NEWS Variable Cloudiness V.n.b" cloudineu ttd.y end Sunday. CLIPS Hiths tod., 6.5 t. 1•• VlII'i_" cloudilllu ail low'an Sund.y. Plane 'Lost' SM>ing the Univer Ity of Iowa and the People of 10W6 City LONDON (II - A YOUlll U.S. AIr EltabllJhed In 1868 10 centa a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Force mechanic, a Vietnam medal win· Der, Is presumed lost at sea after steal· Ing a four-engine CI30 Hercules troop transport from Its English base Friday and beading over the Atlantic, apparent· J Iy In a solo attempt to fly home. Legislature Goes Home l HIs last contact was a radio-telephone conversation with his wife, Mary Ann, In Poquoson, Va ., reporting he was hav· ing trouble two hours after take off. The U.S. 3rd Air Force said Sgt. Paul After 3rd Longest Session A. Meyer, 23, a ground crew chief, took off at 5:10 a.m. (11:10 p.m. Thursday, DES MOINES 'II - The 1969 session of While falling • h 0 r t of I record for Even 10, presidents of the University Iowa time) from the Mildenhall Air Base the legislature came to a close Friday on length , the legislature did approve a rec· of Iowa, Iowa State University and the l65 miles northeast of London. its 131st day, {our months after Iowa's ord state budget of $515.4 million a year University of Northern Iowa have said A few hours earlier, Meyer had beell new governor called on its members to for the 1969-71 biennium. The budget con· tuition Increases w III be necessary to put to bed drunk by his first sergeant, "respond to the challenges of today and forms closely to outlines drawn up by meet operating costs. an Air Force spokesman reported. the promi~es of tomorrow." Ray, and anticipates a slim $700,000 bal· The Oedgllng area t~ical·vocatlonal The final gavel banged in the Senate at ance al the end oC the two-year period. schools and community colleges will get 7:05 p.m., and the House knocked off The GOP-domlnated .."Ion k. pt. $19.4 million during the next two year" * * * work five minutes earlier. campaign pltelge - allO a part of tIM an increase of about $7 millioa over the l Aid Cutoff OKd Adjournment came exactly a month Democratic platform - t. re .... 1 II.t. 1967-69 biennium. later than leaders had predicted the Re­ ..rvice tlX levi .. of 3 per CIIIt on adv.r. The """,ta, In edeIltloll t. • lpeel •• WASmNGTON tA'! - The House Wed· publican-domlnated legislature w 0 u I d tltlnv and new construction. nesday adopted 329 to 61 an amendment wind up its busine . A proposal to exempt incomes of appropri.tion of $1.1 million for camplll I which would deny certain federal funds construction, I'tceivad .uthorilltlon .. If wes 44 days short, how.ver, ef Iowans making Ie t han $3,000 from to colleges that don't take firm dction state taxes and to relieve servicemen on IlSuel/p t. $16.1 million In I'tVtnl/l bond. against student demonstrators. More mltchlng tIM longest regullr ..ulon ill t. build clauroom., iaborltery fecllltltt hl.tory - 175 dlY. In '''7. active duty {rom Income and property than 40 other bills have been introduced tues also was passed. and admlnlstrltlv. buildings_ in the House calling for a federal crack· A massive Republ!can victory lui fall The sales tal credits for low Income A $4.5 million experimental program of down on campus disorders. preordained a change In pollcl set un· tuition grants for needy Iowa students , Meanwhile, a university president who der six years of Democratic administra· Iowans - which Republicans said bene­ fitted the rich m 0 r e than the poor - attending IJl.state private colleges ~ bas weathered major student dlsruptlOlll tion and the few Democrats left claimed universities also was approved. the session had left challenges unmet were repealed and the money sandwiched says federal or state legislation against State departments dealing with publio campus disorders would amount to a and promises broken. Into Ray's budget. punitive over·kill. But Republican Gov. Robert D. Ray, Demoer... eon •• ndtd I'tpeallng tIM ~alth , wel!are and safely received nom· Homer Babbidge, president of the UnI· whose inaugural address Jan. IS urged c:redlta Imounttel til • tlX inc,..... on 1naI incl'!8&eS in funds over the lilt bl· versity of Connecticut, where students cooperation to build "a greater Iowa," the poor and ..Id the $3,000 Income till ennium. earlier took over the administration commended members of the 1969 session 'l!.mptlon would benefit only .1",1. pe.... Iowa's elected atate offIclals, excludln. building to protest campus recruiting "for the job they hive done In faithfully I0Il. and you n I • t • r • who worte part the governor. lleuteDant IOvemor and at­ I ' by the Dow Chemical Co., said some of discharging their responsibilities to the tllnt. tor n e Y feneral, received Icross·the­ the proposals also would have disastrous citizens of the state." The Board of ReI e n ti, which runs board salary hIkes of $2,000 I year. Ray effects on poor students receiving state Hawkeyes on Loose The 131-day session was the first of Iowa's three state universities, received declined a $3,000 a year salary boo vot· or federal financial help. Distribution of H.wkey" drew lOme the state's annual sessions and was the a 12 per cent increase In funds. ed for him by the Senate. "In these times, to tell someone that 3,500 stud,"ft Frlel.y, the first d.y the third longest regular session In the you are going to bar him from getting new ye.rbook w••• v.lI.bl •• Work.rs state's history. The 81st General Assem· a higher education as a punishment . dl.trlbuting tIM book. (above) w.r. bly ran 151 days in 1965. would be an extraordinarily severe pen· kept but, most of tIM d.y, .. they The lawmaker8 adopted a resolution alty," Babbidge said. "How could we setting 10 am. Jan. 12 for convening the Sutton Asks to Discuss will be todlY, when distribution contino deny that opportunity to anyone?" uti In tIM Communication. Cenltr. 1970 session. C.thy Abr.mson (It left l, N2, Otnver, Clocks In tIM Sen.It and Hou .. chlm· * took tim. out after the long walt In bers w.re stopped at 5: 59 10 thlt I.g"· * * Iitive ply would end .t 131 eIIys r.tlMr Finances with Regents lint to thumb through the yearbook, Legislature Hit If which fealure. I h.avy sprinkllnv of th.n 132 day. the ..sslon w.nt past' By JOANNE WAl.TON He said he hoped by Monday to havt p.m. DES MOINES (APt - House Minority color photography. an itemlzed breakdown of financial aid , Though the legislature's business Is The tatl' Board of Regents informed Leader William Gannon (D·Mingo) said - Photos by Judy Pi.r Student Body Pres. Jim Sulton Friday which he would present to the regent.' Friday Iowa probably has "regressed" , completed, the actual windup of the ses­ himself. Sutton said he questioned wheth­ sion - known as sine die adjournment that it would take under consideration I as a result of action and inaction of the his ret-,uest to address the board. er enough money was going to be al· GOP-dominated 1969 Iowa Legislature. - will not take place until 11 a.m. thurs­ lotted 10 th financial aids program. day. The rC\:ents next scheduled meeting "On balance, we haven't held our Th reply 10 Sutton's requ t came own ," he said. That is to give legislative officers time will be J e 16 in Iowa City. There will to fimsh up the final details of closing the be a special meeting Tuesday in De from Stanley Jo' RcdrkC'r, chairman o( Gannon criticized Republicans for fail· th rc cnts. who aid h had scnt 'Copies Ing to appropriate enough money for ed· e 'sion. B the .klurnab of the e '1011 Vloines, how \,pr, WhlCh was called at will show it ended at S:59 p.m. Friday. of the request to each board m mber. ucation at all levels, for repealing the the board 's last meeting to consider the Sutton said he a Iso sent copi to each sales tax credits, and for passing a question of a tuition increase at the three regents-operated state universities. member and to University Pres. Howard "phony" income tax plan aimed at the R. Bowen. , poor. Sutton had written asking to appear at The regents are to decIde Tuesday the regents' meeting and prescnt "the whether or no! to grant utton a hear· T tudent point of vicw" on a threatened * * * Pump roubles Astronauts ing at the June 16 m Ing in Iowa City. raise in tuition , priorities on student Itn· n is possible, however, that action on SPACE CENTER, Houston 1m - A craft atmosphere WIS polluted by float. Asked if "'_ ,,",uTltlon, which floats . Reporter Ousted ancial aid. faculty work loads and what the tuition question might b laken Tues­ short-circuit in a cooling pump system ing fibers of gll51 wool Insulation. in the weightlessness of the cabin, Is tl WASHINGTON tA'! - The United he termed "UniverSity operating inef· day . has idled one of Apollo 10's electric gen· Stafford, Young and Cernan circled causing any breathinv problems, Staf· ficiencies." I States ordered a Soviet newsman Fri· ford Idmltted they were having minor Sutton said be planned to Bend a tele­ erating units but poses no threat to the the moon taking pictures with a special Sutton said he planned to ask that an gram to the I'!gents asking them to for· day to leave the country within 48 hours moon-orbiting astronauts, officials said troubles.
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