EDISON J FORDS BtACON V, Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbcy, Port Reading, Sewaren and Edison Vol. LV - SO. SI Puhll«h«d Weekly Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, December 5, 1963 ftntcred H Jnd Clwui Mill PRICE TEN GENTS On ThurndBj At P.O., Woodbrldgft, H. J. HAPPY 300th BIRTHDAY: 70 Attend Kickoff MeetingJoint Meeting of Board •/ Tercentenary Committee And Town Council Seen And Offer Fidl Cooperation™ n . m T WOODBRIDGE r- Seventy in- gr;nns to Tw--consisting of Manny Goldfarb.|4S0O, ext, 277, who has been as- jed townspeople attended the ran in, John Pctrossi and Arthur Fried- signed to assist with Tercenten- i general meeting of the Wood- H r -. MII^I'MHI Hint dubs and man, ary work. •jilee Tercentenary Committee 1 o rrevent 1 ax Increase itinns mipht want to sell] Chairmen to Get List Committee* Named y night it the homo of Ter i -njiry items, many of! Copies of the calendar of events The Committees are as follows: and Mn. Walter Zirpolo, ;)n. available from arealand the schedule of committees Executive Committee: Miss iionin. and enthuxlastlcally of firm including tiles, dishes, will be sent to all sub-committee Wolk, general chairman; Mayor I to serve on the various mib- r.wly iiiul hultiins. Koy chairmen who are to schedule Zirpolo. Roy Doctofsky, Patrick Mortgages Save Clock Review bninntlees for the many event* dipfsky. with the assistance of meetings with .he executive com- A. Boylan, S. Buddy Harris, He- nncd during the coming year the Mercury Federal Savings mittee to work out details of the man B. Averill and Herbert celebrate the Moth birth- staff, will be available to serve event for which the committee la Rosen. For Bowtie Plans Told ,• of both the State and Wood U advisor for such fund-raising responsible. The executive com- School Honorary Committee: Mayor activities. ^ mittee will hold periodic meetings Zirpolo, honorary chairman and By Zirpolo ?,fivnr Zirpolo welcomed the A siiKuestion was made thSihe with committee chairmen for all councilmen. Made Easy and theft turned over the municipnlily be surveyed for the progress reports. Members of the Committee for inauguration and WOOnnRllXiK- The Snvethe in tine to Miss Roth Wolk, gen- jeledinn of historic sites, to be executive committee will be as- Tercentenary kick-off, January 1, WOODBKIDGfe - A procedure I'nwnClock movement gnincd itn- i hairman of the Tereenten identifier! and preserved for the signed to each of the various Ter- to greatly hasten the process of executive committee. liis today with n suggestion WOODBRIDC.E - Both $• ' Committee. future The mayor and Miss Wolk centenary events. obtaining piortgagcs for residents Committee for School Activities ado by Mayor Wnllcr Zirpolo. Town Council and the Board «l r chairman made the point agreed lo work on such a plan. of Project Bowtie was announced Inquiries about schedule of Program, month of February, "I can remember, as a young Education are interested in cflflj m addition to the events The handling of decorations for today by S. Buddy Harris, execu- events and other matters con Harry Lund, chairman; Dr. John sin-," related the mayor, "that ing n joint meeting to discuss ttw -,(! by the committee as a Individual Tercentenary events tive director <rf the Woodbrdige cerning Tercentenary should be P. Lozo, Patrick A. Boylan, all the school children were asken' proposed budget of the Board- «l, i each organization and and civic group celebrations will Redevelopment Agency. directed to Miss Pat Whitley at WCTC Broadcast Program: to bring in their nickels and Education, it was revealed b> <•<)! should plan w many pro- be coordinated by a committee the Municipal Building, ME 4- (Continued on Ifege 9) Mr. Harris said that ;it a meet limes to siwe 'Old Ironsides' day. ; ing held recently between rep- Why can't, the same system lie Last week, at a press confer* resentatives of Woodhridge and used here in Wnodbrirlgn to help )NE-THIRD OF GOAL: 1 enco, tie Board indicated that Peter LQngarzo, director of the save an historical landmark? there will be a large increase in regional office of the Federal The mayor stated that the the 1964-65 budget, which will be Housing Administration, a n Woodbridge Tercentenary Com- presented to the voters in Feb- agreement was reached whereby mittee has decried the lack ol ruary. This, they said, was do* hristmas Fund Total $1,268; Bowtie property ownois would be historical sites throughout tin m part to the opening of the Jdui able to obtain the neeesnry mort- municipality. F. Kennedy Memorial High gages for rahabil. if ion or con- "This municipality is 300 year School next September and the struction of their Monies within i old," the mayor said, "and it i new Junior High in the Avenel seven to fourteen days. Harris about time we stopped to think ction, which will require, addl-' 2,000 More Needed to Assist indicated that without this u w- Kl about our historical heritage. nnal personnel, It will also be jrntmt people could wait up In With the tercentenary year com- ue to increast , in salaries and Miner or four months to obl;iin ing up, the preservation of the crements promised teachers, their mrntgages. • tov,ii clock and tower atop old initors mid the clerical staff. 00 Needy Township Families Mayor Walter Zirpolo said to- The Rcdevctopniejil Agency ex i School 1 (now the school admin- iDBKlDGE - A few large ecutive director saic1 that part of istration building* would be a fine ay that "it is the intention of .us this week helped to ithe reason for the increased speed project." ., b council to set up a meeting i in processing moifyages is k- Mayor jSrpolo further stated /ith the Buard of Education anJ eview their budget." He refused Christmas Fund to *I.K8 System to Take Sectionalism j cause the I'.'HA regional direc- he would be happy to hear from 1 make any further comment "at - or I little over one- tor will permit the Redevelop- ny resident about any ideas to iis time." i the quota set to help 100 Part in Testing ProgramSession Topimenct Agency I, -, ".s itiiirlgage ireserve the old landmark. •..If'l.iW. <i|>|)licntirtns in .v preliminnry mn in-lain the 'lVrwntwi- William Hililer, public relations .MI •iw. 4 IA 4. A LETTER TO SANTA: Lisa Sosnlcki, age 2!>. and her sii-year mnnner with a financial institu- 'hairman of the Board, when lonaijon-iH'Sinuift «m- WDOLIURIDGR —'Kiiiest Du old brother, Billy, children of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sosnicki, jry Committee would be happy to WOODBRIDGE - Opponent of tion before formally processing icslioned said that "figures of 'ii of $5G0 — came fromjhty, director of physical educa- 56 West Louis Place, Iselin, are shown mailing a letter to ft the ideas and use the best a movement to consolidate the the application with the FHA. ic budget will not be publicized from Perth Amboy and tion in the Woodbridge, Township Santa Claus in the lobby of the Woodhridgt- National Bank. nes to advantage.," he declared Lack of Heat 300-year-old township into one This is an additional burden ntil they are reviewed by the Reading.d " Public Schools, has announced Anthony Orsini, cashier and "Vice President in charge of the community name in order to on the Agency." said Mr. Harris. 'mmc-'il." '"i" lonation was received that the Woodbridge Public special Santa Claus Mailbox," is shown supervising the mailing. wipe out sectionalism, asked "However, service to our project "The Board has every intention Duvid T, WilenU Perth jSchools Physical Education De- Bank patrons may select one of four colorful messages avail- ReasonFound Tuesday aight that the matter be residents is our prime aim aijd Query Boys in meeting with the Township m memory of Charles partment has been selected as able at all three Woodbridge National Hank Offices and, after placed on the ballot. we are more than willing to do lefore making any move," he • ?ory and another $1M do-l01* <rf the 9f school systems in placing a stamp on the envelope HIKI Hildt essing it, may drop WOODBRIDGE - Health Offi- Tex Perry, Iselin, who has con- blared. "We know the Coun- i cam* from the Woodbridge the Unlted States to participate this for them." It in Hie special mail Inures in thf lobby, The letter will then cer Harold J. Bailey yesterday stantly campaigned against the School Fires il has the problem of taxes to. I in the administration of the Woodbridge Mayor Walter Kir- be delivered to the child postmarked .Santa Claus, Indiana. said he had started legal ac-'idea, that proponents claim would polo indicated that he had dis- :onsider, so we won't make a American Association for Health, lionatioju rec«tv«d this tion against the landlord of the make Woodbridge a decided fac- cused this procedure with Mr W00DBIUD<;K - Iacal police nove one way or another until Physical Education and Recrea- i-ie as follows: Woodbine Garden Apartments, St. tor in the state, tried to present a Harris and that he was "highly re faced with twu wises of ar- ill problems are resolved." tion Sports Skills Testing Pro- son in two schools and they fed In August of 1962, the Board- $25.01 George Avenue, Avenel, for fail-,resolution he had prepared, stat- pleased about the approval given Planning Board Decides gram. that in each case, older juveniles ave the Township projected'- 'i:.i F, Greiner, Al Sobo ure to supply heat for tenants, j ing that Iselin was against it. He to the procedure by Mr, Lon One hundred boys, at each However, he said that repairs j asked Committeeman Thomas garzo." are responsible.
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