• CLERK’SCE~VE~DOFFICE BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOARJi~JN022004 OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS STATE OF QtINOIS Pollution Control Board CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY ) Low Sulfur Gasoline Project — Wood River Refinery ) • ) • S ) PCBO4- )-1 • ) (Tax Certification) PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ) 19-1-08-35-00-000-001 ) NOTICE TO: Dorothy Gunn, Clerk Michael Kemp Illinois Pollution Control Board ConocoPhillips Company State of Illinois Center 404 Phillips Building 100 W. Randolph Street, Suite 11-500 Bartlesville, Okalahoma 74004 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Steve Santarelli - Illinois Department of Revenue 101 West Jefferson P.O. Box 19033 Springfield, Illinois 62794 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I have today filed with the Office of the Pollution Control Board the APPEARANCE and RECOMMENDATION ofthe Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, a copy ofwhich is herewith served upon the applicant, ConocoPhillips Company, and a representative ofthe Illinois Department ofRevenue. Respectfully submitted by, Robb H. Layman Special Assistant Attorney General Date: June 1, 2004 ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 North Grand Avenue East P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794-9276 Telephone: 217/782-5544 Facsimile: 217/782-9807 RECE~VE~ CLERK’S OFFICE JUN 022004 BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BO~4~-EOF ILLINOIS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Pollution Control Board CONOCOPHILL1IPS COMPANY ) Low Sulfur Gasoline Project — Wood River Refinery ) • S ) PCB04~~1~ • ) (Tax Certification) PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ) 19-1-08-35-00-000-001 ) APPEARANCE I hereby file my Appearance in this proceeding on behalf of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Respectfully submitted by, - - • • Robb H. Layman C/ • • Special Assistant Attorney General Date: June 1, 2004 ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 North Grand Avenue East P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276 Telephone: 217/782-5544 Facsimile: 217/782-9807 CLERK’S OFFICE • • 5 JUN 022004 BEFORE THE ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL BOAR~~t~~ OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS - arcS CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY ) Low Sulfur Gasoline Project — Wood River Refinery ) 4 • S ) PCB04-~ • ) (Tax Certification) PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ) 19-1-08-35-00-000-001 ) RECOMMENDATION NOW COMES the ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (“Illinois EPA”), through its attorneys, and pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 125.204 ofthe ILLiNOIS POLUTION CONTROL BOARD’S (“Board”) procedural regulations, files the Illinois EPA’s Recommendation in the above-referenced request for tax certification ofpollution control facilities. In support thereof, the Illinois EPA states as follows: 1. On December 31, 2003, the Illinois EPA received a request and supporting information from CONOCOPHILLIPS COMPANY (“ConocoPhillips”) concerning the proposed tax certification ofcertain air emission sources andlor equipment located at its Wood River Refinery in Madison County, Illinois. A copy ofthe relevant portions ofthe application is attached hereto. [Exhibit Al. • 2. The applicant’s address is as follows: • ConocoPhillip.s Company 900 South Central Avenue, P.O. Box 76 Roxana, Illinois 62084 3. The pollution control facilities involved in this request are located at the aforementioned address and consist ofthe installation ofnew and/ormodified equipment, described as the Low Sulfur Gasolineproject, that will allow the Wood River Refinery to produce lower-sulfur gasoline, thus reducing sulfur dioxide emissions. The emission reductions are required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Tier 2 regulations. The initial phase ofthe project Will allow the Wood River Refinery to produce lower sulfur gasoline by 2004 and will be accomplished by the desulfurization of light catalytic naphtha, heavy catalytic naphtha and light straight run gasoline. 4. The Illinois EPA issued the Wood River Refinery a joint construction and operating permit for the first phase ofthe Tier2 project on June 13, 2002. [Exhibit BJ. Additional details concerning the nature ofthe project are included therein. 5. Section 11-10 ofthe Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/11-10 (2002), defines “pollution control facilities” as: “any system, method, construction, device or appliance appurtenant thereto, or any portion of any building or equipment, that is designed, constructed, installed or operated for the primary purpose of: (a) eliminating, preventing, or reducing air or waterpollution... or (b) treating, pretreating, modifying or disposing ofany potential solid, liquid, gaseous pollutant which if released without treatment, pretreatment, modification or disposal might be harmful, detrimental or offensive to human, plant or animal life, or to property.” 6. Pollution control facilities are entitled to preferential tax treatment, as provided by 35 IILCS 200/11-5 (2002). 7. Based on information in the application and the underlying purpose ofthe Lo~~ Sulfur Gasoline project to prevent, eliminate or reduce air pollution, it is the Illinois EPA’s engineeringjudgment that the described project and/or equipment may be considered as “pollution control facilities” in accordance with the statutory definition and consistent with the Board’s regulations at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 125.200. 8. Because the Low Sulfur Gasoline project and/or equipment satisfy the aforementioned criteria, the Illinois EPA recommends that the Board issue the applicant’s requested tax certification. • S S Respectfully submitted by, • ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Robb H. Layman Special Assistant Attorney General DATED: June 1, 2004 ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 North Grand Avenue East P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276 Telephone: 217/782-5544 Facsimile: 217/782-9807 THIS FILiNG IS SUBMITFED ON RECYCLED PAPER CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 1st day ofJune, 2004, I did send, by First Class Mail, with postage thereon fully paid and deposited into the possession ofthe United States Postal Service, one (1) original and nine (9) copies ofthe following instruments entitled NOTICE, APPEARANCE and RECOMMENDATION to: Dorothy Gunn, Clerk Illinois Pollution Control Board 100 West Randolph Street Suite 11-500 Chicago, Illinois 60601 and a true and correct copy ofthe same foregoing instruments, by First Class Mail with postage thereon fully paid and deposited into the possession ofthe United States Postal Service, to: Steve Santarelli Michael Kemp - Illinois Department ofRevenue ConocoPhillips Company 101 West Jefferson 404 Phillips Building P.O. Box 19033 Bartlesville, Okalahoma 74004 Springfield, Illinois 62794 By: Robb H. Laym Special Assistant Attorney General This filing is submitted on recycledpaper. • f/~O’?o—‘~‘--~Z-:~) • • • MichaelKemp ConocoPhillips SLOG Plaza Office Building - Bartlesville OK 74004 Phone: 918 661-9055 Fax: (918) 662-2212 S Michael.D.Kemp~conocophillips.corn December 30, 2003 Mr. Don Sutton Division of Air Pollution Control Illinois EPA 1021 North Grand Avenue East Springfield, IL 62701 - RE: Application for Certffication - Low Sulfur Gasoline Project Dear Mr. Sutton; Attached is a completed Application for Certification (Property Tax Treatment) for the low sulfur gasoline project at the Wood River Refinery in Madison County IL. As advised in the application, Mr. Neal Sahni, (phone number 618-255-2478) can answer technical questions related to the application. Any questions regarding values or financial information should be addressed to me. I look forward to talking with you. Sincerely, ~ 5, Michael Kemp ~ECEVVED DEC 31 2003 — he~ri- APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION (PROPERTY TAX T~.EATMENT) T~.sAgency is authorized u request this POLLUT1OP~’CONTROLFACILITY ~n~brmat~Onunder Illino,, Rcviscd St~tucs,1979, • WATER 0 Chapter. 120, Section 502~-~.U I~urcof this informatcn is voluntarj. H~w~v~r,tai~reto ILUNOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ~crnp~yccu1~ prcvcnt your ~pp1ieatiar.from P. 0. ~ox 19276, 5prin~fle1d.IL 62794-9~76 be~ngpr~~ces~cdor could res.~ttIn denlni orycur ap~lic~tionfcr ceriiflcaticr.. FO~AGENCYUSE - F~8NO Date Received Certticaticn No. Date Sec. A 1 Company Name ConocoPhillips_Company Person Authorized to Receive Certification Person to Contact (or Addition3l Details • Michael Kemp Neal Sahni Street Address • S Street Address 404 Phillips Building 900 S. Central Ave., P. 0. Box 76 Municipality, State & Zip Code Municipality, State & Zip Code rTelephone Number Bartlesvilleg OK 74004 Te~phorieRoxana,NumberIL 62084 5 918-661—9055 ..• 5 5 618-255-2478 -~ Location of Facility Munic~paIity Township Quarter Section Township Range Street Address S SoQk Number 900 S. Central Ave. Madison Property Identification Number Parcel Number 19—1-08-35-00-000-001 Sec. B Nature of Operatons Conducted at the Above Location Petroleum Refining 5 - c~ ~ — S - ~ Water Pollution Control Construction Permit No. Date saued S N/A ~ NFOES PERMIT No, Date Issued Expiraton Date ~° N/A Air Pollution Control Construction PermitN~. Date ~ssued 01120044 June 13, 2002 Air Polution Control Operathig permit No. Date Issued S 01120044 — June 13,2002. Sec. C Describe Unit Process -— Hydrotreating intermediate petroleum products. ‘hL.~, ~ Mat~iiisUsed in Proces.s ~ Crude oil and/or its petroleum derivatives, water, cat “ hydrogen and chemical additives. S I. • DEC 31 ?003 Sec. 0’ Describe Poilutlon Abatement Control Facility ~ I USEPA’s Tier II regulationsrequire refineries to limit thesulfur contentofgas~~~ parts per millionby weight (ppmw) on an annual basis. The \Vood RiverRefinery plans to meet the required Tier II gasoline specifications through
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