Grade 8 Scope and Sequence Go to aliveinchrist.osv.com for complete program Scope and Sequence. Catechism of the Tasks of Catholic People Catholic Social Unit Chapter Lesson Concepts Sacred Scripture Catholic Church Catechesis Faith Words of Faith Teaching • God made humans in his image• God and made likeness humans so wein hiscould image be inand relationship likeness so with we couldhim. be in relationship with him. The Story of Creation Genesis The Story 35,of Creation 45, 356, Genesis357, Promoting35, 45, Knowledge 356, 357, soul,Promoting free will, Knowledge St.soul, Marcella free will, RightsSt. and Marcella Rights and • With a soul, reason, and free• will,With humans a soul, reason, can set and their free priority will, humans and direction can set in their life toward priority friendship and direction with in God. life Jesustoward is friendshipthe with God. Jesus is the 1:27–28, 31; Dependence on God1:27–28, 31;346, Dependence 1954–1974 on God of the346, Faith, 1954–1974 Moral covenant,of the Faith, Ten Moral covenant, Ten Responsibilities Responsibilities model for living out this relationship.model for living out this relationship. Matthew 6:26–33 Matthew 6:26–33 Formation Commandments,Formation Commandments, of the Human of the Human In God’s Image In God’s Image • Through the accounts of creation• Through and thethe accountsestablishment of creation of the and covenant, the establishment we learn that of God the iscovenant, faithful towe all learn humans, that Godeven is faithful to all humans, even Decalogue Decalogue Person, Solidarity Person, Solidarity CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER when 1 CHAPTER they sin. when they sin. of the Human of the Human Family Family • Natural and revealed law helps• Natural us live and out revealed the covenant law helps and usgrow live closer out the to covenantGod. and grow closer to God. 1• God’s revelation is contained• God’s in his revelationwritten word is contained of Scripture in hisand written in the Sacredword of Tradition Scripture of and the in Church the Sacred passed Tradition down from of the Church passed down from Faith and Works James 2:14–17;Faith and Works75–80, James 84, 2:14–17; Promoting75–80, Knowledge 84, SacredPromoting Tradition, Knowledge St.Sacred Thomas Tradition, Call toSt. Family, Thomas Call to Family, Jesus; entrusted to the Apostles;Jesus; and entrusted safeguarded to the by Apostles; them and and their safeguarded successors, by the them bishops. and their Together, successors, they make the bishops. up one Together, they make up one Prayer and Conduct 1 TimothyPrayer and153, Conduct 176, 181, 1 Timothy of the153, Faith, 176, Moral 181, faith,of the Church, Faith, Moral faith, Church, Community, and Community, and Faith and source ofFaith Divine and Revelation. source of Divine Revelation. 2:3–4; Saying of Faith Luke 17:5–62:3–4; Saying1812–1813 of Faith Luke 17:5–6 Formation1812–1813 councils,Formation virtue, councils, virtue, Participation, Participation, Tradition •ION Faith is bothTradition a gift from God• andFaith a isfree both human a gift choice from God and and action. a free It ishuman an individual choice and act andaction. an actIt is of an the individual Church; actthe and faith an act of the Church; the faith Theological Virtues Theological Virtues Option for the Poor Option for the Poor CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER of the 2 CHAPTER Church nourishes and strengthensof the Church the nourishes faith of eachand strengthens of us. the faith of each of us. and Vulnerable and Vulnerable •ELAT The three Theological Virtues• The help three us to Theological believe in God, Virtues trust help in hisus toplan believe for us, in and God, love trust him in ashis he plan loves for us. us, and love him as he loves us. REV • God created humans to share• God in his created glory, humansto be holy, to shareand to in be his joined glory, fully to be with holy, him. and to be joined fully with him. Dependence on God Luke Dependence357, on 2013, God 331–Luke Moral357, Formation, 2013, 331– holiness,Moral Formation, angel, holy, Bl.holiness, Miguel Proangel, holy, Life andBl. MiguelDignity Pro Life and Dignity • Angels have been present since• Angels creation have and been throughout present since the creationhistory of and salvation. throughout They theare historyspiritual of beings salvation. that They praise are God spiritual beings that praise God 12:22–23, 31–34; Divine Majesty12:22–23, 31–34;333, 772–773, Divine Majesty Teaching333, to772–773, Pray MarksTeaching of the to Church Pray Marks of the Church of the Human of the Human and serve him as messengersand to help serve people him as understand messengers God’s to help plan people or to keepunderstand them safe God’s from plan harm. or to keep them safe from harm. and Human Dignity Psalm 8:4–7and Human823–829 Dignity Psalm 8:4–7 823–829 Person, Rights and Person, Rights and The Church Is The Church Is • As the perfect and complete• Asrevelation the perfect of God, and Jesuscomplete shows revelation God’s holiness. of God, It Jesus is in theshows Church God’s that holiness. Christ Itfulfills is in theand Church reveals that Christ fulfills and reveals Responsibilities of Responsibilities of Holy Holy the Human Person the Human Person CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER his own 3 CHAPTER mystery as the purposehis ownof God’s mystery plan. as the purpose of God’s plan. • The Church is the Body of Christ• The and Church a sign is theof the Body holiness of Christ of God.and a She sign helps of the us holiness grow in ofholiness, God. She especially helps us through grow in prayerholiness, especially through prayer and worship. and worship. • Jesus’ Transfiguration revealed• Jesus’ his Divine Transfiguration glory as the revealed Son of his God, Divine and showsglory as us the God Son the of Father, God, and God shows the Son, us God and theGod Father, God the Son, and God Praise of the Father Luke 10:21–22Praise of the554–556, Father 824,Luke 10:21–22 Promoting554–556, Knowledge 824, Transfiguration,Promoting Knowledge St.Transfiguration, Lucy RightsSt. and Lucy Rights and the Holy Spirit. the Holy Spirit. 851, 747, 845, of the851, Faith, 747, Teaching 845, Pentecost,of the Faith, grace, Teaching Pentecost, grace, Responsibilities Responsibilities • The Church is part of God’s •plan The for Church all people is part to of come God’s to plan know for him, all people love him, to come and glorify to know him. him, love him, and glorify him. 1996–1999, to Pray1996–1999, Holy Trinity,to Pray Creed Holy Trinity, Creed of the Human of the Human The Trinity The Trinity • The Holy Spirit is alive and active• The Holyin the Spirit Church, is alive uniting and activeher and in guiding the Church, her and uniting each her of usand to guiding help further her and God’s each work of us to help further God’s work 2564–2565 2564–2565 Person, The Person, The Made Known Made Known Dignity of Work Dignity of Work CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER on Earth. 4 CHAPTER on Earth. and the Rights of and the Rights of • Grace is the free, loving gift• ofGrace God’s is own the free,life, whichloving he gift offers of God’s to us, own his life,adopted which sons he offers and daughters. to us, his adopted sons and daughters. Workers Workers • Our prayer reflects the way• we Our understand prayer reflects and knowthe way God—Father, we understand Son, and and know Holy Spirit.God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • God invites everyone to be •part God of invites his family, everyone the Church. to be part All Churchof his family, members the Church.have an Allimportant Church membersrelationship have with an God.important relationship with God. The Parable of the Tenants The Parable1, 4,of 851,the Tenants 752, Education1, 4, 851, for 752, salvation,Education ekklesia, for St.salvation, Angela Merici ekklesia, Call toSt. Family, Angela Merici Call to Family, 2• We belong to the People of• God We throughbelong to Baptism the People and ofbelief God in through Christ, whichBaptism matures and belief as we in grow,Christ, learn, which and matures experience as we grow, learn, and experience Matthew 21:42; God’s House andMatthew 21:42;1937, God’s 783, House and Community1937, 783, Life, domesticCommunity Church, Life, domestic Church, Community, and Community, and more. more. People 1 Peter 2:9–10 People 1 Peter1546–1547 2:9–10 Missionary1546–1547 Initiation officesMissionary of Christ Initiation offices of Christ Participation, Participation, We Are Christ’s TY We Are Christ’s • • Option for Option for People The ChurchPeople exists to spread theThe Good Church News exists of Jesusto spread Christ. the God Good uses News each of member’s Jesus Christ. gifts God and uses talents each in member’s the Church gifts to helpand talents in the Church to help INI the Poor and the Poor and CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER others 5 CHAPTER come to know and loveothers him. come to know and love him. Vulnerable Vulnerable •TR Through Baptism, each of us• Throughshares in Baptism,Christ’s mission each of as us priest, shares prophet, in Christ’s and mission king. Weas priest, offer our prophet, lives and and prayer king. Weto God, offer our lives and prayer to God, show others the Good News throughshow others our wordsthe Good and News actions, through and serve our words others and with actions, joy as weand lead serve them others to Christ. with joy as we lead them to Christ.
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