' .... ' , , , I ., ~i· ' ·-~· . ;--,·~r·:~ ... ~ ·DOYLE'S ON DISPI.t.Y . ~• ! ·.. .. .. NEWFOUNDLAND THE FAMILY SIZE COD LIVER­ "BUie.K I_PECIAL" THE DAILY NEWS OIL CONTAINS VITAMINS Te~:i'a Nova Moton Ltd. ~·;·.:.::-..:;:.;..: ,;.:;_-: (,f\l\Lh:.. DIIYIF.I Ttl ~\ Vol. 6'1. No. 249 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) .. , ......... _... ·A and D an erous - ···- --· ------ '"'' II"•:• 1•,· '1 -¥- . " '' •I... •' 1,''. Kozlov Gives Warning ·Nikit~ Laughs At To U.S. And Britain Ousting Reports MOSCOW-Reuters-Deputy Premier Fro! Kozlov Sund11 11'arned the United Stales and 1 By ROBERT ELPliiCK , iet· on President Leonid Brezhnev Rrltain against the "dangerous 3d venture" of establishing a Polaris submarine base In Seotland. : ~f,OSCOW <Reuters l - Premier, told reporter~ later that both So; He 11-11 mtldnt the keynote sptech before leaders of the Communist 'llorld In Moscow's packet! Ntktta Khrushchev Saturday 1 vtet leaders laughed and joked S rt p I Th ~ h launrhed celebrations of the 43rd 1nnlversary of the Bolshevik revo· laughed at reports he has b~en · about the rumors of a coup. po s a ace. e sp cc . deposed by former premter . K IN GOOD liUl\IOR lutlon. Seated on the Ntage wtre Premier Khrushchev, President Leonid Brezhe\ and other lead· Georgi Malenkov. i "Khrushche~ just '11ade fun of ers. Seated between Khrushchev and Brezhnev. was Chinese head of Slate Llu Shao-chi. After joking about it with Ca-. the reports,'' Johnson said. "He nadian Ambassador David M. was in very good humor and All the delegations now have: la~.t month. I b K'll Johnson, he personally turned up looked well." arri\·ed in Moscow for the Red i Apparently the Bt•ttlsh govern· I Bom 1 S at Moscow ail'port to welcome a. The amhass8dor said he re- Square parade today and a Com-, men! is tying to move in dir-jl 21 , C.~inese Communist delegation. CGil'ed the impr·rssi~n Kllrnsll- munist summit conference expec- ectly opposite directions all all' His appeat·ance there served as chcv had only returne~ to ~los- ted to follow. :once .... Such actions sharply In' es 12 another means to dispel Western cow Saturday hut had' snid.notlt- Koz]OI' said the agreement a~-' increase. the danger ~o Britain l JUf .rumors of a coup circulating. ing about this ..rohnson added he nounced Tuesday for a Polarts herself m case a coilntct breaks through the world Friday. 'was !liven only 30 minutes 11·arn- missile base at Holy Loch. Scot.! out.'' NEW YORK !APl - Two pet·· Johnson, who is returning to ing of tile meeting wllidt he bar! land. was "a \'ery dangerous ' 1\oziov derided \-'ice-President . sons were killed and at least I~ Canada, called upon Khrushchev requested in view of his forth­ ~:amhle of the American mili·l R_ichard. Nix_on f~r sayin_g t~e So· were severely injur~d \~hen . sltortlv befot·e the premier drove coming departure. tary." . , i 1'1~1 Unmn IS sllll -~ ehtld ln~US· bomb 1;ent off, Sundar ntght tn to the' airport. The Peking delegation. led by lie satd the U.S. mtlttary 1trtally compared \Ill~ the Umted 1a subway trat~ at a Harlem c Khrushchev g I' inn c d widely head of state Liu Shao-chi. •r· JIOUR~IELON, France--llelmett•d fierman soldiers raise their nation.• I flag while bareheaded planned to se.nd the nuclear-pow ! St~les; . , stop, :when they met and said: "Well,! rived for celebrations of the 43rd french soldier raises the french flag at ceremony XO\·. 3rt!, markin!( the arrival of German ered submarmes from Scotland, Thts ts -a good exa:nple of the: F" "d th b b here 1 am.. 1 anniversary of the Bolshevik re1- lroops at training camp herr. ~layors of small town~ in Xorthern Fra~ce planned to confer on "to prowl near l~e s•a boundar-~ popular saying that he who has I 1 dtredmentltsatt · eh Ito: t te~- i Johnson ·who had called earl-: olution ~tomlav what attitude they should adopt toward the Gennan trootJS quartered in the area. after one may le5 of the Soviet Union.'' bile in bis·mouth can only taste ~ 0 c as e. ram a e Ia .el--'·---·~·-· _ ·-· _______ _._.._.·.-.· __ , .......... - .. -- Kozlov added: "Who ·cail· ran. bitter," Kozlov said. mdependent 5ubwa~ stat on at :or reCused to allow t1 1em to ~ven pa'~ through h ~~town bt•nuse he feal't~d vinlcne~. ll was recall· to understand that the point at I He described Nixon as "like 1 1~5th Str.eet an~ Eighth Avenue. I d•d K ed that th~ Germans took prtsoners rn the area m 1942, to· fight the resistance movement and issue is a very dangerous adven-!chi!d who concentrates on catch· Flreflghting eqUipment Was rush. c eleven pe1sons Were sitot.-llPI Photo. t~re of the American military de·ii~g a butte~lly and rails to no-fed to the scene. an I ates eep ------- ·····------------------- I. ~tgned ~o aggrayate sh~rply the' h_ce .~hat 1! going on around f Since Oct. 2, four mysterious •II mternaltonal 11 t u a t to n and Ihtm. • homemade bombs have exploded uN c • • ' W T fraught wi~h dan~erous conse· "Communism is the true_ youth in New York, end there have I 0m m Iss I0 n I ry quences. to tt~ _Amen_ca~.~ponsors I ~~ _the world w~~reas c;aprtallsm been several additional bomb: up Fever .Is h pace . and therr Br1hsh aJIK'.s. l's tis yesterday, ~e sa1d. • scores. Sunday night's explosion: . The deputy premier condemned The deputy prenper reaffrr~ed Iwas the first In which persons ' British Prime Minister Macmillan the policy of peac.e~ul coexrs~· were killed. ' · · · · T cI H I c !or negotiating with •he Polaris ence and the posslblltty of elimi· By IIAROLD MORRISON Ic~ded or stlent. vole ts beltel'cd 0 0 0 0 ea n use n 1n agreement even as ~~~ discussed nating war even "before the c~m The .subway car was damaged Canadian Press Staff Writer i btg enough to ltp the balance m _ g disarmament with Khrushchev at plcte victory" or commumsm extensiVely. WASHINGTON tCPl - Dem~-, some states. the United Nations m New York over the world, - · crat John Kennedy and Repubh-: The :-Jew York Datly News. U:-llTFD \'·\TI0:\'5 \' Y t ~p the commi--ion would go to the·. the assembly se·at reprcsentatJ·,.e,· Ican Richard Nixon, their voices I' which supports Nixon editorially. ., : : · ·. · . ' · · :. ·. ' -- . ,hoarse and their hands bruised predicts Kennedy will win the !he LT_mt.ed :-;at tons . cottclhalto~ Congo, They sat~ tt probabl).' ol "the central g?vernment'' of Gable On Iand scratched by eager well- j presidency in "a swee(Y, a land· commtsston for the Congo got m- \l:ould_ leal'e on a fn·st exploratory :the Congo, meamng the Lum· ., wishers maintained a fevel'ish; slide a memorabl l'ictory " The strucltons Saturday to go to the l'tstt 111 10 days or two weeks. I umba gol'ernment. The assembly South American Labor • k L' ,pace S~nday as the most grueJ.I :-Jew~ has been e conducting a . \oung Afncan s_lale and w?rk to _Eight African and .\sian co~m- postponed a ;hoice between L~m· SI( 1St ,ling presidential fight in history Istrow poll in the 50 states.'' : ~econvrn.e ~arlt.amet!t, _ \\:luch ts tnes h~1·c mtroduced a resolulton i umba and Kasavubu del~gal!ons 131 1 • Th k · · 1 reached into its final hours. , NIXON SEES TIDE : ,enera\1) hJtc~ed .?~'• hle to by winch the Gene~al Assemb~y when tl :·ot_ed the Congo mto th~ s • HOLLYWOOD <APl - Clark Before them is just one more' Nixon, campaigning in and deposed Premter Palttce Ltttn· llottld aok llammarsK10Id I? take Umtcd Sept. 21. • reaten tr1 e ' ~a!tons Un IOns I Gable suffered an attack o[ cor- : day o[ massive appeal before VOl· around Los Angeles before taking ; u~ba: ' step~ to get ·a. new meetmg o[ Spon~ors of the pro-Lu'!'umba · I onary thrombosis Sunday his! ers render their decision Tues- off for Alaska Sunday, dismissed : Seer. elm_y · General Dag ~am- 1 ~arltament, a~IJourncd by Pres- rcsolulton be l t e l'e Parham~n~ ·, . d "d dd'1 . "H" ' · d' d : th nJ d" r - " marskJold s IB • natton adl'lsorv: trlent .fo>eph Kasavubu under the would endorse Lumumba agam. By THE A-SSOCIATED PRESS strator~ killed in disturbances t'octo~ sat ,da dngh. LS cot~ I· aTyh A . t d P d ct 1 h ese ~ oomgy p[er~c tons, .say~,., committee on the Congo ap- current military regtme of Col ' However the United States 10 00 1 15 • Strikes against gove1nment pol· last week over the government's 1~ /s 1g .1 .,an e ts res mg . e s~OClra -~ ress, ~~n ~ ·: e se~s a .rea N e ~on;_mgK pro1·cd those terms ;,f reference .Joseph :1\lohutu. · st:tle depa~tment in a statement icies were threatened by labor refusal to grant wage Increases. sads balc,on ylf. K t t th .mgd a hpo 0 1 dow~, ~r~ len· i war nl rlamy ;. el~ d ~~_'· " ent lor the commission, which con- TO DEBATE A WEEK issued Friday ~aid Parliament uni~ns Sunday in Brazil, Chile Most of Argentina's labor Un· ho \ ~ s ~h eh' a~h w~n ° ~ re 1 ats ~pe~e a N;a y e t~C·: ~-~ y _ca ~~ y :-u';t~~ et w·~l ,r:ah sists of its 15 African and Asim; The assembly will lake Up the "could act 0~ the nominee of 1 and AJ:~enlina.
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