Arthropoda Selecta 18(34): 169187 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2009 New taxonomic and faunistic data on the gnaphosid spiders of Turkey (Aranei: Gnaphosidae) Íîâûå òàêñîíîìè÷åñêèå è ôàóíèñòè÷åñêèå ñâåäåíèÿ î ãíàôîçèäàõ Òóðöèè (Aranei: Gnaphosidae) Mykola M. Kovblyuk1, Osman Seyyar2, Hakan Demir3, Aydýn Topcu4 Í.Ì. Êîâáëþê1, Î. Ñåéÿð2, Õ. Äåìèð3, À. Òîï÷ó 4 1 Zoology Department, National Taurida V.I. Vernadsky University, Yaltinskaya street 4, Simferopol 95007, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Erciyes University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, TR-38039 Kayseri, Turkey. E-mail:[email protected] 3 Gazi University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, TR-06500 Ankara, Turkey. 4 Niðde University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, TR-51100 Niðde, Turkey. 1 Êàôåäðà çîîëîãèè Òàâðè÷åñêîãî íàöèîíàëüíîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà èì. Â.È.Âåðíàäñêîãî, óë. ßëòèíñêàÿ 4, Ñèìôåðîïîëü 95007, Óêðàèíà. KEY WORDS: Gnaphosidae, new genus, new species, new distribution records, Turkey, Crimea. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Gnaphosidae, íîâûé ðîä, íîâûå âèäû, íîâûå íàõîäêè, Òóðöèÿ, Êðûì. ABSTRACT. From Turkey are described one new bridge, 1874) (2 ôîðìû ñ êîðîòêèì è ñ äëèííûì genus Turkozelotes Kovblyuk et Seyyar, gen.n. and îòðîñòêîì ãîëåíè ïàëüïû). Âïåðâûå â Òóðöèè îá- four new species: Drassodes bifidus Kovblyuk et Sey- íàðóæåíû 6 âèäîâ: Camillina metellus (Roewer, 1928), yar, sp.n. (#), Echemus levyi Kovblyuk et Seyyar, Drassyllus crimeaensis Kovblyuk, 2003, D. sur Tuneva sp.n. (#), Haplodrassus ponomarevi Kovblyuk et Sey- et Esyunin, 2003, D. jubatopalpis Levy, 1998, Haplo- yar, sp.n. (#$) and Turkozelotes microb Kovblyuk et drassus ovtchinnikovi Ponomarev, 2008 è Zelotes gra- Seyyar, sp.n. (#). A new synonymy is established cilis (Canestrini, 1868). C. metellus âïåðâûå îòìå÷åí Zelotes prishutovae Ponomarev et Tsvetkov, 2006 íà Óêðàèíå (â Êðûìó). Äëÿ âñåõ âèäîâ, êðîìå õîðî- syn.n. = Camillina metellus (Roewer, 1928). Two male øî èçâåñòíîãî Z. gracilis, ïðèâîäÿòñÿ äèàãíîñòè- forms of Berinda ensiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) ÷åñêèå ðèñóíêè êîïóëÿòèâíûõ àïïàðàòîâ è ñâåäå- are recognized: with long or short retrolateral tibial íèÿ î ãåîãðàôè÷åñêîì ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèè. Äëÿ ñðàâ- apophysis. From Turkey six species are recorded for íåíèÿ ñ íîâûì âèäîì ïðèâîäÿòñÿ äèàãíîñòè÷åñêèå the first time: Camillina metellus (Roewer, 1928), Dras- ðèñóíêè Echemus angustifrons (Westring, 1861). syllus crimeaensis Kovblyuk, 2003, D. sur Tuneva et Esyunin, 2003, D. jubatopalpis Levy, 1998, Haplo- drassus ovtchinnikovi Ponomarev, 2008 and Zelotes Introduction gracilis (Canestrini, 1868). C. metellus is recorded for the first time from Crimea and Ukraine. Diagnostic To date 107 gnaphosid species belonging to 26 drawings and distribution are provided for all species, genera are known from Turkey [Seyyar et al., 2008]. It except Z. gracilis. For comparison with Echemus levyi seems that the real diversity of Turkish fauna is much sp.n., diagnostic drawings of Echemus angustifrons higher, but it is rather poorly collected or studied. The (Westring, 1861) are also provided. material was recently collected by O.Seyyar and his friends in various provinces of Turkey (Map 1), and ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Îïèñàí ìîíîòèïè÷åñêèé ðîä Turko- contains several interesting species new to science or zelotes Kovblyuk et Seyyar, gen.n. Îïèñàíû 4 íîâûõ to the country. The goals of this paper are to provide âèäà: Drassodes bifidus Kovblyuk et Seyyar, sp.n. (#), new data about the Gnaphosidae of Turkey, and the Echemus levyi Kovblyuk et Seyyar, sp.n. (#), description of new taxa. Haplodrassus ponomarevi Kovblyuk et Seyyar, sp.n. (#$) è Turkozelotes microb Kovblyuk et Seyyar, sp.n. Material and Methods (#). Óñòàíîâëåíà íîâàÿ ñèíîíèìèÿ: Zelotes prishu- tovae Ponomarev et Tsvetkov, 2006 syn.n. = Camillina All specimens treated in this study are deposited in metellus (Roewer, 1928). Âïåðâûå îòìå÷åí ïîëèìîð- (or returned to) the following collections: CP per- ôèçì ñàìöîâ ó Berinda ensiger (O. Pickard-Cam- sonal collection of A.V. Ponomarev (Rostov-on-Don, 170 M.M. Kovblyuk et al. Map 1. Study area in Turkey according to provinces: 1 Burdur Prov.; 2 Antalya Prov.; 3 Karaman Prov.; 4 Mersin Prov.; 5 Adana Prov.; 6 Kayseri Prov.; 7 Kahramanmaras Prov.; 8 Osmaniye Prov.; 9 Hatay Prov. Êàðòà 1. Ðàéîí èññëåäîâàíèé: 1 Burdur Prov.; 2 Antalya Prov.; 3 Karaman Prov.; 4 Mersin Prov.; 5 Adana Prov.; 6 Kayseri Prov.; 7 Kahramanmaras Prov.; 8 Osmaniye Prov.; 9 Hatay Prov. Russia); NUAM Arachnology Museum of the Niðde Taxonomic survey University, Niðde, Turkey (A. Topçu); TNU Zoolo- gy Department, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National Uni- Berinda ensiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) versity, Simferopol, Ukraine (M.M. Kovblyuk); Figs 111. ZMMU Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (K.G. Mikhailov). Drassus e. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874: 389390, pl. 51, f. 14 Terms and abbreviations for genital descriptions (#$). are adopted from Miller [1967], Platnick & Shadab Drassodes reimoseri Bristowe, 1935: 779780, f. 46 ($). B. e.: Chatzaki, Thaler & Mylonas, 2002: 573574, f. 1415, [1983], Levy [1998] and Senglet [2004] with addi- 1819 (#$). tions: B bursa; CC corner-cap of epigyne; C MATERIAL. TURKEY. 1 # with short RTA, 2 $$ (TNU), conductor; DL dorsal lobe of terminal apophysis; Hatay Province, Kýrýkhan District, Ilýkpýnar village (36°11.864' N, DTA dorsal tegular apophysis; E embolus; EB 36°10.820' E), 113 m, 26.05.2007, O. Seyyar; 1 $ (NUAM), Hassa embolar base; EP embolar projection; FD fertil- District, Akbez Town (36°50' N, 036°32' E), 450 m, under stone, 13.05.2008, H. Demir; 2 ##, 3 $$ (NUAM), Kayseri Province, ization duct; GD glandular duct; H epigynal Yahyalý District, surrounding of Kapuzbaþý waterfalls (37°46' N, hood; L lobe of RTA; LD lateral epigynal duct; 35°23' E), 691 m, under stone, 26.05.2007, O Seyyar; 1 # with LM lateral epigynal margin; MA median apophy- long RTA (TNU), Mersin Province, Demirören village (on road of sis; MD median epigynal duct; Oe outgrowth of Anamur-Alanya), 16.04.2008, O. Seyyar; 2 $$ (NUAM), Erdemli District, Tömük, Ýlemin village (36°43' N, 034°20' E), 485 m, embolar base; OS outgrowth of subtegulum; PB 21.04.2008, H. Demir; 2 $$ (NUAM), Osmaniye Province, Kas- preening brush on metatarsi IIIIV; PM posterior tabala (Hieropolis) Ruins (on road of Osmaniye-Kadirli) (37°10' epigynal margin; R rim; RTA retrolateral tibial N, 036°11' E), 100 m, under stone, 13.05.2008 and 18.06.2008, O. apophysis; S spermathecae; ST subtegulum; T Seyyar; 1 $ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraþ Province, Andýrýn District, tegulum; TA terminal apophysis; VL ventral lobe Sarýmollalý village (37°35' N, 036°35' E), 1184 m, 15.05.2008, O. Seyyar; 1 $ (NUAM), Türkoðlu District, Þekeroba village (37°14' of terminal apophysis. N, 036°46' E), 500 m, 14.05.2008, O. Seyyar. The following abbreviations are used in the text: a NOTE. Berinda Roewer, 1928 is genus with three apical; d dorsal; pl prolateral; rl retrolateral; v described species occurring from Greece and Turkey ventral; AM, AL, PM, PL anterior median, ante- to Central Asia [Platnick, 2009]. This genus has a rior lateral, posterior median and posterior lateral eyes. preening comb on metatarsi IIIIV (as in Zelotes s.lato), Illustrations were made using both reflecting- and in combination with a peculiar shape of bulbus and transmitted-light microscopes. Coloration was described epigyne (Figs 15). There are peculiar conductors (C) from specimens preserved in ethanol/water solution. (similar to one in Tegenaria Latreille, 1804, from Age- Legs and palpal segments were measured after separa- lenidae, and in some Dictynidae) and a median apo- tion from the cephalothorax. All measurements are in physis (MA), situated on sclerotised part of tegulum (it mm. All scale bars equal 0.1 mm. is unusual in Gnaphosidae), which are present in the bulbus. Epigyne is similar to that in Gnaphosa La- Remarks on the gnaphosid spiders of Turkey 171 Figs 15. Copulatory organs of Berinda ensiger (from Turkey): 1 male palp, retrolateral view; 2 male palp, ventral view; 3 male palp, prolateral view; 4 epigyne, ventral view; 5 epigyne, dorsal view. Ðèñ. 15. Êîïóëÿòèâíûå îðãàíû Berinda ensiger (èç Òóðöèè): 1 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, ðåòðîëàòåðàëüíî; 2 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, âåíòðàëüíî; 3 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, ïðîëàòåðàëüíî; 4 ýïèãèíà, âåíòðàëüíî; 5 ýïèãèíà, äîðñàëüíî. treille, 1804, by the presence of a scape and an epigy- tical bulbs. In our opinion male dimorphism is present nal hood (H). in B. ensiger. The shape of the RTA varies in B. ensiger. There DISTRIBUTION. Greece, Turkey [Chatzaki et al., are 2 male forms (with RTA long or short) that are 2002]. founded in Turkey (Figs 69). Both forms have iden- PHENOLOGY. ## IVV; $$ IVVI. 172 M.M. Kovblyuk et al. Figs. 611. Copulatory organs of Berinda ensiger (from Turkey): 67 male palp, dorso-retrolateral view (6 specimen with long RTA; 7 specimen with short RTA); 89 male palp, retrolateral view (8 specimen with long RTA; 9 specimen with short RTA); 10 epigyne, ventral view; 11 epigyne, dorsal view. Ðèñ. 611. Êîïóëÿòèâíûå îðãàíû Berinda ensiger (èç Òóðöèè): 67 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, äîðñî-ðåòðîëàòåðàëüíî (6 ýêç. ñ äëèííûì RTA; 7 ýêç. ñ êîðîòêèì RTA); 89 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, ðåòðîëàòåðàëüíî (8 ýêç. ñ äëèííûì RTA; 9 ýêç. ñ êîðîòêèì RTA); 10 ýïèãèíà, âåíòðàëüíî; 11 ýïèãèíà, äîðñàëüíî. Camillina metellus (Roewer, 1928) UKRAINE, THE CRIMEA. Feodosiya Distr.: 1 # (TNU-2599/ Figs 1220. 12), environs of Karadag Nature Reserve, Echky-Dagh Mt., south exposed slope, 1.06.2008, A.A. Nadolny. C. m.: Chatzaki, Thaler, Mylonas, 2003: 4850, f. 39 (#$). REMARKS. Studied specimens of Zelotes prishu- Zelotes prishutovae Ponomarev et Tsvetkov, 2006: 13, f. 25 tovae are identical with description and drawings of C. 26 (#$), syn.n. metellus in Chatzaki et al. [2003]. Also Zelotes prishu- MATERIAL. TURKEY. 1 # (NUAM, No. 5), Burdur Prov- tovae Ponomarev et Tsvetkov, 2006, is junior synonym ince, Golhisar District, 12.06.2007, A. Topcu. COMPARATIVE MATERIAL. RUSSIA, ROSTOV AREA. for Camillina metellus (Roewer, 1928). Paratypes Zelotes prishutovae Ponomarev et Tsvetkov, 2006: Ust- In C. metellus the intercalary sclerite is lacking (Fig.
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