![Botrytis Cinerea) -Faretra, F](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Recent advances in Botrytis research Proceedings of the IOt h International Botrytis Symposium, Heraklion, Crete, Greece 5- 10Apri l 1992 K. Verhoeff, N.E. Malathrakis & B.Williamso n (Editors) ! \ Pudoc Scientific Publishers t r Wageningen, 1992 r CIP-data Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag ISBN 90-220-1070-8 NUGI 835 © Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation (Pudoc), Wageningen, Netherlands, 1992. All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, stored in a computerized system or published in any form or any manner, including electronic, mechanical, reprographic or photographic, without prior written permission from the publisher, Pudoc, P.O. Box 4, 6700 AA Wageningen, Netherlands. The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain the responsibility of the authors. Insofar asphotocopie s from this publication are permitted by the Copyright Act 1912,Articl e 16Ban d Royal Netherlands Decree of 20Jun e 1974 (Staatsblad 351) asamende d in Royal Netherlands Decree of 23 August 1985 (Staatsblad 471) and by Copyright Act 1912,Articl e 17,th e legally defined copyright fee for any copies should be transferred to the Stichting Reprorecht (P.O. Box 882, 1180 AW Amstelveen, Netherlands). For reproduction of parts of this publication in compilations such asanthologie s or readers (Copyright Act 1912, Article 16), permission must be obtained from the publisher. Printed in the Netherlands Bibliotheek Planteziektenkundig Centrum Binnenhaven 8 -Postbu s 8122 6700 ER WAGENINGEN Table of contents Page Preface 1 Introduction 2 Genetics 5 Genetic studieso fBotryotinia fuckeliana (Botrytis cinerea) -Faretra, F. and Grindle, M. 7 Moleculargeneti canalysi s ofpathogenesi s ofBotrytis cinerea - Van Kan, J.A.L., Bergmans, C.J.B. andVan 'tKlooster, J.W. 18 Toolsfo r moleculargeneti c analysiso fBotrytis cinerea -Bergmans, C.J.B. and VanKan, J.A.L. 22 Genetics ofCrea mmutant sof Botryotinia fuckeliana (Botrytis cinerea) withaberran tproductio n oflaccas eenzym e- Faretra, F. andMayer, A.M. 25 Pectindegradatio nb yBotrytis cinerea: amolecula rgeneti c approach - / Kusters-van Someren, M.A., Manders, B.J.G. andVisser, J. 30 Host-Pathogen interaction andphysiolog y Botrytis cinerea: host-pathogen interactions- Kamoen, 0. 39 Activation ofhos tdefenc e mechanisms inrespons et oBotrytis cinerea - Heale, J.B. 48 Productioni nvitr oo fpolygalacturonase s byBotrytis cinerea -Johnston, D.J. andWilliamson, B. 59 Significance of polygalacturonase production byBotrytis cinerea inpathogenesi s- Leone, G. 63 Polygalacturonases ofBotryti scinere a - Van derCruyssen, G. andKamoen, O. 69 Thefunctio n oflaccas efro m Botrytis cinerea inhos tinfectio n - Viterbo, A., BarNun, N.and Mayer, AM. 76 Relationshipbetwee n greymoul d ofgrape san dlaccas eactivit y inth emus t- Roudet, J., Prudet, S.and Dubos, B. 83 Enzymaticdetoxificatio n of stilbenesb yBotrytis cinerea andinhibitio nb ygrap e berries proanthocyanidins -Pezet, R., Pont, Vand Hoang-Van, K. 87 Differing biochemical andhistologica l studieso ftw ograp ecultivar s inth evie w of theirrespectiv esusceptibilit y andresistanc et oBotryti scinere a -Pezet, R. andPont, V. 93 Somecharacteristic s ofresistanc eo fgrap eberrie st ogre ymoul dcause db y Botrytiscinerea -Prudet, S., Dubos, B.and Le Menn, R. 99 Invitr obioassay st oevaluat eth erelationshi pbetwee n grapevines andBotrytis cinerea -Bessis, R., Vannel, D.and Barbier, M. 104 Theus eo fphytoalexi n induction ando f invitr omethod s asa too lfo rscreenin g grapevines for resistancet oBotrytis cinerea -Jeandet, Ph., Sbaghi, M. and Bessis, R. 109 Ethyleneproductio n andgrowt h ofBotrytis cinerea inkiwifrui t asinfluence d by temperature andlo woxyge nstorag e- Niklis, N. D., Thanasoulopoulos, C.C. andSfakiotakis, E.M. 113 Influence ofplan tgrowt h regulators onmycelia lgrowth ,germinatio n ofconidi a andpathogenicit y ofBotrytis cinerea -Benlioglu, S.and Yümaz, D. 119 Thephysiolog yo fconidiatio n inBotrytis squamosa - Balis, F.J. andLorbeer, J.W. 123 Dectection ofBotrytis cinerea ongerber aflower s using monoclonal antibodies- Salinas, J.and Schots, A. 127 Theeffec t ofgamm airradiatio n onBotrytis cinerea andB. aclada causin g roto f pearan donio nrespectivel y -Gürer, M. andTiryaki, 0. 133 Impedance mycology,a ne wrapi d method for theevaluatio n ofmetaboli c activity ofBotrytis cinerea andB. aclada asinfluence d byenvironmenta lfactor s - Nielsen, P.V. andKampp, J. 136 Nuclearmagneti cresonanc e(NMR )microimagin g ofsof t fruits infected by Botrytis cinerea - Williamson, B.,Goodman, B.A., Chudek, J.A. and Johnston, D.J. 140 Epidemiology Epidemiology ofgre ymould ,cause db yBotrytis cinerea invegetabl egreenhouse s- Elad, Y, Stienberg, D.,Yunis, H. andMahrer, Y. 147 Epidemiology ofBotrytis cinerea ingerber a andros egrow ni nglasshouse s- Kerssies, A. 159 Biological Control Biologicalcontro lo fBotrytis: state-of-the-art -Dubos, B. 169 Biologicalcontro lo fBotrytis cinerea ongrapevin eb ycompos textract s andthei r microorganisms inpur ecultur e- Ketterer, N, Fisher, B.and Weltzxen, U.C. 179 Effect ofth esubstrate ,temperatur e andtim eo fapplicatio n onth eeffectivenes s of threeantagonisti c fungi againstBotrytis cinerea -Malathrakis, N.E. and Krisotaki, O. 187 Biologicalcontro lo fBotrytis lea f blighto fonions :significanc e of sporulation suppression -Kohl, J.,Molhoek, W.M.L., Van derPlas, C.H., Kessel, G.J.T. andFokkema, N.J. 192 Biological controlof Botrytis ro to f apple- Gullino, M.L., Benzi, D., Aloi,C. and Garibaldi, A. 197 Biologicalcontro l ofBotrytis cinerea oncol d storeddutc hwhit ecabbag e- Leiffert, C, Sigee, D.C. andEpton, H.A.S. 201 Droughttoleranc eo fBotrytis squamosa, B.aclada andpotentia lantagonis t- Kohl, J.,Krijger, M.C. andKessel, G.J.T. 206 Efficacy ofa grapefrui t seedextrac tBC-100 0fo r control ofBotrytis cinerea in tablegrap ei nChil e- Esterio, M.A., Auger, J.G., Vazquez, E., Reyes, M. and Scheelje.F. 211 Chemicalcontro l Chemicalcontro lo fBotrytis spp. - Gullino, M.L. 217 Action ofstero lbiosynthesi s inhibitors againstBotrytis cinerea -De Waard, M.A. andStehmann, C. 223 Investigations onth edicarboximid e resistanceo fBotrytis cinerea. II.Incomplet e crossresistanc ei nth eRheinga u -Borge, J.F.R., Abolgassani, N. and Schlösser, E. 228 Stability ofbenzimidazol e resistancean ddiethofencar b sensitivityo fBotrytis cinerea -Ishii, H., Fukaya, M., Faretra, F., Takeda, F. andTomita, Y. 232 Effectiveness ofsom efungicide s andfungicid e combinationso nBotrytis cinerea isolates- Delen, N.and Ozbek, T. 238 Thechemica lcontro l ofBotrytis cinerea infrui t culture- Creemers, P. 242 Effect offungicid e application techniqueso nth econtro lo fBotrytis cinerea and development offunga l resistance- Besri, M.and Diatta, F. 248 Effect ongre ymoul d ofpresenc eo fBotrytis cinerea strainsshowin g reduced sensitivity todichlofluani d -Pappas, A.C. andElena, K. 252 Controlo fBotrytis cinerea incu tros eflower s bygibberelli c acid,ethylen e inhibitorsan dcalciu m -Shaul, O., Elad, Y,Krishner, B., Volpin, H. and Zieslin, N. 257 Mannansfro m Botrytis cinerea strainsresistan tt odicarboximid efungicide s - Kamoen, O., Geeraert, H.and Van der Cruyssen, G. 262 Bacillus brevis asa biocontro l agentagains tBotrytis cinerea onprotecte dchines e cabbage- Edwards, S.G. andSeddon, B. 267 Integration ofbiologica l andchemica lcontro l for greymoul d -Elad, Y and Zimand, G. 272 Controlof Botrytis spp.i ntuli pwit h reduced inputo fchemica lcro pprotectio n- Koster, A.ThJ. andVan derMeer, L.J. 277 Controlo fgre ymoul d of tomatoesi ngreenhouse s withfungicide s and antagonists- Malathrakis, N.E. andKlironomou, E.J. 282 Namesan daddresse so fParticipant san dAuthor s 287 Preface Since 1964, plant pathologists working on diseases caused by Botrytisspp . have met regularly in the so-called European Botrytis symposia and ten of these symposia have beenheld . Atth elas fivet symposia ,specialist so nthi ssubjec tfro m othercontinent sals o participated inth ediscussions .A tth esymposium ,hel d in 1976,i twa s suggested thata book on the state-of-the-art in Botrytis research should be produced. As a result, 'The Biologyof Botrytis' waspublishe di n 1980,edite db yJ.R . Coley-Smith,K .Verhoef f and W.R.Jarvis . Since1980 ,mor ewor ko nthes efung i andth edisease sthe ycaus ehav ebee npublishe d anda nup-datin g ofth eboo kwa sneeded . In 1992, the 10th Botrytis symposium took place on Crete, Greece, and it seemed appropriate, topublis h theProceeding s of this symposium. Therefore, onespecialis to f eachsectio no fth esymposiu mwa saske dt oprepar ea revie wpaper .Thes ereview swer e followed byshorte rpresentation s anda numbe ro fposter swer epresented . Thetex to f almost allth eora lpresentation s ando f someo fth eposters ,ar epresente d inthi sbook . Wear egratefu l toth eauthor sfo r theircooperatio n inpreparin g thisbook .W e would liket oexpres sou rsincer ethank st oMrs .J. M .Mokveld ,wh odi d allth etyping . With great appreciation, we acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Agriculture,Natur eManagemen t andFisherie so fTh eNetherlands ,whic henable du st o publishthes eProceedings . K. Verhoeff N.E. Malathrakis B. Williamson Introduction K. Verhoeff Thegenu sBotrytis, erected in 1729,contain s alarg enumbe ro fhost-specifi c pathogens (e.g. B.fabae onbroa dbean ,B. aclada ononion ,B. tulipae ontulip) ,an da singl ebroa d spectrum pathogen, viz.B. cinerea, which attacks a wide range of plants in temperate regions.B. cinerea attacks field-grown cropslik
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