Ea>-~fj--., .•ui-V.-r.w.-;. - ••-<•• RARITAN TOWNSHIP MOST PROGRESSIVE WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION The Voice of the Raritan Bay District VOL. VI.—No. 13 FORDS, N. J.. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941 PRICE THREE CENTS Parochial Safety Patrol Class Of 210 Children, 35 Adults Fords Man Gets Promotion PAY RAISE Members Get Certificates 10 GRADUATE JULY 1 DATE In Army Engineers' Corps LIONS' CLUB FORDS—Certificates of par- FORDS—George W. Fuller- tieiptaion in the school safety Confirmed In Fords Church Sunday ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John patrol were awarded to four- Fullerton, of 44 Second Street, IS SOUGHT teen pupils of Our Lady of IN PAROCHIAL Bishop Griffin Officiates In First Official Visit To TO REGISTER was promoted to the rank of TO DEDICATE Peace school at special exercis- sergeant in the U. S. Army En- es Monday morning in the Our Lady Of Peace Church; Father Ketter Lauded gineers Corps. school. The awards were made He enlisted in the Army in BY TEACHERS by Officer Edwin J. Mineu, safe- EXERCISES FORDS—A class of 210 children and 35 adults were FOR DRAFT October, 1030, and west sent MEMORIAL ty patrol director. confirmed by the Most Rev. William A. Griffin, Bishop of to Fort DuPont, Del., and from B. Of E. Advises Increase Certificates for two years' Loyalty To Catholic Train- the Trenton diocese, on his first official visit to Our Lady FIRE HEADQUARTERS IS there to Fort Renning, Ga. Aft- Work Of T. Wesley Liddle service were awarded to Mat- of Peace church here. er being stationed at "Fort Ben- Scale Probably Will Be thew Herbert, chief; John Bod- ing Urged On Children ning for a short while, he was For Scouts Recognized zas, lieutenant; John Schmidt, The girls, wearing white dresses, white veils ^.nd red REGISTRATION PLACE sent to Fort Belvoir, Va., to Formulated By Fall Richard Galaj^her, Andrew El- By Speaker wreaths, and the boys, wearing dark suits, red ties and take an instructor's course. At In Camp Building ko, William Jogan, John Spen- present, he is stationed at Fort silk confirmation streamers, march- Registration To Take Place Belvoir. cer, Edward Brzychey, Edward ed in procession from the audito- Kish, Phillip Ladimer and SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT rium to their places in the church. ANDERSON ESTIMATES Frifnk Kaminsky. Certificates From 7 A. M. Till 9 P. M., WORK TO BE FINISHED for one year were given to Al- MEDALS ARE AWARDED The choir sang "Eece Cacer- • Melon COST WILL BE $22,000 bert Clement, Charles Olicki and dos," when the Most Rev. Griffin Board Clerk Says 16 MORE DRAFTEES WITHIN 2 OR 3 WEEKS George Borkas. entered the church. Preceding him Fords Bank Stockhold- Commencement Is Held On were the acolytes and the Revs. WOODBRIDGE—An appeal to Delay In Approving Ad- Walter Urbanik, Emmett A. Mon- ers To Cut One all 21-year-old youths, who are to TO LEAVE TUESDAY Members Contribute Con- ahan, James McKenzie, Richard Sunday In Auditorium For $1,550 legister on July 1 for the second vances Immediately ELECTION TUESDAY Baird, C. P. P. S., Lawrence Don- legistration under the selective Draft Board No. 2 Makes struction Work; Judge ovan, -Michael F. Bakaisa, Joseph service law, to register as early as Of School M. Kurtz and John J. Nowak. FORDS—A five per cent divi- Plan To Meet Require- Draws Zullo Fire dend on capital stock was de- possible on that day was made yes- To Donate U. S. Flag FOR LEGION GROUP A large gathering of church-go- clared by the board of directors terday by Eugene Bh*d, secretary ments Of 14th Quota FORDS — The Rev. J. F. ers heard Bishop Griffin question of the Fords National Bank, of the local draft •board'. FORDfS—Dedication plans for WOODBJUDGE — Salary in- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—The Auxiliary To Harry Hansen O'Hearn, O. P., guest speaker at the children on the catechism and Theodore Brichze, cashier last "Since the firehouse on School fourteenth quota, consisting of the T. Wesley Liddle memorial creases of $100 per teacher in the the annual graduation exercises commend them for their excellent night announced. Street, Woodbridg-e, will be the building arc being advanced by higher bracket and $200 per teach- Post To Name Officers sixteen men, will leave from tin* at Our Lady of Peace school Sun- knowledge of the subject. He also The dividend, seventh in re- only registration place in the municipal building in Piscataway- the Fords Lions Club and the cere- er in the lower bracket were pro- For Coming Year day afternoon, urged the gradu- congratulated the Rev. Joseph entire Township," Mr. Bird ex- monies are expected to be con- posed to the Board of Education cent years, amounts to fifty town Tuesday morning, June 24, FORDS—A regular meeting of ates to "be loyal to the Catholic Ketter, pastor of the church, and cents per share for the past six plained, "we expect a big rush, for induction in the United States ducted within the next two or Monday night by spokesmen of the training and you will find happi- the Sisters of St. Joseph, Newark, especially after working hours. We three weeks, it was announced last Woodbridgo. Township Teachers' the Ladies' Auxiliary of the. Har- months and is payable June 23 Army under the selective service ry Hansen Post No. l(j:$, American ness in life being kind and sin- for the training given. to stockholders of record as of hope that some will make an effort program, Draft Board No. 2 an- night. Association. Moiv than 75 teach- cere." to register before they go to work ers crowded into the small meeting Legion, will be held on Tuesday The congregation welcomed June 3. nounced yesterday. The building, which will be used evening, June 24, at the post With 3,100 shares outstand- and we urge those who are not for administration purposes for use room of the board in support of The ten eighth grade graduates, Bishop Griffin to the church after employed to register during the In the group, of which Peter their appeal. rooms, New Brunswick Avenue. who were given diplomas by the thecerenionies. ing-, the dividend totals $1,550. Decker, of 31 Lincoln Avenue, is of the Rnritan Council, Boy Scouts Election of officers will take place morning hours. It takes 15 min- Speaking for the association. Rev. Joseph Ketter, pastor of the leader, are included Frank W. of America camp along the Dela- at this time. utes to register one man and we ware River, between Millbrook and Harry Lund, a teacher in the high church, arc Leona Mary Nolan, will employ no extra help." Turikain, of Hollywood Avenue; school, told board members that Other activities listed are the Eleanor Katherine Kaub, Eliza- Nicholas Voorhees, of GO Pearl Columbia, was completed over the annual county luncheon to be held Dunham Presents 31 At Hopelawn The draft headquarters in. the Street; John Buzak, of Middlesex weekend. "we have come here tonight to dis- beth Barna, Mary Frances Cle- firehouse will be open for registra- cuss possibilities of wage increases tomorrow at the Nancy Jane Log ment, Dorothy Ann Swanick, John Avenue; Edward Hendel, of 105 The structure has been spon- Cabin, Route 26, at 1 P. M. tion on July 1 between 7:00 A. M. Harvard Avenue, and Emanuel and readjustment of wages of Schmidt, John Edward Spencer, With Eighth-Grade Certificates and 9 IP. M. The registration will sored and furnishc-d by members teachers who have failed to get Wednesday night, June 25, the Philip Ladimer, John Joseph C. Ardolino, of 38 Rector Street, of the Fords Lions Club for the members will attend the monthly Bodzar and'Matthew Joseph Her- be conducted under the supervision all of Metuchen. raises in recent years." HOPELAWN—Thirty-one eighth tions by the school band, entrance of the draft board with Walter benefH of scouts of the Raritan meeting of the Middlesex County bert. Council in memory of the late Mr. Continuing the proposal, Mr. grade graduates of the Hopelawn cif graduates, songs by graduates, Warr, chairman of the board, as Those from Raritan Township Lund stated "the teachers have American Legion and Auxiliary are George Banks, of Oak Tree; Liddle who was ,an outstanding Executive Board. The affair will Awarded Medals school received certificates from address by Victor C. Nicklas, pres- chief registrar. The other mem- from: without raises for many Rev. Ketter also presented the entation of diplomas by Mr. Dun- bers of the board are Hampton Preston E. Giliis, 64 Glencourt worker in this area in scouting. years. Their morale has suffered take place at the Borough Hall in School Commissioner Willard Dun- Avenue, Clara Barton; Walter Common Pleas Judge Adrian Say re vi lie. following with gold medals for ham at impressive commencement ham, special prizes presented by Cutter and James Crowley. and will continue to suffer. Out- achievement in various subjects: Mrs. J. Kokus president of the Governor Charles Edison is ex- Collins, Plainfield Avenue, 'stel- Lyon will donate the (lag to be side industries are all Retting pay Thursday, Juno 26, the Juniors John Schmidt, Christian doctrine; exercises held Wednesday after- Home and School Association, let- pected to issue a proclamation, ton; William Pless, of Menlo Park, flown atop the building. raises, while the teachers stand will attend the annual county ral- Leona Mary Nolan, general ex- noon in the school auditorium. ters to graduates who belong to designating July 1 as second regis- Fred Rolfc, Crestwood Avenue, Materials for the building were still.
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