't' p;. vp jah. la laavc Lokind them the Mantle of their In­ New York Senator.—Silas Wright Jr. City Mills Flour.—$dea of TO OUll FRIENDS AND PATRONS. spiration, with them the reputation of the universi­ •urul parcels this has been elected Senator in the place of week at $5 50 per bbl. and give this as tho fair AfcgiuiaswB ty has passed away. The dipl which she ■) If Printers the pride of the nation, Gov. Marcy resigned by a large majority. quotation to-day, although holders ask a frac- With dogg'reVu each year may distress you; JUST received, a lot of very superior bestows, which formerly confe rred the highest hon- tion more. The stock is small, and is not likely to o- He is friend of the administration of Just say without equivocation, lump ami firkin Buiter; 1,000 lbs. first qual­ and distinction ita possessors, is literally a be increased. } rr n despised. When the the right stamp. Shall a Broker in rhyme not address you ? ity North River Cheese, resh Figs, keg and n.^oea down at ®vcn* Susquehanna Hoar—Sales of 400 bbls. superfine box Raisins, Currants, Almonds, &c. with true that the halo of his brightness continues lor a at $5 50 per bbl. Kind patrons draw ye near, the newly chartered city, short time to enlighton the world : soon, however it Surpris’d, shall shortly hear, a Lottery Broker's ditty; n general assortment ol‘Groceries, Liquors Corn Meal.—Moderate sales of bbls. ut 93 80. Wines, Flour, Feed, China, Glass and is lost in the darkness of the night. So it is with SENATOR BELL.—-The Legislature GRAIN—Wheat—Some moderate parcels of good A song of Fortune’s freaks—how lucky ones con­ distinguished teachers, when they descend to the Queensw of late and approved patterns. of New Hampshire has passed a resolution red were taken at tl 14, 8i 15 and 91 16. The trol her— tomb. The refulgence of their reputations, will Also, n few boxes smoked Herrings, by a vote of more than two thirds of both prices of tho lots of good red received by wagons How when her brow is sad. Glazier can console her! for a season shed a flickering and deceptive ray on fVom $1 10 to 1 14. led and in fine order For sale low for cash, the institutions from whence, during their lives, houses, calling upon Mr. Bell to resign his The world is full of pain, of toil, of grief, and trouble; by JACOB K. HIGGINS, GAZETTE Ac WACTHMAN. there emanated enlightening and dazzling beams. Com—On Thursday a cargo of 3600 bushels seat in the U. S. Senate. At the time of sold at 59 cents for tho white and 61 cents for the nd the passion gain, will vote a hore, a bubble! No. 10, West High street, opposite the t,ie r.edecled light of twilight, cannot give the election of Mr. Bell, the question was yellow, and the article is considered worth the same But, on ! believe it not—bright gold is a specific Upper market, Wilmington Delaware. rUBLISHXD life to vegetation, neither can the borrowed reputa­ For ev’ry fate or lot—no matter how tcrritic ! agitated, we believe, respecting the obliga­ prices to-day. Dec. 27—Ct tion of the dead confer instruction.” nr.gb tion Members of Congress were under to Rye—remains per last report, 71 a 73 ccnta The new year has begun—begun with smiles or N. B. Just received, 30 bushels of Har­ bushel. ford county, Md. Benches. For sale follow the instructions of their constituents, sorrows above. The mailer seems to have got into the hands of Oats—are held from store at 40 cents per bushel. Friday, January II, 1833.* and he made a pledge to the Legislature to To each and every one;—if you a charm would the people. They rarely fail of effecting any good Clover teed—The wagon price ranges from 96 a borrow ELECTION. resign, in case he could not consistently with 86 37 J per bushel, as in quality; and the store price THE Wilmington 8c Great Valley Turn­ Delaware College. • purpose which they undertake. Will it be believed ? To banish every care—to light the brow of sadness, his views follow their instructions. We $6 25 a 96 75. To mako your pathway fair—a path of hope and pike Company, will hold their annual elec­ Wo understand an application will bo made to Wo copy tho above from the U. S. Gazette, a paper shall now see whether ho keeps his word. Flaxseed—The generally prevailing wagou rate gladness. tion for a President, six Managers and a tho Legislature at its present session, for the ap­ which has most strcnously supported the Bank, is 81 37 J and the store rate about $1 50. Treasurer, nr John D. Gregg’s, on Monday, WHISKEY—The market for hhds. haa been What should your motto bo? n Why if I nothing the 14th of January inst, a’ 2 o'clock, P. M. pointment of Trustees, and an act of incorporation and the % ' Aristocratic construction of the Editor’s Correspondence. inactive this week, and prices have declined. Small venture— JACOB B. VANDEVER, Sec’ry. for the College in this State. The Trustees ofNew- sales have been made on the wharf at 311 cents per ’Tis entre stitulion. We congratulate ourselves the acqui- Dover, Jan, 8,1833. you —ilie dams will ne'ci pre- Brandy wine, Jan. 1 — 41 ark Academy, to whom wero entrusted its funds ibr gallon. Holders of the small parcels on the wharf sent her sitionofso clever a convert to the of the Mr. Bayard made an able leport On so ask 31J and 32 cents. In Old Town sales of hhds. Sunny smiling face—ihut if I should endeavor the erection of buildings, have sometime since made people. That the people rarely fail of affecting much of the governor's message as relates made yesterday at 30 cents from storop. The To bravely win her smiles—will aho refuse mo ? wagoft price of bbls. in Howard' streot is 29 cents, THE G a contract with a distinguished architect for a superb their undertakings, tho editor of tho U. S. Gazette lo South Carolina; it is 20 pages letter Never !" •hî Hoard of Directors of the paper manuscript ; read and oidered to be exclusive of the bbl. and tho sales from tho stores Thon listen to my song—a song, of inspiration! Farmers’ Bank of the State of Delaware, College edifice. Tho work, we believe, is progress­ freqncnt disappointments. He have generally been made at 32 J a 33 cents per gal. la NI printed. A copy shall be forwarded to And jog youAelves along—we've prîtes for a na­ have this day declared a dividend at the rate ing, and will bo completed and ready for use by a- has always b*»a exposed to tho people, and has al- <-f five per cent per annum, Tor the last half you as soon as possible. To-day the court tion /—- nother season. The College fund hns been accu­ ways failed in tho cause, he has espoused. If lie Kt&tBIBItZfilD O, do lag behind—ü is ths worst of sinning— year. 1’») able to the .stockholders or their business, it is thought will be introduced 1 lu legal representatives, any time after the 8th In this city, on Tuesday Evening last, by the year begins, by Fortune's fuvors win. mulating for a number of years, and it i continues to hold tire people in such estimation, in the senate by his honor, the mayor, hut ning ! Rev. E. W. Gilbert, Mr CHARLES DEVOU, to **>«• J. M ANLOVE, Cash’r. thought will bo sufficient to justify the organization may expect to find him in tho next contest fighting there is very little probability a bill fpr Miss CHARLOTTE R. SMITH, both of tbiBcity. And if you would bo wise—be rich Dover, Jan..], 1833. 4—4t of an institution. Tiio situation as it regards health »'J I the removal of the courts from New Castle dreaming— On Tuesday evening last, by tho Rev. A. K* Buy a ticket, and a pri*f—where gold is brightly and beauty, will be inferior to none in the country, to your city will pass this session. A hill Russel, Mr. JOSEPH FERGUSON, to Miss FOft sale- gleaming : SALARIES OF JUDGES. may be passed, perhaps, to leave the ques­ CATHARINE RUMER, both Mill-creek Hund. «Æ TsÊVJBiiJr 8TJAJS'SP, and is such, that, if the institution is properly or­ Misfortune’s the wing—and if you would arrest tion to the ballot box ; but it is thought red. Known bv tl name of the Wilmington and ganized and conducted, it must command a full We insert in to-day’s paper, a communi­ her and reported here by some, that a majori­ Your fate ohould lead you, where ? Why lend you Brandywine Inn. situate in Wilmington, share of patronage. There has been a Col- cation over the signature of “ Justice,” in ty of the county have signed the petition to" GLAZIER. near the Brandywine Bridge, n large and legein this State, nor one of any reputation in Mary­ relation to that part of the Governor’s mes­ for their removal, and if so, why not grant EPlJNBIba® &&IL2E WILL be sold Wednesday, the 30th Attention ! Splendid Capitals ! nt, • lie bill? This leport, however, is contra­ / land. Pennsylvania has had her half a dozen Col- sage, which advises the raising the salaries day of January, 1833, at 2 o’clock, P.
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