Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Paid COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Tabloid Communications I COMPANY ~oat-Stl20 vw NO!H~I~ a lS >fj HfN3>t 0£ 3NOJH~~vw d M~I1 1IM Sl~J * I £l50L6 0L£0000000 IN ARTS Lounge lizards invade the Huh PLUS ••• 01 AUGUST 6·12, 1996 .'L· 1 ~JI 11 • • 118 P le:· · l 1 '--'" ', 'le, 1' 1" '-, 1:11 ' ,.,, SOC Taking aim at Austen's 'Emma' Bomb material found in dead man's apartment By linda Rosencrance paraphernalia and periodicals, hand employee and Navy veteran - a TAB Staff Writer grenades, vials of black powder helmsman aboard the U.S.S. 42-year-old Allston man and assorted other components that Kennedy-surrounded himself found dead in his could be used to make bombs raise wilh grenades, ammunition or A Brighton Avenue apart­ questions that no one seems able to explosive-making materials. ment last week apparently died of answer. The police bomb squad was natural causes, police said. Neither the police, nor William called to remove the ammunition, But a bizarre note left by the vic­ P. O'Connor's mother, Dorothy hand grenades and the vials of tim and an apartment liuered with O'Connor, who lives in Brighton, explosive powder and related A-B police gather ooiOOe the house on Madeline Street where:two bodies were discovered on Friday attemoon. knives, ammunition, military-type has any idea why !he fonner postal BOMB, page 31 '-----------------,----------__, Local leaders wary as mayor re-engineers BC Task Force By LJnda Rosencrance TAB Sta.ff Writer n a move some community leaders described as more autocratic than democratic, Mayor I Thomas M. Menjno has erased the Bost0n College Task Force - created in 1989 to deaJ with the university's impacts on the community - and replaced it with an advisory board that is more to his liking. Last week some residents - but not all of the Task Force members - received a letter from the Boston Redevelopment Authority notifying them that the new Allston-Brighton Advisory Committee on Boston College will hold its first meeting on Aug. 8. The BRA woc:k.s closely on development issues with Boston College and the communi ty. ''I'm currently on the Task Force, not as a representative of a community organization, but representing a group that no longer exists, and I didn't get a letter infonning me that the new advisory committee was in place and meeting this week," said Ray Mellone. "I guess !hat Camp DiscO\·ery, for 3-S year ollb. uses the trailer set up in front of lhe Brighton YMCA. Shortage of ~-pa ce inside lhe main building ha.~ led to tlie use or a trailer for the past few summers. Four-yenr-old Caitlin Ward takes a resl while other; play during a quiet-time period. means I'm no longer on the committee.'' TI1e letter stated lhat representatives of 10 community groups, including business and resi­ dent organizations, had been invited to partici­ pate in the meeting. Bui members of four of the YMCA plans leap the first hurdle live resident groups on the cornminee - the Allston Civic Association, the Circle Reservoir that wi ll give Lhe club land in Oak Square. and environmental hurdles before it can Relocation plans earn Community Association, the LUCK The amendment. which will transfer own- begin to construct a new YMCA building on page 30 state OK, but tough ership of an unused MBTA electrical rransfer the Washington Street ite, which is roughly TASK FORCE, problems remain tation in Oak Square to the Boston one-third of a mile away from the club's cur­ Redevelopment Authority, is being hailed ru rent building in Brighton. a tremendous victory for the club. according Local lawmaken. say the new site is need­ By Peter Pa11epe1110 Lo Al~ton-Brighton YMCA director Tun ed because the YMCA's current home is too TAB Stajj'Wri1er Garvin. small and outdated for its growing member­ he construction of a new AUston­ But it marks only a lirst seep on what is ship. But before it can move, the YMCA will Brighton YMC'A branch expected to be a complicated and costly road need to make amlllgcmcnts with the BRA to received the first of !ieveral need­ to a new YMCA. take over ownership of the site. Then it must ed approvals last week. as state Garvin tokl The TAB last week that the clean up the new site, come up with a Llevel- T S e e ~ p f! r i a I s u p p I e m e 11 t lawmakers approved a budget amendment YMCA must now dear several economic . YMCA, page 30 FI LE N E'S Downtown Boston Only• Lower Level You'll Find The Best Sportswear, Career Wear &~Imaginable, Stunning Evening Attire, World-Renowned Designers &Prestigious Makers! Designer & Coutur~ Fashions From The World's Most Prestigious Salons! Tbe designer event ofthe year is coming to the new Basement Vault & it's simply extraordinary! You'llfind the same exquisite designs selling in the most excl-usive salons in the world -the only thing that's missing is the fancy price tag. So go ahead & indulge in this truly int1redible collection,yo u deseroe it! Misses' Sponswear & ~From The Countries Finest Stores ::;:!~~~.~~:~~~. sg9.s399 Misses' Fall Sportswear From Three Favorite Italian Designers :;~::::=~~~... s7999.s399 Plus Size Sportswear From AFam ous European Maker :;~::::~~~~~~... $2599.$5999 Misses' Impeccable Italian Dt:signer 100%Woo1Suits $ compare at $400 ........... our low price 199 Misses' Designer One-Of-A-Kind Precious Fiber &Better Coats $ compareaf $1,500 ........ our low price 399 Misses' Top Designer Butter-Soft Lamb ~a~!::.......... ourlowprice $189 DOWNTOWN BOSTON ONLY • FILENE'S BASEMENT • DOWNTOWN BOSTON ONLY DOWNTOWN BOSTON• Special Hours Wednesday: BAM-BPM Located At Downtown Grossing August 6 -August 12, 1996 lbe Allston-tnghton TAB, page 3 A part of the solution Margaret O'Malley pu1 the plan Circle/Reservoir Community Local residents, imo action. Association was honored as one of groups honored ''Paul also works hard to pro- the city"s top 10 crime watches. moie Lraffic and pede 1rian safety. a The neighborhood crime wa1ch fighting crime major concern of the district," said group received an award from the By Linda Rosencrance Kara England. the civilian commu- Boston Police Depanmeni al acer- TAB Staff Writer nity service officer for District 14. emony held al the John Hancock aybe Paul "And he and other Aldie Street res- Tower. Berkeley wanted idents recently foiled an attempted Over the past year members of to be a larceny of a bike and then aided the Cleveland Circle crime wa1ch police offi- have initiated everal efforts Mcer when he grew up. Or to reduce fear and crime in maybe he just liked the uni- their neighborhood. fom1s. Then. aga in. maybe Last summer the group he just wanted to make his alerted neighbors and noti- neighborhood a safer place fied police regarding phony to li ve. solicitors asking for money But whatever the reason. for the 1995 AIDS Action Berkeley. who lives in Committee Dance-A-Thon AllMon, has spent the pa~ t and the 1996 Project Bread four years of his life work- Hunger Walk. England aid. ing wi1h 1he Boston police In addition, working with on a plan designed 10 the District 14 Community increase police presence in Service Office. the associa- city neighborhoods. lion provides information to And for his efforts. the Drug Unit regarding Berkeley, president of the drug activity and continual- Dan Ko (lefl l and Nelson Lee hang out al Star Market's outdoor care. Local residents Allston Civic Association. ~ ly works to combat graffi ti are concerned lhat the cafe is not licenq>() by the cit) . AngeJa Ro~lin~ photo. will receive a Community ~ and vandalism in the neigh- Service Award from the if borhood. Boston Police Department. ~ According to member The award wiJl be present- ~ Sally Mayer, the Cleveland Star's plans clash ed tonight, Aug. 6, at the ~ Circle Crime Watch Group. District 14 police station, ~crea t ed in I?91. ~a s con- 30 I Washington St., Among local residents honored recently for their fight against centrated efforts m 1995-96 Brighton. The award will urban crime was Paul Berkeley, head of the Allston Ch le toward curbing late-nigh I with city rules be presented as part of Association. disturbances caused by National Night Out: America's rowdy college students and The promotions, along with the Nighr Out Against Crime. an event officers in the arrest of the perpe- ha been keeping tabs on increas- City regulations bar that will be celebrated throughout Lrntor. Paul is an indispensable ing gang activity in the Cleveland establishment of an in-store carry­ out and s it ~down restaurant, have the city. The festivities at District asset to District 14 's efforts to deter Circle/Reservoir area. market entertainment \4 will take place between 5:30 crime reduce fear through neigh- Founded in 1984. the organiza- schedule, outdoor cafe legitimized Star as a genuine local and 7:30 p.m. borhood policing." Lion has worked to bring positive attraction. But residents who want ·Tue idea behind community BrigJuon resident Michael change in their neighborhood. to take advantage of them wm have By Peter P<mepento to move quickly. Because the s1ore policing is ro create a relationship Robinson will also receive a including establishing a resident TAB Staff Writer between the police and the commu- Community Service Award from parking sticker program: working does not ha ve the appropriate city­ he Siar Market in Packard's nily so that each group gets to Boston police tonighl for his part in toward community beautification: issued licenses, those services and Comer is giving new events that violate city regulations know the other.
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