1879. VICTORIA. UPO!( THE AFFAIRS OF THE POST OFFICE AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT FOR TI!E YEAll 1878. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BY IIIS EXCELLE!{OY'S COMMANII Ji)p S!lutbotit!! ; JOrlN ~'ERRES. (WVlmNlIIENT PRINTER, lIELBOVRNE. NO.6. .•• j APPROXllI1ATE oo8'.r' OF ,REPORT. Preparation-Not given.. £, •• <l. PrlntiDg (815 wplet) . .. 129 10 0 .. .... ~.-,..- , ~ -~. i .. f, : ,. " ' • .-..J .. .' ..,~. r~ ..... .', '." 1:;'", " " ,.';-.' ~ 1,.... ;. ," _.. Inaceordanc~ with the 57th. section'. of: the; Act 29, Victoria No. 298, the following Report upon ~he Post Office';~nd::Telegraph:;;Dep'~it~ent for 1878 is subhiitted . -, :"'" ,',', .... '..... ", t, .• " '.' .. " ..•. ,.', '! •·•.• I··!- """" :' ." '.' ~t. _ •• ;:.,~."'r,' .. ~. ,~~~~;." ~~3; • ~;;~ .:_: . ! ;'I.~-:f..;,."~·-··7'''' ",:'.r... ,,'f~ ,t' "t ,~ .. .: . - \ '", " ,.:.: ·:'GENER.AIi PROGRESS.';, " ','" . , " . _ .' J,... • /., ... I'. .,; ~.' ; .. The O'eneral progress of th~. p'ep,artruellt m~y be. :indicate9, py a brief summary of the extended f~cilities .afr6rd~d! :~o.. t4~,' p,ublic, and' the increase \If business in both the Postal and Telegraph divisIons: of' the' ser.yjqe, as undermehtione~. During the yeaI\ '64 3:d~it~pl1~'I~~~t'Qtftge~'~~(9Q a~9#1.~ual }'elegraph 9fi?ces (including tho~e on the ;R~ilway ~ircu,it)' were pp~,~ed ;. 858.nlllt;13 of.-p:ew Maillmes were established; .and '183 .miles, of n'ew T.~legraph. ,Hnes ere~ted:' Eleven new Money Order, Offices ~nQ. siX, new Savings Banks were opene~: ,The total number of letters amounteqto' 22,324,931,.,as:' cog.ll)ared with.:20,·910,9,5'8 in 1877, or an increase of 6! per cent. The total number of telegr~ms reache~:.1,003,654, as against 919,985 in 1877, or an,increase of 9~'f:Pflr,cent::;·-The·-:gfo1s,:re:veIl;1l,e. al!,lounted to £251,802 '17s;·1l.d.:;- as' G&inp!1r€ia:·wiW"£2,40;6'2t~7(. 8d::in "\,8;77~ ,or 'an increase of £11,175 1O~. 3d.; equal'toAt per c~nt.' ': - .. ~. ' ',; . '~"'J. ,. - Some ni~terial changes have 'heen)nade ix~',~~~ iI;l~.ern,~~ wor1pllg of the General fQ~t Of.ii.cC\ whICh lAaye ~~.~ef1' ~~l}detw.th,?~7Y; .~~~~l'lf~9~ory r~~;B~~:. For several years the des¥,ablen~s~ .,of estaBhshmg a doubl~ staff m the Mall branch had been under consi~eratiQn, put ~np. qt(fil?-it~, .~!fJP.. h~d. b~E:m taken to bring ,such all, .arr~nge1p~nt. in~? pr3;ctic~1 o'pe~l,iti?~. ,JJp.der 't.l?-e.; fo~~~r system many of t4e o~cers wet:e,' ,~mp'~pye,~ f~<?J:n :5.30 a'~'1 :U.'t~il,7, p .. m., 'Yit~ .a~,.occasional interval during th~.day; and. 9~ ~ccou,nt ~fthe long.~Oljr.~t~ey!y'e,re.,<;.alle4.. upon to work, they ~a~ to qe p'a~d, overtime a:llowfIDqe~,' wllHe 'at ~h<~~me, t~me it .w;~sf,?und that in many ca~es the health of t~Y.Jnen suff~I:ed .to 51 ~~rioii(ex~~ljlt, as, ~h~~~tby the !ength of the d!1Ily ,sick list. J)\1()reqve.r, ~t app~ar~d that". tJl~.sYf?¢'n:i· 0'£ .P~y~pg overtIme operated i1;tjuriously in various other ways, as it is believed 0.Q..,S:9.m~ occa:s~qns to have supplied ~.motiye fordi;ta~~)l:iness ,ill tJ,1e p~rr.0~wanceor4utf,e~,th~t~~otilq' P~. di~ehwged with the. utm,o.s~. pro~pt~tu9.e· ap..q .. e;x:pe~ltlOn, ~P4 also: p'revEJBte~, s~~~ple persons from o~t~ini~g -tll~" employni,yti.~ t~~at. W;cl'il,a. ,oth.e.r.'y;is(f)?~, ~v~ilapl~.. fQ~-';f4@l. It was there­ for~ d,eterp:1~n~d, in O~tqbet;)~t, ~'? ,~s~ablis~, at once. ~ double, staff, one half coming on' duty 3:t4' a.~; '~p.~ tp.~·Of~er not .uptil, tB;:~p.1., ..tlie .()~~t?~s",ta.k~pg early and late duty iilt.~r~telY.;i?v~~y oth~~ Wq~~h. ;By F!iis .~O}}J~~\j~~~ m;3:il.~'jY,9~ch arrived at the General'fo~t .ofl!-,ce .c?,!ernigh~".~~~ wp.i~~ 'previ()~,~ly,,<.:iuld, p.o(PS. sorted in time for re-transmission by the ~arly nw:rning t~~,i~~, .. wer~, '~~l :,~o~pl~tt:lly .~orted, and corre­ ~Plndence for the different mail lirie~"J ~~~patch,eit onw~:rd ~q: ..~ystination without e ay. , . .,... I "( ! " J •• :; . ,,',' Ari'ttn~e~e.~1S:we~(~i~<?j~opte(i.~9!· ~tf~A~i~g ~~:~~#:fmo!ni~p cle3;r~nce of the CIty reCelVJpg ,PI~f;~, so, tpat, a:ny, , lett~ts pos~,~d, .9-1JTI~g .th~ .n~gh~ wQul.~ reach the Genl?rl,il' Po~~ OfPce)p. tilJ?-~ for . the ~:St}elivery ,ip" M,el.l~9u:pfY· and .sri,bur~8, and for 9-.espatqh, by ~heeatly J~~ils' t~, th,e. ~0If-?-try, ~H~~tti~g!: fot e;C~¥!p'h:i,:,of a letter posted III any part of Melbourne, say at. mIdmght, bemg 4~hv~W~q.\~t.;.B.alJarat or S~ndhurst before U?OP, o~ t~e'f?n,owip.g <lilY., T.h~ .. sam~ .f~9m~i~s '.V~r~ al;~o,ext~p~J~d,:to·.Col1ing­ wood, Fl.tZ[oy, C~:~#?:?'. a~d, ~9tha!U,,; ~n~ ;~~:rly'~,nw:~~, W~r.~i ~g 1~k.E;, p~,aIln.er. despatched fr9p1.t~~ P9st.,ptpc~~, ~t,,~a~~~idg~, l?)~er,aid, ,H,iJl;~,S~;1\il.~~; .:E'\a~faD,~Soqth Yarra, To,orak, and~Ich~o~~"t~.r~3;C? the 4~~(9ffiee, by}: a:m, i :,~l\",.,q . <',' , . T1lCp.ep~.s~lty, for, ~n.sUTII;lg,an i~~;r~l~li del~v~ry o()yt~er~J m., ~h>y.. ~~b:qrb~~ also received attention, and, to effect this' object; inStead of bringing' the,· Lfi~~e.r, .cal~riers fr?,m ,the .d,iffer.~nt. ou1!lyipg ~~~ri~j~ ip.~~, t~e G!1"ue.mL:ro~~:9~cej t~,.s<?~ ~~elf .le.t~ers, &c., and,to. be.~n~ ag~~ t.o ~~e.~o.~~~t.ie~:~ -;W~~~h: t~ei:,\~~~~,t:pplqy~,~, t~e:.~pi:TysPQnde~ce A2 ,- . 4 for each district was forwarded to the local post offices, where the letter carriers were required to attend, whence they started upon their first delivery not later than 8 a.m. ; and in many instances persons were by ,these means able to receiv,e their correspondence before leaving home for their places of business in the city. In the Centr,al Electric Telegraph Office it has been found practicable to introduce many important changes, of which the following may be accepted as a brief summary:- L Re-arrangement of all leading circuits, 1-vires, lightning arresters, batteries, &c., in such a manner as to materially facilitate the" working" of the , office, arid to promote more readily .the discharge of their duties by . the telegraphists elJlployed. 2. Re-grouping of receiving and transmitting instruments. These' are now arranged according to their respective circuits within stich' convenient distance of each other as to secure immediate access from one circuit to another, and thus to' advance the work in hand by pnabling in some instances a single operator to attend to two or more instruments during certain pOl~tions of the day. To each instrument has also been affixed a distinguishing number, and on a card below' the nu~ber is shown a diagram of all the circuits, including branches, with which the iristrument communicates. ' 3. Equalization of the duties of the double staff, which is now so arranged that the work is perfQrmed more satisfactorily than hitherto, while no material increase has been made 'in the period of attendance, which, unless undel; special circumstances, does not in any case . exceed eight hours. 4. The. system of '; night signalling" previously in practice has been so modified and improved that under the new arrangement the Melbom:ne office can be signall9d by any' country station on the main ciI;cuits, and messages passed at any- hour of the day or night', Sundays included. This was previously unattainable unless in, exceptional cases, and ",vill afford increased means of security in the event, of unforeseen disasters either by sea or land. '. 5. Increased supervision bJ the officer in charge over every member of the staff and over every detail of the duties in their many ramifications, In ore particularly the mode of dealing with telegrams between the moment of theiI" receipt at the instrument and their reception by the persons for who~ the ielegr~ms may' be intended. On the latter point it is believed that a Il1arked improvement has been effected over previous practice. 6. By certain a:lterations in the interior of the office hoth branches of the telegraphists' sta~, as well as the females employed iIi the despatch branch, will in future discharge their duties, in a single extellded apartment having an uninterrupted area, a course similar to that prevailing in the London office. This provides not o:q.ly' a hetter means for, supervision, but th~ advantage of enahling the officer in charge to interchange telegraphists readily at any of the instruments, as may occasionally he necessary, and to increase the means for a , more" rapid delivery of telegrams. , In effecting the foregoing modifications the office and its appurtenances have practically. undergone a complete reorganization in every branch" with many prospec- tive advantages to the puhlic as well as to the administration of the department. , Instructions have' been give~ for messages to be receive~ at and forwarded from the undermelltioned, "NigHt Stations," viz. :-Melhoume, Ballarat', Beechworth, Castleiriaine, Echuca, Geelong, Hamilton, Sale, Sandhurst, Stawell, ~nd Warrnamhool.
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