11 December 2018 No 27/28 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen Ukraine stages new provocation in Kerch Strait: pursuing hidden agenda by Peter Korzun, Expert on wars and conflicts On 25 November, three Ukrainian naval Hungary ships made an unauthorised crossing Moldovan Ukraine through Russian territorial waters. The Romania Russian Coast Guard took measures Azov Sea Russia to force them to comply with the rules. Kerch They did not. There can be little doubt Serbia that Kiev sent those ships to deliberate- ly provoke Russia. Every ship that pass- Kerch Strait es through that waterway must contact Bulgare the Kerch Sea Port authorities, report her Black Sea route and destination, and be given per- Georgia mission to sail through. It’s really that simple, but Ukraine’s group of ships had not notified Russia in advance of their Greece plans. Warnings to stop their dangerous (map wikipedia/CC) maneuvering were met with a deaf ear. The Ukrainian vessels defiantly ignored try. The ongoing conflict with the self- vention on the Law of the Sea would take the requests to leave Russia’s territorial proclaimed republics has never prompted effect. Russia’s and Ukraine’s territorial waters. him to consider a state of emergency. But waters would extend for 12 nautical miles Kiev has rushed to accuse Moscow of he found the recent sea incident grave from their respective coasts. The interi- “military aggression.” The incident im- enough to justify the imposition of mar- or of that sea would become international mediately captured the headlines, with tial law prior to the presidential election waters, allowing NATO ships to enter the Western leaders raising their voices to that polls indicate he has a slim chance Azov Sea without restrictions. back Ukraine without even offering any of winning. Kiev also hopes that military aid from details about exactly what had happened The move would curb civil liberties NATO countries will increase, allowing or what had sparked this dangerous turn and give state institutions greater pow- it to build a powerful navy and coastal of events. NATO Secretary General Jens ers during the election scheduled for 31 defenses. It would like to have an inter- Stoltenberg wasted no time to express March 2019, if it is not postponed. Pres- national monitoring mission stationed in the bloc’s “full support for Ukraine’s ter- idential, parliamentary, and local elec- the Azov Sea, probably under the auspic- ritorial integrity and sovereignty, includ- tions, as well as strikes, protests, rallies, es of the OSCE and with the participation ing its full navigational rights in its ter- and mass demonstrations, are all forbid- of navies that are unfriendly to Russia. ritorial waters under international law.” den during a time of martial law. The in- Another thing the Ukrainian president Canada, Poland, and Denmark, in addi- cident at sea may not be the only prov- would like to see happen is for US Pres- tion to some other countries, were quick ocation that is planned. The situation ident Trump to cancel his meeting with to join their voices to the anti-Russian along the border with the self-proclaimed Russian President Putin at the G20 sum- choir. It serves their purpose to brush republics began to deteriorate as soon as mit in Argentina [as has already hap- aside both the details as well as any at- the reports about the sea incident start- pened]. tempts to try to gain insight into the real ed to pour in. Heavy shelling by Ukrain- What has prompted Kiev’s actions? It causes of this incident in particular or the ian forces of residential areas in eastern was the backing of the West. On 25 Oc- deterioration of the situation in the Azov Ukraine was reported during the evening tober the European Parliament adopted Sea in general. of 26 November. a resolution on the Azov Sea to express On 26 November, Ukrainian President Another motive – the provocation was its support of Ukraine. On 19 November, Petro Poroshenko signed a bill imposing staged to expedite the procedure of join- UN High Representative for Foreign Af- martial law. Once approved by parlia- ing NATO. The 2003 Russia-Ukraine fairs and Security Policy Federica Mogh- ment, it will remain in effect for at least agreement, which states that the Azov erini stated that the EU foreign ministers one month. Afterward it can be extended. Sea is considered to be the domestic wa- had discussed taking relevant “targeted The Ukrainian president did not raise the ters of both the two countries, can be an- measures” against Russia due to the sit- question of imposing martial law in 2014, nulled. A bill to repeal the treaty was in- uation in the Azov Sea. The US contin- when Crimea requested via referendum troduced in the Ukrainian parliament ues to expand its military assistance to that it be incorporated by Russia. Nor did (Rada) last summer. It forbids any war- Ukraine. The US already has a military he take that step in 2015 during the bat- ship from entering the sea without the facility in Ochakovo. Once the Oliver H. tle of Debalsevo Bulge in the heat of the consent of both nations. If that agreement fighting in the eastern part of the coun- is torn up, the 1982 United Nations Con- continued on page 2 No 27/28 11 December 2018 Current Concerns Page 2 Once again the escalation is taken to a higher level German-French arbitration offers not credible by Karl Müller On 25 November the Russian coast guard has seized three Ukrainian marine boats “The protection of the Russian border which are now kept in a harbour on the Crimean peninsula. Ukrainian marines is the task of the Coast Guard” have been injured and, for violating the km. On 29 November, on the occasion coast guard. The Russians had also an- Russian border, the Ukrainian ship crews of the current conflict between Rus- nounced that they would act in the same are to be brought to trial in Russia. sia and Ukraine, the German magazine way. If Ukrainian ships, under the acqui- As soon as the next day Russia was ac- Cicero asked Frank Elbe, the former escence [with the approval] of the presi- cused not only by the Ukrainian govern- German ambassador to Poland and dent, do not abide by the rules, they will India and head of the planning staff at trigger the current situation.” ment but also by the governments of var- the German Foreign Office under For- Shortly before in the interview Frank ious EU states, the EU itself, the NATO eign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Elbe had stated: “You also have to take and the US government. Russia was for his assessment of the situation. a look at the situation of Russia: The charged with exerting illegal violence So Cicero asked: “But is not the Rus- American effort to bring Ukraine and and planning to extend its power into the sian approach disproportionately ag- Georgia into NATO, the development whole Sea of Azov. Once again Russia gressive? To ram a ship and shoot at of a missile defence system, NATO’s ap- is threatened with sanctions and boycott people is not the way to help de-esca- proach to the Russian border. measures; the Ukrainian government was late the situation.” It is logical that this causes fear in demanding military support from NATO Frank Elbe replied: “The protection Russia. And that Putin cannot simply let of the Russian border is the task of the these developments happen.” and in particular Germany. None of the governments took into con- sideration that the Russian version might of an escalation of the conflict between ures are taken to prevent an escalation of be correct, stating that the Ukrainian ships Russia and Ukraine and the call for “de- the conflict? had violated the Russian border in order escalation” are not credible. Otherwise the to provoke and were not willing to leave approach would be a different one, tak- The statement of the German govern- Russian territory. ing the Russian version of the occurrence ment spokesman As a historian I have learned that it is also into account. This is why the Ger- That the position of the German govern- impossible to assess events the day after. man-French offer to arbitrate in the cur- ment is hardly “neutral” regarding the cur- It takes a thorough examination of many rent Russian-Ukrainian conflict is hardly rent events was demonstrated by the state- sources to acquire some kind of knowl- convincing. Not a lot is “neutral” in Ger- ment of government spokesman Stefan edge of what really happened. In the man and French government politics. Seibert on the morning of 26 November West’s dealing with Russia, this care and in the government press conference. Seib- diligence has long been neglected. But the Who is setting the tone in Ukraine? ert negated Russian rights on the Crime- political concept does not ask for dealing In an interview with Deutschlandfunk, an, again mentioned an “annexation of the diligently with facts; the goal is not to find Alexander Neu, member of the German Crimean against international law” and that the truth but to weaken Russia. Bundestag for the party Die Linke, stated the German government was also deeming on 26 November: “Ukraine’s sovereignty the construction of a bridge to the Russian Hardly credible corresponds to the sovereignty of a three- mainland as a breach of international law, Thus it is not surprising that after the in- year-old child, depending on his mum.
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