyons of was fiercely protective of the unique ecology the Helsinki Commission’s office on January 3, the University of Canberra, interning with Rep. of the Big Sur region. Over the years he 2008, and since then has provided able, thor- SAM FARR; Suzanne Allan of the University of worked as a biologist for many different orga- ough, and important assistance to the profes- Canberra, interning with Sen. MIKE CRAPO; nizations, including the U.S. Forest Service, sional staff of the Commission. Over the past Katrina Mae of the University of Wollongong, CA State Parks, UC Santa Cruz, the Big Sur two months with the Commission, Siobhan interning with Rep. ALCEE HASTINGS; Stella Natural History Association, the Esalen Insti- has demonstrated her honorable personal Rieusset of Melbourne University, interning tute, and the Monterey County Planning and character and integrity in the way she con- with Rep. MIKE CASTLE; Anthony Bremner of Building Department, among others. An active fronted the topic of human rights and demo- the University of Queensland, interning with member of the California Native Plant Society, cratic principles and the manner in which she Rep. JAMES CLYBURN and the Majority Whip’s he was a consultant for the Big Sur Land interacted with staff on economic development office; Tim Goyder of the University of West- Trust and the Monterey Pine Forest Watch. and tolerance issues in a domestic and inter- ern Australia, interning with Del. ENI As a social historian, Jeff was a friend and national context. Siobhan has served our or- FALEOMAVAEGA; and Ally Foat from the Univer- chronicler of the larger-than-life characters of ganization in a number of capacities, and at sity of Queensland, interning with Rep. JAMES Big Sur, including homesteader families such each stage has proven to be valuable be- CLYBURN. Let it not go unnoticed the hard work that as the Posts, Harlans, Ewoldsens, Pfeiffers, cause of her professionalism, her drive to suc- goes into the Uni-Capitol Internship Program and Trotters, artists and bohemians, intellec- ceed, and her ability to work well within a is done by founder Eric Federing. Eric is a tuals, conservationists, ranchers, and other group dynamic. Siobhan always demonstrated former senior House and Senate staffer of a the highest level of conscience in keeping the folk. He was in his element when he was lec- dozen years, who successfully combined his respectability of our program as she sought to turing on local history and natural history at li- experience in Washington with his extensive achieve our common goals. Siobhan brought braries, museums, Pacific Valley School and travels and lectures throughout Australia into Big Sur Elderhostel or presenting talks on her courteous and positive demeanor to hear- an ingenious program of diplomatic exchange Robinson Jeffers for the Tor House Founda- ings, briefings and events that the Commis- through cultural appreciation and under- tion. He was a charter member of the Big Sur sion held and events she attended on behalf standing. I have said in the past that I heartily Historical Society and past president and of the staff here at the Commission. Much as congratulate him on making his vision a re- member of the Friends of the Big Sur Library. been gained by having an international stu- ality. This program is a step in the right direc- In 2004, Jeff co-authored Images of America: dent at our side and Siobhan has greatly con- tion of supporting our young people who have Big Sur with the Big Sur Historical Society, a tributed her experiences, ideas, and thoughts a passion for and commitment to civic en- book that traced the history of the coast from that are shared by our good Australian friends gagement and public service. the days of the homesteaders with numerous across the water. I am delighted that she’s Over the last nine years, my staff and I never-before-seen photographs of the coast. able to extend her internship for another two have greatly benefited from the relationships He also co-authored Big Sur Observed with months. that have been made from the result of this Kip Stewart in 1994, and was a major contrib- In her short time here, Katrina Mae has be- program as it continues to provide all of us an utor to Donald Clark’s Monterey County Place come an indispensable asset to my office. An extraordinary experience with our friends on Names (1991). At the time of his death he undergraduate law student at the University of the other side of the ocean. It has been a was energetically at work on a new book Wollongong, Katrina came to my office with an great privilege to host Siobhan and Katrina about the bohemians of Big Sur. ardent interest in civil rights and a desire to and I ask all my colleagues to extend their Madam Speaker, I know that I speak for the work with individuals who support policies that open arms to the Uni-Captiol Internship Pro- whole House in extending my condolences to encourage tolerance and cooperation across gram and to our Australian friends in the fu- Jeff’s family and friends. He will be greatly racial and cultural lines. Over the course of ture. missed. He had mastered the art of a life well her two months, she has attended hearings f lived. So while we mourn his passing we are and briefings on a myriad of policy issues, A TRIBUTE RECOGNIZING THE grateful for the spark of wonder and steward- drafted countless constituent correspondence, 47TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ship that he ignited in all of us. assisted visitors and callers in her always pa- PEACE CORPS f tient and thoughtful manner, and helped sev- eral staffers with legislative research and spe- RECOGNIZING THE UNI-CAPITOL cial projects. While her professional skills and HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD WASHINGTON INTERNSHIP PRO- academic credentials are certainly impressive, OF CALIFORNIA GRAM Katrina is also an absolute pleasure to work IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with. No matter the assignment, she is always Wednesday, March 5, 2008 HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS eager to help and approaches every new task Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam Speaker, I OF FLORIDA with a smile. The anecdotes of her adventures rise today to recognize and commend the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as a first-time visitor to the United States were 190,000 former and current volunteers of the a constant source of entertainment, and her Wednesday, March 5, 2008 United States Peace Corps, as we celebrate tales of life in Australia gave our office a the 47th Anniversary of this extraordinary Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, greater understanding of her country’s rich his- agency. I rise today to recognize the Uni-Capitol tory, culture, and values. Katrina arrived on In a 1960 speech to students at the Univer- Washington Internship Program. Since the in- Capitol Hill hoping to acquire a better under- sity of Michigan, President Kennedy issued ception of the Uni-Captiol program, I have par- standing of the U.S. legislative process, and it one of his most historic challenges. He asked ticipated in this relationship building program is my sincere hope that she benefited as Americans to trade the comforts of home for that brings some of Australia’s best and bright- much from this experience as we did from the adversities of volunteer work overseas est future leaders to Washington. I have bene- having her with us. and, in doing so, serve our country by serving fited greatly by the work of unique and tal- Madam Speaker, in addition to Siobhan and the rest of the world. ented individuals that produced top-notch work Katrina, I am delighted to recognize our col- President Kennedy’s original mission for the to both of my offices. In my personal office I leagues here in the House and other col- Peace Corps remains unchanged today. The have participated in the Uni-Captiol Wash- leagues in the Senate who have been con- Peace Corps volunteers—who range from col- ington Internship Program for the last nine gressional hosts in 2008: lege graduates to retirees with decades of ex- years. This is the first year that I have also James Paterson of Melbourne University, in- perience—help the people of host countries by hosted an intern at the Commission on Secu- terning with Rep. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART; sending trained men and women with exper- rity and Cooperation in Europe in my capacity Monique Salm of Griffith University, interning tise in a variety of professional fields. The vol- as Chairman. with Sen. CHUCK HAGEL; Madelene Fox of unteers also promote a better understanding VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:04 Oct 25, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E05MR8.000 E05MR8 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 3344 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 March 5, 2008 of Americans abroad and create bonds of sites, museums, and water trails throughout day, the Texas Declaration of Independence friendship that last a lifetime.
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