KANSAS Rapid Watershed Assessment Delaware River Watershed Hydrologic Unit Code - 10270103 December 2006 Produced by: United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service 760 South Broadway Salina, Kansas 67401 Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Water Watershed Management Section 1000 S.W. Jackson Topeka, Kansas 66612 Delaware River – 10270103 December 2006 "The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer." 2 Delaware River – 10270103 December 2006 Resource Profile Contents 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Introduction 3.0 Physical Description 3.1 Common Resource Area Map 3.2 Precipitation Map 3.3 Land Use and Land Cover Distribution Map 3.3.1 Land Use and Land Cover Summary Table 3.4 Stream Flow Data 3.5 Other Physical Descriptions 4.0 Resource Concerns 4.1 Summary of Resource Concerns 4.2 Estimated Soil Loss 4.3 Water Quality Conditions 4.3.1 Confined Animal Feeding Operations 4.3.2 Public Water Supply Systems 4.3.3 Designated Uses 4.3.4 Total Maximum Daily Loads 4.3.5 Modeled Pollutant Loads 4.4 Threatened and Endangered Species Status 5.0 Census and Social Data 5.1 Estimated Level of Willingness and Ability to Participate in Conservation 5.2 Evaluation of Social Capital 5.3 Population Distribution Map 6.0 Conservation Progress 6.1 Reported Conservation Progress 6.2 Cumulative Conservation Status 6.3 Other Watershed Projects 6.4 Lands Removed from Production through Farm Bill Programs 7.0 Footnotes/Bibliography 7.1 Additional On-line Resources 3 Delaware River – 10270103 December 2006 Assessment Contents Introduction 1.0 Cropland 1.1 Dryland 1.1.1 Current Conditions 1.1.2 Future Conditions 1.1.3 Potential Resource Management System (RMS) Effects Summary for Cropland - Dryland 1.2 Irrigated 1.2.1 Current Conditions 1.2.2 Future Conditions 1.2.3 Potential RMS Effects Summary for Cropland - Irrigated 2.0 Grazed Range 2.1 Native Grassland 2.1.1 Current Conditions 2.1.2 Future Conditions 2.1.3 Potential RMS Effects Summary for Grazed Range 3.0 Pasture 3.1 Non-irrigated Pasture 3.1.1 Current Conditions 3.1.2 Future Conditions 3.1.3 Potential RMS Effects Summary for Non-irrigated Pasture 4.0 Forest 4.1 Forest - Private 4.1.1 Current Conditions 4.1.2 Future Conditions 4.1.3 Potential RMS Effects Summary for Forest - Private 5.0 Animal Feeding Operations (AFO) 5.1 AFO – Private 5.1.1 Current Conditions 5.1.2 Future Conditions 5.1.3 Potential RMS Effects Summary for AFO – Private 6.0 Hay 6.1 Non-irrigated Hay 6.1.1 Current Conditions 6.1.2 Future Conditions 6.1.3 Potential RMS Effects Summary for Non-irrigated Hay 4 Delaware River – 10270103 December 2006 Resource Profile 1.0 Purpose This rapid watershed assessment (RWA) organizes resource information into one document that local conservationists, units of government, and others can use to identify existing resource conditions and conservation opportunities. This will enable the user to direct technical and financial resources to the local needs in the watershed. This RWA provides a brief description of the Delaware River sub-basins' natural resources, resource concerns, conservation needs, and ability to resolve natural resource issues and concerns. 2.0 Introduction The Delaware River 8-Digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) sub-basin is comprised of 740,772 acres in northeast Kansas including Brown, Nemaha, Jackson, Atchison, and Jefferson Counties. According to the National Land Cover Data (NLCD), approximately 35 percent of the sub-basin is in grain and row crop; 50 percent is in grassland, pasture, and hay; and the rest is made up of other various land uses. This sub-basin is located in the Delaware River watershed basin and drains into Perry Reservoir as it flows from northwest to southeast. Relief Map Resource concerns are numerous in the sub-basin. They include, but are not limited to, soil erosion, soil condition, deteriorated surface water quality, deteriorating plant conditions, inadequate fish and wildlife cover and food, and inadequate stock water. Economic issues such as the high capital costs of crop production and farm operation, and unreliable profits may delay the acceptance and implementation of conservation on agricultural lands in the sub-basin. There are 4370 farms and 4370 operators in the Delaware River sub-basin. The estimated farm size in 2002 was 380 acres. Five Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) service centers, five county conservation districts, the Delaware River Watershed District, and the Glacial Hills Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) area provide assistance in the sub-basin. 5 Delaware River – 10270103 December 2006 3.0 Physical Description The physical description of the Delaware River sub-basin provides detailed information so the user can better understand the natural resources associated with this geographical land unit. 3.1 Common Resource Area Map/1 106.1 – Nebraska and Kansas Loess Drift Hills: The Nebraska and Kansas Loess Drift Hills is a dissected glacial drift plain mantled by thick loess. The nearly level to strongly sloping ridge-tops are broad and smooth. The stream valleys are narrow with steep side-slopes. Local relief reaches to 200 feet. Soils are deep with high clay content. Pre-settlement vegetation was native tall grasses on the hills and trees along the streams and intermittent drainage-ways. 6 Delaware River – 10270103 December 2006 3.2 Precipitation Map/2 The map below depicts the average precipitation occurring within the sub-basin. 7 Delaware River – 10270103 December 2006 3.3 Land Use and Land Cover Distribution Map/3 The map below represents the distribution of land cover and land use as defined by NLCD. 8 Delaware River – 10270103 December 2006 3.3.1 Land Use and Land Cover Summary Table/3 Land Cover/Land Ownership Use Public Private Tribal Totals % Acres % Acres % Acres % Open Water 12,540 2% 4,358 1% 1,209 * 18,107 2 Low Intensity Residential 1,660 * 390 * 2,050 * High Intensity Residential 532 * 187 * 719 * Commercial/Industrial/ Transportation 1,914 * 494 * 2,408 * Bare Rock/Sand/Clay 299 * 299 * Quarries/Strip Mines/Gravel Pits 242 * 242 * Deciduous Forest 2,700 * 63,154 9% 7,920 1% 73,774 10 Evergreen Forest 190 * 40 * 230 * Mixed Forest 2,195 * 448 * 2,643 * Shrubland 2,640 * 169 * 2,809 * Grassland/Herbaceous 8,219 1% 58,936 8% 15,832 2% 82,987 11 Pasture/Hay 245,148 33% 46,997 6% 292,145 39 Row Crops 170,717 23% 50,616 7% 221,333 30 Small Grains 25,181 3% 9,840 1% 35,021 5 Urban/Recreational 650 * 163 * 813 * Woody Wetlands 2,132 * 454 * 2,586 * Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands 1,000 * 1,399 * 206 * 2,605 * a HUC Totals 25,109 3% 580,697 78% 134,962 18% 740,772 100% *: Less than 1 percent of total acres. a: Totals are approximate due to rounding and small unknown acreages. Special Considerations for This 8-Digit HUC using NLCD data: Small grains and row crops are predominant commodities grown in rotation on just less than 35 percent in HUC. Grasslands/Herbaceous and Pasture/Hay makes up approximately 50 percent of the watershed. Forest makes up approximately 10 percent of the watershed. Urban land comprises less than 1 percent of HUC. Percent of Cropland Percent of HUC Irrigated Lands/4 <1 <1 9 data wascol Geol S 3.4 t ream fl ogi c Flow, cfs Stream Fl al 1, 1, 2, 2, ow 500 000 500 000 500 Flow, cfs Su 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 800 l data hasbee ected fromo 1/1/1970 rvey (USGS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1970 1/1/1971 1/1/1971 1/1/1972 1/1/1972 12/31/1972 ow Data 12/31/1972 1/1/1974 1/1/1974 1/1/1975 Delaware River–10270103 n 1/1/1975 1/1/1976 n stream gagestati coll e streamga 1/1/1976 A n 12/31/1976 12/31/1976 nual t A h 1/1/1978 ected si P v r ougho er /5 1/1/1978 e ak 1/1/1979 a ge of 1/1/1979 D ut i s 1/1/1980 c 1/1/1980 t eac Average AnnualDailyFlow har 12/31/1980 he y 12/31/1980 G ge nce 197 D h De ge stati G e a ar day 1/1/1982 December 2006 e 1/1/1982 a g g l law Annual PeakFlow ' e a 1/1/1983 s 1/1/1983 e 068 hi w 0689 1/1/1984 gh a 1/1/1984 o a a ns l re r 90900 nd l 12/31/1984 o 12/31/1984 0 atthegagesta e 090 n ontheD Riv R o C 1/1/1986 1/1/1986 w o a C f 0 @ i cat l a ve l e 1/1/1987 1/1/1987 ow l e @ n e d s nde P 1/1/1988 r 1/1/1988 r , e P er -1027 av e d wi - 12/31/1988 Y e 1 r 12/31/1988 er r Y r r e aged y r 027 1/1/1990 ar e y , 1/1/1990 a e K , thi K r 1/1/1991 l a 1/1/1991 0103 a n a 01 ware Ri 1/1/1992 n sas 1/1/1992 n thesub-basi s 12/31/1992 03 as 12/31/1992 t i 1/1/1994 o 1/1/1994 n li 1/1/1995 1/1/1995 ver near 1/1/1996 sted bel 1/1/1996 12/31/1996 1/1/1998 12/31/1996 1/1/1998 1/1/1999 n.
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