2010/11 SESSION of the BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 3–13 December 2010 (pages 253–446) Hon. Stanley W. Lowe, OBE, JP, MP Speaker Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for informational purposes only. The printed version remains the official record. Official Hansard Report 3 December 2010 253 BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 3 DECEMBER 2010 10:00 AM Sitting Number 5 of the 2010/11 Session [Hon. Stanley Lowe, Speaker, in the Chair] The Speaker: We are going to move on. PRAYERS MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE [Prayers read by Hon. Stanley Lowe, Speaker] The Speaker: There are none. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 19 AND 26 NOVEMBER PAPERS AND OTHER th th COMMUNICATIONS TO THE HOUSE The Speaker: The Minutes of the 19 and the 26 of November have been circulated. Honourable Mem- The Speaker: I now recognise the Honourable and bers should have found them in their seats. Learned Member, Premier Cox. Is there any objection to the confirmation of th th Premier Cox has the floor. those Minutes, the 19 and the 26 of November? Agreed to. INSURANCE ACCOUNTS AMENDMENT (NO. 2) REGULATIONS 2010 [Motion carried: Minutes confirmed] Hon. Paula A. Cox: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to attach and submit for the consideration of the Honourable House The Speaker: There are none. of Assembly the Insurance Accounts Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2010, proposed to be made by the ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE Minister responsible for Finance under the provisions SPEAKER OR MEMBER PRESIDING of section 53 of the Insurance Act 1978. Thank you, sir. The Speaker: I understand that we have students, The Speaker: Thank you, Madam Premier. Kinae Dowling and Mi’kerah Moore, who are sitting in Any further communications to the House? the public Gallery. (I probably did not get the pronun- We will move on. ciation just right.) If you are in the Gallery, would you just stand and let us see who you are? PETITIONS [Desk thumping] The Speaker: There are none. The Speaker: They were awarded the 14th Interna- STATEMENTS BY MINISTERS tional Art Exhibition for Children and Young People. They are being accompanied by their teacher, Ms. The Speaker: I now recognise the Honourable Mem- Dawn Fubler. I am sure Dame Jennifer will have some ber, Dame Jennifer Smith, from St. George’s North, more to say when she gets an opportunity. Minister of Education. Thank you. You may take your seats. Dame Jennifer has the floor. We are always happy to see young people, and those who are doing so well. CEDARBRIDGE ACADEMY PRIZE CEREMONY One further announcement (just kind of a housekeeping thing) we are having some problem Hon. Dame Jennifer Smith: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. with the water in the building. It is being looked at or I will begin with the Statement that you have a repaired, but I do not think it is running just yet. copy of, and then there is a smaller one that I am go- The Honourable Member, Mr. Swan, says, ing to make that you will get a copy of in a minute. “Call a plumber.” Mr. Speaker, just as I highlighted the achievements of Berkeley Institute students two [Inaudible interjection] weeks ago, I rise today to inform this Honourable House of Assembly 254 3 December 2010 Official Hansard Report House and the general public of the achievements of then work to ensure that these pockets grow ever lar- CedarBridge Academy students. Mr. Speaker, I at- ger and larger. tended the CedarBridge prize-giving ceremony on Mr. Speaker, let me now change the focus Tuesday evening, and I can tell you that it was a cele- and talk about the excellent work being done at Dell- bration of excellence. From the stimulating words of wood Middle School. I had the privilege of attending a new Chairman, Mr. Larry Mussenden, the sweet special assembly there to thank the individuals in- sounds of the string ensemble, the words of the stu- volved in the school’s Annual M1 Camping Retreat. dents who participated, and the inspiring speech given At the start of the school year, the M1 team by alumnus, Antonia Mills, it was a memorable eve- spends a week camping on Paget Island where they ning. engage in team building exercises, while also expos- Mr. Speaker, let me single out a few of the ing students to informal education in an outdoor set- outstanding achievements of CedarBridge students: ting. On the island, students have a chance to bond In GCSE Mathematics, 27 students sat the with both their classmates and their teachers. That is examination with 26 passing, 15 with a grade right, Mr. Speaker, the teachers also spend a week of A or B. camping with the children—overnight! This is definitely In GCSE Science, 17 sat the examination, 16 going over and above the call of duty. passed, eight with a grade of B or C. At camp, each student is given chores, such In GCSE Spanish, 19 students sat the exami- as keeping their dorms and bathrooms clean, prepar- nation with 16 passing, six with a grade of A, ing and serving meals, as well as cleaning up after B, or C. meals. In the City and Guilds International Certifica- Over the years, teachers have been surprised tion for Hairdressing, 10 sat the exam, all to find that some students have never spent a night passed, nine of them with distinction. away from home. Some do not know how to hold a In the Advanced Placement English Exam, 20 mop or a broom. Some have never even seen fresh sat the exam, with four earning a score of 3 potatoes or vegetables growing. Students are ex- on a 5-point scale, which earns them college posed to native, endemic, introduced, and invasive credit. plants and animals. They are also shown the different Bermudian habitats that are found on the island: from Mr. Speaker, just as I previously singled out rocky coast to forest to mangrove. exceptional students at Berkeley, so must I single out Mr. Speaker, the camp also uses field trips so CedarBridge student Israel Sanchez, who earned a that students can explore the East End and learn their perfect score on the Math College Placement Test. history in an informal “hands-on” manner. They visit I also wish to single out the following honour St. George’s and get to see Fort George, St. Peter’s students: Church, Somers Garden, The Deliverance, Mitchell S1 students Chrisanté Bean who had a GPA House, the Printing Press, and the St. George’s of 3.8, and Daniel Walker with a GPA of 3.6; Foundation Visitors Centre. S2 students Ashley Johnson with a GPA of At the end of each day, students have to write 3.83, and Leanna Hall with GPA of 3.79; a journal entry describing the highlights of their day—I heard three different journal entries and noted a bud- S3 student and Head Boy Andrew Fleming ding author among them! These journals become a had 5 GCSE’s and a GPA of 3.98. Mr. Flem- part of the Literacy Collaborative Programme used by ing was also the recipient of the Principal’s all Middle Schools. Cup, given to the student who best exempli- Mr. Speaker, this is an example of a school fies the qualities of the principal; finding an innovative way to reach the children. This Finally, there was Ivan Sanchez, who gradu- type of activity helps to address our social ills while ated in June and is presently pursuing an also improving student learning. economics degree at McGill University. This Mr. Speaker, I began by noting that the as- young man was an Advanced Placement sembly was to thank those persons who have as- Scholar who achieved a score of 4 on a 5- sisted to make the M1 Camp a success over the point scale in three advanced placement sub- years. It takes a lot of people to look after 70 M1 stu- jects. In addition, he earned nine GCSE dents. Those persons included passes. Mr. Cal Simons, representing the Department of Youth and Sport; Mr. Speaker, there is absolutely no need to sell Bermuda’s children short or to lower our expecta- Captain Andre Hollinsid, Island Caretaker and tions. They can, and do, hold their own against inter- Captain of the Atlantic Spray; national competition in many spheres. As it stands, Mr. Anthoni Lightbourne of the Bermuda Wa- there are pockets of excellence throughout the educa- ter Safety Council; tion system. I intend to find them, celebrate them, and Mr. J. P. Skinner of the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS); House of Assembly Official Hansard Report 3 December 2010 255 Ms. Linda Thorne of the Bermuda Museum, Mr. Speaker, teacher, parent and student Aquarium, and Zoo; support can only be achieved when the principal Ms. Jeannie Olander of the St. George’s His- demonstrates the necessary leadership to galvanise torical Society; everyone towards the same goals. In this regard, spe- Ms. Sharon Jacobs of the St. George’s Foun- cial mention must go to Principal Mrs. Janet Musson. dation; Mr. Speaker, positive activity in our schools Mr. Edward Lightbourne of “Word of Life”; will no longer be one of the best-kept secrets in Ber- Ms. Tania Stafford of the Bermuda National muda. I will do my best to put them in the spotlight Trust; whenever I am provided with an opportunity. Mr. Paul Doughty of the Waterwise Pro- Thank you. gramme; Mr.
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