Part 1 THE DISCOVERY OF UNSUSPECTED DANGERS Prologue. How Arthropods Came to Transmit Human Diseases Before proceeding with my main subject, I am tempted to a short discussion of the extraordinary phenomenon of arthropod transmission of pathogenic or­ ganisms, which involves a little speculation about their evolutionary history. There are some developments in evolution which seem fairly easy to explain on Darwinian principles, i.e. the selection of the more viable from minor, random changes, or the "survival of the fittest"; for example, the increase in size of horses with more powerful legs (well supported by fossil evidence); but it is less simple to understand the more radical innovations, such as the acquisition of wings by insects, which would seem valuable only when fully developed and scarcely so in rudimentary form. Such problems have stimulated recent discus­ sions about evolutionary theory, one book, 'The Blind Watchmaker' by Richard Dawkins, generally supporting Darwinism, while another, 'Darwinism, the Refutation of a Myth', by S0ren L0vtrupS question some of the more simplistic interpretations. Certainly, any knowledgeable biologist would be able to pro­ vide examples of the most extraordinary phenomena, which would seem almost impossible to have evolved from small random mutations (except for the extreme difficulty of finding an alternative solution). Having said that, the steps in the development of arthropod transmission of diseases will seem comparatively easy to accept. Purely for simplicity, I have adopted a teleological method of describing the ways in which pathogens "found it convenient" to be transmitted by arthropods. Initially, of course, there is the problem of the origin of any kind of pathogen, though (as we shall note) this is but the initial stage of the invasion of a higher animal (or plant) by a microorganism. (For the rest of this discussion, plants will be neglected.) That, however, was not simple, since, before the arrival of higher animals, micro­ organisms must have had to rely on solar energy and minerals, but when the higher animals arrived, their dead bodies would offer opportunities for sapro­ phytes and the living ones for parasitism. In both cases, of course, this would demand substantial modifications in the microorganism's biochemical systems. In addition, the invaded animals would develop defence mechanisms against the invaders, though in the initial stages they would suffer "disease". If that were fatal, it would also be terminal for the invading microorganism; and, in any case, J. R. Busvine, Disease Transmission by Insects © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993 2 The Discovery of Unsuspected Dangers the death of the "host" must eventually occur, requiring transfer to another one. Various ways of accomplishing this were "discovered". Those forms which parasitised the intestines could pass out with the faeces, with the possibility of contaminating the food of another host. Those which flourished on mucous membranes could pass to another animal during social or sexual contacts. If the lungs were the site of infection, transmission could occur by droplets of mucus sneezed or coughed out by the host. So much for superficial parasites; but some forms had found a rich source of nutriment in the host's blood. Blood parasites might be transferred to another host if a carnivorous animal ate a herbivorous one; but that posed the problem of the return journey. When, however, the blood-sucking arthropods arrived on the evolutionary scene, they offered a convenient way of transport to another animal. One simple way would be via traces of blood on the arthropod's mouthparts; but, although this still happens occasionally in some species, it is very inefficient, because the traces are obviously tiny and soon dry up, which is harmful for the pathogen. So the "development of a secondary parasitism in the arthropod" which, in the words of an early discoverer, "nurses" the pathogen and allows it to multiply before transmission to another vertebrate, was a most successful innovation, even though it required further modifications to accommodate to an entirely different type of host. The crudest means of transfer would be from the arthropod's gut, either via the faeces (which might be scratched into the wound made at the next blood meal) or possibly by regurgitation (as from the plague flea or perhaps the sandfly vector of leishmaniasis). A more permanent infection of the arthropod would result from the invasion of its body cavity, though initially the only means of escape to another host would be if the arthropod were eaten in the course of grooming, or possibly merely squashed by the teeth of the new host. However, more elaborate means of transmission were to develop when the salivary glands of the arthropod became infected and thus able to transfer the parasite with the next blood meal. In some of these different methods, the microorganism remains (so far as can be seen) generally similar, at least in form; but in others, it undergoes remarkable transformations (notably in the malaria parasite). This discussion of biological evolution has been somewhat theoretical; but the more recent evolution of arthropod-borne diseases, as they pass from one host to another, has much more practical importance. One essential matter is the degree of specialisation. Some pathogens can be transmitted by a fairly wide range of arthropods (though usually restricted to a class or even a family), but others can be transmitted only by members of a single genus. This may also be true of infection of the major host. It is fairly certain that very many arthropod­ borne diseases originated as infections of wild animals and the transfer to humans often occurred as our populations grew and expanded into virgin territory. It is still happening, and examples can be given of various stages of the process. In some, the pathogen has not reached the benign state in the wild animals and causes illness and deaths among them; these also severely affect humans when they acquire the infection. A well-known example is yellow fever, an infection of monkeys in the forests of South America and Africa, which Prologue. How Arthropods Came to Transmit Human Diseases 3 reaches man by different routes in the two continents. In other examples, the infection has reached a benign state in the wild animals, but is still deadly to humans (e.g. Rhodesian sleeping sickness in East Africa, Chagas' disease in South America and leishmaniasis in the same continent Malaria has perhaps reached a last stage in the process; it may have begun as an infection of forest primates, but after transfer to our pre-human ancestors, it became strictly a human disease when they left the forests. In contrast, typhus, which is also confined to humans, has probably been so since the time of our earliest ancestors. 4 The Discovery of Unsuspected Dangers Section 1. The Insect Vectors From Speculation to Certainty: The Incrimination of the Disease Carriers Today all educated people know the connection between mosquitoes and malaria and may be aware that other tropical diseases are spread by insects. These facts are certainly familiar to doctors who are connected with tropical diseases, as indicated by the emblem of the British Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, which includes a mosquito. The connection was established somewhat gradually, over the 20 years spanning the beginning of this century. Previously, scarcely any physician supposed that such apparently harmless trifles as gnats, fleas or lice could present a threat. Indeed, when the facts were first published, there were some who took a long time to be convinced. On the other hand, there had been, in earlier times, a few who made what now appear to be inspired guesses. Actual proof had to await advances in scientific methodo­ logy and technology. Early Indications Based on Circumstantial Evidence One might have supposed that the involvement of insects could have been suspected from their abundance in places or at times when diseases were prevalent; but such correlations were seldom very striking, and in ancient times it was more consistent with medical theory to blame climatic conditions, mysterious miasmas or even stellar conjunctions. For example, some of the earliest suggestions about insect-borne disease were made in relation to malaria, which was familiar to physicians even in classical times because of its prevalence in the Mediterranean region. The most speciously attractive theory was that it was caused by the fetid odour of decaying vegetation arising from marshes (hence the name mal aria or bad air, and the French paludism with its connection with marshes). However, one Roman, the experienced soldier and farmer Lucius Junious Columella (1st century A.D.), took this a little further. In a book on agriculture, he warned against farmhouses situated too near marshes, "which breed insects armed with annoying stings, which attack us in swarms; then, too, they send out plagues of swimming and crawling things, deprived of winter moisture and infected with mud and decaying filth, from which are contracted mysterious diseases which are beyond the understanding of our physicians". It is, perhaps, straining credulity to suggest this as a significant observation to connect mosquitoes with malaria transmission; but there is no doubt that these insects call attention to themselves by their annoying bites, which might later provide a clue. Since ancient times, Mediterranean peoples have tried to protect themselves from this annoyance, and a recent article by Lindsay and Gibson (1989) traces some early uses of mosquito nets, though they were not actually used as a protection from malaria until the anopheline connection had been discovered. The Insect Vectors 5 The intellectual ferment following the Renaissance in Italy led to renewed speculation about malaria. The 17th century physician Giovanni Lancisci (1695) in Rome must have been familiar with the disease in the adjacent Campagna; and he wrote a book on the subject: de N oxiis Paludum Eifiuviis.
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