• c I N E MAG • PROJECTS IN NEGOTIATION CSC all-news net in danger ROYAL FAMILIES WHEELER-HENDREN TORONTO - Battle lines have Dr. Charles Allard, owner of Lead by President Pierre A nine-part one-hour series on the Royal been drawn between suppor­ Allarcom, has criticized the Juneau, the CBC has promised Families 01 the world. A joint venture 01 Jarah ENTERPRISES LTD. ters ofa decision (Nov. 30) by CRTC decision on the grounds repeatedly to deliver on its Productions Ltd., Jillian Film and Investment (403) 451-0219 the Canadian Radio-television that specialty channels on CRTC proposal to decentralize Corporation and Jim Hanley. exec, p, Yictor and Telecommunications Com­ Solnicki p, robert Prowse, Jim Hanley. ANGEL SQUARE cable should be the domain of progamming for the all-news Feature film based on book 01 same name by mission (CRTC) to award an private enterprise. service. Calgary will be west­ SCANNERS Brian Doyle. Financial participation from Alberta all-news channel to the CBC He argues that a crown cor­ Movie lor TV lor the ABC Network and pilot lor ern operating base for the news Motion Picture Development Corporation and series. Based upon the theatrical lilm, Scan­ and those who believe the de­ poration should not be permit­ channel and Halifax will be­ Superchannel. p,/d, Anne Wheeler sc. Jim De­ ners. exec, p, Yictor Solniki, Pierre David. cision should have favoured AI­ ted to operate an exclusive TV come the Atlantic centre. More felice, Anne Wheeler. -eoflN CAN larcom Ltd. , an Edmonton­ news and information service than 70 per cent of program­ VIDEO IMPACT INC. based teleVision company. and that a (publically funded) ming will be produced outside (416) 928-3446 ADDERLY At press time, the federal de­ crown corporation should not of Toronto. 22 x I-hour shows shooting until January in To­ partment of Communications operate on cable for a fee. On another contentious ADAM AND EVE ronto. An adventurel comedy about an intelli­ had not indicated how it will Also on side with Allard and pOint, Juneau argues that Theatrical leature lilm scheduled to shoot in To­ gence agent with a disability. Weekly television ronto and Jamaica in Summer '88. exec. p, handle a petition by Allarcom company are several Ontario operating on cable, indepen­ series produced With Orion Television Pictures Peter Wilson d, Robert BoUVier SC , Peter Wil­ to set aside the CRTC decision. MPs who have expressed con­ dent of CBC's basic service, is for CBS and Global Television Networks. exec, son, Andreas Blackwell. p, Robert Cooper, Jerry Golod p, Jonathan Hac­ It is expected that the Cabinet cerns about a growing CBC an opportunity to expand with­ THOR, GOD OF THUNDER ketl d, George Bloomfield, Tim Bond, Don will decide whether to ratify or monopoly on the news media. out draining the public coffer. Theatrical feature film scheduled to shoot in On­ McBrearty, Bruce Pittman d.o.p, Bob Fresco overturn the decision within Quebec members have also Costs in the first year are es­ tario in Winter u88. exec. p. Peter Wilson d.. pub, Theresa Burke I. p. Winston Rekert, the next few months or in the added their concerns that the timated at $19.2 million co­ Robert Bouvier sc. Brian Dick. Jonathan Welsh, Dixie Seatle, Ken Pogue. An fall . channel will be unilingual. The Alliance Entertainment Corporation production , vered by $14.8 million in cable (416) 967-1174. The original CRTC specialty CRTC has required, however, subscriber fees and $4.4 mil­ channel decision is scheduled that CBC submit a feasibility lion in advertising revenues. LA BANDE AOVIDE, to go into effect as of Sept. 1, study by December 1, 1988 for Animated series for children. 65 episodes 01 13 Against the charge of minutes. Wrapped January 15. d. Jean Sarault, 1988. implementing a French-lan­ monopoly, Juneau says the all­ Raymond Burlet sc. JeanPierre LiCCioni, Moloch Weighing in for Allarcom is guage news and information news channel ~ill undermine p, Jacques Petligrew, Jacques Vercruyssen. A James Edwards, (PC-MP, Ed­ channel. the already existing monopoly Co-productlon between Cinegroupe and id Car­ montop South), who resigned toons (Brussels). A Cine-groupe Inc. produc­ held byCNN. tion, (514) 524-7567 as chairman of the Parliamen­ There is also concern, par­ In short, Juneau argues that tary Standing Committee on ticularly in Western Canada, with its national and interna­ Communications and Culture that the CBC, with plans to tional resources the CBC is the to lobby full-time on behalf of build a new production centre only viable choice for a news IN THE CAN - his constituent. in Toronto, is too centralized. channel. Goldstein, Fred Busell, Derrik Emery. An Ordi­ DES AM IS POUR LA VIE nary Film Production. To be distributed by A Movie-of-the-week for the Radio-Quebec Norstar, (416) 961-5600. Television network. Eight veteran theatre people decide to live communally in the face of growing DISTANT THUNDER program is presently being broadcast across prod. man. Richard Lalondel. p, Fanny make-up Nicole Demers ward Beth Pasternak A feature fil mwhich began principal photography old alone and isolated. Shot in Montreal from Canada on CTV-TV affiliates and independent Lauzier . The film will be produced by Les Pro­ ward p.a. Tina McHugh art d, Valanne Ridge­ November 7 until December 1. p, Claude Bonin Sept. 8. Shooting continued in Vancouver fer 11 stations. Sponsored by the uGovernment of ductions La Fete with the participation of Telefilm way set dresser Ian Grieg asst set dresser d, Alain Chartrand sc, Diane Cailhier 1s! a, d. weeks. exec. p, Dick 0 'Connor p. Bob Schaffel Canada, Petro Canada, Kodak, and Air Canada. Canada, a group of private investors and Pre­ Doug McCullough props Angela Murphy asst. Ginetle Guillard cont. Mane Beaulieu d, of d. Rick Rosenthall prod man. Warren Carr exec, p. William Johston and Ron Lillie p. Chris­ mier Choixl TVEC. pub. Kevin Tierney, David props. Voighter. A Rhombus Media Production, prod, Muriel Lizo prod, man. Bernard Vincent prod, co-ord Tammy S. Oates loc. man. tina Jennings d, William Johnston and Henry Novek Assoc. A Productions La Fete and Hun­ (416) 861-0899. prod, co-ord Suzanne ComtoIs ace, Helene Stewart Bethune casting d. Michelle Allen I,p, Less . garo Films Coproduction, (514) 52t -8303. Aubin asst. ace. helene Gallizzl prod, asst. John Lrthgrow, Ralph Macchio. A Paramount WHOOPTIES Syfvain arsenault, Catherine Faucher art d, Production , (604) 291 -0457 HOLDING OUR GROUND 110 LOMBARD Last two episodes in a series 01 four prime-time Louise Jobin co-ord art dept. Blanche Danlelle Documentary which shos the efforts of a grass­ A 2nd City-JCI presentation 01 a 2nd City-Atlantis 1/2 hour family dramas. Based upon the stage Boileau dec, Pierre Perrault acc, Charles Ber­ DREAMS OF GLORY roots women 's organization to organize squatter Films Ltd. production . A l-hr. comedy pilot for plays of Calgary writers Hal Kerbes and Heather A 30-minute Olympic film being broadcast reg­ nier dec, work Francois Gascon ward Luc Be­ women and street children around issues of CBS Late Night and CBC, shot on video in To­ Mitchell . Production begins in Oct. exec, p, ionally across Canada to coincide with the Olym­ land dresser Luc Le Raguais make-up Kathryn shelter in the Philippines . It shows life as it is ronto Dec. 17-23. exec. p. Andrew Alexander, Brian Vos p./d . Floyd Lansing p, des. Bruce pic To rch Relay. The program will be aired by casauH asst. make-up Lucille Demers hair lived by the majority of Filipionos under the new Michael Rollens sup, p, Peter Sussman exec, Sin ski light. dlr. Sid Bailey post prod, Dave CTV -TV affiliates and independents throughou t Andre Morneau d, 0, p, Michel Brault 1st asst. government. p,d. Anne Henderson. A National In ch. of p, Jonathan Goodwill d,/p. David Ac­ Oberg . A CFCN Production , (413) 240-5600. Canada. Dreams of Glory ' provides audiences cam, Rene Daigle stills Bertrand Carriere key Film Board of Canada Production, 283-9000. In­ comba J. p. Bob Bainborough , Mike Yers, Ryan with an emotional jumpstart to the Winter grip-Yves Charbonneau asst. elec. Marcel Bre­ correctly listed as Cebu in the December issue. Stiles. ton gaffer Michel Periard asst. mach, Jean­ Games' and is available for international re­ Maurice De Emsted sd, Dominique Chartrand lease . Sponsored by the Government of Cana­ INSIDE THE OLYMPICS THE OUTSIDE CHANCE OF boom Claude LaYaye ed, Yves Chaput ass! da, Petro-Canada, Kodak, and Air Canada. A series of 8 112 hour programs that capture all of MAXIMILIAN GLlCK* Classified ed, Aube Foglia pub. rei, Kevin Tierneyl Christ­ exec. p. Ronald Lilhe and Bill Johnston p. Chris­ the excitement, activity, people and events that A feature film based on the critically acclaimed tina Jennings sc, Jay Teitel. A Lauron Television iane Ducasse, David Novek Associates, (514 ) are shaping the XV Olympic Winter games. Pro­ Morley Torgov novel which won the 1983 2842113. A Les Films Yision 4 Inc. production Production , (416) 967-6503. duction commenced Jan. 1, 1987, wrapping Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour. Shooting Information (514) 844-2855. ENTRE CHIEN ET LOUP Jan. 31, 1988. Currently sold to CFTO, CFRN, in Winnipeg and Portage LaPrairie , wrapped end CJOH and CKY. sup. p. Brian Vos p, Gord of Dec. p. Stephen Foster co-poRichard Davis COCKTAILS TV Series. 30 episodes x 30 min . Weekly. d, Enno d, Gord Enno, Dave Oberg, Ed Gatzke sc. FOR RENT : Fully equip. editing Claude Colbert sc. Aurore Descoteaux I.p. d, Allan Goldstein sc. Phil Savath.
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