Established 1872 (Cite(Cite Vol.Vol. 102106 Luz.Luz. Reg.Reg. Reports)Reports) VOL. 106102 Wilkes-Barre,Wilkes-Barre, PA, PA, Friday, Friday, February August 19,17, 20162012 NO. NO. 347 COMMONWEALTH v. GUZMAN .................................................. 1 POSTMASTER: SendSend addressaddress changeschanges to to THE THE LUZERNE LUZERNE LEGAL LEGAL REGISTER, REGISTER, RoomRoom 23,23, CourtCourt House,House, Wilkes-Barre,Wilkes-Barre, PA PA 18711-1001 18711-1001 PeriodicalPeriodical postagepostage paidpaid atat Wilkes-Barre,Wilkes-Barre, PA PA and and additional additional office. office. Price $40.$75. Per YearYear SingleSingle CopiesCopies $1.00 $2.00 Advertising MustMust BeBe ReceivedReceived ByBy 1212 O’ClockO’Clock Noon, Noon, Tuesday Tuesday In In The The Week Week of of Publication Publication (USPS 322-840) (USPS 322-840) PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY The Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association The Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that accountants in the following es- tates have filed their accounts in the Office of the Register of Wills and Clerk of the Or- phans’ Court of Luzerne County and unless objections are filed thereto, said accounts will be audited and confirmed by the Orphans’ Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County at 9:30 A.M. on September 6, 2016, in Courtroom C, Third Floor, Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA. NO. NAME OF ESTATE ACCOUNTANT FIDUCIARY CAPACITY 1. Carolyn A. VanZandt First Keystone Executor Community Bank 2. Arthur Leral a/k/a Responsible Party Administrator Gar Wood Services, Inc. 3. Nancy A. Irvin PNC Bank, N.A. Executor 4. Andrew Joseph Kush Rosemary J. Ward Executrix 5. Helen Maher Evans Kandy M. Duttinger and Executrices Kelly Austin 6. Frank E. Buczynski a/k/a Joanne Lisa Buczynski Executrix Francis E. Buczynski a/k/a Francis Edward Buczynski The Luzerne County Orphans’ Court, located at Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA is a facility accessible to persons with disabilities. Please notify a member of the staff of the Honorable Richard M. Hughes, III, Judge at (570) 408-8190, if special accommodations are required. NOTICE It is strongly recommended that all attorneys having a matter on an Audit List of the Orphans’ Court be present at the call of the Audit List. Any attorney seeking to be excused from attending the call of the Audit List must contact the staff in Judge Hughes’ Chambers in advance of the call date in order to obtain permission from the Judge to be absent. Aug. 12, 19 27 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER DECEDENTS’ ESTATES Box 4251, Wyoming, PA 18644, Notice is hereby given that letters Executrix testamentary or of administration have been granted in the following ESTATE OF DIANE JARRIN a/k/a estates. All persons indebted to said Diane E. Jarrin, late of Hazle Twp. estates are required to make payment (died July 18, 2016), Amy E. Jar- and those having claims or demands rin, Executrix; Anthony J. Luc- to present the same without delay to adamo, Esquire, Kennedy and the administrators or executors Lucadamo, P.C., 200 West Chapel named or their attorneys St., Hazleton, PA 18201 FIRST PUBLICATION ESTATE OF WILLIAM L. MATTHEWS, ESTATE OF GEORGE ALDRICH late of Duryea (died May 19, a/k/a George Aldrich, Jr., late of 2016), Gayle Decker, Executrix; Avoca (died March 27, 2016), Donald J. Frederickson, Jr., Es- George Aldrich, III, Executor; An- quire, 435 Main St., Moosic, PA thony G. Ross, Esquire, 126 18507-1017 South Main St., Pittston, PA 18640 ESTATE OF MICHAEL A. McCLOS- KEY, late of Hazle Township (died ESTATE OF LORRAINE CEBULA, late July 3, 2016), Andrea McCloskey, of Dupont (died June 12, 2016), Administratrix; Charles A. De- Martin M. Cebula, Executor; Cosmo, Esquire, Skokoski & De- Frank J. Skokoski, Esquire, Cosmo, 39 North Broad St., West Skokoski & DeCosmo, P.C., 39 Hazleton, PA 18202 North Broad St., West Hazleton, PA 18202 ESTATE OF CARRIE L. MURRAY, late of Jenkins Twp. (died May 13, ESTATE OF MARGARET J. DEVINE 2016), Deborah M. Mrisulevicz, a/k/a Margaret T. Devine, late of Executrix; Joseph P. Giovannini, Dallas (died July 7, 2016), Kath- Jr., Esquire, 400 Third Ave., Suite leen A. Gelso, Executrix; Bregman 207, Kingston, PA 18704 & Lantz, LLC, 1205 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, PA 18704 ESTATE OF ROSEMARIE S. SAVEL- LI a/k/a Rosemarie Serino Savel- ESTATE OF JAMES P. DONNELLY, li, late of Pittston (died July 21, late of Wilkes-Barre (died May 28, 2016), Susann Savelli-Keska, 2016), James A. Donnelly, Execu- Executrix; Saporito, Falcone & tor; Harry W. Skene, Esquire, 900 Watt, 490 North Main St., Pittston, Rutter Ave., Forty Fort, PA 18704 PA 18640 ESTATE OF MARGARET M. DY- ESTATE OF LENA B. SCAVONE, late MOND a/k/a Margaret Mary of Plains (died August 2, 2016), Dymond, late of Shavertown (died Paul Scavone, 95 Mooretown Rd., July 29, 2016), Lauren E. Dy- Sweet Valley, PA 18656 and mond, Jr., 10796 Forest Edge Christopher Scavone, 164 Mtn. Circle, New Market, MD 21774, Oaks Dr., Laurel Run, PA 18706, Executrix Co-Executors ESTATE OF GEORGE A. HOPKINS, ESTATE OF ANTIONETTE H. THOM- late of Wyoming (died May 5, AS a/k/a Antoinette H. Thomas, 2016), Darice G. Franklin, P.O. late of Wilkes-Barre (died June 28, 28 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER 2016), Kyra A. Macko, Adminis- ESTATE OF MICHAEL G. NOVAK tratrix, C.T.A.; Joseph P. Giovan- a/k/a Michael Novak, late of Ha- nini, Jr., Esquire, 400 Third Ave., zleton (died March 31, 2016), Suite 207, Kingston, PA 18704 Michele Martz, Executrix; Frank SECOND PUBLICATION J. Skokoski, Esquire, Skokoski & DeCosmo, 39 North Broad St., ESTATE OF HELEN M. CEBRICK, West Hazleton, PA 18202 late of Swoyersville (died June 28, 2015), Mary Ann Pukatch, Execu- ESTATE OF BEVERLY ANN PAN- trix; Megan P. Maguire, Esquire, TAGES a/k/a Beverly Pantages, 590 Rutter Ave., Kingston, PA late of Hazleton (died February 17, 18704 2016), Louis N. Pantages, Admin- istrator; Robert S. Sensky, Es- ESTATE OF RAYMOND R. CHAR- quire, Laputka, Bayless, Ecker & NICK, late of Kingston (died July Cohn, P.C., One South Church 12, 2016), Raymond R. Charnick, Jr., Executor; Bernard Walter, St., Suite 301, Hazleton, PA 18201 Esquire, 1674 Memorial Hwy., ESTATE OF MATTHEW S. PIKE, late Shavertown, PA 18708 of Wilkes-Barre (died June 10, ESTATE OF PATRICK M. CUSICK 2016), Anne G. Hamilton, Admin- a/k/a Patrick Cusick, late of istratrix; Ruth Slamon Borland, Wilkes-Barre (died March 13, Esquire, 69 Public Sq., Suite 2016), Edward Biniek, Sr., Execu- 1100, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 tor; John J. Terrana, Esquire, 400 Third Ave., Suite 216, Kingston, ESTATE OF RUTH N. PRICE, late of PA 18704 Newport Twp. (died July 14, 2016), Tamrus J. Price, Executrix; ESTATE OF ROBERT W. DaCUNHA, Charles D. McCormick, Esquire, late of Freeland (died July 3, One South Main St., 3rd Floor, 2016), Tracy A. DaCunha, Execu- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 trix; James V. Senape, Jr., Es- quire, Catherine A. McGovern, ESTATE OF BARBARA A. REMUS, Esquire and Michael B. Senape, late of Pittston Twp. (died Decem- Esquire, Senape & Associates, ber 5, 2015), Joseph S. Yamrick, 612-614 Main St., P.O. Box 179, Executor; Ronald V. Santora, Freeland, PA 18224-0179 Esquire, Bresset & Santora, LLC, 1188 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, ESTATE OF HELEN A. KAMINSKI, PA 18704 late of Plains Twp. (died April 19, 2016), Sharon Kaminski and Pa- ESTATE OF CAROL J. SANUTE late tricia Mark, Administratrices; of Butler Twp. (died July 3, 2016), David J. Harris, Esquire, 67-69 Deborah Sanute Bartosevich Public Sq., Suite 700, Wilkes- a/k/a Deborah Sanute, Execu- Barre, PA 18701-2588 trix; Peter J. Fagan, Esquire, P.O. Box 904, Conyngham, PA 18219 ESTATE OF ELEANOR McCABE, late of Wilkes-Barre (died June 23, ESTATE OF JAMES R. VERDEKAL, 2016), Alicia Malloy, Executrix; SR. a/k/a James Richard Matthew P. Kelly, Esquire, 400 Verdekal, Sr., late of Wilkes-Barre Third Ave., Suite 205, Kingston, (died July 10, 2016), Anna Hard- PA 18704 en, Executrix; Charles D. McCor- 29 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER mick, Esquire, One South Main ESTATE OF JOHN Q. POLI a/k/a St., 3rd Floor, Wilkes-Barre, PA John Poli, late of Hughestown 18701 (died May 8, 2016), John E. Poli, Administrator; Girard J. Meca- THIRD PUBLICATION don, Esquire, 363 Laurel St., ESTATE OF ELIZABETH J. FISHER Pittston, PA 18640 a/k/a Betty J. Fisher, late of Dal- las (died June 5, 2016), Mary ESTATE OF VICTORIA RICHARDS, Elizabeth Clark, Executrix; Gary late of Sugar Notch (died April 3, L. James, Esquire, JSDC Law Of- 2016), Mary Alice Budurka, Ex- fices, 134 Sipe Ave., Hummels- ecutrix; Joseph G. Albert, Esquire, town, PA 17036 458 Wyoming Ave., Suite 201, Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF DORIS YOURISHIN IERO a/k/a Doris Yourishin a/k/a ESTATE OF PATRICIA D. RICHIE Doris Iero a/k/a Doris Klinger- a/k/a Patricia Richie, late of White Haven (died June 23, 2016), man, late of Drums (died June 12, Alicia M. Quinn, Executrix; Cyn- 2016), Wendy and Ed Leinhauser, thia S. Yurchak, Esquire, 121 296 W. 5th Ave., Collegeville, PA Carbon St., P.O. Box 49, Weath- 19426, Co-Executors erly, PA 18255 ESTATE OF RICHARD M. LOMBAR- ESTATE OF NANCY D. SILVI, late of DI, late of Wilkes-Barre (died Dallas (died June 9, 2016), Mark September 21, 2015), Tarin Cur- Frederick Buss, Executor; Ro- rier, Administrator; Joseph R. senn, Jenkins & Greenwald, LLP, Baranko, Jr., Esquire, The Slusser 15 South Franklin St., Wilkes- Law Firm, 1620 N. Church St., Barre, PA 18711-0075 Suite 1, Hazleton, PA 18202 ESTATE OF CHARLES R.
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