www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.- , I I c, a fraternal non-profit association! rainian У Vol. LI No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCraH 13, 1983 4 New atrocities reported in Afghanistan Amnesty International says hundreds NAS1R BAGH, Pakistan - Eye­ abouts of insurgents. The Soviets then witness reports from Afghan refugees brought three men and three women, all locked in Soviet psychiatric units here indicate that the Soviets have of them elderly, to the center of the unleashed what some diplomats have village and shot them. They also blew NEW YORK - Amnesty Interna­ a Swedish journalist; Dr. Algirdas called a "scorched-earth policy" in up the town's main water well before tional said on March 8 that it knows of Statkevicius, a Lithuanian psychiatrist, Afghanistan, terrorizing civilians into announcing over loudspeakers that nearly 200 people forcibly confined to confined in 1980 after joining an un­ fleeing that war-torn country, reported everyone had to leave or be shot. Soviet psychiatric hospitals for political official group set up to monitor human- The Wall Street Journal. Abdul Wadood, a 45-year-old from reasons in the last eight years, but that it rights violations; and Pastor Velio The strategy, say diplomats and non- the village of Sanga, said he fled to believes the actual total is higher. Salum, confined in 1981 after preaching rebel Afghans in Pakistan, appears to Pakistan after some 10,000 troops Among those confined for months or on the national traditions of the Esto­ be to drive civilians into nearby Iran or cordoned off his village with tanks, nian Church. : years, and sometimes punished by the Pakistan, thereby denying the insur searched every home and then tied two use of powerful drugs, were people who Soviet citizens, including some psy­ gents a majct'Source of food and men to a tank and dragged them around were seized for calling attention to the chiatrists, who have tried to expose the shelter. Another aim may be to put the village until they were killed. same treatment of others, the human- abuses have been imprisoned, confined pressure on Pakistan, which already has "The Russians told us everyone who rights organization said. in psychiatric institutions or forced to absorbed some 2.8 million Afghan didn't go must die," Mr. Wadood sard. Amnesty said it had learned of 193 leave the country. refugees and is the main rebel sanctuary. He added that more than SO people, new cases since 1975, when it published Soviet and foreign psychiatrists have "They're hitting civilian targets," said mostly women and young children, died a report on Soviet political prisoners privately examined a number of people one European diplomat in Islamabad, on the way to Pakistan, mostly from which described the abuse of psychiatry who were held in this way, and have Pakistan's capital. "It looks like a exposure caused by the mountain snow. and urged an end to it. That report found no medical basis for their con­ deliberate policy to encourage refugees." Other refugee reports charge the noted some 120 known cases between finement. A major part of that policy appears to Soviets with confiscating food and 1969 and 1975, totalling over 300 One of these examined between be wholesale atrocities against the destroying granaries and vineyards in between 1969 and the present. periods of confinement was Vladimir civilian population, according to ac­ their campaign to force villagers to flee These cases were only those which Tsurikov, a worker from Krasnoyarsk counts provided byrefilgS?s,,iS(hjp.hayf and; jc^ser :-of|"іаой supplies .toIthe "Amnesty International had been able to who was put in psychiatric institutions made the arduous trek into Pakistan. insurgents. study in detail. They did not include three times after repeatedly applying to Many of the stories have been confirm­ Earlier this year, The Wall Street people confined before 1969 - even leave the country. ed by independent sources such as Journal published an article by Rosanne those who were still held after that time Describing the use of drugs on him in journalists, doctors or human-rights Klass, director of the Afghanistan — or many oases where it was unable 1980, he wrote: "The triftazin made me activists who secretly visited Afghanis­ Information Center at Freedom House, to determine whether the people held writhe, and my legs began to twist tan. :. which outlined a host of cases involving were actually, prisoners of conscience. about...I lost the ability to work ...' The story of one mail, Mohammad Soviet atrocities against civilians. The Despite appeals by psychiatrists in Fainting fits began, recurring very Hakim, seems typical. One morning, he story dealt with findings of the Perma­ the Soviet Union and internationally, often. І fell and hit my head on the floor said, Soviet troops surrounded his nent Tribunal of the Peoples (a left- recent cases showed that psychiatric and on the brick walls. The pain pre­ village, pulled people from their homes leaning successor to the old war-crimes confinement was still used to punbh vented me from sleeping or eating. The and demanded to know the where­ (Continued on page 2) criticism and protest, Amnesty Inter­ sulfazin made my temperature rise..." national said. It cited as examples: In special psychiatric hospitals, Yuriy Tarnopolsky, put in a psychiatric where the regimen is harshest, other NJ. legislators' resolutions urge hospital in 1981 after arranging to meet (ConUamd on page 3) Eastern Europe curriculum review Ratushynska gets 12 years by Victor Lapychak Resolution (SCR) was also numbered KIEV - Iryna Ratushynska, Ukrai- tion," reported Novoye Russkoye 3007. nian-born poet of Polish descent, was SIovo, a Russian-language New York TRENTON, NJ. - In a move un­ The resolutions cite the misuse of the sentenced here to a total of 12 years' daily. precedented in state government, speci­ term "Russia," and the inaccuracy of imprisonment for "anti-Soviet agita- Ms. Ratushynska, 28, reportedly fic legislation has been introduced in interchanging it with the term "Soviet went on trial on March 2. The terms of both houses of the New Jersey State Union." They point out that genera­ her sentence mean that she will serve Legislature to deal with widespread tions of public school graduates with seven years in a labor camp and five historical inaccuracies in school text­ such misconceptions embedded have years' internal exile, a form of enforced books which misrepresent Ukrainians assumed influential positions in higher residence. and other nationalities as "Russians." education and the media, thus per­ At the opening of the trial, the poet's The legislation calls for a review of all petuating the problem. husband, Ihor Herashchcnko, told material dealing with Eastern Europe, Also pointed out is the chagrin of reporters that he feared his wife would Russia and the Soviet Union in elemen­ many of New Jersey's ethnic groups, be judged mentally ill, and be placed in a tary and high school curricula through­ which, the resolutions claim, "are psychiatric hospital for an indefinite out the state to identify all historical associated with their oppressors." The period. Mr. Herashchcnko, whose inaccuracies contained therein. The resolutions offer an innovative but father is reportedly a member of the Department of Education, which is correct interpretation of the problem in Uk rainian Academy of Sciences, said he assigned this review, must report the stating that "the teaching of said in- and his wife have been trying for several findings to the Legislature's Commit­ accurractes by public schools consti­ years to get permission to emigrate. tees on Education. tutes a violation of the civil rights of all Ms. Ratushynska, a physicist, has Americans descended of the affected had her poetry published in samvydav, Assembly Concurrent Resolution captive nations." Soviet underground publications, and (ACR) No. 3007 was introduced on This is not the first time the topic has her signature has appeared on numerous February 14 by Assemblyman Ray­ surfaced in the State House. A para­ appeals on behalf of imprisoned human- mond Lesniak of Elizabeth, with 18 co- graph requesting such a review has been rights activists. sponsors. Ten days later. Sen. John, included in the Legislature's annual She was arrested on September 17, Caufield of Newark introduced an Ukrainian Independence Day resolu­ 1982, less than three months after KGB identical resolution in the upper house. tions for several years. agents searched her Kiev apartment and He was joined by five co-sponsors. In 19"?9, the Department of Educa- reportedly seized several volumes of Coincidentally. the Senate Concurrent 1 Continued on page 3) . ;'ЛІ" Iryna Ratushynska unpublished samvydav materials. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 13,1983 No. 11 Dissident profile Two Uniate priests sentenced to eight years' imprisonment Vasyl Rozlutsky: JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Two priests and "drawing minors" into such activi­ of the outlawed Ukrainian Catholic ties. serving fourth term (Uniate) Church were each sentenced to The Ukrainian Catholic Church was five years' imprisonment and three formally liquidated by Soviet authori­ ; JERSEY CITY, N.J.— On August Thus far, the portrait of Mr. years' internal exile following a trial in ties on March 8-Ю, 1946, when a bogus 25, 1980, Vasyl Rozlutsky, an electri- Rozlutsky that emerges appears to be the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. sobor, convened without official per­ mission of the Ukrainian Catholic ,^cal welder, was arrested after KGB that of a quick-tempered rowdy News of the trial, which took place in hierarchy, declared that the Church was agents searched his apartment and rather than a political activist battl­ October 1981, recently reached the "reuniting" with the Russian Orthodox confiscated several of his poems. ing an unfair system.
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