Images of Devotion Hong Kong | October 7, 2019 Images of Devotion Hong Kong | Monday October 7, 2019 at 6pm BONHAMS ENQUIRIES BIDS PHYSICAL CONDITION HONG KONG LTD Indian, Himalayan & Southeast +852 2918 4321 OF LOTS Suite 2001 Asian Art Department +852 2918 4320 fax IN THIS AUCTION PLEASE NOTE One Pacific Place THAT THERE IS NO REFERENCE 88 Queensway Edward Wilkinson To bid via the internet please visit IN THIS CATALOGUE TO THE Admiralty Global Head www.bonhams.com/25283 PHYSICAL CONDITION OF ANY Hong Kong +852 2918 4321 LOT. INTENDING BIDDERS bonhams.com/hongkong [email protected] Please note that telephone bids MUST SATISFY THEMSELVES must be submitted no later than AS TO THE CONDITION OF ANY PREVIEW Mark Rasmussen 4pm on the day prior to the LOTS AS SPECIFIED IN CLAUSE October 3 Specialist / Head of Sales auction. 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Trading Office Suite 2001, One Pacific Place 88 Queensway Admiralty Hong Kong Bonhams (Hong Kong) Limited Registered No. 1426522 Registered Office: Room 5501 / 55F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai Sale Specialists and Representatives Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast Asian Art New York, Hong Kong Edward Wilkinson Global Head Mark Rasmussen Head of Sales Doris Jin Huang Specialist Dora Tan Administrator Global Representatives Singapore Taipei Paris Bernadette Rankine Representative Jenny Tsai Representative Catherine Yaiche Representative Aude Louis Specialist Asian Art Zurich Brussels Amsterdam Andrea Bodmer Representative Christine de Schaetzen Representative Koen Samson Representative 1 - 900 No lots 901 AN INSET TURQUOISE GOLD OFFICIAL’S 金嵌綠松石官員賀歲頭飾 NEW YEAR ORNAMENT 西藏,約1900年 TIBET, CIRCA 1900 嵌青金石與紅寶石。 With inset lapis lazuli and rubies. 喜馬拉雅藝術資源網16720號 Himalayan Art Resources item no.16720 長13釐米(5 1/8英吋); 13 cm (5 1/8 in.) long; 直徑6.5釐米(2 1/2英吋) 6.5 cm (2 1/2 in.) diameter 80,000 - 120,000港幣 HK$80,000 - 120,000 這件瑰麗奪目的裝飾物為西藏男性官員在新年儀式所佩戴(見Ghose 編,《Vanishing Beauty》,芝加哥,2016年,頁35,圖11)。飾物中 Known as ‘mooneaters’ (cheppu), these delightful ornaments were 間圖案為「榮耀之面」(kirtimukha),其下方為多圈同心綠松石鑲嵌 worn by male Tibetan officials for New Year ceremonies (see Ghose 組成的圓盤,象徵圓月。可參考《雪域藏珍——西藏文物精華》中一 (ed.), Vanishing Beauty, Chicago, 2016, p.35, fig.11). The fine pendant 件十分相似的作品(陳燮君與汪慶正主編,上海,2001年,頁165, is centered by a kirtimukha (‘face of glory’), surmounting a large disc 編號77)。 (moon) with concentric bands of turquoise. A closely related example is published in Chen and Wang (eds.), Treasures from Snow Mountains, 來源 Shanghai, 2001, p.165, no.77. 美國私人珍藏 Provenance Private American Collection 6 | BONHAMS (front) (back) 902 A LARGE COPPER ALLOY MAHAPARINIRVANA STUPA 大般涅磐銅佛塔 TIBET, CIRCA 14TH CENTURY 西藏,約十四世紀 Himalayan Art Resources item no.16708 喜馬拉雅藝術資源網16708號 130 cm (51 1/8 in.) high 高130釐米(51 1/8英吋) HK$700,000 - 900,000 700,000 - 900,000港幣 這尊一米餘高的壯觀佛塔為已知現存於西藏境外的最大佛塔之一。此 At over a meter tall, this grand bronze stupa is one of the largest 佛塔象徵佛陀大般涅磐,上方鑄造一輪圓日與一道彎月,兩種意象代 known outside of Tibet. Symbolic of Buddha’s mahaparinirvana 指悟道之源頭正為廣袤宇宙,萬物由此而來,亦歸於此中。作為盛放 (lit. ‘great decease’), it is topped with a sun and crescent moon—a 聖人舍利的容器,這種西藏佛塔亦是對悟道尊師之緬懷。此尊佛塔體 cosmic visual synecdoche for the universal source of enlightenment, 量如此龐大,毋庸置疑應為一位諸如寺廟住持等顯赫人物而製。 from which all things come and into which all enlightened beings dissolve. Functioning as reliquaries, such stupas in Tibet memorialized 如此形制的佛塔被安放於光輝壯麗的舍利靈塔之頂,為早期的藏傳佛 enlightened teachers. Given its massive scale, the present example 教噶舉派於十三至十五世紀之間興建。丹薩替寺的舍利靈塔頂端就 would have undoubtedly commemorated a major figure such as an 安置有相似佛塔以盛裝寺廟住持之舍利,比如十二世紀西藏偉大的宗 abbot of a monastery. 教領袖、創建帕竹噶舉與直貢噶舉教派的帕木竹巴(1110-70年)與 吉登頌恭(1143-1217年)的舍利亦存放於此。丹薩替佛塔的高度應 Stupas of this type and scale crowned the glorious tashi gomang 與本拍品相仿,約在1.2米至2米之間(參考Czaja與Poser,《Golden stupa-monuments built by early Kagyu schools of Tibetan Buddhism Visions of Densatil》,紐約,2014年,圖18)。 between the 13th and 15th centuries. For instance, they surmounted the stupas of Densatil monastery, housing the remains of Densatil’s 這種形如鈴鐺的佛塔被稱為噶當塔,噶當為西藏早期教派之名,十五 abbots including the preeminent Tibetan religious leaders of the 12th 世紀興起之格魯派便自稱由噶當發展而來。噶當派之開創者為阿底峽 century - who founded the Pagdru and Drigung schools, respectively (982-1054年),一位來自古孟加拉的高僧,據說佛塔正是由他帶入 - Phagmodrupa (1110-70) and Jigten Sumgon (1143-1217). The 西藏。噶當佛塔借鑒古孟加拉帕拉時期(八至十二世紀)的佛塔風格 Denstail stupas are estimated to have had a similar height to the (參考Huntington,《Leaves from the Bodhi Tree》,西雅圖,1990 present lot, ranging between 120-200cm (Czaja & Poser, Golden 年,編號19)。阿底峽在聶塘卓瑪拉康度過了他生命中最後十年的時 Visions of Densatil, New York, 2014, fig.18). 光,該寺廟中保存著一座高達3.22米的佛塔(Henss,《Buddhist Art in Tibet》,烏爾姆,2008年,頁80)。敏珠林寺亦保留著三尊大型 With its ‘bell-shaped’ body, this style of stupa is called a Kadampa 銅佛塔(分別高1.08米、1.62米、1.96米,同上,頁299,圖66)。 stupa, associating it with the early Buddhist school which the Gelug claimed to revive in the 15th century. The Kadampa order’s founder, 達拉斯藝術博物館藏有一尊1.27米高的佛塔(編號2001.263),但構 Atisha (982-1054) - a monk from ancient Bengal - is credited with 造如此壯觀的大型佛塔極少見於西藏以外,存世量屈指可數。 introducing the stupa to Tibet. The Kadampa stupa borrows from earlier Indian models of ancient Bengal’s Pala period (8th-12th 來源 centuries; e.g., Huntington, Leaves from the Bodhi Tree, Seattle, 歐洲私人珍藏,1980年代 1990, no.19). Atisha spent the last ten years of his life in residence at Carlton Rochell Asian Art,紐約,2016年 Nyethang Drolma monastery where a massive example (322cm high) 加利福尼亞私人珍藏 has been preserved (Henss, Buddhist Art in Tibet, Ulm, 2008, p.80). Also, three large-scale bronze stupas (108cm, 162cm & 196 cm high) are preserved in Mindroling monastery (ibid., p.299, fig.66). The Dallas Museum of Art has one measuring 127cm in height (2001.263), but very few bronze stupas of these monumental proportions are known outside of Tibet. Provenance Private European Collection, 1980s Carlton Rochell Asian Art, New York, 2016 Private Californian Collection 8 | BONHAMS 903 A PARCEL GILT SILVER REPOUSSÉ GAU OF PADMASAMBHAVA 局部鎏金銀質錘鍱蓮花生大士嘎烏盒 BHUTAN, CIRCA 19TH CENTURY 不丹,約十九世紀 With a copper backplate incised with a visvavajra, the interior lined with 銅質背板上鏨刻十字金剛杵紋,盒內墊紅綢,內包一小型財神像與一 red cloth and containing a miniature metal sculpture of Jambhala and a 捆帶蠟封章的裝藏包。 small, bound and sealed, consecrated parcel. 喜馬拉雅藝術資源網16731號 Himalayan Art Resources item no.16731 高9.8釐米(3 7/8英吋) 9.8 cm (3 7/8 in.) high 15,000 - 25,000港幣 HK$15,000 - 25,000 這件精美的嘎烏盒以錘鍱與鏨刻工藝製作而成,圖案複雜而細緻。下 方十字金剛杵生出蓮枝,蔓延至盒身兩側並結出如意八寶。盒蓋中央 This finely hammered and chased amulet box (gau) is replete with 端坐慈眉善目的蓮花生大士,其二妻居其左右,四周環繞蓮師之八種 complex imagery. The bottom edge has a visasvajra sprouting lotus 化現,佛陀居頂。蓮師之弟子將其尊為「第二佛陀」,在不丹國尤受 sprays that bifurcate up the side panels and blossom the eight 尊崇。據題材與蓮瓣風格判斷,此嘎烏盒或出於不丹。參考Barbara auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism (ashtamangala). The front 與David Kipper收藏中的若干不丹嘎烏盒(Ghose編,《Vanishing face has a central smiling figure of Padmasambhava joined by his Beauty》,芝加哥,2016年,頁55)。夢蝶軒收藏中一件觀音菩薩 two wives, his eight other manifestations, and Buddha at the apex. 嘎烏盒亦以相似手法對中央人物面部施鎏金(許曉東編,《Jewels of Padmasambhava is considered by his followers to be a ‘second Transcendence》,香港,2018年,頁73,編號37)。 Buddha’. He is especially revered in Bhutan, where this gau likely originated from given its subject and stylistic treatment of the lotus pedestal. See other Bhutanese gaus in the Barbara and David Kipper Collection (Ghose (ed.), Vanishing Beauty, Chicago, 2016, p.55). A gau of Avalokitesvara with similar parcel gilt face is in the Mengdiexuan Collection (Xu (ed.), Jewels of Transcendence, Hong Kong, 2018, p.73, no.37). 10 | BONHAMS Buddhist Sculpture from the Collection of Drs. Edmund and Julie Lewis 904 A POLYCHROMED SOAPSTONE FIGURE OF A PANDITA 彩繪班智達石像 TIBETO-CHINESE, CIRCA 17TH CENTURY 漢藏風格,約十七世紀 Himalayan Art Resources item no.16711 喜馬拉雅藝術資源網16711號 14 cm (5 1/2 in.) high 高14釐米(5 1/2英吋) HK$250,000 - 400,000 250,000 - 400,000港幣 這位身著寬衣長袍、頭戴紅色智師帽者為一位來自印度的佛教祖師。 Clad in voluminous monastic robes and wearing a red pandit’s hat, 此尊石像呈現出令人讚歎的寫實感,僧袍波濤起伏的褶皺巧妙地表達 the figure represents an Indian forefather of Tibetan Buddhism. The 出了織物的柔軟特質。祖師右臂撐地,支住右傾的上身,頭部自然傾 skilled stone carver has created an image of surprising realism.
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