Lady Pirates conference DCHS senior project raises champs money for cancer patient 1C 1B ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2020 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 A VISIT TO WASHINGTON, D.C. City Council considers website BY MELISSA ORRELL monthly maintenance is anything over an [email protected] hour, extra charges would be incurred. The Council discussed the issue and Talk of an updated website for the City said they would consider the proposal as dominated the conversation at the Monti- they looked at other services to determine cello City Council regular monthly meet- which would be the best for Monticello. ing Tuesday, Feb. 25. Also on the agenda was an update from Ace One Technologies out of Jones- the planning commission given by Rob boro sent native Monticellonian Drake Echols. According to Echols the commis- Hill to talk to the Council about the web sion is continuing to work on updates to design and hosting services they offer and the open burning ordinance, the inoper- what they could do to provide informa- able and abandoned vehicles ordinance, tion to the citizens of Monticello and the which will now include campers and surrounding areas. travel trailers, as well as updates to the According to Hill, he feels there is a Mobile Home Ordinance and looking disconnect between the city and millenni- at ordinances to address trucks moving als and in order to heal the disconnect the through and parking on residential streets city needs a new upgraded website that in the City. is fresh and modern. A website created Monticello Economic Development by AceOne Technologies would be able Commission’s Nita McDaniel updated to build a website that would be a “great the council on MEDC’s continued prog- source of information and would promote ress in recruiting industry to Monticello. local events.” According to McDaniel, MEDC one Members of the council asked if the of the three companies they were work- company would offer disaster recovery ing with has gone dormant but another and were told that AceOne is one of the one visited Monticello for a site visit and only companies that not only restores the discussions are slowly moving forward. data in case of a disaster, such as ransom MEDC also received a request for infor- ware, but also checks to ensure that the mation from the Arkansas Economic De- recovery was successful and that all in- velopment Commission. formation is still available. McDaniel also reported that County The company would charge a one time Judge Robert Akin has expressed interest Courtesy of Senator John Boozman’s offi ce fee of $4,432, along with a yearly fee of in getting a boat ramp with access to Bay- LEARNING BY EXAMPLE. University of Arkansas at Monticello political science students, Jakee Smith, Jessica ‘Bree’ Lanthrip, Angel $69 and a monthly maintenance fee of ou Bartholomew in Drew County. With Quiroga, Brendan Spaulding and Jake Tomboli and professor Dr. Carol Strong, met with United States Senator John Boozeman, Thurs- $50, a $200 monthly back up fee. If the day, Feb. 13, in his offi ce in Washington D.C. See COUNCIL Page 6A Attorney General Alert: Drew County Vote Centers Don’t fall victim to 2020 census scams Special to the Advance formation has changed and they need to up- date their voter registration, they have until Special to the Advance • Social Security number. With the Primary Election on Tuesday, Friday, Feb. 28, to make this change before • Money or donations. March 3, remember that the polling sites are the Tuesday, March 3, elections. Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau has the • Bank or credit card account information. no longer in Drew County and have been re- By state law, voter identification is re- important job of counting every living person in • Anything on behalf of or about a political party. placed by voting centers. quired at the polls, so registered voters need our country. If you are asked these questions by a person Registered voters can go to any of the Vot- Beginning in mid-March, an invitation to partici- claiming to be the with Census Bureau, it is a scam ing Sites on election day and vote for their to remember to have a photo ID with them pate will either be mailed or hand delivered to each and you should not cooperate with them. Instead, candidates of choice. The sites will be open when they go to the voting site to vote. home. If no response is received by May either by hang up and report the call to the Census Bureau by from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Below is a list of the voting centers for mail, online or over the phone, census takers will calling 800-923-8282. If a registered voter has moved or their in- Drew County. begin visiting homes and can return up to six times If someone visits your home to collect a response until the questionnaire is completed. for the 2020 Census, you can do the following to “This is one time every person will be contacted verify their identity: Ethel Hawkins Life Center 527 E. McCloy by a government entity,” said Arkansas Attorney First, check to make sure that they have a valid General Leslie Rutledge. “It’s important for Ar- ID badge, with their photograph, a U.S. Depart- First Assembly of God 915 US Highway 425 N kansans to know which questions will and will not ment of Commerce watermark, and an expiration Church Building B be asked by the Census Bureau and not fall prey date. to scammers pretending to be the Census Bureau.” If you still have questions about their identity, First Presbyterian Church 821 North Main According to the Federal Trade Commission, the you can call 800-923-8282 to speak with a local questionnaire asks: Census Bureau representative. First United Methodist 317 South Main • How many people are in the home? Some households will receive follow-up phone • What is their sex, age, race and ethnicity? calls from the Census Bureau to ensure quality Church • What is their relationship to one another? control. To help distinguish between legitimate • What is the best phone number to reach you? Census Bureau calls and scammers, check out “Are Shady Grove Baptist 103 Highway 172 • Do you own or rent the home? You in a Survey? Help for Survey Participants” on Church For a full list of questions, go to 2020census. the Census Bureau’s website at gov. If you suspect fraud, call 800-923-8282 to speak Tillar City Library 106 East B Street According to the U.S Census Bureau, every an- with a local Census Bureau representative or call swer is confidential and answers will only be used the Attorney General’s Office at 800-482-8982 or Wilmar School 2546 US Highway 278 for statistical purposes. [email protected]. The following information will NEVER be asked For more scam alerts, visit or Monticello Church of Christ 2078 US Highway 425 by the Census Bureau: Special to the Advance • Lanceleaf Coreopsis that during their fi rst year most • Butterfl y Milkweed of the plants in the seed mixture Recently workers planted a • Common Milkweed will spend their energy becom- wildlife seed mixture of native • Narrowleaf Mountainmint ing established and it will be the • Pale Purple Conefl ower warm season grasses and a va- second growing season before a • Partridge Pea riety of other plants that are at- noticeable change will be visible tractive for Bobwhite quail and a • Purple Conefl ower to most observers. Students from host of other wildlife species. The • Purple Prairie Clover planting was a part of an initiative • Rattlesnake Master area schools will be aiding in ad- that began months ago when the • Sawtooth Sunfl ower ditional plantings at the lake in Monticello City Council voted • White Prairie Clover March. to support a resolution to restore • Wild Bergamot For more information about wildlife habitat on city owned • Wild White Indigo creating quail habitat on your According to Wildlife Biolo- property that surrounds the lake. gist with Pheasants Forever and property contact; Austin Klais, Some of the seeds in the mix- SEARK Chapter of Quail For- Associate Wildlife Biologist, ture are: ever, Austin Klais, it will be next Farm Bill Biologist III Pheasants • Big Bluestem year before most people will no- Forever, Inc. and Quail Forev- • Indian Grass tice a change in the open areas er at 501-425-1985 or 870-224- • Little Bluestem near the boat ramp at the Hunger 7316 or aklais@quailforever. • Black-eyed Susan Run Access to the lake. Earlier org or Bubba Groves, Biologist, • Prairie Blazing Star this year the Arkansas Game and Special to the Advance • Cardinal Flower Fish Commission conducted a Arkansas Game & Fish Commis- Workers mix wildlife seeds that before spreading them at Lake Monticello. The mixture of warm season grasses and • Compass Plant prescribed fi re at the site to pre- sion, at 870-723-5493 or Harvey. other plants are attractive to the Bobwhite Quail and a host of other species. • Illinois Bundlefl ower pare it to be planted. Klais said [email protected]. INDEX Opinion ..............4A Calendar ............2A Religion .............3B EXTRA! Classifi eds ........ 3C Sports ............... 1C ROVING REPORTERS Obituaries ..........8A Weddings ..........1B EXTRA! OUR 149TH YEAR ;OPZ`LHYTLTILYZVM[OL(K]HUJL4VU[PJLSSVUPHUZ[HќHYTLK NUMBER 9 • 22 PAGES with their smartphone cameras, will be out about town looking for interesting subjects. WILL YOU BE NEXT? 2A | Wednesday, February 26, 2020 NEWS Advance-Monticellonian | | 870-367-5325 COMMUNITY CALENDAR GOING ON NOW City recycling guidelines THE ROVING Each Wednesday, barring a catastrophe, the city of Monticello is accepting re- cyclable items at the Transfer Station within the following guidelines: 1) Card- board—must be fl attened.
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