The Daily Register VOL.99 NO. 144 SHREWSBURY, N J. MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1976 15 CENTS Carter sets meetings with his chosen team PLAINS, Ga (AP) - Presi- the federal government with An Informal buffet «nprr n dent-elect Carter Is convening Carter on Jan 10, were planned for all the appointees a series of prcinauguration planned as freewheeling and tonight They will meet with meetings of his prospective informal Carter aides said Caller as a group tomorrow cabinet at a secluded island they were designed to let the and Wednesday for working plantation, with discussions of President-elect and his ap- possible tax cuts and the pointees discuss policies and The President-elect is general state of the economj get to know each other. scheduled also to discuss Ike expected to be high on the "This is the start of his financial problems of New agenda treatment of the cabinet offi- York Slate and New York Carter was scheduled to fly cers as the principal staff and City witk Gov. Hugh Carey to St. Simon's Island near the main means of carrying and Mayor Abraham Beame Brunswick, Ga , aboard a out what he hopes to do in his I* a private meeting tomor- commercial chartered air- administration. ' said Rex row liner today after spending a Granum, a Carter spokes- Lance attended Sunday quiet Christmas with his fam- man. school with Carter al Ike ily in Plains. But the man Carter de- Plains Methodist Church to Vice President-elect Walter feated in last month's election bear a sermon by Methodist Mondale and most of the new says Carter probably will Bishop William R Cannon of cabinet members were to fly have trouble fulfilling his Atlanta, who has been chosen to the island estate from campaign promises to offer a prayer at Carter's Washington on an Air Force inauguration on the steps of Jet President Ford said in an the US Capitol ABC-TV interview to be aired Jimmy Carter Carter begins his three-day Carter told the Sunday Jan. t: "I think he is going tc series of meetings by confer- school class that his mother. find that you can't turn a arms before the current arms ring on economic problems "Miss Lillian" Carter, would HISTORICAL ENCOUNTER REENACTED - The ington's troops fired on the Hessians in front of the switch and automatically in- pact expires next October with Michael Blumenthal. the remain hospitalized for two or reenactment of George Washington's march on New Jersey State House and eventually gained a crease employment and de- He said this could mean a Bendix Corp chairman three days She was hospi- Trenton yesterday followed the crossing of the British surrender. crease unemployment; he meeting with Soviet leader named Treasury secretary. talised last Wednesday, and Delaware River Saturday, Christmas Day. Wash- can't, by the waving of a l^onid Brezhnev, "probably Thomas B Lance, the Atlanta Carter said she has been suf- wand, eliminate a deficit, before September" and that banker chosen as director of fering from "muscular even over a period of time" "my own preference would be the Office of Management in this country " spasms" in her led kg that and Budget, and Charles Meanwhile, Time magazine On Middle East peace talks. caused her pain when ske Battle of Trenton relived Schultze, the economist who named Carter as its "Man of Carter said he thought he walks. will be chairman of Carter's the Year." and in an inter- should meet with some of the Carter said his mother is Council of Economic Advi- view. Carter (old the maga- area's leaders and then "de ™*ng, away from the thou- sers zine he hopes to complete clde what public proposals we »snd« of tourists she has amid cannon, musket fire The sessions with the cabi- an agreement with the Soviet might make to initiate any greeted regularly In the Iowa net members ,who lake over Union on limiting strategic peace talks " railroad depot By CARL ZEITZ shallow barges — Durham boats — used by the Continen- tal Army. TRENTON (AP) - The sounds of musket shots and The crossing, the battle re-enactment yesterday and cannon tire reverberated through the streets here yes- planned re-creations next Sunday and Monday of the sec- terday just as they must have 200 years ago to the day at ond Battle of Trenton and the Battle of Princeton are the U.S. slips one more notch the first battle of Trenton. highlights of a 10-day commemoration of the military On Dec. 26, 1771, an American army of 2,400 men led by campaign that stemmed the tide of British victory 200 George Washington marched southward nine miles from years ago. _ Washington Crossing to Trenton. The 10-day celebration is sponsored by the New Jer- The Americans surprised a force of Hessian soldiers sey Bicentennial Commission, which also has organized a on list of richest nations allied with the British and scored a startling victory that series of daily cultural events in Trenton to complement changed the course of the War for Independence the historical re-enactment. WASHINGTON (AP) - Other nations with incomes changes In the relative value shrank J 1 per cent In 1971, On Dec. 26, 1176, 800 reeneactment troops re-created The units that took part in the battle yesterday were Americans slipped another near the United Stales were of currencies in recent years following a decline of six- the battle in the street outside the New Jersey State from many states, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania. notch on the list of the Denmark. 16.9X0; Canada, has caused the shift in In- tenths of one per cent In 1174. House. New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland and world's wealthiest people in 16.850. Germany, $6,610. and come-ranking among devel- In the last big growth year, Officials and dignitaries watched from a reviewing Virginia. 1J75. and there are now five Norway, $6,540 Denmark and oped nations 1973. incomes gained t.l per stand and a crowd, estimated at 5,000 by state police, Nearly 2,000 re-enactment soldiers from 17 states are countries where per capita in- Norway made substantial For example, the German cent lined the street or watched from buildings across from expected to participate in the three historical battle come is higher, the World gains and couldd surpass the mark and Swiss franc have In other categories of na- the capitol. events. Bank says. United States in the 1976 list, increased in value, while the tions. Incomes grew oae tenth Rank after rank of Americans marched forward, Gov. Brendan T. Byrne, who presided at the ceremo- The World Bank also said if the trend continues French franc and British of one per cent for lower-la- shouldered their muskets, and fired volleys at the troops nies yesterday, said, "The people of America are looking there has been a virtual slag- The World Bank cautioned, pound have decreased. The come oil producers, 3.1 per portraying the Hessians. The "enemy" returned the fire on New Jersey in these days and gaining a greater appro- nation of growth among in- however, that Its figures for US. dollar has remained re- cent for h igher-lncome oil but, badly outnumbered, gave up the fight within an ciation of the role the state played in turning the revolu- dustrialized nations since 1973 1975 were preliminary and latively stable for the past producers, I 6 per cenl for hour. tion around and continuing increases in based on tentative informa- year, although it has lost lower-Income developing na- ground against German and Opposing forces also exchanged cannon fire but the "Today New Jersey can again be a leader in moving population among developing tion in some cases tions and II per cent for Swiss currencies Hessians, who had rallied at the first sound of the Ameri- our country foirward and preserving the concepts of nations The United States per ca- middle-Income developing can drums and muskets, began falling back along modem peace," he said. The United Slates' per ca- pita income was up from While economies In much of nations State Street toward the Old Barracks. The 10-day campaign at the end of 1776 and the start pita Income of 17.060 was ex- 16.670 the year before the the Indusnalized world ex- Incomes decreased two- The barracks stand now as it did in 1776, about 100 of 1777 brought a halt to a series of American reversals ceeded last year by Kuwait, bank said However, the in- panded In dollar terms, there tenths of one per cent for yards south of the present State House site within view of that had forced the Continental Army to retreat from $u.:>lii. United Araba Emi- crease was not adjusted for actually was a shrinking of higher-income developing na- the Delaware River. New York, across New Jersey and into Pennsylvania. rates. $10,480; Qatar. 18.320; the Impact of inflation, which overall Incomes in terms, of tions On that day in 177S, the Hessians were cornered there, Victories at Trenton and Princeton enabled Washing- Switzerland. 18.050. and Swe- would make the gain some- real buying power, the bank recuperating from Christmas night celebrations and una- ton's army to preserve itself for the years of war that lay den, 17,880. the World Bank what less. said. Over-all economic output. ware that the Americans had crossed the river the pre- ahead. said in a report released yes- The bank said there were 19 In 1974, the bank said, the at measured by the Gross Na- ceding night and were marching on Trenton.
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