^i^;t:;5rj:-;i7^,^'-S. ;;i:ii:.l3*»e*»a-.^ -^ .*..^,,.,.v....^^i,.. X HiVQiVKivlH- !,lEi:OuIi.L LlBiM.RY i 8 ir Thursde THE BRANFORD REVIEW - EAST HAVEN HEWS 8 and 2 was mathimatlcally stiong- •^nirc 81*' er than Biantora's 8.=»nd 3- 'X Missing from the comblm irill be "^"^ Msebm scftcS/ej Joe Chandler Legion Nine Joe Chandler, Bd Murphy, Blake Hornets Down Lehr and Jerry Bryan. ^ . THE GENT May 12 Walllngtord Home To Practice All iiave passed the age Urnlt for Shelton High May 23 Mllford. Away Wins Coveted Legion play and most, are striving BY BIUL AHERN May 20 Seymour Home for position on tl>e >w." teani June 2 East Haven Away which openis Its season Sunday WHAT EAST HAVEN BOOSTS Shelton Home On Saturday back In the teen years q( the Twentieth Ceiitury, bloyble racing was In Wild Fray June 6 Sport Trophy afternoon. , ,„ „. „ ^„ June 0 'Walllngtord Away Candidates for the American . Several youngsters •will a'sp oe BOOSTS EAST HAVEN! one of the tsreat sporUs of the country. Each, neighborhood had Its I Joe Chandler of Branfurd, a three eligible for for American 'Legion in lis most powerful attack to 1 tnm-.^poni nthlptathletpe wawass presentepresentedd Coltjoi-- 1Legion Legion. , oasKuabasebalu l '-'="'".••",„team will„ meenftprt a- t MAKE EAST HAVEN A BIGGER, fchatnproiv and races ainong the champs, lyere .constant, tn New Haven, a dftloj Brantord, High Schocl's base- play all graduates of the Com­ 1£a0t Hawtt NttOB small bohed youth, itilnu.') bulging muscles but loaded witli savvy, was Sate ScToo'l's nwst'ccvetcd award Hammer .^'^Id on Satoday a?ter munity council league. Heading the boll-team won Us second Housatonlc the Sportsmanship trophy ar the noon at 1 P. M., It was um BETTER, BUSIER COMMUNITY better than mo.st ot the title holders. Ccai?ue victory Tuesday afternoon Yacht Club list are Burt Massey and ^JacKle annual banquet, ot the school's '"A^rboys who had no' reachedMcGowan , Bot,„..^..„^vh are . sur„. e fielder- .-s Combined With The Branford Review y_Two Dollars A Year So good wa.i lie that he became one of. tlie state's better known at Lafayette -Field In Shelton when athletic teams held in the Oncco and strong hitters are distinct pos- Conts Per It outlasted a bejoted Gael rally to Hotel on Tuesday night. The award the age of jeventeen before Janu a ^^^^^^^ K^^_. ^ pednl pushers und an amateur of considerable skill. Because ho was de- post d 0 to 5 vi]n. Lays Plans tAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY. MAY 18, 1950 vol'e'd to sport and bociiu.se ho knew that condition was the keynoljc to featured the presentation ot 3ar0y 1 of this year are eligible lor jjggy,^!.. jeague play is not listed Bight Jerry Bryan got the start­ monograms and awards to thtufthee t fnnrrteamt . ,,»ttuntiil Inllatpe 1InM June.Tlinp. success, particularly dgaiiist his more bprly opponents. Bill Harding ing nod from Coach Warren Samp­ For Races football and basetball teams., Several holdovers from lost sea­ VOL. VI—NO. 36 Iralbcd with considerable zeal and beoanie athletically able,' son and was effcctlye despite con- The award, the , "Joseph N. Coacson's htea Joe'drsenm will bee saidavailablet, Sundayo, wnepldyn, FOU^_NAMED Advertising Pays; More than one old tl.iiiRr, still remembers seeing his thin, form atop slant trouble. He was relieved In A special meeting of the Bran Wolher" trophy is presented an­ Coactalkinhg Jo ovee Orsenr thee prospectsaid Sundas foy rwhe thins paj, Lewis .Betsy Johnson, Geor- TOP SPORT FIGURES TO the .sixth frame when the wily nually to the boy who, best exem­ a racing two wheeler with his pipe stem legs churning in piston motion meiilor Casanova's experience to ford Yacht Club will be held years teams. .• . gette Amendola and Pat Patterson Owners Amazed While tlie bike literally now over the track. i , ,. Wednesday evening. May 17th, at plifies the spirit of clean sports and SS^in thf number are Ad^ Dour oU on troubled seas. Ten errors 8:30 P, M. to lav Dians for the Con­ saclllce during the basketball sea- " • "-- —'^^•" ""•« Ad- fjave been Wamed to the cheer- REPUBLICAN CAUCUS MONDAY AclvcrWsea-s hi the Knst Haven Coupled with condition and mind, v/as still another great.quality behind the two pitchers gave a necticut State Lightning Champion­ .sbn. Similar awards are made by Taylordlson ,Long Bob, MasseyButcli , °°f^S"h?nerBilly GeneraW"l Schooleodlnlg tosqua 1-eplacd ote fou Branforr seniod r Higgirlhs News haye lonR realized that "It ATTEND AWARD DINNER which never left hlin. His. heart never know the meaning, of quit,, Ho nightmarish touch to'the contest. ship sailboat races which will be the New Haven Jewish Center and Butch Ltpkvlch, Terry Ponofrlo, Who will graduate this year. The pays to advetUse ' and by the same Lusty power was )n the local bats renders have Ithew t,hal( sohi'e\yhere In every race a chamiilon had,to outTast, ovitgame for'the first time this season. hold August 6th and flth olf Bran- the University of Connecticut. Eon Tremantdno. Bob Mason. Joe announcement was made this week token this paper's ford Harbor. , ,, • Athletic D(reotbr Fletcher W. Paul. Vmcent Casanova, Pmnk by Miss 'Virginia Moessmang, faculty WILL NAME DELEGATES TO patronized Its advertlsprs. The aild outfight every worthy opponent. 13111. wa.s. capable and, It was on Eddie, Murphy. Jerry Hayward and patvounge even extended Into the Bobby Mason each had a brace, of Wayne firockett; a member of the Ferguson served as toastmaster at Lain'e. George TorelU, Don Cec- advisor. IN SCHOOL GYMNASIUM >. that tili'allty alone t^at those who lined the sidelines cheered the club aild defending Lightning the dinner and Robert Ingalls, as­ corulll Jery Haywary and Pete hours ot this'post Tuesday ijdm'e llttlt kid on the racing machine. hits to, their credit and catcher :^^lng"J^ierhaps;carlyWednes- Throe of the nation's outstand­ Hog Anderson dented the plate Champion, will Introduce Com­ sistant football coach at the Uni­ ing aport celebrities will come tO' - ,, gut one thing Bill. HaMIng never learneii was to take an unfair ad­ twice.for Important tallies. modore Johannasen of the CoUr versity, of - Connecticut, gave the'"Fran k J.' Klnnoy Jr., will be COMING STATE CONVENTIONda y East Haven for the annual High vantage of d opponent. Tlie crowd Uitwise appldlidetl that quality. ..Nester was Che starting and los­ neollcut Lightning District. "The principal talk. : Legion manager of the team. ^^ ^^^^l>^?irthS£"lt^5to,adyertls- 'tlSJ^^r S^rSS^ye JUNIOR PROM TAKES 1Schoo l Athletic Award Dinner w ing chvckcr for the.Shelton lads Commodore will.tell the club what The presentation was made by This year will mark the second be given In the high school gym Thus It was that he became wtll liked. Combined with his racing J Is expected of them In playing host .year which the town has_had_^a At a meeting of the Republican | for the customer lili nuosUon and Potruzella relieved him in the Headmaster Samuel Pite, made When Calvin Robinson and his on Saturday evening. May a7th. prowrcss was a bubbling youth filled with the zest of living and an all sixth... '., •, ,• to this regatta and-what duties are Chandler's presentation. team reprcsenttag .Branford. Last Town Committee held on Tuesday EIGHTY COUPLES ENJOY PLACE FRIDAY NIGHT John Marshall, coitsldcrcd by that they win have to. assume. season the unit finished in a tie son Randall opened up The East round nice guy. • Loose play gave Brantord .its Basketball foul- shooting prizes night a slate of delegates was Haven Building Supply on SaKon-1 many to bo the greatest swimmer It win be.a^ala.two-day event fdr second In the New Haven area named to be presented at the Re­ In the world and a native of Aus- In time Bill left the flcid. Most ot the devotees jOf the sport stayed first, two,,runs : In. the very first and one or the busiest In the local were won by Phil Ragbzzlno, Mickey play Post « of New Haven was ANNUAL LEGION BALL IN stall Parkway Wectnesdny morning, AT SCHOOL GYMNASIUM frame \vhen Pete Abiortdl reached Plte and-Bob Howard. Mickey Pit?, likewise j-dnner-up.. The toP team publican primary to be held in the a television set was conspicuous by too long In tlie game and the slim bicyclist was. determined that his who captained last tail's successr Itown Hall on Monday evening, Its absence. Entry had been gained workmen were busy today putting ^A^nXe"?'"!?^"a"^ wm" unc?d'"'thfa heart would never be stilled prematurely through ((train induced by second on RozoWskl's misoue after the hill, the Ottcls fashioned an­ was Walllngtord whose record of BRANFORD STATE ARMORY on the finishing touches to the Cv"ok"li;ill^o'''EasT Mav"e"» oijJS walklhgto open the game. A double other' tally. Larson opened with a ful football squad and whoj has May 22. by forcing a window. Actually, tho pedaling over-excrtloji.. stealsent him to third ancj Murphy earned five, major monograms at ball and basketball montj-rams to Chairman Jack P. Lawlor said ulprlb had some (elaborate plans sciiool gymnasium where the "an" - LOU r,.wu„„DePUpp„o Pordhain's_ great walk and wont to third on Nester's over elEhty couples were present Foxon Park T,,niivn?i Haven High school Junior Ucnier of tl But he kept the frlends.he had made, ••..,, to thiJ keystone, whereupon the one base .smash. Petruzella walked Collegiate, -tjas given a special award the "C" winners,'23.In football and today that the following will be la?t^lildL?e^enin.lntheBranord tor his entry.
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