Workshop Programme 3rd Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Construction and Exploitation of Sign Language Corpora 08:45 – 09:00 Workshop opening & welcome 09:00 – 09:30 Diane Lillo-Martin, Deborah Chen Pichler: Development of sign language acquisition corpora 09:30 – 10:00 Onno Crasborn, Inge Zwitserlood: The Corpus NGT: an online corpus for professionals and laymen 10:00 – 10:30 Trevor Johnston: Corpus linguistics & signed languages: no lemmata, no corpus. 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 11:30 Lorraine Leeson, Brian Nolan: Digital Deployment of the Signs of Ireland Corpus in Elearning 11:30 – 12:00 Johanna Mesch, Lars Wallin: Use of sign language materials in teaching 12:00 – 13:30 Poster session 1 13:30 – 14:30 Lunch 14:30 – 16:00 Poster session 2 16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break 16:30 – 17:00 Onno Crasborn: Open Access to Sign Language Corpora 17:00 – 17:30 Adam Schembri: British Sign Language Corpus Project: Open Access Archives and the Observer’s Paradox 17:30 – 18:00 Cat Fung H-M, Scholastica Lam, Felix Sze, Gladys Tang: Simultaneity vs. Sequentiality: Developing a transcription system of Hong Kong Sign Language acquisition data 18:00 – 18:45 General discussion 18:45 – 19:00 Workshop closing i Workshop Organisers Onno Crasborn, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands Eleni Efthimiou, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athens, Greece Thomas Hanke, University of Hamburg, Germany Ernst D. Thoutenhoofd, Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities & Social Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Inge Zwitserlood, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands Programme Committee Penny Boyes Braem, Center for Sign Language Research, Basel, Switzerland Annelies Braffort, LIMSI/CNRS, Orsay, France Patrice Dalle, IRIT, Toulouse, France Evita Fotinea, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athens, Greece Jens Heßmann, University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany Trevor Johnston, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia Lorraine Leeson, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Adam Schembri, University College London, UK Graham Turner, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Meike Vaupel, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany Chiara Vettori, EURAC, Bolzano, Italy ii Table of Contents Title Page Patricia Álvarez Sánchez, Inmaculada C. Báez Montero, Ana Mª Fernández 9 Soneira: Linguistic, sociological and technical difficulties in the development of a Spanish Sign Language (LSE) corpus Louise de Beuzeville: Pointing and verb modification: the expression of semantic 13 roles in the Auslan Corpus Cat Fung H-M, Scholastica Lam, Joe Mak, Gladys Tang: Establishment of a 17 corpus of Hong Kong Sign Language acquisition data: from ELAN to CLAN Cat Fung H-M, Felix Sze, Scholastica Lam, Gladys Tang: Simultaneity vs. 22 Sequentiality: Developing a transcription system of Hong Kong Sign Language acquisition data Emilie Chételat-Pelé, Annelies Braffort, Jean Véronis: Annotation of Non 28 Manual Gestures: Eyebrow movement description Onno Crasborn: Open Access to Sign Language Corpora 33 Onno Crasborn, Han Sloetjes: Enhanced ELAN functionality for sign language 39 corpora Onno Crasborn, Inge Zwitserlood: The Corpus NGT: an online corpus for 44 professionals and laymen Philippe Dreuw, Hermann Ney: Towards Automatic Sign Language Annotation 50 for the ELAN Tool Paul Dudis, Kristin Mulrooney, Clifton Langdon, Cecily Whitworth: Annotating 54 Real-Space Depiction Eleni Efthimiou, Stavroula-Evita Fotinea: Annotation and Management of the 58 Greek Sign Language Corpus (GSLC) Thomas Hanke, Jakob Storz: iLex – A database tool integrating sign language 64 corpus linguistics and sign language lexicography Annika Herrmann: Sign language corpora and the problems with ELAN and the 68 ECHO annotation conventions Jens Heßmann, Meike Vaupel: Building up digital video resources for sign 74 language interpreter training Marek Hrúz, Pavel Campr, Miloš Železný: Semi-automatic Annotation of Sign 78 Language Corpora Trevor Johnston: Corpus linguistics & signed languages: no lemmata, no corpus 82 Jakub Kanis, Pavel Campr, Marek Hrúz, Zdeněk Krňoul, Miloš Železný: 88 Interactive HamNoSys Notation Editor for Signed Speech Annotation Lutz König, Susanne König, Reiner Konrad, Gabriele Langer: Corpus-based Sign 94 Dictionaries of Technical Terms – Dictionary Projects at the IDGS in Hamburg Markus Koskela, Jorma Laaksonen, Tommi Jantunen, Ritva Takkinen, Päivi 101 Rainò, Antti Raike: Content-based video analysis and access for Finnish Sign Language – a multidisciplinary research project Klaudia Krammer, Elisabeth Bergmeister, Silke Bornholdt, Franz Dotter, 105 Christian Hausch, Marlene Hilzensauer, Anita Pirker, Andrea Skant, Natalie Unterberger: The Klagenfurt lexicon database for sign languages as a web application: LedaSila, a free sign language database for international use iii Lorraine Leeson, Brian Nolan: Digital Deployment of the Signs of Ireland 112 Corpus in Elearning François Lefebvre-Albaret, Frederick Gianni, Patrice Dalle: Toward a computer- 123 aided sign segmentation Diane Lillo-Martin, Deborah Chen Pichler: Development of sign language 129 acquisition corpora Johanna Mesch, Lars Wallin: Use of sign language materials in teaching 134 Cédric Moreau, Bruno Mascret: LexiqueLSF 138 Yuji Nagashima, Mina Terauchi, Kaoru Nakazono: Construction of Japanese 141 Sign Language Dialogue Corpus: KOSIGN Victoria Nyst: Documenting an Endangered Language: Creating a Corpus of 145 Langue des Signes Malienne (CLaSiMa) Elena Antinoro Pizzuto, Isabella Chiari, Paolo Rossini: The Representation Issue 150 and its Multifaceted Aspects in Constructing Sign Language Corpora: Questions, Answers, Further Problems Siegmund Prillwitz, Thomas Hanke, Susanne König, Reiner Konrad, Gabriele 159 Langer, Arvid Schwarz: DGS corpus project – Development of a corpus based electronic dictionary German Sign Language / German Adam Schembri: British Sign Language Corpus Project: Open Access Archives 165 and the Observer’s Paradox Sandrine Schwartz: Tactile sign language corpora: capture and annotation issues 170 Jérémie Segouat, Annelies Braffort, Laurence Bolot, Annick Choisier, Michael 174 Filhol, Cyril Verrecchia: Building 3D French Sign Language lexicon Saori Tanaka, Yosuke Matsusaka, Kaoru Nakazono: Interface Development for 178 Computer Assisted Sign Language Learning: Compact Version of CASLL Inge Zwitserlood, Asli Özyürek, Pamela Perniss: Annotation of sign and gesture 185 cross-linguistically iv Author Index Álvarez Sánchez, Patricia 9 Leeson, Lorraine 112 Báez Montero, Inmaculada C. 9 Lefebvre-Albaret, François 123 Bergmeister, Elisabeth 105 Lillo-Martin, Diane 129 Beuzeville, Louise de 13 Mak, Joe 17 Bolot, Laurence 174 Mascret, Bruno 138 Bornholdt, Silke 105 Matsusaka, Yosuke 178 Braffort, Annelies 28, 174 Mesch, Johanna 134 Campr, Pavel 78, 88 Moreau, Cédric 138 Cat Fung, H-M 17, 22 Mulrooney, Kristin 54 Chen Pichler, Deborah 129 Nagashima, Yuji 141 Chételat-Pelé, Emilie 28 Nakazono, Kaoru 141, 178 Chiari, Isabella 150 Ney, Hermann 50 Choisier, Annick 174 Nolan, Brian 112 Crasborn, Onno 33, 39, 44 Nyst, Victoria 145 Dalle, Patrice 123 Özyürek, Asli 185 Dotter, Franz 105 Perniss, Pamela 185 Dreuw, Philippe 50 Pirker, Anita 105 Dudis, Paul 54 Pizzuto, Elena Antinoro 150 Efthimiou, Eleni 58 Prillwitz, Siegmund 159 Fernández Soneira, Ana Maria 9 Raike, Antti 101 Filhol, Michael 174 Rainò, Päivi 101 Fotinea, Stavroula-Evita 58 Rossini, Paolo 150 Gianni, Frederick 123 Schembri, Adam 165 Hanke, Thomas 64, 159 Schwartz, Sandrine 170 Hausch, Christian 105 Schwarz, Arvid 159 Herrmann, Annika 68 Segouat, Jérémie 174 Heßmann, Jens 74 Skant, Andrea 105 Hilzensauerm Marlene 105 Sloetjes, Han 39 Hrúz, Marek 78, 88 Storz, Jakob 64 Jantunen, Tommi 101 Sze, Felix 22 Johnston, Trevor 82 Takkinen, Ritva 101 Kanis, Jakub 88 Tanaka, Saori 178 König, Lutz 94 Tang, Gladys 17, 22 König, Susanne 94, 159 Terauchi, Mina 141 Konrad, Reiner 94, 159 Unterberger, Natalie 105 Koskela, Markus 101 Vaupel, Meike 74 Krammer, Claudia 105 Véronis, Jean 28 Krňoul, Zdeněk 88 Verrecchia, Cyril 174 Laakson, Jorma 101 Wallin, Lars 134 Lam, Scholastica 17, 22 Whitworth, Cecily 54 Langdon, Clifton 54 Železný, Miloš 78, 88 Langer, Gabriele 94, 159 Zwitserlood, Inge 44, 185 v Editors’ Preface This collection of papers stems from the third workshop in a series on “the representation and processing of sign languages”. The first took place in 2004 (Lisbon, Portugal), the second in 2006 (Genova, Italy). All workshops were tied to Language Resources and Evaluation Conferences (LREC), the 2008 one taking place in Marrakech, Morocco. While there has been occasional attention for signed languages in the main LREC conference, the main focus there is on written and spoken forms of spoken languages. The wide field of language technology has been the focus of the LREC conferences, where academic and commercial research and applications meet. It will be clear to every researcher that there is a wide gap between our knowledge of spoken versus signed languages. This holds not only for language technology, where difference in modality and the absence of commonly used writing systems for signed languages obviously pose new challenges, but also for the linguistic knowledge that can be used in language technologies. The domains addressed in the two previous sign language workshops have thus been fairly wide, and we see the same variety in the present proceedings volume. However, where the first and the second workshop had a strong focus on sign synthesis and automatic recognition, the theme
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