Qass- Book- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT /, < MX^*>CXKJCXKMMX> -iCM->t>>W«-M'»M'>CltMl GUIDE HANDYXO Chicago AND THE WoRLD^s Columbian Exposition IL-UUSTRT^TeD Asyiurqs, Parks, Bar|ks, Public Ha! Blocks Stock It - And Yards, Buildii^gs, Street Board of Railways, Trade, Streets CeiT)eteries, Aqd Cl^urcPies, Aveques, Colleges, Tl]eaters, Cor^suls, Water Depots, Works, Harbor, Etc, Etc., Hospitals, Witf] Hotels, Maps aqd Libraries, Plaqs. WORLD'S FAIR BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ml\ GEO. M. BOGUE. HAMILTON B. BOGUE. HARRY W. CHRISTIAN. Rogue & Company J^eal j^state J^gency 59 DEARBORN ST. Chicago BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE ON COMMISSION. PROPERTY MANAGED. INTEREST OF NON-RESIDENTS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. RENTS COLliECTED. LOANS NEGOTIATED. A LARGE LIST ALWAYS ON HAND OF INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, RESIDENCES, VACANT FOR IMPROVING, ACRES RIPE FOR SUBDIVIDING. Agents for the World-Renowned Grant Locomotive Works Addition 12TH AND WEST 48TH STS. Lots $500.00 and upwards WRITE FOR PLAT. THE FAMOUS Silurian Spring Water Waukesha, Wisconsin, U. 8. A. \. natural mineral spring water, pure and sparkling. a table water it is par excellence, being absolutely oid of organic impurities. Possessing remarkable .rative properties in all kidney, liver, bladder, and tomach troubles. It is not only a preserver of health, but as a preventive of disease is invaluable. It will relieve the most stubborn cases of dyspepsia. 52-page pamphlet mailed free upon application. Silurian Mineral Spring Company, WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN. Our branch depots : CHICAGO, NEW YORK CITY, MEMPHIS, 1 57 Wabash Ave. 1 1 West 27th St. 65 Madison St. WM. C. MAGILL JOS. H. CHAMBERLIN MAGILL & CHAMBERLIN pire Insurance Agts, Southwest corner madison and la salle sts Chicago Represent over $50,000,000 Insurance Assets LOSSES fairly settled and promptly paid TELEPHONE 1978 The Kauffman Buggy Co. AND The Enterprise Carriage Mfg. Co. 's ( hicago l-^epository J. M.Van Nest, Manager, 363-365 Wabash Av. Factories: Miamisburg, Ohio All Kinds of Latest Style Carriages Peabody, Hou^htelin$ & Co. BHNKeRS 59 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY EX- CLUSIVELY. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. CHICAGO CITY MORTGAGES FOR SALE For the convenience of investors we carry from $200,000 to $500,000 of choice mortgages at all times. These loans are made by iis after careful investigation of the titles, the value of the securities offered, and responsibility of borrowers. In transacting a business of over $70,000,000, no title approved by us has ever been successfully attacked. IN ANY AMOUNT. These loans vary in amount from $500 to $50,000, and bear from 5 per cent, to 7 per cent, interest, payable semi-annually at our office, or at such place as investor may elect. The standard rate on ordinary amounts, say $:^>,000 to $10,000, being 6 per cent.; smaller loans, Gi4 per cent, and 7 per cent. ; large loans on exceptionally strong security, 5 per cent, and 5}^ per cent. AT PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST These securities are ready for delivery, and are on sale at par and accrued interest. No commission is charged the buyer, the income named being net. INVESTORS' INTERESTS CARED FOR WITHOUT CHARGE We collect all interest and remit to any part of the country free of charge. We see that all insurance policies pledged as collateral security are renewed at expiration, and that the investor is protected in case of failure on the part of the borrower to pay taxes. In other words, we act as linancial agents for the investor without chai-ge. Partii's buying mortgages securing building loans, where the buildings are not fully completed, are guaranteed completion free of mechanics' liens. NEW VORK CHICAGO BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA BOSTON F. SCHWABS ^ ^^V** IMPORTERS ^a ^ AND RETAILERS OF • DOLLS TOYSi \^ 1 %D GAMES AND ^'^c,^^^ ^^^ NOVELTIES ^^^, ' ^"^ ''^'-''^'PEOES. WAGONS. HOBB^ 231 State Street Between Adams aiicl Jackson Sts. CHICAGO, ILL. TIMOTHY, CLOVERS. HUNGARIAN, MILLETS. RED TOP, BLUE GRASS, LAWN GRASS, ORCHARD GRASS, BUCKWHEAT, FIELD PEAS, POP CORN. BIRD SEEDS, FLAX SEED. ENSILAGE CORN, The Albert Dickinson Co. Offices, 115 Kinzie St., CHICAGO, ILL. TheCiicagoWhiteLBadJ^OilCo. Manufacturers of "THE KING," TINTED PAINT. MIXED PAINTS, LINSEED OIL, ETC. And Dealers in All Kinds of PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. GREEN AND FULTON STS., CHICAGO, The Hintze & Baker Co. SASH • •• ••• DOORS - BLINDS Mouldings, Stair Work, Etc, Fulton, Green, and Peoria Streets, CHICAGO, ILL. JAS. I. LYONS, MANUFACTUB ER OF ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, 78 FIFTH AVE , CHICAGO, - = ILI>. A PERFECT FIT AND Satisfaftion guaranteed. Morgan Park CHICAGO'S LEADING SUBURB The location of the preparatory department of the University of Chicago. The aristocratic residence and educational center of the south side Business property near the station and choice residence lots in all parts of Morgan Park ACRES A SPECIALTY LOANS NEGOTIATED HOUSES BUILT B. F- Clarke 218 La Salle St. CHICAGO Rooms 409 and 410 New York. Chicago. FUCHS & LANG . MANUFACTURERS OF Litho and Printing Inks Fine Dry Colors, Bronze Powders, Lithographers' Supplies, etc. 273 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO CORN EXCHANGE 7^ BANK " The Rookery," Corner La Salle and Quincy Sts. CHICAGO Capital, $1,000,000 \k ' Surplus, $1,000,000 CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, PRESIDENT ERNEST A. HAMILL, VICE-PRESIDENT FRANK W. SMITH, CASHIER DIRECTORS L. S. A. Kent J. H. Dwight Byron Smith Chas. II. Wacker Chas. Counselman Edwin G. Foreman B. M. Frees Chas. H. Schwab Edward B. Butler Charles L. Hutchinson P>rnest A. Ilamill CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. qontinental # [R ational m gANK Corner La Salle and Adams Streets, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. OFFICERS. JOHN C. BLACK, DOUGLASS HOYT, President. CashLiep. ISAAC N. PERRY, IRA P. BOWEN, 2d Viee-President. Ass't Cashier. ALVA V. SHOEMAKER, 2d Ass't Cashier. BOHRD OF DIRECTORS. JOHN C. BLACK, President. C, T. AA^HEELER. ISAAC N. PERRY, 2d Vice-President. HENRY BOTSFORD, President Chicago Packing & Provision Co. JAMES H. DOLE, of J. H. Dole & Co., Commission. H. C. DURAND, of H. C. & C. Durand, Wholesale Grocers. WM. G. HIBBARD, of Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Wholesale Hardware. RICHARD T. CRANE, President of Crane Co. GEORGE H. WHEELER, President Chicago City Railway Co. J. OGDEN ARMOUR, of Armour & Co. A GENERAL FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Travelers' Circular Letters of Credit issued, available in all parts of the World. L. MANASSE 88 Madison Street (Tribune Building) CHICAGO The Leading ^^^^ 3,g„^ ,3 Optical House Of the Northwest High-Power Opera and Tourists Glasses, Telescopes, Gold Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Lorgnettes. MAGIC LANTERNS Views Illustrating all subjects of Popular Interest for Public and Home Entertainment. Microscopes, Barometers, Thermometers, Drawing Tools, Amateur Photographic Outfits. No finer display anywhere. Beware of Deception We have no Branch Stores. j«''«^'"'^*> (gasF^^im CELEBRATED HATS THE DUNLAP SILK UMBRELLA Pal mer Hou se CIiicairo AGENTS FOR THE IM PERI A L. SI LK HANDKERCHIEF SEND FOR FASHION PLATE Rand, McNally & Co.s HANDY Guide to Chicago World's Columbian Exposition. *^ I LLUSTR ATE D i What to See and How to See It. 'Y OF oT/i ^9 29 1892 chicago and new york: -'' v^7 - Rand, McNally &. Company, Publishers. 1892. r.\: PIEiUCim COSIIflLTY * B mSOIIHIIIIE & SEGOItlTY CO. WRITES . Employers^ Liability, Boiler, Elevator, and Individual Accident Insurance, and Guarantee Bonds, Its Capital and Assets above all Liabilities are Larger than any other Casualty Company's ITS EXPENSE RATIO IS THE SMALLEST Its Policies are Free From Vexatious Technicalities. JAS. W. NYE, Western Manager, THET.MPL.. CHICAGO, ILL. Copyright 1892, by Rand, McNcally & Co. THE TEMPLE, CORNER OF LA SALLE AND MONROE STREETS. Offices of the American Casualty Insurance & Security Company. (3) ^, kik. 1492—1892 ^cition& erf tite (»BartiT ; 'fTr^^ ^-^ will &cavcij the pt0rlh'» ©olwtnblan QB^po^ltlon in j vain for anvjthm^ ttxovs *^f I if <ron^ucityc id ^calily anlCf ^ 71 ^appinc&& tljan tho^e (f 1 ' Celebrated Products "^ Fiqest Arnericari Toilet Soaps arid \^^ Perfanies Uni^ivaled Lcaundi^y Soaps ^U^B GliYGBI^INB ^yI:J^3s^TT:F'J^CTTJI^EZ^ b^^ g:3s. s. ^iRi^ ^ 60. DENTAL OFFICE OF PDR. J. E. LOW nr^ MJ Crown and Bridge Work First National Bank Building, cor. Monroe, 164 Dearborn St., Chit-ago. Take Elevator. "Why suffer the extraction 'of flrui teeth or roots when they can be made as useful as ever by the Low Crown and Bridge System which I invented and introduced ? BEFORE The bestbest" is ~alalways the cheapest iu the end. My prices are as low as flrst-class work of this kind can be doiie. DR. J. E. L0^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER General Facts as to Chicago, - - - - 11 The Arrival in Chicago, - - - - 3^ Getting About the City, . - . 46 - Theaters, the Opera, and O.her Amusements, - 57 Racing, and Other Alhletic Sports, - - 64 Suggestions as to Shopping, - - - - - 68 The City's Parks, Squares, and IJoulevards, - - 73 A Tour of the City, ------ 83 9- The Lake, River, and Harbor, - - - loi iO. A Ramble at Night, ------- 104 II. Churches and Religious Work in Chicago, - - 112 12. Educational Institutions, - - - - - - 119 13- Art and Architecture, Monumenis, etc., - - 127 14. Clubs and Societies, - - - - - - - I33 15- Military Affairs, - - - - - - - 140 16. Hospitals, Dispensaries, and Nurses, - - - 141 17- Chicago's Charities and Benevolent Institutions, - 149 18. The Markets of the City (Stock Yards, etc.), - - I55 ig. World's Columbian Expos. tion, - - - - 163 20. Index, . _ - 217 (5) THE GLIDDEN & JOY VARNISH CO Cleveland, Ohio. —/A^tz- ^c^M^^^€^<LiA ^._S:^€^€>-C<:i^'U^ ilr^- ^ t.€J^t?--i-'i BRANCHES: BALTIMORE, BOSTON, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, NEW YORK. SURFACENE CHICAGO BRANCH: 278 E. Madison Street. LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL ILLUS- TRATIONS. Woman's Temple, -_--_. 3 A Typical Chicago Residence, - - - - 14 Map of the Burned District, - - - - 19 City Hall, __-.-. 23 Grand Central Depot, - - - - - 30 Van Buren Street Depot, - - - - 36 The Granada Hotel, - - - - - 39 The Cambridge Apartment and Hotel Building, - - 44 Fostoffice, - - - - - - - 53 McVicker's Theater, - .
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