Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2014. 3(1): 61–66 Chromosome numbers of some species of Artemisia L. from Altai region, South Siberia Alexandr A. Korobkov 1 *, Violetta V. Kotseruba 1, Nina S. Probatova 2 Alexandr A. Korobkov 1 * ABSTRACT e-mail: [email protected] 1 Chromosome numbers for 14 species of Artemisia L. (Asteraceae) from the Altai Violetta V. Kotseruba region (South Siberia) are reported. One species – Artemisia compacta Fisch. ex DC. e-mail: [email protected] is studied caryologically for the first time. For 11 species there are first chromosome Nina S. Probatova 2 counts from Altai. e-mail: [email protected] Keywords chromosome numbers, Artemisia, Asteraceae, vascular plants, Altai region, South Siberia, Russia 1 V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia РЕЗЮМЕ 2 Institute of Biology & Soil Science FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia Коробков А.А., Коцеруба В.В., Пробатова Н.С.. Числа хромосом не- Artemisia * author for correspondence которых видов рода L. с Алтая, Южная Сибирь Сообщаются числа хромосом для 14 видов сосудистых растений из Алтай- ского региона Сибири. Для Artemisia compacta Fisch. ex DC. приводятся пер- вые данные по числу хромосом. На Алтае впервые исследованы 11 видов. Manuscript received: 11.12.2013 Ключевые слова Review completed: 10.01.2014 числа хромосом, Artemisia, Asteraceae, сосудистые растения, Алтайский регион, Юж- Accepted for publication: 14.02.2014 ная Сибирь, Россия This paper continues the series of contributions to chro­ revealed in plants from Altai, is the most common within mo some numbers (CN) study on Artemisia species in the the whole area of species distribution. The tetraploid CN 2n flora of the Russian Federation (Korobkov et al. 2012a, = 36 was found once in Poland (Kreitschitz & Valles 2003). 2012b, 2013; Probatova et al. 2008a, 2008b, 2010; Krivenko In European Russia 2n = 36 also exists in A. abrotanum, et al. 2013 etc.). Plants for this study were collected in the besides the common is diploid CN (it was found in Volga Altaiskii Krai and the Repubic of Altai. Figure 1 shows the Re gion: two localities in Volgogradskaya Oblast’) as well as locations of data sampling points within this area. 2n = 54 (6 x) – in Samarskaya Oblast’. In the Novgorodskaya An asterisk (*) before the species name indicates the first Oblast’ we found 2n = 18 + 4B (unpublished data). chromosome count for the species, (!) – first re port from 2. (!) Artemisia commutata Besser, 2n = 36. Altai region. Plants were collected mostly by A.A. Ko rob­ Russia, Republic of Altai, Chemal’skii Raion, the left kov, who wrote comments as well. Chromosome counting bank of the Katun’ River, 20 km W of Edigan settlement, was made by V.V. Kotseruba, English translation – by high terrace, the foot of the SW slope, rubbly placer, forb N.S. Pro batova. Vouchers are deposited in LE (but some steppe community, 3 Oct 2009, Korobkov 10–38: 25; specimens – in ALTB). Russia, Republic of Altai, Chemal’skii Raion, the valley of 1. (!) Artemisia abrotanum L., 2n = 18. the Ka tun’ River, near Chemal settlement, melkozem placer Russia, Altaiskii Krai, Loktevskii Raion, low shore of a on the steep riverside slope, 3 Oct 2009, Korobkov 10–40: salt lake, 2 Oct 1999, Korobkov 99–65: 40 (here and after: 28; Rus sia, Altaiskii Krai, Burlinskii Raion, the basin of the the nomber in bold after the sample code is the location Bur lins koe Lake, Pinus and Betula forest, at the roadside, point number shown on Fig. 1); Russia, Altaiskii Krai, 7 Oct 1999, Korobkov 99–99: 47; Russia, Altaiskii Krai, Khabarskii Raion, near Khabary settlement, open birch­ Barnaul ci ty, Yuzhnyi settlement, sandy hillock, at the edge wood, 6 Oct 1999, Korobkov 99–66: 48; Russia, Altaiskii of Pinus fo rest, 19 Sep 1999, Korobkov 99–100, 99–101, Krai, Loktevskii Raion, the highway Staroaleisk – Gornyak, 99–130: 32; Rus sia, Altaiskii Krai, Zmeyinogorskii Raion, the terrace of Solonovka River, near the bridge, 2 Oct 1999, the shore of the Ko ly vanovskoe Lake, stony hillock, 1 Oct Korobkov 99–67: 38. 1999, Korobkov 99–102, 99–106: 36; Russia, Altaiskii Krai, Distribution: Eurasia. The steppe and forest­steppe spe­ Barnaul city, Yuzhnyi settlement, Pinus forest, roadside, 10 cies. In the Altaiskii Krai, it occurs mostly along the lakesides Oct 2009, Korobkov 10–41, 10–42: 32. of saline lakes and in river valleys, as well as in birchwoods Distribution: Asia. The steppe and forest­steppe species. and ditches on roadsides. The diploid CN 2n = 18, that was It is widely distributed in Altaiskii Krai and in the north of ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2014 61 Korobkov et al. Figure 1 Study area. Black circles and numbers from 01 to 51 are the sampling plot locations Re public of Altai, where it occurs in steppes, saline mea­ of Altai, Kosh­Agach skii Rai on, the upper course of the dows, pine forests, birchwoods and on pebbles. Here the Kokorya River, a slope with steppe vegetation, 19 Sep 1999, tet ra ploid CN 2n = 36, which is common throughout the Kuprianov 99–55 (ALTB): 09; Russia, Re pub lic of Altai, whole area of the species distribution, occurs (Kawatani & Ulaganskii Rai on, the upper course of the Saryachik River, Oh no 1964; Agapova et al. 1990; Malakhova 1990; Malak­ the ri ver side slope with steppe ve ge tation, 24 Sep 1999, Ko­ hova & Markova 1994; Stepanov 1994; Samoilova 1990). rob kov 99–90, 99–91: 19; Rus­­sia, Republic of Altai, Ula­ In the Republic of Tyva, East Siberia and Mongolia, besides ganskii Raion, near Chi bit settle ment, rubbly slope of a 2n = 36, the diploid CN 2n = 18 occurs (Hu et al. 1991; hillock, 21 Sep 1999, Korob kov 99–92, 99–93: 22; Rus sia, Pel licer et al. 2010; Korobkov et al. 2013). The significant Republic of Altai, Ongudaiskii Raion, the mouth of Chuya mor phological variability becomes apparent in this species River, right riverside, rubbly slope, 25 Sep 1999, Korobkov by one and the same way in 2x and 4x populations, this al­ 99–94: 25; Russia, Republic of Altai, Kosh­Agachskii lows us to consider such forms as ecological races. The most Raion, Chuiskaya steppe, the Yustyt River, SW of Kokorya clo sely related to A. commutata is A. dolosa Krasch., the Altai settlement, the riverside alkaline meadow, 27 Aug 2006, high­mountain species. Dyachenko & Shalimov 10–03 (ALTB): 08. Distribution: Siberia–Mongolia. In the Republic of Altai 3.*Artemisia compacta Fisch. ex DC., 2n = 18. the species is distribu ted in south high­mountain areas, it Russia, Republic of Altai, Kosh­Agachskii Raion, in vi­ oc curs in rocky steppes, open Larix forests near the upper ci nity of Tashanta, 19 Aug 1998, Shmakov, German, An to­ li­­mit of the forest belt, on flood­plain pebbles. Earlier, CNs niuk 99–56 (ALTB): 07; Russia, Republic of Altai, Kosh­ 2n = 18 and 2n = 36 were known in plants from Mongolia Agach s kii Raion, right riverside of the Chegan­Uzun River, (Gar­­sia et al. 2006) and from Republic of Tyva, East Siberia above Chegan­Uzun settlement, outcrops of speckled rocks, (Korobkov et al. 2013). 22 Sep 1999, Korobkov 99–74, 99–75, 99–76: 13. This is the first CN report from plants of Altai. Distribution: Kazakhstan­South Siberia­North Mongo­ lia. The desert and steppe petrophyte. It has a fragment of its 5. (!) Artemisia frigida Willd., 2n = 18. area of distribution in high mountains of the SE Altai. The Russia, Republic of Altai, Chemal’skii Raion, the valley spe cies occurs on saline soils of the slopes to lake depressions of the Katun’ River, near Chemal settlement, steep stony and on riversides in rocky steppes. The CN count was made slope, Larix forest with shrubs, on rocks, 3 Oct 2009, Ko­ in A. compacta for the first time. rob kov 10–22: 28; Russia, Republic of Altai, Chemal’skii Raion, 20 km W of Edigan settlement, the left bank of the Katun’ Ri ver, near the bridge, the bottom of rocky slope, 4. (!) Artemisia dolosa Krasch., 2n = 18. 4 Oct 2009, Korobkov 10–23: 29; Russia, Altaiskii Krai, Russia, Republic of Al tai, Kosh­Agachskii Raion, be ­ Mikhailovskii Rai­­on, near Rakity settlement, the edge of tween Ortolyk and Mu khor­Tarkhota villages, 18 Aug the light Pinus forest,­­ the old fallow land, 4 Oct 1999, Ko­ 1999, Kup rianov 99–54 (ALTB): 10; Russia, Re pub lic 62 Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2014. 3(1): 61–66 Chromosome numbers of Artemisia from Altai robkov 99–156, 99–159: 42; Russia, Altaiskii Krai, Lokte­ 99–52 (ALTB): 07; Rus sia, Republic of Altai, Kosh­Agachskii vskii Raion, in vicinity of Noven’koe settlement, the shore Raion, right riverside of the Chuya River, above Chegan­ of saline lake, high san­­dy hillocks, Artemisia community Uzun settlement, on the slope of depression, 22 Sep 1999, with grasses, 2 Oct 1999, Korobkov 99–157, 99–206: 39; Korobkov 99–123: 13; Rus sia, Republic of Altai, Kosh­ Russia, Altaiskii Krai, Loktevskii­­ Raion, the highway Staroa­ Agachskii Raion, 810th km of Chuiskii road, right riverside of leysk – Gornyak, near the bridge on Solonovka River, steppe the Yustyt River, along the ri ver side, 16 Aug 2010, Gnutikov on the plain, 2 Oct 1999, Korobkov 99–207, 99–208: 38; 11–18: 04; Russia, Republic of Altai, Kosh­Agachskii Raion, Russia, Altaiskii Krai, Mi khailovskii Raion, the lakeside of near the lake Malye Boguty, 2500 m, on the gravel, 16 Aug the saline lake Gorno sta e vo, near Nevodnoe settlement, the 2011, Gnutikov 2013–66: 03; Rus sia, Republic of Altai, clearing in Pinus fo rest, meadow community, 4 Oct 1999, Kosh­Agachskii Raion, the riverside of the Naryn­Gol River, Korobkov 99–210: 43.
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