Bardhaman Zilla Parishad Court Compound, Bardhaman-713101 Memo No ... .3.Q.~....../BZP/3rd SFC/ (1st lnst. 2014-15)/2016-17 Date ...~:?./..9.~.../2017 ORDER In pursuance of G.O. No. 230 (Sanction)-PN/P/II/1G-6/201O(Pt.-1) dated 06-01-2016 of the Joint Secretary. Panchayat & Rural Development. Govt. of West Bengal a total sum of Rs. 27,96,07,500/• (Rupees twenty seven crore ninety six lakh seven thousand five hundred) only have been transferred to the F.T. A/c of this Zilla Parishad as the 1st installment of the 3RD State Finance Commission Grant for the year 2014-15 of Bardhaman District. Out of the total amount of Rs. 27,96.07.500/-(Rupees twenty seven crore ninety six lakh seven thousand five hundred) only. Rs. 5,03,29,400/-(Rupees five crore three lakh twenty- nine thousand four hundred) only is the share of 31 nos. of Panchayat Samities as shown in Annexure-A. Now as per decision taken by the Bardhaman Zilla Parishad this fund being Rs. five crore three lakh twenty- nine thousand four hundred) only is transferred to the FT A/Cs of 31 nos. of Panchayat Samities as shown in Annexure-A of this order. As soon as the amounts will be credited to the respective FT NCs of the Panchayat Samities. the Executive Officers. will withdraw the amounts from the FT A/Cs and deposit the same to the local funds accounts in the treasury for utilization as per the approved Annual Action Plan of G.O. No. 213(Sanction)-PN/P/II/1G-6/201O dated 05-10-2010. Out of the total amount of Rs. twenty seven crore ninety six lakh seven thousand five hundred) only. Rs. 19,57,25,300/-(Rupees nineteen crore fifty-seven lakh twenty-five thousand three hundred) only is the share of 277 nos. of Gram Panchayats may be transferred to the concerned bank accounts of the respective Gram Panchayats as per Annexure-B of G.O. No. 213(Sanction)• PN/P/II/1G-6/201O dated 05-10-2010 . This grant shall be utilized for implementation of the Annual Action Plans prepared in terms of the order of this Department No. 5160/PN/O/1/4F-l/201O dated 21-06-2010 (vide para 7 & 8). Allotment of fund is no authority to incur any expenditure unless the same is covered by sanction of the appropriate rules / authority. Under no circumstances any expenditure should be incurred in excess of allotment or in deviation of the guidelines/ procedures prescribed in respect of this fund. Monthly sector wise expenditure report in the prescribed proforma is to be sent by the Gram Panchayats to the concerned Panchayat Samitis within 1st date of every succeeding month. The Executive Officer of the Panchayat Samities will send the consolidated report of all Gram Panchayat and the Panchayat Samity to the Zilla Parishad within 5th date of every succeeding month. f1\ ' ~ ~~ L\ 'l._~17 Additional Executive Officer, Bardhaman Zilla Parishad Memo No .. 3..9.?(?~:y'/BZP/3rd SFC/ (1st Inst. 2014-15)/2016-17 Date ..Q.2..../..Q.2../2017 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the 1. Principal Secretary. Panchayat & Rural Development. Govt. of West Bengal. 2. Joint Secretary. Panchayat & Rural Development Department. Govt. of West Bengal. This has a reference to his G.O. No. 230 (Sanction)-PN/P/II/1G-6/201O(Pt.-I) dated 06-01-2016 3. Karmadhyaksa. Purta Karja 0 Paribhan Sthaye Samiti, Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 4. Finance Controller & Chief Accounts Officer. Bardhaman Zilla Parishad. He is requested to take necessary action for transfer of the released amounts to the FT AICs of the Panchayat Samities & Gram Panchayats from the FTAIC of the Zilla Parishad as per Annexure of this order. 5-10. Sub-DivisionalOfficer. AllSub-Divisions 11. DistrictPanchayat and Rural Development Officer. Burdwan 12-43. Sabhapati•........................................... Panchayat Samiti 44-75. ExecutiveOfficer Panchayat Samiti 76-353.Prodhan. Gram Panchayat 354. C.A. to Sabhadhipati. Bardhaman Zilla Parishad for appraisal of Sabhadhlpatl, Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 355. C.A. to District Magistrate. Burdwan for appraisal of D.M.• Burdwan 356. C.A. to Additional Executive Officer. Bardhaman Zilla Parishad for appraisal of AEO. BZP 357. Accountant. Bardhaman Zilla Parishad Addi~i~rl Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 3rd State Finance Commission Grant for 1st Installment 2014-15 (P.S.Share) Annexure-A Memo no. BZPI3rd SFC IF. TI 2011/3,(J~/'!s" dt. 02 -02 -1-1- read with Commissioner & Additional Secretary,P & R.D, Govt. of West Bengal's Order No. 230(Sanction)IPNINII/11G-0612010(pt.I) dated 06-01-2017 SI Name of NameofSBI Amount released in Branch Code Account number No Panchayat Samity Branch Rupees 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ANDAL Khandra 6579 11845468761 1,314,224.00 2 AUSGRAM-I Itachanda, ADB 6193 11254339010 1,229,921.00 3 AUSGRAM-II Dignagar 6189 11875997675 1,752,800.00 4 BARABANI Asansol 0011 11214114641 1,173,719.00 5 BHATAR Bhatar 2022 11651191887 2,544,144.00 6 BURDWAN-I Burdwan, Main 0048 11184022400 1,775,883.00 7 BURDWAN-II Saktigarh 6156 11853874669 1,438,169.00 8 DURGAPUR-FRI Laudoha 2082 30054651876 1,055,293.00 9 GALSI-I Pursha 8542 11871467369 1,817,533.00 10 GALSI-II Galsi -ADB 5704 11319947799 1,510,931.00 11 JAMALPUR Sure - Kalna 1552 11311068171 2,521,062.00 12 JAMURIA Kunustoria 4750 11897589058 1,131,567.00 13 KALNA-I Kalna 0106 11169690400 1,978,110.00 14 KALNA-II Kalna - ADB 3049 30996108452 1,593,728.00 15 KANKSA Muchipara 6145 31521310793 1,602,259.00 16 KATWA-I Katwa 0111 11222690284 1,562,115.00 17 KATWA-II Dainhat 2045 11891646082 1,162,177.00 18 KETUGRAM-I Ramjibanpur 2106 11782687386 1,520,967.00 19 KETUGRAM-II Ketugram 5603 11781716954 1,095,437.00 20 KHANDAGHOSH Polempur 8195 11885059750 1,921,406.00 21 MEMARI-I Memari 1366 30054292962 2,127,647.00 22 MEMARI-II Memari 12387 30054102994 1,499,891.00 23 MONGALKOTE Katwa 0111 11222690411 2,365,502.00 24 MONTESWAR Kusumgram 2080 11887420912 2,218,474.00 25 PANDABESWAR Pandabeswar 2098 30053469716 1,272,574.00 26 PURBASTHALI-I Samudragarh 10224 11891405148 1,740,255.00 27 PURBASTHALI-II Chhatini 8197 11825908934 2,220,983.00 28 RAINA-I Polempur 8195 11885059681 1,605,772.00 29 RAINA-II Bataspur 8538 11886493392 1,420,606.00 30 RANIGANJ Raniganj 0231 10934771285 889,197.00 31 SALANPUR Rupnarayanpur 2114 10935498282 1,267,054.00 Total 50,329,400.00 ~+-\11 Additional Executive Officer Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 3rd State Finance Commission Grant for 1st Installment 2014-15 (G.P. Share) Annexure-B Memo no. BZPI3rd SFC IF.TI 2015 dt. read with Commissioner & Additional Secretary ,P & R.D, Govt. of West Bengal's Order No. 230(Sanction)IPNINII/11G-061201O(pt./)dated 06-01-2017 SI Name of Name of Entitlement in Name of Block Name of the GP IFS Code Account Number No Bank Branch Rupees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ANDAL ANDAL UBI Andal More UTBIOADLF67 15580100018683 876,667 2 ANDAL DAKSHIN KHANDA Allahabad Dakshinkhanda ALLA0213394 50329289699 667,193 3 ANDAL KAJORA SBI Kajora SBINOO04775 31925416066 785,526 4 ANDAL KHANDRA SBI Khandra SBINOO06579 31506413129 613,818 5 ANDAL MADAN PUR SBI Kajora SBINOO04775 31529454262 879,184 6 ANDAL RAMPRASADPUR Allahabad Andal ALLA0210049 50043344564 542,818 7 ANDAL SRIRAMPUR Allahabad Andal ALLA0210049 50043348161 188,325 8 ANDAL UKHRA BCCB Ukhra HDFCOCBCCBL 1231520900019530 678,775 9 AUSGRAM-I AUSGRAM UCO Ausgram UCBAOOO0826 8260110006788 933,567 10 AUSGRAM-I BERENDA SBI Itachanda SBINOOO06193 11254350646 773,944 11 AUSGRAM-I BILLAGRAM OBC Belari ORBC0100483 '04832191003029 991,474 12 AUSGRAM-I DIGNAGAR-I SBI Dignagar SBINOO06189 30791751316 529,726 13 AUSGRAM-I DIGNAGAR-II BCCB Guskara HDFCOCBCCBL 1041520900022872' 391,756 14 AUSGRAM-I GUSHKARA-II SBI Itachanda SBINOOO06193 30745493563 486,925 15 AUSGRAM-I UKTA SBI Itachanda SBINOOO06193 30721448586 685,321 16 AUSGRAM-II AMARPUR PBGB Genrai UCBAORRBPBG 11480100001410 984,928 17 AUSGRAM-II BHALKI UCO Amrargarh UCBAOO01120 11200100005500 1,067,006 18 AUSGRAM-II BHEDIA SBI Bhedia SBIN0010900 30782579718 851,490 19 AUSGRAM-II DEBSALA CBI Debsala CBIN0282775 3092953090 896,305 20 AUSGRAM-II ERAL PBGB Abhirampur UCBAORRBPBG 11090100003773 1,106,786 21 AUSGRAM-II KOTA OBC Kola Chandipur ORBC0102043 20432191000141 784,519 22 AUSGRAM-II RAMNAGAR PBGB Ramnagar UCBAORRBPBG 10920100004768 1,223,104 23 BARABANI BARABANI PBGB Bhanora UCBAORRBPBG 11360100002446 659,640 24 BARABANI DOMOHANI BOI Domohani BKIDOOO4235 423510110001288 628,421 25 BARABANI ITAPARA PBGB Gourandi UCBAORRBPBG 11320100004016 619,860 26 BARABANI JAMGRAM SBI Jamgram SBINOOO8192 31557959687 518,145 27 BARABANI NUNI SBI lalganj SBINOO13113 31550928815 521,166 28 BARABANI PANCHGACHIA UBI Barmondia UTBIOPAYC21 0766010131353 241,197 29 BARABANI PANURIA PBGB Gourandi UCBAORRBPBG 11320100004019 866,092 30 BARABANI PUNCHRAH BOI Domohani BKIDOOO4235 423510110001254 606,768 31 BHATAR AMARUN-I BOI Bhater BKIDOO04391 439110110000530 369,096 32 BHATAR AMARUN-II SBI Bhater SBINOO02022 30929978685 544,833 33 BHATAR ERUAR PBGB Eruar UCBAORRBPBG 11310100002990 1,022,694 34 BHATAR BALGONA PBGB Balgona UCBAORRBPBG 10970100003402 750,781 35 BHATAR BAMUNARA Canara Bamunara CNRBOO05895 5895101000356 843,433 36 BHATAR BARBELUN-I Allahabad Barabelun ALLA0211252 50040208589 449,663 37 BHATAR BARBELUN-II PBGB Nasigram UCBAORRBPBG 10730100002732 458,223 38 BHATAR BHATAR SBI Bhater SBINOO02022 31513385523 903,355 39 BHATAR BONPAS PBGB Kamarpara UCBAORRBPBG 10940100002838 649,569 ~I\.: 1..1'-\n Additional Execut~e Offi r Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 8 3rd State Finance Commission Grant for 1st Installment 2014-15 (G.P.
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