Special 64 .Page Isslte Complete Report: The Third World Congress Of the Fourth International Survey and Analysis of The Final Crisis of World Capitalism November-December 1951 25c WOrkel'H' state, why it broke Manager's Column from Stalin's yoke, and its FOURTH INTERNATIONAL evolution since the famous We takc special pride in split. The two res"olutions are Volume XII Nov.-Dec. 1951 'No.6 (Whole No. 113) introduced by separate re­ prc.3cnting- this issue of }4~ourth Published Bimonthly by tbe Intt'l'national to t.he American ports. The "Latin American labor and l'adieal' public. Taken resolution, which stands by Fourth Internattonal Pu.b.ltsbi-ng Association itself, should be of special in­ HI) University PI .. Ncw York 3, N. Y. Tele-photle: AI&,onqlilln 0-7460. together, the speeches and Subscription rates: U.S.A. and Latin America $1.20 tPl' G issues; documents of the Third World tenst jn our country. It rep­ bundlel:l. 4:l0c for " copies and up. J.<'oreign and Canada.: $1.60 tor Ii issues; bundles 21<: for" copiel:l and up. Congresf: of the Fourth In­ resents the most substantial Marxist contrihution to a study Reentered as second class matter April 4. 1950. at the Post ternational waich have been Ottice at .New York. N. Y .. uuder the Act of March 3. 187lJ. of the problems of a vast, translated from its press serv­ Ma,naging Editor: G~ORGE CLARKE icp, provide thc most com­ awakening continent which liusiness Manager: JOSEPH HANSEN prehensive analysis of the will soon follow Asia and the rapidly changing world ::;itua­ Middle East into the world- CONTENTS tion yet to appeal'. They are an wide socinl crisis. indi~pensahlc guide for a real A word about the Fourth The Third \Vorld Congress of the under:;tanding of the "colrl International. We do not have _ l~ourth. International 163 war," the "two camps," of the the gpace here to describe the A Milcstone in Internationalism A It Editorial 164 nature and COl1Hcquenecs of histol:Y of the three Interna­ Reports to tho Congress: World War III jf and when it tionals which preceded the World Trotskyism Rearms By Aficbel Pablo 168 occurs. Fourth, or to discuss the Evolution of Eastern Europe By Pierre Frank 176 At the ::;UJl1C' time we are not C(tU~t'~ for their rise and Yugoslavia: Review and Outlook unaware of tlw difficulth'R decline. '1~hose interested in many l'l'adel':'; fllld in following' the f.ub,icct should consult t.he By Harold Livi11,gstoll.e J77 the style u~('d jn resolutions cat'lloguc of books and pamph­ Hcsolutions of the Congress: w:,i('\1 dri\'(' lllOl'e for ::;cit'n- l('t.~;; on the back cover for Theses on Orientation and Perspectives 184 t iti(' prl'(',isioll than fol' popular reading material. The International Situation 189 j)n':;cntation. 'I'll<' l'eadl'l" will Tl1£' Fourth International is Class Nature of Eastern Europe 195 discovcr, <i!-' we have, that the all rrganization of working­ The Yugoslav Revolution 202 ~uh.kl't Jilatt(']· j~ so jnform<l­ c1asl; pnrtics and groups hl Latin America: Problems and Tasks 207 tin', ~o pClll'trat ing' into the some 30 countries on all con­ Fourth International Index for 1950,-1951 219 l'l'a!ity of OUI' timt' a:-:; to malw tin~nts. It was founded jn tile ~\ddit.il)llal dfort. }'<'quired 19:38, under the leader~hip of wdJ worth tlH' time. l1owc\,rl', Leon Trot~ky, to (·hampion the tually outlawed international tlH~, ll1HIl('1:I mill addrel:lseol:l or tho in­ we :11'1..' fortUJwtc' in thi:'l case d h'ldual O\\1Il'rl:l JIIUl:'t be gi\'en. j[ pl'O,C:l'am betrayed by the Stal­ ti(':, for anyone except the in being able tn puhlil'h the ownf'd I>y II. llll;l'tlle':'shul or other inis~-dominated 'PhiI'd Interna­ State DE'partment and the IL1\Il\cort~o:-atcd fi 11111 , Its na.me and repolts b he 'COJl~:·f('~s. These a dd I'C I' I:' , as well as that of tiach tional. The struggle against Roman Catholic Church. in<lh'lduRI llll'llIb('r. 1ll11l:lt bo given.) spcf'('lw" :11'(' an daboration tht' perversion of the Comin­ The act was another measure l"ourth Internationa;l I'u'blishing .. nil ('xpl:lnation oj' till' VUri()UR .\~s'n, 116 Unl\-ersity I'r., New YllrJ~ tel'n - scuttled in 194:~ a:.; part of the reactionary decadence 3. Jam.. ,s .1'. Cannon, 1,16 tTlll\'el"l!ity dO(,lI\11cnts ~h()tl1:l »l'o",ioe and of a deal bet\\'eC'll Stalin and of our ruling circles. It was, 1'1., ;»;('W York 3. \'Incent H.. Dunne. an exn'llcllt intl'odudi()11 llli L'nin'rsity Pl., ;»;ew Yo!'I{ 3. Jo­ to hi:;; "oemocratic" capitalist we arc confident, a futile I'('ph llunsen, llti University 1'1., New them. Yorl, 3. alIiN; -" into a tool o,! t.he attempt to stop the progress 3. 'rhe known bOlldhold('J"s, mOl't­ Thp kt'~1 l'l':;()lutiull is t hI' ~JlJ(~ Soviet bUl'eHUCl'aey is one of of ideas, which unlike persons ~agt'ci'l, ~Lnd other security holdcrs oll'ning 01' holdinll' 1 percent 00' mON ('allcd "Theses on Orientation the most significant chapters and organizations, cannot be of total alllount of bonds, mllrtgagcl<. and Pl'rslwetiye~:' It seek;,; tn in the stl'uggle fOl· Marxism sto:Jped at the frontier. or othl'l' lSe('uritll's arc: (If 1.'hcre ure llQn(' , 1:10 sta"te.) XOllC. unrawl tlw main trenos and int.ernationalism in the Wjth these words we turn ,I. J.'ara,gmaphs:! and 3 indudc, in operating in the world today workers' moverllent. Despite the magazine over to yOll, C.a.:<('s when"e the stot'l~hold'el' or se­ its curity holdcr apf)68;l"S upon tho boo\'1:1 all,l thlL; 10 dcterminc the reaction, war, isolation and readers. of tho l'olllopa,ny ua tl"UlltOO 01' in any utllcl' fldtwiUl:'Y relation. the namo II at u r c alld dired,ion of persecution, the Fourth In­ of the pCl'llOn or l'OrpOl',at.ioll fol' whom tl:1C' ti'll1Jll'~tunllS dp\'C',lopment.:-; ternationnl has never wavered Sl'.\'1'J.;~m:,\T 0.'" Till:; OW:'\J~n.SIUl·. I"lJC'h trust.l'O il$ ading; also t.he IItato­ ~JAX\(tK'IK"T. ,\XD (,IReta.A­ lllt'nt:o; in the two pal'agralJhl$ Ilhow which arC' in th(~ making. Tlw from fais program. nos RJ<~(WJRlm HV '1'U.l<.: Ac'r tho affiant'~ fuJI lmowled"e and be­ l'(':,,)]ut iOI1 (111 "The Interlla- The mat(,l'ial co 11 t a i ned· OF COXOH"'~I'!I~ OF .u)(a:ST :U. lief as to tho cil'('ullu.tancE's and con· HU:!. AS A-:\lI'~XDEn BY TUI~ dition~ unul'~' which I'tocl{holdel'san.l tiO'l:d ~itua:ion" i:5 :L rounded h('l'l'in is reprintt'd for the in­ :\('1'10'1 01" }J.\R<'~H :i. 11)33. AX)) :<Cl'llI"ity hold('I's who do not appear jlolit inti l!nd ('('ollomie analysis formatio~l of our reaoers and .Jl'l.Y 2. 1946 (Title 38'. l..'nlted upon the books of the company as ~t,tlfl'" ('odC', SC'ctloll 2:13) tl"ust('P", hold I'ltoe\{ and ll('lcuritiE's In (If :')rl"'('nt ('V('llt;-;. Both dot'u- doe:; not necessarily reflect Of Fourth Jntp('IlHliollal, puhllsh('d lL ('apaeity other thnn that of a. bOlla d\I-~l11nthly at. New York. N. y" lOl' fide 0\\"11('1'. Cl ))1ent~ n' illll'odlll'C'd b:v' the thE' views of thi:'i magazine. A1- Od. 1. W~O, ::i. The average number oC copies J'C'Jl:'l't. of l'aeh 1I'l<ue of thia publication soid of :\1 i<:h(>l P;lblu. thollg'h we share in common 1. 'J'h{) lHUIlCH Hud add;'e~:<cs or 01' ili ... t,l'ibutcd. through the l\Iall!i 01' 1110 pllhli:<hol', edit(ll". managing edi­ The illl})C1I';ant"c 'pf tlw otlH'I' th!" ~ame general ideology, the othcl"witlc, to paid oSubsl'lrlberl:l during' t"r, and 1>1ll<lnet!1S mHlHlll'Crlt are: il'ulJ­ tlw l:.l months preceding the date thn'(' rl'~!llnt inn:' - on En:-t- mag'nzine Fourth International li:<>\JCl' Fourth Inte1'natiollHI Publlsh­ o!<lWII'l1 alw\'c was: ('fhls Information Ing '\"~'Jl, lIt; l'lIl,crslty PI .. Xew l'm 1':Ul'op(', Yug'o:,la\"ia H1H1 has n.:> binding' 01' official con­ i" I'l'C!lIh'('d j"l'Olll daily. Il'cl'l{ly, I!cmi­ York ::, I~\lito:' G('orge Clarke, lIt; \l'l'('ldy, und t:'iweelil~' Ilt'W::;Pa.pct'S L:llin AllH'l'i('H -- :,':1011 d bE' nectio~, to f'1c organization of l'nh'p('... ity PI .. Xcw York 3. Man­ ' onl~'.) a~fng' c\lito!' George Clurke, 116 Uni­ (Sillned!) JOSEPH llAXHl!:;\' ,-:('If.·c\"idVl1L TIH'Y pJ'ob~ into the same name. The name was H'rllity Pl., .xc", York 3, HuslneOis iDu·sinells l\!anag'cr tht, pl'O(~f";~ by whieh olH'-third adopted in IH40 when the Trot­ llla,llH~el' Joseph Hansen, 116 l:nivel'­ :<ity PI.
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