Four drunk drivers arrested Library board approves after auto accidents tentative budget In the week following the deeth MitwaukeeAve. baitding. When potice arrived on the oEa 16-year-old Chicago girl in an Nues Potice said he crashedscese, the Nues resident, accor- by Eileealtlrnebfeld auto accident caused by a drunk white racing andwao drook at the ding to the accident report, had Board members of the Ritesalso' approved a -tentative two driver, four peopte were arrested time ofthe accident. difficatty standing hecaose he Library approved a tentativemillion levy approved taut year fordrunk driving in Nifes and According to potice, the Nues wauso istosicated. budget of about $l,0t7,$O6 forbut, by law, most he repeated three auto accidents were caused resident was racing oorth on The mas was takento Lutheran their library's nest fiscal year ateach year. - by drunk drivers sending one Mitwaukee Ave. en Wednesday, GeneratHospital byFire the July meeting io tl.ie'Main Some board members person to the hospitat. Juty 21 when he tout control of his Department Paramedics after he library, g96$Oaktou, Niles. questioned why uo many items tuthe most serious iocident, a car crossing over three tanes, is- romptained of back pains. A teotative appropriation wiltbadgeted tastyearwere in deficit 23-year-otd Nifes reuident wasctuding the on-coming tanes, Police reported that the Nites he approximately $1,213,000. Un-(although the total library ex- treated at Lutheran Generalrrashiugiots a tight pote and thea man didnot have auto insurasce. der illinois State Law, no menieopenditure was under budget.) Hospitat for back injuries caused hittingabuildingattilt He was charged with driving may be espended without au ap-Macje McNamara, the aaditer whenhecrashediutua Milwaukee Ave. Contiuced on Fege 26 propriatiOo.Board members ContinnedonPage 26 New village law will make adults Village of Nues res1e for excessive. d,Wiing by muets Edition 1r TugLr'Nile.s sééks' 966-3900-1-4 . 8746 N. SHERMER, NILES,ILL. to curtail ppço.. py... VOL. 26 NO 7 THE BUGLE TIIIJI6SDAY JULY 291155 edrin Guest Niles TownshipG 'meeting on ecoñorny" .Cölumnist The State 01 the Economy andand Rueckert will concentrate on , the Economy of the State or Howstile and local issues. byBobBeser What is a to Answer MoneyQoestiofls in the , The Rilen Township Regular Riles Mayor Nicholas BisseBoard meeting, Blaue saidthis precludo" will he the topic ofRepublican Organisation meetawill introduce an ordinance onlank would allbw the Nlles Police newspaper? discussion at the August 300 the first Tuesday of each mon- Aoguut 24 holding adulta -legallyto issue citations to adults who meeting of the Niles Towoshipth is the Shohie VFW. Commit- responsible foc any 'alcohol con-allow minors to drink excessively Regalar Repuhticauteeman Patricia Haodzel enteodnnomed by misors is their homeo -in their homes. Any resident who By Junk Moseley Organization which will he heldas invitation to any community Editor, FortSmith (Ark.) or onlhetr property. receiven a citation would bave to at the Shokie VFW, 7461 Lincolnresident to attend. Refreohmcnto, 'In announcing his intentions toappear in court. SoothwestTimes Record ave., Skokie, attp.m. are nerved at the conclusion ofspoonor the ordinance dortog Blase said the only people who The panel discussion os thethe meeting.For iñformatios,Tuesday night's Nuten Village Continued onpage 16 . A sewspaper is more than a economy will he lcd by Chicago ca11966-3243. marketptace for goods, services businessman Larry Palko, State asd ideas. atthough it woutd sot Rep. and State Senatorial cao- hepossibte withoutthose things. didate Robert Kmtra, and State Notre Dame -FinancialAdvisors A newspaper is so mach more. Rep. Candidate (56th) Tom It's a human institution that Rueckert.Putha's presentation mirrors life-joys and sorrows, will include an Overview of the successes and failures-as a economic picture, while Kontra lasting, wriftes record for the coinmusity it serves.It's a neighbor who catis doily at your home or office to infono, educateNiles Chamber and entertain you.lt cao touch your emotioss.Sometimes itluncheon on mahes you angry enough to dv something.Other times, it can spark o memory, bring a tear orfast track provoke a omite. Ito a watchdog Nites business people evil be that horhs and warm you of osmefeatured inA Day At The potential danger you did sotBueno" on Thocsduy, Augost 26. suspect. The NUes Chomher of Corn- Your sewspapermakesrneece and industry isoponsoring mistakes, became itio humasa day ofactivitiesat Arlington andnotsomeimpersonalPack Race Truck, including touch machine that spits sot statisticointhe Classic Club high abovethe like a computer. Ita mistaken aretrack. printed every day fnrthe world to Lunch io served ut l2l5 p.m. Father David Tushar, Principal of Notre. Dame cipal for Finance at ND; John J. Daffy, president see. But tomorrow, it cas correct 'of Carpet Laying Service, Des Plaines, parent of 3 andthecostof thetouch, High Schoolfor Boyo, 7t55 Dcmpster, has anuoun- them. Md people who disagree alumni of ND, and pant president of ND Father's with their newspaper can answeradmission, tao and tip will be $20 ced the appointment of six individuals to a newly back with a letter stating theirper pee500. formed Financial Advisory Board. Club; FatherDavid Tssbar, ND Principet; Jamen Appsioted to the board arwNieholnu B. DISfasia, a CPA and partner with Ernst and positions. What other imtitution Whinney, a graduate of ND, and past officer of gives you sacho platform without Reservations must he Blnse,attorney at law and mayor, of the Village of leed and are available from the Nilea; Hector Hunt, president of Hoot Truck asd The Alumni Association; and Father William charging yoaone red cent? Seetch, Annistaot Principal for Development. Ab- A newspaper atooioasChamber office, 358 Golf Mill Car Rental; Rev. Mlehnel J. Happen, CS.C., profrrniosalBuildisg, Phone 635- Director of Homing at the University of Notre. nest from the picture was Edward McCaokey, uuregutated, independent treusorer of Chicago Bears and parent of I alumni 0303. Dame and fermer Vice.President at the tlniver- Continued on Pnge 26, sity ot l°ortland; 'John P. Burke, Assistant Pris-' 'of ND. Page Z Thebogle, Thorodoy, Jo1y29, 19S2 TheBogle, flarudoy, July08, t011 Harlem Irving Plaza - - - - - - 96*eeIbe------- - - ,ta4daw.se-miso&rsbtimlor hosts Retirement Show - , - --- . - - . wo=th (Ma$feb«L - Harlem Irving Plaza hosts andneonte5 p.m. an Sunday. degree uf ill health.MedicureiSenlor Citizens' Retirement Plarniing & Living A special feature of the showbanC received the cooperation of i.yj Show, nowthrn Sundny, Augunt 1. includes free blond pressare andporomedics, police, fire und %j( The show takes place daring bloodsngurtesting,undemergency service units.Free fl ¿L'a se*e .ilmp.*ttLl4 8746 N. ShermerRoad mall heurs at the center which is palinonury function screening bymedicurepacketswiltbe - iJ.JijIt' Nues, Illinoia60648 lacated at Hnrlem ave., trying the Medicul Center of Northwestdiotrihuted. I Park, andForent Preserve dr. Hospital, Ittinnin. Other participants include the - - ' ' . .AaIRd.pFRdPRS(ssesesnni,v .ea'optaprt' is. YGS-3900 ' . Etsobli.h.-d 1957 ' : - - - j Various exhibits geared te Center far Fumily Medicine &Social Security Administration, News for all NuesSeniors(agc,62 and over I retirement planning and livingUnited Health Care Services. Chicago Office for Senior Citizens are on display including infer-This testing wiH take place Thor-& Handicapped, Norridge Park from the Nues Senior Center notes motel has -'always been a problem' maban an ceminunity and public sday then Sunday, Juiy 29-AoguutDistricts Walking Club fer 8060 Oakton, NUeo 967-6100 ext. 7tI neryices, health infarmatinn and 1,inthesouth malt nearSeniors. and Chicago Health Club IEmrikson testing, bnamesn inyestmenf-in-Wutgreens dsring mall honra. Income producing finos such. WESTBEND, WISCONSIN TRIP I I come nppnrtunities, security and Northwest Hospital will alun in-as Meadow Fresh Milk, Jan Mar The Nitos Senior Center wlllsponsnratrip tothefactory outlet 9 I hebby displays.Exhibits aretraduceitsflewmedicareProducts, Creolive Wspreoslens, area of West Bend Wisconsin on Friday, July 30, from 9-30 to Nilesmotél has week apes 10 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdays,emergency life saving program& Mary Kay Cosmetics will en- approximatEly 6.40 p.m. Tickets which are $lO.80perperson in- 93o a.m.-is30 p.m. en Satarday,for individuals who havesorneplain their party plan dealer- dade browning time throughout the town, transportation, undo Thhips. RepresentativesofIbuffet luncheon ut Smith Brother'o Fish Shanty in Part retirement housing and travel. Washington, Win. Two busloudu will he goingta uccomodute the facilities, financial and estate.. large registration for thin event, and all seuting wifi be hosed .1 of problems for police upon a lottery nyotem for the departure and as-rival trips, one Iloiiaid M. 0151k, lIme attorisey representing Riles and 57 other lt's Cook-Out Time Again!! planning are eslsibiting. VarionsI suburha In the ongoing suit against the Chicago water rates died types of health equipment are seat for every pair of trip attendants. At thin point, there ore na I by Beb Seiner feotored as well as equipment for louger any apolo acuSable; lo be placed opon the wutting Sut, Saturday in St. Joseph, Michigan. GUnk, 49, wan a partner in the Nues Baseball GROUND CHUCK the handicapped. please cu11567-Ololent. 70. The senior centerstaffwiil call those .law firm of AureI, Glob, Diamond, Murphy and Cope. He was the NUes' Royal Six Motel, 0410 municipal attorney for COuntry Club Hills and Rosemont. Mr. the couple the police were, persons on the waiting list und advise them of openings. So League - Toahy Ave., kept palice buy this,preparing ta bring them to the please do not caR to check on ticket availability au there ore not Gtiuk, an expert on municipal and school law, was oae ofthe attor. week flowing a resident beingRiles Police Department when $169 any openings atthinpeint. neys in Provtsovn.Hynen, a property tax cake in which the Illinois Thillens Day robbed in her room, a guest min.one of, the arrested couple, a EI- I LB.
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