0!)ani f 0tintB l^eto^. VOL. XL-NO. 37. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER lo. 1898. WHOLE NO. 2069. Teachers' association at Wlilianislon I'rolilliilinu CoinitT 'ricliot. I'roui Porto Uico. Oetiiber 21 and 22. Substitutes for Sunlight. At tlieir convention lielrl In Lans­ I'o.NOK, Poii'i'o Rico, Aug. 20, 'OS. l''Aniiei-s are very busy ciilting corn ing llie prohlhitionisis of tills county Eori'Oll iNtlllAW COONTV NKWS. arc mi'iicrous, fjooil :iiul prctly hero. iiominaled tlie following lieket: Hlier- There is not a liner showing ol" and sowing wheat. I have just received tiio NKWS of CHILD & CO. in, Clias. Bliafer, Mason; clerk, Floyd LAMPS anywhere witliiii an hun- J. F. lieniiftt is moving liack from A. Onrsline, Wliliainston; treasurer, July "til, and in glancing over its col- Owaloniia, Minnesota, to liia farm near Geo. Townsend, Dansviile; prosecut­ uimia I observe that most of Ihe boys •cveil miles and no one wanls to RO are writing lellers to tho NKWH and Okemos. ing attorney, G. R. Malone, Lansing; outside that limit to hnnt for one, wliy am I not entitled toa short space We c.in supply yonr wants. surveyor, Roy iiolib. Mason; coroners, •I)ecnusc ours are all right in every The comwiitlee on aniusemenla Is ill lis columns',' securing iiileresling atlructloiis for the Jos. Keene, Dansviile, lieiij, Sullivan, Just look at these prices. respect. Quality, Style, J?rilliancy In tliu paper aiiove named I read a free street fair October/I, 5, (i and 7. liOcke. and Value arc nnsnrpassed, few lines from Sergt. Snook, wiiicli re- recalls one of Ihe peculiarities of army So Ih S>k, hcKtlPour ,5,9c vVe have a large assortment of This Is proving to he a a fruit year Koiiio (jiioil Unecs. of alMindance. All varieties tiiat einild life, viz., wlimi one leasts expects It he SO lb nac/i Best Flour...7Vc Plain and decorated Globes at re- beexpeeledin Micliigaii markets are The ninth nialineu at tlie driving will meet some acquaintance. A few nnirkahly low prices. Chijnneys liere. park last Friday was poorly attendeil, days after wo inaile the llrst landing li bars Jnxoii, Soap 2Sc oil I'orto RIcaii soil I was detailed us for any style lamp. I'lugeiie Allen a memlu'r of Co, F, iuit as Is usually tlie case wiiere the al- acting commissary sergeant at army f) bars Santa Claus Soap S5o ,'llst ?,Ilel'.., slaliiincd near ivnoxville Is teiiilance i.s poor, the races were llic best of the season. headciuarters. One day after the liead- BROWNE'S BOOK STORE. at his liiimu near Holt sick with ty­ qiiartera was establlslied al Ponce I Granulated Sut/ar Si4 phoid malaria. A. O. Unliols of Leslie acted as starter, M. A. liemenlaml A. I. Bar- wasHlanding in tlie door of liie atore- Jixtru C Su(/ar Sc Parties desiring work done at W. H. lier as judges and W. M. McCrosseii room wiiore tlie commissaries were Timv AdvertlNoiilelllN llilN W«!i,h. Wells' Idiicksmitii shop during llie mid A. French of Lansing were the stored wiieii who should walk up and Slbs .liolletl Oats........SSf I'nre .Malt Vliii'i,'»r—VamlercooU tJrocery (^i. free street fair may reach liie same by timers. nsli me time of day but Sergt. Snook. llnnmial I?idnnonnints—.Mills Dry Goods Co. As I hud not seen liim for some years dibs Cravket's : SSc Hear Vn—Hrown Urns. way of the alley soutii of llio shop. * Tlic llrsi race called was the free-for- and lie was wearing a beard 1 ilii'l not Cloaks and Ca|>os—C. H. Hall. 'Corporal Will P. Hiivner, cjf Co, F, all trot or pace. Half mile lieaLs best J. lb Mne Enalish Break­ Kail iinSlH-C. A. I'arkhuiHl. three in live. In the second lieat liie recognize liim. Nevertlieless we coni- WE HAVE The CheaprHt I'lat^e—ICIninifll's Dep't .Store. who was home on a 10-days' hirlough, moncod to converse on dillereiit suli- fast Tea 40c Since KundfilllUK Ihe Circus—lloyt A Son. lra(!k record was i)rokeii by Little was taken sick with lyphoid and ma­ jecls, until I inquired about tiio Irisli laria fever ami was unable to relurn to Mollie. Green Wilson two years ago Cheese, 2)crlb _ XOc went a half mile in 1:110 but Little Mol­ boys and exposed tbo secret. We were Ids company last l'"riday. He is doing siiortly shaking baiiils and soon talk­ N-JSWS NOTE8, well and will be alile soon to Join them lie made It In l;0,S3 against a heavy wind. Following is liie summary ing about tiiti folks at home. A very at Knoxvllie. enjoyable meeting 1 assure you to one Court opens In Miwon Sept. 2(i. Lake .Shore. Diiklo.. I 1 One of Geo. Malone's "farmers' pic­ I.llllo .Molilu, Jessop ill this country, for liiere is no oilier Heinz's m lli'pniiliean county convention at l.(Hi. Fiiruuson means or cliance of enjoyment. nics" was lield at Dansviile laslFriday. Cash For Butter and Eggs. Miwon Sept. 27. Yellow Kiil.Heyuiour. Farmer Whiting,I''armer Q. A. Smllli. .Mary Orr. I'.rwln 5d" I must say lo llie readers of the liorn, Sejitenilier 8, lo Mr. iiiul Mrs. Farmer Iw. K. Howley and otiier fann­ Time, 1:11.lai»»i,l:IH, 1:09. NKWS Unit altiiongh I liavosullered a Klsdii Neely, u nun, ers came up from Lansing and .Mason The second race was the green race lew hurdships, I liaye enjoyed my farmers joined tliem here and went voyage this aunimer very imijii. I Ciiftiicery eiifle.s will be licard in or jiace. Four liorses faced the wire. over. It issaiil tiiat the farmers wlio Phil Armmir, owned liy D. Uririii, had an opportunity to view tiie demol­ ...VINEGAR MasiiH next Holiday. lislened were lo the farmers who spoke ished lieet of Cervera and Moro Castle Child & Co, would also have been ill tills race but as III lo 1. 'J'lie preinluin lists are out for tlie Justbefom tiio race was called some nt Santiago, having stopped tiiere on our way down here. From Santiago Mason free street fair. TlieHchools of Ihe eily promise to lie one told liim that pork liad taken a jump and Imniediately he started for we went to Gnantaiiamo liay, where The voice of Ihe irrepressllilo inerry- ofgrual excellency llie ensuing .year. the marines fouglit their llrst battle. Will keep PicUles. One Gallon go-roiiiid is heard In the land. They open witii mine non-resident town losee if tlie report was true. In A|i|il«H Wiiiiieil. his baste to gel out of tiie grounds he Ail the Went India lalaiids Inivo tlie will make two for lahlc use. pupils than a year ago and tliu liiter- We pay highest market price for all klniU SewiiiK niHchlno needles; All Ml in class work is line. TlieS. C. A. tore down a slrelch offence, damaged Huine appearance along tbo coast. orapples-lioih |Mioktn« and evaimralor. See This Vinegar is made from Uar- nmki's. At Jtuyinond's hardware. • Iield its fli'sl iiieeling yesterday and tlie sulky to wlileli lie was iiitclied and Nothing but hills and inountalns usl)»roroynuHoll,nt the K. M.chllds dryer JUNtnorthor Eden. last evening the H. Y. J'. U. gave a bruised hiniaeir up. He was llnally whicii are covered with tropical trees ley and Corn, The frinit of .Stroud k McDoimld's and plants, •'"•P H. P. HTAHI.KT A CO. Hlin-e Is heiiif! rffreshed by n coat of receplian to llie liigii school students canglit near A. I. Harbor's farm a little 1 rather admired lliccllmale of Porto paint, al llic Jiaptist elinrch. Visit tlie disgusled lo lind out Unit tiio pork Applen Wniilt'il, e schools. markel wasyetsteady. Dewey owned Rico at first, but now as tlie rainy sea­ At my evainiralor In .Mason. I pay Ihl highest price for them. JASOS Cuo.ss. Olw Try onr. l''rancl« I. I.nwry gels a divorce from by Hal Erwlii was an easy winner in son is settin:; in and a good many are LaPeari's great siiow has come and 8aimicl laiwry ou Hronnds of cruelly tills race. Following is the result: contracting Ihe fever, 1 tiiink lliere IIUNI •tri-iU .inly S.T. gone. From the time it la-gaii lo un­ and iioii-sup|iort. Di'wey, Krwin 1 I are lieallhier places lliaii this in the load in tlie morning mull It loadeil at United Slates. Yes, i|nlle.so. I have The siiine as other itonllsis ebni-ge S7.50 lo .•^Icuiklirhlije fair is always an nltriie- cbarliuH, Sluiw :; 'i SKI.m lor. inherworU In prouorllon. All lOc Bottle Ketchup! niglit it had pleiily ofspeelators. ]*eo- .laitk P. Price :i :i crossed the United Slates twice and work warranted. A. P. V.ISDKUSKN. 3wp ildii and Mils vear will l)e ti huiiiiner. ple remarked that liiu men were not UrantS, Sinllh * I have seen what the west i.i. I have September 2S, 2n and M. lioislerous liutgentleinanly and thegen- Time. 1::!'.', I::.'0. not been in any climate tiiat suits me CaiieiiNeN. eral verilictis tliut liie menagerie and Tiie third and last horse race of the as well as Micliigaii. I think if the Owossn free street fair i.s to he H JarKO aflernoon Was tlie 2:10 trot or pace. I(o|mlilloansnr.\hilednii will meet In cnn- event September 20, '21, 22 and 2;i.
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