HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, FRIDAY, OCT. 25, 1912. iVEWS OF Vf?y FID THE TRUTH ABOVT SPORT FtfJT C0VflED IS NEVER A KNOCK JL Jar c 3 i i urn t n rv 444-- 444-4-4-- 44-44- S2 ii unn 4 tine-u-p Of Teams For XEW RECORD SET a ALAR UM) AKti.- - ANCIAL SIDE OF SERIES. Is The Of R-T- Stoiy I. II A M M E H RO W S Here BOSTON. Oct. 16. Total paid NEW YORK, Oct. 12. Throw- - S attendance Sor tne series of Football Game Tomorrow S ing the 16-iou- nd hammer from S BANQUETED IN eight games, 252.037. It a circle at Celtic Park to- - 8 . The total receipts, $490,833. Boston's ttday Matt Irish- - Each club's $147.028.8o. Gitetory McGrath of the S share. tt American Athletic Club made a 3 Tbe national commission's Coaches and Captains Give Out rivals. The game promises to be very new world's record of 181 feet, 3 'FRISCO l share, $49,0S3.30. How Error by New Yorker Josh Devore made another sensational ex'cifing and fast, as the teams are al- t 4 inches. The former mark was tt Total players' share, derived capture when he pulled Wagner's Men' Weights for 3-- Against and most evenly matched in weight and in tt 179 feet, 6 4 inches, made by tl from the, first four games only, Turned Tide the drive off the rlghtfield fence. The Various Positions skill. The coaches have done their tt John Flanagan four years ago. S was J147.r.77.G3. Of this, the Veteran Mathewson inning was over when Murray, picked the is now up 25 Cady's high fly out of the sun, ; best and rest to the t Among the other events today Crew Which Won Hawaiian Boston players, as winners, vAll game boys, and they are ready to show their 2? was a ile match race be-- tt shared 60 per cent, or $SS,"43.01 story of the Then began the inning which will is set for the first football Here Is the detailed long the season tomorrow afternoon on mettle. tt tween Hannes Kolehmainen of tt Trophy Lauded by Coast The New York players, as los- - last great game of the world's base- live in the memories of the fans p who witnessed and men who Alexander athletic field at Punahou. The line-u- of the two teams and tt Finland and Abel Kiviat of the tt ers, shared $59,028.69. ball series in New York, together it the Irish-Americ- an Oarsmen muscle, and trying to weights was yester- tt Athletic Club, tt Each Red Sox player, of whom 4 the-mos- t strained brain The battle is between the Punahou their announced with some of the features of spot- tt which resulted in a dead heat, j 22 eligible, $4,-- con- win. After the always in the and McKinley elevens, the old football day as follows: SAN FRANCISCO. October 13. were received ramarkable series of diamond tt 9:24 3-- r,. The champion light but never on the spot Snod Ends Finnish tt hundred oarsmen, representing! 024.68. tests in the history of the national seven-eight- hs Three grass "hammered a I puny little tt led for of the dis- - tt Each Giant player, of whom 23 : Prank Markham 129 Daniel Stone 122 lb the various rowing clubs of the bay,! sport grounder to box. going Wood lb.... tt tance by a few feet. In the final tt were eligible, received $2,566.46. BOSTON, 16. The name of the out. 144 - Morita . : 112 " last night wined and dined the vic- Oct. Il.LJu Jiro tt quarter Kiviat drew out and led tt The figures in every case are to Stahl. Jack Murray, the fighting " torious Alameda crew that won the Fred Snodgrass is on the lips of the Celt, one Tackles tt by three yards to the stretch, but tt greater any al- .belted into the bleachers for championship of the mid Pacific than for previous entire baseball world tonight, lor, two 190 Dyson (Capt.) 180 " tt Kolehmainen, after a sensational tt world bases. Fred.' Merkle declared all Will lam Inman "....Henry ocean at Honolulu last month. 4 series. most alone and unaided, he gave the along he was holding back until Allan Itenton :. 154 ' LlewHlyn Hart 194 " tt spurt, just caught him as they tt The attendance and receipts championship of the world to the that tt crossed the finish line. The tt The gathering was a most enthus- game the pinch before he hit, and right here Guards iastic one and speeches were made by at today's were announced Boston Red Sox after the great Chris- he' good with tt - made a beautiful drive " " American record for two miles, tt 4- by the national commission as ty Mathewson had taken the measure Stafford Austin , 13C Joseph Silver 146 4-- 5. all the members of the victorious to centerfield which" filtered through " tt 9:17 was made by Te! Berna tt 4- - follows: both Hugh Bedient and Joe Wood Gordon Drown 134 " Choi 162 crew. Manager Bray Thorning of the of Speaker's legs and went for two bases. ....En t tt of Cornell at Ithaca last May. tt Total paid .. 17,034 fought 10 4 attendance ana hardest ; Center tt tt crew that visited Honolulu gave a de- in the bitterest Mnrray raced home on Mercury Teet scription of the race and said that in Total receipts ..$30,500 inning battle that was ever contested with the run which all believed would George Mclnerny 170 " Walter Grace '.. 134 4- - all probability the champion crew Nat'l commission's share 3,035 on any diamond. The Red Sox were win the game, 2 to 1. Defeat would 7 - Quarterback from the islands would be a competi 4- Each club's share 12,725 outfielded, outbatted and outplayed, not come, the New York men felt. " U-- 4 :t while' were outpitched in Wra. Schuman (Capt.) 143 Harry Mel in " tor in the net Pacific coast cham- theirlwlrlers Herzog took three strikes and sat the eights and deciding struggle this over his. Halfbacks HIGH IS ACTIVE pionship regatta, to be rowed next down disgust written all July. afternoon. A weird twist In the luck features. Meyers grounded to the box , , , 131 Lionel 140 Harold Baldwin C Brash game gave poorer team the -- " Thorning said that had it not beenj of the the and Boston came up to t the bat amid a William Coney 15, .... Sam Kahalewai 152 AUTOPOIR ; ; ' score ' : ; for Joe Lewis of Honolulu, an old! eagerly sought pennant The riot noise. J.' t j ?j , - . - of ' Fullback- was 3 to 2. Hew Nnodgraft Did . IN ATHLETICS Alameda enthusiast, it is doubtful if . It.; Wra. Hitchcock lo2 u ... .George Cassidy mo the Alameda crew would have won When Red Murray and Fred Mer-- Engle, the former Yankee inflelder the great race. kle collaborated on a run with a dou- was put up to bat for Wood and when ' Total V. .1649 Iti 1607 lb Lewis provided outdoor sleeping ISNEIAD ble and a single off Joe Wood In tne Matty put one over he hit it up In the which had Punahou's average weight is about turn out In force to cheer their teams McKinley High School will take quarters for the crew through the htft tenth inning, breaking a tie air toward centerfield, slightly to the been-pra- many games existed since the seventh, the cham- left. Snodgrass saw it looming. He l.r0 pounds. McKinley' is'HC pounds, on to victory. Punahou has part in interscholastic weather, and this was the only thing songs this yar. according to the October that saved them from collapse. pionship appeared to be won by the loped, he ran, he galloped over he ticing her school and yells and Good-b- y, In the . back fie id Punahou averages bridge. a forlorn seeing is. prepared to big number of the Black and Gold, the The sentiment was expressed that Giants. With nothing but ground, but how the ball did make a noise to the-discar- : 1 It's for five hundred. -- 145 pounds and McKinley 29 pounds, morrow. McKinley also4 intends to be official organ of the school, which is it was up to a local crew to challenge hope to speed him on Jake Stahl sent fall, Fred, swiftly turned 'around. Honk! Hon! Engle to bat for Wood in the last of Carefully he set himself and Judged, On the 'line the difference Is , not, so heard. The new season Is to be just out. Since it has been decided Australia for the championship of up, Automobile poker is the latest. the tenth. - , : - the oncoming sphere. They could not great. Punahou averaging 152 , pounds started off in the right way and with that swimming will be taken there the Pacific ocean, the rowers, of the It's here. long,, high, fly to fool Snodgrass. He knew about McKInley's 150. ; c. will be five sports will come un- antipodes being conceded to be Engle raised a all to On the whole, the the right kind of spirit that the - ; The game of . poker will not down teams are very evenly and The enter- der the Interscholastic League, name- only men that it was necessary to center, which Snodgrass. got,under in those baseballs.- In; fact, he knew snatched coaches of both schools Captain John L. Sehon, as head of the easy to; he thi3 game ly, i football, soccer, baseball, beat to bring home "cham- plenty or time to maie an eaten, them to talk but tauffed there is no doubt but tbatUhe tain; high hopes.
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