The original documents are located in Box 10, folder “6/10/76 - National Symphony Business Committee” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 10 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHDiGTON June 2, 1976 MEMORANDUM TO: DOw'NS FROM: PORTER Per our several conversations, Mrs. Ford would like to have a reception on Thursday, June 10th at 3:00 p.m. as of the National Symphony's 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Business Committee for the Arts Awards. Included in the guest list will be the Board of Directors of the National symphony, the National Trustees of the National Symphony, Board and Members of the Business Committee for the Arts and the judges of the 10th Annual Awards. I believe the maximum number attending would be 225 although I would expect it would really be fewer than that. The contact is Mr. James Ma."{well, Dire(!tor of Development of the National Symphony. His phone numbers are O: 785-8100, ext. 44; H: 833-8273. The file is attached. Thank you. c: \t('heila Weidenfeld Sara Massengale Rex Scouten Mike Farrell .J I\ . National Symphony Orchestra John F. Kennedy Cemer ' for the Performing Arts Washington, D.C. 20566 Telephone: 202-7S5-8i00 Cable Address: Narsym Nariorul ~ymphony Antal Dorati. Music Director William L. Denton, Managing Dir May 13, 1976 Ms. Susan Porter The White iise 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D. C. 20050 Dear Ms. Porter: This letter expands on your request for information re­ garding the possibility of a White House reception on June 10th for the "Business in the Artsn award winners of the 10th Anniversary of the Business Committee for the Arts Awards. Although this information has not been released at this time, I think it would be helpful for you to know the corporations which are being honored. The attached offi­ cial list contains the names of the first time award win­ ners and the return award winners. Based upon the previous experiences of the Business Com­ mittee for the Arts we can expect a very high percentage of the chief executive officers of these corporations to attend, and in all cases, a top-ranking official of the company. I sincerely hope that this information will be helpful to your making a decision about a White House reception. On behalf of the National Symphony may I thank you for your interest and cooperation on this matter. I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience. Sincerely yours, / cc: Mrs. William G. ·whyte PIE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 6, 1976 .MEMORANDUM TO: r DOWNS FROM: ;:;,I~ PORTER As we discussed, may I have your comments on the attached request for Mrs. Ford? As I mentioned, Mrs. Ford has been very much interested in the work of the Business Committee for the Arts. Thank you. : N::itional Symphony Orchestra John F. Kennedy Center for th.:: Performing Arts Washington. D.C. 20566 o:.Telephom;: 201-735-8100. Cable Address: Natsym National ~ymphony Antal Dorati, Music Director William L. Denton, M:uiaging Din February 2, 1976 ~~-7~· Ms. Susan Porter The White House -~~~~~. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D. c. 20500 Dear Ms. Porter: Knowing of Mrs. Ford's commitment to the arts, we respectfully ·request that consideration be given to }hosting a coffee or a reception at the White House as part of t~e 10th anniversary celebration of the ( Business Committee for the Arts Awards. - On the evening of June 9, 1976 and through midday of June 10, 1976 the National Symphony Orchestra's Board of Directors and National Trustees will be the hosts for the annual presentation of awards honoring corpor­ ations for outstanding support programs for the fine arts and the performing arts in the calendar year 1975. I hope that the enclosed materials will be helpful. 7~~~,riv Included are: . ~· {l) Board of Directors, National Symphony 7sf;-:: (2) National Truste~s, National Symphony .:5tJ (3) Business Committee for the Arts, .~ ~·. Board and Members 1~ ~~ (4) 9th Annual Awards ~~~~­ (5) Judges , 10th Annual Awards \~~ -­ Please let me know if I can provide any further informa­ tion. Peggy Whyte, a member of the Board of Directors of the National Symphony, has encouraged .m~ to pursue a recep­ tion or coffee , and we hope that Mrs. Ford's schedule will permit her to recogrilze these Dational leaoers inJ support: of the a:c ts. --- Ms. Susan Porter Page two I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely yours, James L. Maxwell Director of Development cc: Mrs. William Whyte BUSINESS COMMITTEE FOR THE ARTS OFFICERS Chairman Robert W. Sarnoff Vice Chairman Frank Stanton ~dent Goldwin A. Mclellan - Vice President MervinJ. Shuman Secretary Russell E. Palmer .Assistant Secretary Ada L. Oesterman Treasurer William Ruder EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robert W. Sarnoff Frank Stanton Russell E. Palmer William Ruder BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hoyt Ammidon James Houghton Robert 0. Anderson R. Heath Larry Roger M. Blough Gavin K. MacBain C. Douglas Ditton J. Irwin Miller W. Leonard Evans. James E. Robison Alexander H. GaJl0way Oavid ftockefeller Arn9ld Gingrich George S:..~sborough, Jr. KMtlarine G·raham Robert W. Sarnoff ~b E. Halaby F.rank Stanton ~r t.. -Harris Rawleigh. W~m~. Jr. Gtlbrie1 Hauge Thoma5J Wats0n. Jr. Henry J: Heinz, 11 Charles Wohlstetter ADMtNISTRATIQN Pl'~dent Go!dwinA Mclellan .- Assistant to the President Keith A Burge$$ Staff Vice President Gideon Chagy Staff Vice President Michael A d'.Amelio Devlin, John H. ChairrMn of tha Bo11Td MEMBERS Rothmans of Pall Mall Canada Ltd., Toronto I Dillon, C. Douglas Prtlsident U.S. and Foreign Securities Corp., Morristown, N.J. Abrams. Harry N. Chairman of the Board Dorsey, Bob R. Chairman & Chit1f Executive Officer Harry N Abrams, Inc., New Yori< - Gulf Oil Corporation, Pittsburgh Ammidon, Hoyt TrustH Evans, W. Leonard, Jr. P,,,sident and Pu/Jli8Mr United States Trust Company of Now York Tuesday Publications, Inc.• Chicago And«son, Robert 0. Chairman Ferre, Luia A. Pertner Atlantic Riclllield Company, Los Angeles Ferre Industries, San Juan Andes, CharleS l. ChairtntJfl of the Board Furlaud, Richard M. PreSJ"dent & Ch;.f Executiw Offir:.tN ~ranklin Mint Corpor81ion, Pennsylvania Squibb Corporation, New Yori< Annenbef9, Ambassador Waller Prasidef't Fusee, Fred G. Chairman of the Board Triangle Pubhcations Inc., Radnor, Pa. Avon Products, Inc•• New Yori< Bartell, Gerald A. Chairmen of the Board Garvin, C.C., Jr. Chairman snd ChitN Execuuw Officer American Medical Building, Inc~ Milwaukee Exxon Corporation, New York Baa, Sid. R. President Geneen, Harold S. Chairman Basa Brothers Enterprisea, Inc., Fort Worth International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, New Yorlt Baaett, Harry Hood Chairmen of the Board George, W. H. Krome Chairman and Chief Executiw Offi~r Southeast Banking Corporation, Miami Aluminum Company of America, Pittsburgh Benbow. Charles F. SMio< v;e. PrMitl•nt Gingrich, Arnold Editor-i,,..Chief R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc., Winston-Salem Esquire Magazine, New Yorlt Sere. James F. Ch•ilmllll of the Board Goodman, Stanley J. Chairmen of thtt BOMd Borg-Warner Corporalion, Chicago The May Department Star• Company, St. Louia Bergman, Edwin A. Presidem Graham, Katharine Chairman of rhe Board U.S. Reduction Company, Eael Chicago, Ind. Washington Post Company. Washington, O.C. hmer. T Roland ChllitmMI Hammer, Armand Cfulifmen Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Wood Ridge, N.J. Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Los Angeles Bingham, Barry Chairrnan of tM Board Harris, Arthur l. Counsal Courier-Journ1I & Loulsviff• TI..- Co., LouisV"l8 Couden Freres, Paris, France Sae. Archie R. Chairman. of the BOMd Hauge, Gabrial Chairmen Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook, 111. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, New Yorlt Broad, Eli Chairman of th• Board Haynes, H.J. Chairman of th11 Board K•ufman and Broad, Inc•• Loe Angeles Standard Oil Company of California, San Francis<.o. Bronlman, Edgar M. Prasidllflt Hejnz, Henry J. II Chairman The Seagram. Compa"V ltd. New Yori< H.J. Heinz Company, Pittsburgh Burka, James E. Ptesidllflt Hewitt, William A. Chairman Johnson & Johnson, New Bru.-iclc, N.J. Deere and Company, Moline, Illinois Burltenroed. William B. Jr. Prni<lent Houghton, James R. Victt Chllirmllfl J. Aron & Co.• Inc., New Orleotna Coming Glass Works, Coming. New Yori< Cabot. Louis W. Chairman lacocca. Lee A. Prttsidttnt Cabot Corporation, Boston Ford Motor Company, Dearborn. Michigan Cameras, Alan l. Chief Executivtt Offrcer Jenkins. William M. Chairman Flanigan'•. Rochester, N. Y. Seattle-First National Bank, Seattle Cantor. B. Gerald Chairmen and Prnideflt Johnson, Samuel C. Chairmen, Chittf Ext:CJJtivtt Officer C..tor, Fitzg....ald and Compmny, Beverly Hills S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine c.notl. Thomas S. Prnid.nt & Chi« Executive OfficM Johnston. Don Prt1$idt1nt Lev8t" Brothers Compeny, Inc., New Yorlt J. Walt.,.. Thompson Company, New Yori< Carter, Edward W. Chairmen of the Ba.rd Jones, Horace C. Chairmen and Chief Encutitltl Offic• Carter Hawley Hale Sto-. Inc. Lm Angeles Burlington Industries, Inc., New Yorlt Cary, Frank T. Chairman and Chief Ex•cutive Off1ctJf Katz, Joseph M. Chairman of the BOlll"d International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, N.
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