www.ukrweekly.com СВОБОДА SVOBODA Український Щоденник Ukrainian Daily РІК \І І\ Ч. 206 VOL. Ml\ No. 206 SECTION II. Щ>е ®feramtan ШиЩ Dedicated to the needs and interests of young Americans of Ukrainian descent. No. 35 JERSEY CITY, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1941 VOL. DC YOUTH CONGRESS CONCERT Youth Congress Condemns Professionals To Reorganize The necessity for reorganization Calumniators of Ukrainians and the redefining of its objectives, as a means of putting new life into the Undoubtedly the most inspiring organization, were the principal points feature of the three-day annual con­ under discussion at the eighth annual clave of the Ukrainian Youth's Labels Them As Un-American and Red-Inspired meeting of the Ukrainian Professional League of North America in Detroit, Association of America, held in De­ was the concert presented by the troit. Sunday, and Monday. August league Sunday afternoon. August ПРНЕ current attempts by various Communist and other un-American 31st and September 1st last, at the 31st. at the Chadsey High School on elements to besmirch the traditionally democratic character of the Detroit-Leland Hotel. Martin Avenue. Ukrainian people was the chief topic under discussion at the ninth annual' The necessity for these changes Well over one thousand persons congress of the Ukrainian Youth's League of North America, held in De­ was stressed by Waldimir Semenyna saw and heard young people from troit during the past Labor Day weekend. August 30. 31 and September 1st, of Newark. N. J. retiring president the East and young people from the at the Detroit-Leland Hotel. , of the association and a mechanical West present a concert that in gen­ engineer by profession, to the two This discussion resolved itself into* — — eral attained great musical heights score members of the organization at­ a formal resolution passed unanimous- . and levealed among the young per­ of cooperation in (ertam quarters tending the meeting from various formers talent above the average, ly. calling upon the Ukrainian Con- FinaUy he out|ined nis work щ con. parts of the country and Canada. Un­ and, in some instances, way above gress Committee, the League itself, ^ , nection publishin tne e less they are made, he said, the as­ that. and its constituent member clubs, to gan ·"p Trend " or nc sociation might as well disband be­ take definite action against this base- ¿¡, „ , Chairman, The concert's chief attraction, of In report Cultura fore it dies of complete inertia. course, was the Ukrainian Youth less campaign of vilification and dis- appointed to that position last June, Acting on the retiring president's Chorus of New York and New Jer­ tortion directed through the press shumeyko announced the stephen recommendation and similar ones of sey. The reputation that had pre­ and radio against loyal Americans of publication by the Yale University others who were present, the meeting ceded this chorus as one of the finest Ukrainian descent, and also to expose Hrushevsky's "His- Pre8S of Michael unanimously resolved to reorganize in the country, became further en­ .the sinister forces behind it. which ;. hanced at this concert, as under the tory of ukrame a preface to the association during the course of are un-American and undemocratic rnadsky of Yale masterly and "'inspired direction of ц by Prof Geofge Ve the coming year. and devoted to the task of preventing . ^ ^ Stephen Marusevich it gave one of University WQrk fa most The meeting passed only one re­ the arisal in Eastern Europe of a authoritative and scholarly in the its best performances in the four solution. It lauded the recent publica­ years of its existence. Especially free and independent and democratic language, he declared, and EngIish tion of an English translation of Mi­ well sung and interpreted were Re- Ukraine. should be read by every young Amer- vutsky's dramatic "Oy Choho Ті Po- chael Hrushevsky's History of Uk­ The discussion on this subject was ¡ n of Ukrainian descent and all chornilo and Vedel's beautiful "Po- ca raine by the Yale University Press kayaniye" (Repentance). formally opened by an address on others interested in the Ukrainian for the Ukrainian National Associa­ "Hyphenated Americans" delivered people. Its publication, he said, was tion, with a preface to it by Profes­ The other singing group participat­ by Michael Piznak. New York attor- sponsored by the Ukrainian National sor George Vernadsky of Yale ing in the concert. Trembita Chorus ney and a member of the UYL-NA Association. of Detroit, though only recently oi- University. This volume, the re­ ganized. and composed largely of Board of Advisors. The announcement of this work solution read, "is the most scholar­ tyros in choral work, showed itself The sixty delegates and several aroused high interest among the as- ly and authoritative work in the Eng­ to a good advantage in this its ini­ hundred guests assembled at this sembled delegates and guests at the lish language on Ukrainian history." tial performance. The painstaking ef­ congress from all parts of the coun- congress, and before the congress The resolution further urged all in­ forts of its director. Stephen Lucky, try, including Boston and Chicago, was concluded a great many persons terested in learning the true facts were evident by the absence during and from Canada as well, also heard took advantage of the opportunity about the Ukrainian people ami their its singing of those glaring faults and discussed an address on "Ivan offered them of personally examin- centuries-old movement for freedom usually associated with a new and Franko. Exponent of Ukrainian Free- ing the book. inexperienced chorus. One of its best and independence, to obtain ami read numbers here was Hayvoronsky's dom and Democracy.'' given by Gen- Among the measures adopted by a copy of the work. "Shumyt Hudyt Dibrovonka." evieve Zepko. a member of the Uk- the congress was one authorizing the The meeting was presided over by Very enjoyable, too, were the rainian National Association Board of newly-elected executive board of the John Koos, a Detroit attorney, Sec­ offerings of the soloists. The fact Advisors from Akron. Ohio. league to present by referendum to retary was John Panchuk, former as­ that there were four of them and all Still another subject that excited the league member clubs, as soon as sistant attorney general of Michigan. sopranos did not detract from one's considerable interest was "Traditional possible, the question whether the New officers elected include: Presi­ enjoyment at all, for each of them Ukrainian Democracy." presented to present name of the league should dent—Joseph Charnoske, Detroit at­ had something different to offer from the congress in form of an address be changed to some such name as torney; Vice-Presidents Michael Piz­ the other. Mary Polyniak and Anne by Joseph Lesawyer, League treasur- "Tne League of Young Americans nak, New York attorney; Stephen Trocianecky, members of the New er. on furlough from the army. of Ukrainian Descent." In the light Shumeyko, editor of "The Ukrainian York-New Jersey Chorus, showed the of Weekly"; Anne Chopek, Boston at­ Westerners that the East is _produc­ The Congress was formally opened present-day conditions, the pro- ing among our younger generation Saturday by John H. Roberts*, retiring I>onents of this change asserted, the torney; Dr. Stephen Kulick of Pitts­ some truly fine and highly promising president of the league. He was in- proposed name would be more suit- burgh; and Dr. Anthony Wachna of soloists. Likewise the Detroit solo­ troduced by Peter Kasey. chairman able. Likewise the word "young" in Windsor. Ontario; Secretary-Treas­ ists did themselves proud too, name­ of the local Detroit congress com-i>t. would better describe the present urer Dr. A. T. Kibzey of Detroit. ly. Eleanor Krisky and Donia Ste- mittee. who extended greetings to the league members than the word The program of the meeting also phania. Lack of space does not allow assembled delegates and guests. "youth.' included a luncheon Sunday, attended Us at this time to write something The election of a convention chair- New officers elected for the corn- by over sixty professionals. about their offerings. They included Ukrainian songs as well as operatic man and secretaries then ensued, ing year consist of the following: arias. Still another soloist, but this Joseph Gurski of Detroit Michigan President. Chester Monasterski of Sunday evening a banquet was held one in the field of folk dancing, who was elected chairman. He served Aliquippa. Pa.; Vice-Presidents, Anne at the Detroit-Leland Hotel ballroom. showed herself to a good advantage through Sunday, when because of Chopek of Boston, and Joseph Gur- Over four hundred end fifty attended at this concert, was Olga Pasichnyk, sudden illness he had to relinquish ski of Detroit; Recording Secretary, it. Toastmaster was Peter Kasey. He member of the New York-New Jersey his duties to his successor. John Sophie Storoz of Detroit; Corres- introduced the various young and old­ chorus. And in one of the choral Evanchuk. also of Detroit. Mary Koss ponding Secretary, Michael J. Prylucki er prominent persons present. Miss numbers, "Oy Choho Ті Pochornilo," of Akron and Sophie Storoz of Г>е· of New York; Financial Secretary, Mary Popyk. local 1941 high school the alto solo work and declamation of troit. were elected secretaries of the John Evanchuk of Detroit: Treasurer, Tekla Paraschuk of Irvington, N. J. graduate, was publicly awarded at was outstanding. congress. |Joseph Lesawyer; Advisors. John Bo- the banquet a scholarship by the Uk­ Reports of the retiring officers berts, John Romanition. Stephen Shu- rainian Graduates Club of Detroit. The concert was concluded by the , were opened by John H.
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