HARRY. S. TRUMAN LIBRARY "PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON CIVIL RIGHTS" JUL N. A. A. C.P. LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC. Executive Officers President ARTHUR B. SPINGARN WALTER WHITE 20 WEST 40TH STREET, NEW YORK 18, N. Y. Secretary ROY WILKINS Vice-Presidents Asisrtant Secreary HON. HUBERT T. DELANY THURGOOD MARSHALL Special Counsel ELEANOR ROOSEVELT LONGACRE 3-6890 ROBERT L. CARTER MARIAN WYNN PERRY Treasurer FRANKLIN H. WILLIAMS MARY WHITE OVINGTON EDWARD R. DUDLEY (on leave) Tuly 3, 1947 Assistant Special Couxnsd Board of Directors ATLANTA. GA. Eugene M. Martin Rev. Joseph W. Nicholson BALTIMORE. MD. George B. Murphy, Sr. CHARLESTON, W. VA. John W. Davis NEW YORK, N. Y. Hon. Jane M. Bolin Hon. Hubert T. Delany Douglas P. Falconer Mr. Rotert K. Carr, Executive Secretary Lewis S. Gannett John Hammond President's Committee on Civil Rights Hon. Herbert H. Lehman Mary White Ovington 1712 G Street, N.W. E. George Payne Shad Polier .Washington, 25, D.C. Eleanor Roosevelt Arthur B. Spingarn Dr. Channing H. Tobias Hon. Charles E. Toney Dear Mr. Carr: Andrew D. Weinberger NORTHAMPTON, MASS. S. Ralph Harlow self-explanatory WASHINGTON, D. C. Enclosed please find Hon. William H. Hastle Dr. Charles H. Thompson Dr. Elizabeth Yates Webb copy of letter which we have today sent to National Legal Committee CHARLES H. HOUSTON, Chairman Assistant Attorney General Theron Caudle. ATLANTA, GA. A. T. Walden BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Arthur D. Shores This concerns a suggestion regarding the CHARLESTON, W. VA. T. G. Nutter CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Maurice M. Weaver President's Committee on Civil Rights. CHICAGO, ILL. W. Robert Ming, Jr. CINCINNATI, OHIO Theodore M. Berry CLEVELAND, OHIO William T. McKnight Yours very truly, DALLAS, TEXAS W. J. Durham ERIE. PA. William F. Illig HOUSTON, TEXAS Arthur Mandell ITHACA, N. Y. Thurgo marshall Milton R. Konvitz LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Special Counsel Thomas L. Griffiths, Jr. Loren Miller LOUISVILLE. KY. Charles W. Anderson 4 MADISON. WIS. SLloyd Garrison NASHVILLE, TENN. Z. Alexander Looby NEW YORK, N. Y. Donald Crichton TM:ats Morris L. Ernst Osmond K. Fraenkel uopwa -19-CIO Arthur Garfield Hays Paul Kern Karl N. Llewellyn James Marshall Shad Polier Hope Stevens Charles H. Studin Andrew D. Weinberger PITTSBURGH, PA. Homer S. Brown RICHMOND, VA Spottswood W. Robinson, III SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Bartley C. Crum TULSA, OKLA. Amos T. Hall WASHINGTON, D. C. Charles H. Houston Edward P. Lovett Leon A. Ransom Ruth Weyand WILMINGTON, DEL. Louis L. Redding Contributions are deductible for U. S. Income Tax Purposes I - BARRY S, TRUMAN LIBRARY "PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON CIVIL RIGHTS" N. A. A. C. P. LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC. Executive Officers President ARTHUR B. SPINGARN 20 WEST 40TH STREET, NEW YORK 18, N. Y. WALTER WHITE Secreary Vice-Presidents YROY WILINSAsiSantSecretary HON. HUBERT T. DELANY THURGOOD MARSHALL ELEANOR ROOSEVELT LONGACRE 3.6890 ROBERT L. CARTStecial Counsel MARIAN WYNN PERRY ARWHTEasFRANKLIN H. WILLIAMS MARY WHITE OVINGTON EDWARD R. DUDLEY (onleave) .t1.L~ pL~~T dsistan: Spgcial Couxsel Nion. Theron L. Caudle Assistant Attorney Oeneral United States Department of Justice hashington, 5, D.Q. In rot ?LCtMW~aetr-44. - 7 and TLCMW4lpefr-144- 0-17 Dear Mr. Caudles This will reply to your let r f June 2491947 informing us of the t of your n estigation into the killing of -i 11 Lookwood Deruty Sheriff Willie E ina on CountyAlalame. In your 1 r y ate that Kirby claimed tht he shot Lookwoo I e defense eft.er teing atteekid by Lookaood with kfe. On the other hand you state t . Leooaand 6 her son claim that Lookw k led ouse he refused to say 'Yea, air" a "No,t in ply to questions. You stete in y letter t t since there are no other wItn s e and t issue will e which of the two "tat nts is orroot version of the affair, it ia - not b . ved t ansuooesaful prosecution could te ~ainto e a the case hes accordingly been olosed, aoumse that it is also your sonolusor thnt under the decision in the S ease the foote would not rrant an attempt to prosaoute ever were r ./tOOkwoodl's statements to be undisput4e. In reviewing this oase, I am reMinded of the same of Casey Lee Pointer in Cleveland, Mississippi where the cold blooded killing of an unarmed Negro by two police officers was likewise found br your office to be one in which no prosecution could te suacessfully maintained. It seems to me that these two Oases are the type which should be brought to the attention of the President's Committee on Civil Rights to point out them the need for adequate legislation ptot empower ~m2$ Contributions are deductible for U. S. Income Tax Purposes HARRY S. TRUMAN LIBRARY PRESIDENT'SS COMMITTEE ON 'CIVIL RIGHTS"1 Eon, Theror Lo Ctudle .Tuly 3, 1947? you to protect the orinrzry- N-ro citizen In the Soutb from ?-antor, killing ty police offi'iers. May I suggest thut th(I irvestig t-iors of your offiein thee two amses te forvwrded to the i~etsCoarnittee asillustrative of thi violl..tions of fundacmentbl humanrights ty police officers in tht, 6outb which must be the gu1ject of legrisla- tion enal-ling youw tn enter the osses. Yours very truly, Thurgood Mer all Speoihal Coun al uopwe -19010 , ,/Ij HARRY S. TRUMAN LIBRARY "PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON CIVIL RIGHTS" I October 29, 1947 Mr. Walter White, Secretary, N.A.A.C.P., 20 West 40th Street, New York 18, N. I. Dear Mr. Whites Thank you for your wire, of the 28th. We have asked the G.P.O. to communicate with you directly and give you a figure on the cost of the 1,000 copies of the Report of the President's Committee. The Committee's office here in Washington goes out of existence on Friday ofthis weak. However, Mr. Milton D. Stewart will be active for the first two weeks of November. You can get in touch with his through Mr. C. E. Wilson's office, 570 Lexington Avenue9 New lork, at any time. Needless to say, I am delighted with your state- ment that we have done a superb job. We have done our best and I am quite pleased with the result. My one hope now is that the report receive the attention and circulation it deserves. Thank you again for your kind cooperation with us from the start to the finish of our undertaking. Sincerely yours, Robert K. Carr. W,unsunglon Edward P. Lovett Leon A. Ransom Ruth Woyand Wilmington, Del. Louis L. Redding 21 HARRY S. TRUMAN LIBRARY "PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON CIVIL RIGHTS" I SYMBOLSWry wryi DL*Day Leer Iiit Wsable- ,WESTERN NL*Nisht temr its do. 1,00 ~ractet iSifn- LC-DeferreChle B~Yasuitable UNION NLT CableNight LI.er ~6Iaboveor pre- ing the address JOSKPN L. MOAN ShpRadiara PRassasN1 an) .ling time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt Is STANDARD TIME at point of destination Pao L"U :225 PD=WUX NEWYORK NY 28 320P 194CT3 7I )BERT K CARR, PRESIDENTS COMMITTEE ON CIVIL RIGHTS= 734 15 ST NORTHWEcST WASHDC= ARE URGING EBRA NCCHES OF THE NAACP TO PURCHASE COPIES OF iE REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON CIVIL RIGHTS FOR STRIBUTION TO CLERGYMEN, LOCAL OFFICIALSAND OTHER MOLDERS PUBL IC OP IN ION. PLEASE WIRE COST IN QUANTIT rY LOTS. WILL U ALSO WIRE COST TO NATIONAL OFFICE OF 1000 CCOPIES SO THAT . MAY PLACE ORDER INAMEDD LATELY? CONGRATULATIONS ON SUPERB WALTER WHITE SECRETARY NAACP 20 WEST 40 STREET NEW YORK C ITY. .assmngton - . Edward P. Lovett Leon A. Ransom Ruth Weyand mington, Del. Louis L. Redding HARRY S. TRUMANLIBRARY "PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE I ON CIVIL RIGHTS" TIONAL OFFICERS EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Prsiden Walter White Secretary Arthur B. Spingarn NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE Roy Wilkins Assistant Secretary Chairman of the Board Editor, The Crisis Dr. Louls T. Wright Madison S. Jones, Jr. ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE Admi nistratwe Arsssans Acsing Chairman of the Board Thurgood Marshall Hon. Charles E. Toney 20 WEST 40TH STREET. NEW YORK 18, N. Y. Special Counsel Vice-Presidens Robert L. Carter Mary McLeod Bethune Marian Wynn Perry Nannie H. Burroughs LONGACRE 3.6890 Franklin H. Williams Godfrey Lowell Cabot Edward R. Dudley (on leave) Hon. Arthur Copper Asistas Special Counsel Hon. Harry E. Davis Oficial Organ: The Crisis Leslie S. Perry Administrative Assistant Douglas P. Falconer Washington Bureau Bishop John A. Gregg W. E. B. Du Bols Rev. John Haynes Holmes Director, Special Research Dr. William Lloyd imes Daisy E. Lampkin Field Secretary Hon. Ira W. Jayne Gloster B. Current Isadore Martin Director of Branches T. G. Nutter Donald Jones Rev. A. Clayton Powell LeRoy E. Carter A. Philip Randolph Rufus W. Smith Oswald Garrison Villard Aiistant Field Secretaries Treasurer N. W. Griffin Mary White Ovington Weit Coast Regional Secretary Lucille Black Membersbip Secretary D. 11 an: Trearser Ruby Hurley Youth Secretary Dr. Alian Knight Chalmers Jesse 0. Dedmon, Jr. Secretary, Veterans' Affairs BOARD OF DIRECTORS Oliver W. Harrington Atlanta Eugene M. Martin Director, Public Relations Baltimore Carl Murphy 18th Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. Berkeley, Cali f. Dr. Buell G. Gallagher October Labnr Secresary Birmingham, AAlo. Dr. E. W. Taggart Boston Dr. John B. Hall 1947 Chicogo Earl B. Dickerson Bishop W. J. Walls Cincinnati Theodore M. Berry Cleveland Dr. Nathan K. Christopher Des Moines, 1la. Ike Smalls Detroit Dr. James J. McClendon Ff. Worth, TexX. Dr. George D. Flemmings Greenwich, Cconn. Alfred Baker Lewis Hartford, Connn. Dr. Allen F. Ja.ckson Hyde Park, N. Y. Eleanor Roosevelt Dear Mr.
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