ONS Auction, 19 0ctober 2019 References used: A Stephan Album, A checklist of popular Islamic Coins, 3rd edition, Santa Rosa 2011. Bop. Osmund Bopearachchi: Monnaies Gréco-Bactriennes et Indo-Grecques, Paris 1991. Brotman Irwin F. Brotman: A Guide to the Temple Tokens of India, Los Angeles 1970. Codr H.W. Codrington: Ceylon Coins and Currency, Colombo 1924. Deyell John S. Deyell: Living without silver: The Monetary History of Early Medieval North India, New Delhi 1990. G/G Stan Goron & J.P. Goenka: The coins of the Indian Sultanates, New Delhi 2001 Göbl Sasanidische Numismatik, Braunschweig 1968 / Sasanian Numismatics, Braunschweig 1971 Göbl2 Münzprägung des Kushanreiches, Wien 1984 Gomes Alberto Gomes: Moedas Portuguesas, Lisboa, 5th ed., 2007. Van’t Haaff P.A. van’t Haaff: Catalogue of Elymaean Coinage, ca. 147BC – AD228. Lancaster 2007 HG T.R. Hardaker & P.L. Gupta: Ancient Indian Silver Punchmarked Coins, Nashik, rev. ed. 2014. Puji Harsono Harsono, Puji: Sejarah Dan Mata Uang Bangka, 1740-1813, Bandung, 2017. Herrli Hans Herrli: The Coins of the Sikhs, 2nd revised and augmented edition, New Delhi 2004. KM Krause/Mishler: Standard Catalog of World Coins, 23rd. ed. 1996, 18th and 17th cent. editions. Kulkarni Prashant P. Kulkarni: Coinage of the Bhonsla Rajas of Nagpur, Nagpur 1990. Lingen Jan Lingen: Marwar, Jodhpur State, History and Coinage, Nashik/Mumbay, 2012 McClenaghan Tony McClenaghan: Indian Princely Medals, New Delhi 1996. Millies H.C. Millies: Recherches sur les monnaies des Indigènes de l'archipel Indien et de la péninsule Malaie, The Hague 1871. MWI M. Mitichiner: Oriental Coins and their Values: The World of Islam, London 1977. MAC - do -, The Ancient & Classical World, London 1978. MNI - do -, Non-Islamic & Western Colonies, London 1979. MIT M. Mitchiner: Indian Tokens; Popular Religious & Secular Art. London 1998. MBLA M. Mitchiner: The Land of Water; Coinage and History of Bangladesh and later Arakan, c.200BC to the present day, London 2000. MSEA M. Mitchiner: The History and Coinage of South East Asia until the 15th century, London 1998. Mitch. M. Mitchiner: Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian coinage, 9 vols., London 1975-76. M/W K.K. Maheshwari/K.W. Wiggins: Maratha Mints and Coinage, Nashik 1989 Pieper Pieper, W. & O. Bopearachchi: Ancient Indian Coins, Turnhout 1998 Pr F. Pridmore: The coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Part 4 India, vol 1 East India Company Presidency Series c.1642-1835, London 1975. Pr.(A) F.Pridmore: The coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Part 2 Asian Territories, London 1965 Rem Remmelts, A.A.: Chinesische Käschmünzen, Amsterdam -. RGV N.G. Rhodes, K. Gabrisch and C. Valdettaro: The coinage of Nepal, from the earliest times until 1911, London 1989. Sch Scholten, C.: The Coins of the Dutch Overseas Territories 1601-1948, Amsterdam 1953 Sellwood D. Sellwood, An Introduction to the coinage of Parthia, London 1971 Senior A catalogue of Indo-Scythian coins, vol. I-IIV, Glastonbury 2000, 2006. Shore Fred B. Shore: Parthian Coins & History, Quarryville, Pennsylvania 1993. SS S. Singh: The Coins of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei 1400-1986, Kuala Lumpur 1986. S/S W.F. Spengler and W.G. Sayles: Turkoman Figural Bronze Coins and their Iconography, 2 vols., Lodi 1992-96. Tye Robert & Monica Tye: Jitals, Isle of South Uist 1995. UBJ Uno Barner Jensen: Danish India Tranquebar Coins 1620-1845, Brovst 1996. Val. W.H. Valentine: Modern copper coins of the Muhammadan States, London (1911) repr. 1969. W H. Nelson Wright: The coinage and metrology of the Sultans of Delhi, Delhi 1936 Note: ● Estimates are given in EURO. Bidding will be started at approx. 75-80% of the estimate for the coins and at 90-95% for the books, provided that no more than one postal bid has been received for the lot concerned. ● All lots are illustrated at ZENO.RU – Oriental Coins Database. You may view this at: https://www.zeno.ru/showgallery.php?cat=17142 LOT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE 001 ‘Abbassid, temp. al-Mansur (AH136-158/AD754-775), AR dirham, Madinat al-Salam, AH157 (A-213.1) VF € 20,= 002 --, Tahir bin al-Husayn + al-Harith (fl ca. AH200-202), AE fals (3.00 g.), Sur al-Ma’muniya in honor of the Caliph al-Ma’mun. (Sur = Sour, ancient Tyre in Lebanon) (A-293; SICA 1506/1508, 1509) R gF € 70,= 003 Arab-Byzantine, AE fals (3.87 g.), Anonymous imitation of the Byzantine AE follis, ca. 650s-680s, standing emperor design. (A-3504; Wilkes 126) VF € 25,= 004 --, AE fals (3.83 g.), Anonymous imitation of the Byzantine AE follis, ca. 650s-680s, standing emperor design (A-3504; Wilkes 126) VF € 20,= 005 --, AE fals (3.22 g.), Anonymous imitation of the Byzantine AE follis, ca. 650s-680s, standing emperor design (A-3504; Wilkes 126). aVF € 20,= 006 --, AE fals (4.48 g.), Anonymous imitation of the Byzantine AE follis, ca. 650s-680s, standing emperor design, ND, Dimasq, attractive (A-3505; Wilkes 131) VF € 50,= 007 --, AE fals (4.13 g.), Anonymous imitation of the Byzantine AE follis, ca. 650s-680s, standing emperor design (A-3504; Wilkes 126) VF € 30,= 008 Arab-Sasanian, AE pashiz (1.87 g.), Bust bearded and moustached facing right, Pahlevi legend on left and right / legend in 3 lines, first line Arabic with mint-name Zaranj and the 2 following lines in Pahlavi (Gyselen type 50) R R VG-F € 20,= 009 --, AE pashiz (1.21 g.), bust facing right, Arab legend around / Arab legend in 3 lines, circular legend with date (AH120?) (rf. Gyselen type 60) R R VG-F € 25,= 010 --, Umayyad Governors, (Salih) Rida, unknown, probably ca. 780’s, A R drachm (3.28 g.), Eastern Sistan (A.89D; Wilkes 86) R VF € 25,= 011 --, --, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bin ‘abd Allah bin Amir (ca. AH66-72/AD685-691), AR drachm (3.50 g.), SK (Sijistan), countermark: Ja’iz, AH66 (A-25; Wilkes 23) R R VF € 200,= 012 Artuqid of Mardin, Qutb al-Din Il-Ghazi II (AH572-580/AD1176-1184), AE dirham (9.07 g.), obv.: Head to right, looking upward. Legend in segments around / rev. 5-line legend NM, ND (A-1828.1; S/S type 31.1; Wilkes 1204), well struck specimen aEF € 80,= 013 --, Nasir al-Din Artuq Arslan (AH597-637/AD1201-1239), AE dirham (14.98 g.), obv.: Large Roman male head in profile right / rev. 5-line legend, citing Ayyubid overlord al-Kamil, NM, AH620 (A-1830.7; S/S type 43; Wilkes 1217) S gVF € 60,= 014 --, Ghazi I (AH637-658/AD1239-1260), AR dirham, Mardin, Caliph al-Mussta’sim + al-Salih Ayyub, hexagram type, first series. (A-1834.2; Wilkes 1223) S aVF € 40,= 015 Asia Minor, Ionia, Teos (BC 200-100), AE16 - Trichalkon (3.13g,). Griffin seated right, forepaw raised / monogram within wreath, ΤΗΙΩΝ below (SNG v.Aulock 2263 var.; Copenhagen 1476) VF € 50,= 016 Ayyubid, al-‘Adil Sayf al-Din Abu Bakr ibn Ayyub (AH595-615/AD1196-1218), AE dirham (11.46 g.), date AH592, mint: Mayafarikin. Obv.: Facing bust of Amir (A-809; MWI.824; Wilkes 908) gVF € 40,= 017 Bactria, Euthydemos II (190-185 BC), Ni di-chalkon (7.68 g.), diademed head of Apollo / tripod, legend & monogram, Merv. (Bop. Serie 6; MAC 1649; Hoover 77) gF/aVF € 170,= 018 British East India Company, Prince of Wales’Island (Penang), AE ½ pice, AD1787, struck at Calcutta. (KM.2.1; Pr.(A) 10, var. b) VF € 80,= 019 Central Asia, Eastern Turkestan. Hotan camel coin 200-700? + Hotan horse coin (Authenticity of Hotan horse coin is questioned) Lot of 2 coins VG & F (2) € 15,= 020 --, Chach, Tarnavch, AE unit (2.16 g.), 7-8th cent. obv: Lion or leopard / rev. Tamgha, Sogdian legend (Shagalov& Kutznetsov #243) F € 40,= 021 --, Chach, Chanubek, AE unit (1.31 g.), 7-8th cent. obv: Portrait of Chanubek or Chanurnak / rev: Tamgha within Sogdian legend (Shagalov & Kuznetsov #142) S aVF € 50,= LOT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE 022 Central Asia, C hach, Nirtanek, AE unit (2.79 g.), 7-8th cent. obv: Facing portrait of Nirtanak with swastika in right field / rev: Tamgha, Sogdian legend (Smirnova [1991] 1556) gVF € 90,= 023 --, Chach, unknown ruler, AE unit (3.33 g.), 7-8th cent., obv: Portrait of ruler, / rev: Swan shaped Tamgha and Sogdian legend. (Fedorov ONS 192) aVF € 70,= 024 --, Chach, unknown ruler, AE unit (2,34 g.), 7-8th cent., obv: Horse rider / rev: Tamgha with Sogdian legend (Shagalov & Kuznetsov #62) aVF € 120,= 025 --, Southern Sogd (Northern Tokharistan & Badakhshan), Naksheb?, AE unit (1.57 g.), 7-8th cent., obv: bust of female ¾ right (Queen or Goddess?) holding a cup to the right / rev.: winged horse (Pegasus?), (Kochnev & Baratova class 4.) gF € 100,= 026 --, Western Sogd, Paikend, small Chinese type cash (1.67 g.), 7-8th cent.. (Zeimal, 16) . Extremely Rare. F € 150,= 027 --, Samarqand, large cash (5.03 g.), Urk Wartamuk, 698-700, obv: Urk Wartamuk Ikshid (ruler) / rev: left tamgha of Samarqand, right triskelion tamgha (Smirnova 567ff; Jen 918; Fedorov ONS Newsletter 175 suppl. fig. 12) Very rare aVF € 80,= 028 --, Ferghana, small cash (0.97 g.), 8th cent., obv: Ush right, tutuk of alp khaqan left / rev: plain. Tutuk in Turkish = military governor; alp = hero. In the eastern part of the Ferghana Valley there is a town named Ush. This coin might infer that Ush was the residency of the military governor who ruled that part of Ferghana in the name of the Turkish khaqan. (Smirnova (1981) 1445; Fedorov (2003) ONS Newsletter 177 p. 9) VG € 50,= 029 --. Uncertain, two lead Kai Yuan cash (1.92 & 8.02 g.), obv: 開 元 通 寶 Kai Yuan Tong Bao rev: plain and un-deciphered. both F (2) € 40,= 030 --.
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