. •• ~ TODAY: NAMIBIAN CENTRAL BANK INSTITUTED * ZAMBIAN ELECTRICITY FOR CAPRIVI * > ..- Bringing Africa South DEAI)LYBU- THREATENS KAOKO .RAJAH .MUNAMAVA A DEADLY bush fire sparked by cattle tramping on mines planted around an electric pylon is threatening farmers and their animals in the Kaokoland district, it was reported from the area yesterday. At least five cattle died instantly amQng thQse left by the South Afri~ -last Friday, some 70km north-west can Defence Force. of Opuwo, when they apparently set The SQuth Africans planted anti- off the mines while grazing near one . persQnnel-mines in areas surrQund­ of the pylons. ing electric pylQns in the nQrth as a . The blast, which was reportedly way ofpreteCting them against guer­ heard some distance away, ignited a rilla sabetage actiQns. huge bush fire which has been raging I,..'\St Friday's blast took p4lce arourid ever since and is moving in a south" cattle post"areas in the proximity Qf erly direction. the road between Ru;tcana and According to reports from Opuwe Kamanjab. in'Kaekeland yesterday, the fire was A number of IQcal people with the still raging and farmers feared for help Qf SQme security l ervicepersen­ their animals. ne1Jrom OtjiwiU'engb last week de­ The fire is appar.ently aided by fused Qneofthe mines planted around windy weather.cenditions. a pylen. Accerding te the reports, vast tracts The mine - marked A persQnnel of grazing land have been destreyed HE modg 69 NUMBER 1 plus 4 11/ by the blaze. .' 77. - was prQ!ruding frQm the grQund The villages .of Otjerunda and and sPQtted by locals. " . Otjendeka have been particularly hit One resident said yesterday the by the bush fire, residents said. gQvel'Ilffi.Cnt shQuld deplQy members A resident of Opuwo whe has just .of the -new army and their pelice returned from the area teld The 'ceunterparts to. sweep and defuse the Niunibian yesterday that the situ-' menacing. mines all the way to. Rua­ FARMERS and villagers in the KaokQ region fear for the lives of their animals in the face of a huge atien was serieus and that Kaekeland cana. ceuld face a disaster unless the fire .He said unless this was done, both busli fire raging in the area. This Ovahimba hQrse-rider was pictured in the region recently. was cQntained. Photograph: John Liebenberg. Local residents said the mines were CONTINUED. ON PAGE 3 , Zambian power for Caprivi Own Central-Bank launched THE Capri~i regien is to rec~ive agreements for the supply frem'both electricity frem Zambia en Sunday grids to meet at Katima Mulito. at the start of a rurai electrificatien Toive ya Teive added the project programme that will eventually in­ would be extended to electrify the and 'own currency' on·way s()on clud~ the whole ceuntry, Mines and whele of Caprivi soen. Energy Minister ~dimba Teive ya The process would benefit the in­ THE Central Bank of Namibia came Namibia and South Africa had led to. This was not for reaSQns _of pride or Teivo' said yesterday. dustrial sectQr, schools, hospitals and inte exi stence yesterday, as Finance the Jo6b:ding Qf this country's own status, said Herrigel, but a matter .of In a news release, Toivo ya Teive clinics by replacing the costly diesel Minister Dr Otto Herrigel announced Central Bank through ~hich' Nanubia seund eCQnQmic policy. said an agreement had been reached pewer being supplied to Katima the formal takeQver .of the Seuth would gain cenl rol 'of its own fereign Severing links with S outhAfrica 's between the Namibian Ministry .of Mulile. African Reserve Bank. exchange, said the Minister. This monetary system was intended to Mines and Energy and neighbeuring Representatives .of the Ministry of The takeQver represented !ill im­ was essential to enable the build-up help with Namibia's battle against Zambia's Ministry erPewcr, Trans- Mines and energy, as well a.~' other portant step.onthe read toNamibia's of foreign exchange reserves which inflatien and a weak currency. >· pert and Communicatiens te ~;upply ministries, are due to tour Kavango mOllclary independence, said Herrigel, would gi ve N a nu bia a streng start for Other functions Qf the Central Bank electricity to Caprivi. Namibia's elec­ and Ovambo in August to identify alld all "essential prerequ isitc" fer the introduction of its .own currency. weuld be to. cQllect data and act as a tricity supply utility, Swawek, and key establishments to be electrified the cstahlishment of a healthy eCQn­ , Namibia planned to follew . research unit. It would also act as its Zambian ceunterpart, Zesco, had in consultatien with local communi­ o III y. Botswana's .example of intreducing cencluded the necessary technical ties. A hilaleral agreement, between an OWIl ClIlTClll'y as soon as PQssible . CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 1 HOUR christo landsber9 SPECIAL is all we need to TRIP ARCADE OFFER ,process KAISER STREET FOR EVERY COLOUR FILM & print TEL (061) 3-292213-2947 HANDED IN FOR your COLOUR POBOX 500 PROCESSING & PRINTING FILM -'in WINDHOEK GET A FREE modern ENLARGEMENT FOTOLAB OF YOUR CHOICE ti " .~ " ,..,,.... \ t" ~ ' '-' ... \ ~I" ~" t--. "If " 2 ' Wed'n~sdayAugiJi{'1 " 990 '. The ball starts rolling no for Angolan peace talks YOUR DAlLY GmDE TO EVENTS WORLD· WIDE LISBON - A senior Angolan official arrived in Lisbon on Tuesday A govenunent statement, cited by for further contacts on Portuguese efforts to help end Angola's 15- the Angop report, said a consultative year-old civil war. group will soon be formed to prepare ,a new constitution. The group could Portugal has be~ n serving as a go­ Both s·ides. have made concessions include figures of various political between in talks betwel!n Angola's to further dialogue and say they want tendencie~, "including Unita .~le­ leftist government and Unita rebels. t9, work towatds a cease-fire accord. ments", said the statement. ~. An Angolan ~mba~sy spokesper­ Sources close to the talks say they TIle announcement s~ggested the son said Angolan Deputy Foreign may be able to reach agreement in opening of Angola to multi-party Minister Venancip de Moura hoped prins;iple at the coming talks, al­ democracy once an end to the 15- PRETORIA' - The Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB) - a major to deliver a message to Portuguese though a signing would, take place year civil war is reached. player in the Harms Commission of Inquiry into politically motivated PrimeMinist~r Anibal Cav,aco Silva later. "With the creation of the psycho­ violence - has been operationally disbanded, the Chief of the SA' lilter on Tuesd/ly. Savimbi said last week the conflict logical conditions and in a situation Defence Force, General J aiinie Geldenhuys, said in a statement last The message was in response to could end sooniftheMPLA recogni­ of peace, there will not ge reasons to night. ' . one from Cavaco Silva about recent sed Unita as an opposition move­ keep Angola in a single-party sys­ The general's statement follows administrative processes regarding talks between a Portuguese official ment. tern," said the government announce- ment. ' . an announcement made .in parlia- the final disbanding will be ' com­ and Unita rebel leader Jonas Savimbi, . All parties to the talks are cautious , ment on February 26 this year by the . pleted. " he said, without giving further .de­ about moving too quickly to avoid a 'The consultative group should work , Minister of Defence, General Mag­ This, General ·Geldenhriys said" tails. repeat ofJune 1989, when a tentative to fmd, "the 'greatest possible 'con­ , . nus Malan, that the Chief or the removes doubt about the PQsition of The embassy spokesperson said a verbal.truce brokered by zaire col­ sensus on a constitutioJ? which will ' Defence Force had suspended all the theCCB. third round of talks were due in the lapsed amid disagreements over terms. guarantee the preservatio,n of national unity' " .the statement said. activities of the CCB, pending the " The ~pecial forc~s make anexep­ first half of August but. an exact date Meanwhile, in Luanda, Angola's fmdings of judicial inquiries. • tional contribution to safeguarding had not been set yet. He added that government is ready to join with US­ Luanda remained without electric­ General Geldenhuys said that fol­ the Republic of South Africa, often De Moura was only in Portugal to backed rebels to work on a new ity or water yesterday, after Unita lowing the minister's 'announcement under extremely difficult circum­ deliver the message and was not constitution for'the war-tom south­ attacks on supply lines. Officials said a prOcess of rationalisation of the startces. General Malan referred to a planning to meet Unita representa­ ern African nation, the state news it could be two weeks before poweris restored. ' CCB was started. few o~ these.su ,ccesses in his speech tives. agency ,reported Tuesday. "Aspects directly related to the on26February 1990," the statement Harms COmnllssion will only be dealt said. with after the judicial process has General Geldenhuys pointed out h been completed," the gen!'l~al's state­ in his statement th!e CCB was a small mentsaid, adding: <' PaI1 of the Special Forces and tha~ Doe's troops recapture "The members 9f the CCB have only a small part of the CCB was be~n transferred from the Spc;cial implicated in alleged irregular ac­ Forces to the SA Army where the tivities, L I , .city in violent attack , . ~ · .,Trinid~, d ~o~tl\ges ' free MONROVI~ - Tr.oops, loyal to President Samuel Doe launthed a violent counterattack yesterday, recapturing large parts of Monrovia's' city centre from rebel forces. PORT OF SPAIN - Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister A N R i., Robinson, shot in both legs, was free«J by black Moslem rebels on The offensive came as Doe vowed Two ,b,ullets landed in the back 600 people, mostly women and cllil­ to "fight until the la ~ soldiers'in the garden of the Frenchembassy, ?Jhich dren, were mas,sacred by the troops.
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