Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens P.O. Box 235, Geelong 3220 Ph/Fax 5222 6053 Email [email protected] Website www.friendsgbg.com Sale Catalogue January 2018 Genus/Species/Cultivar Notes Abutilon "y" Shrub; Chinese Lantern; Central & Sth America; 1m h x 1m w; Hardy evergreen shrub which flowers for much of the year.; Flowers: All Year; Flower Colour: Yellow; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Abutilon megapotanicum Shrub; Brazilian Bell Flower; Sth America; 1m h x 1.5m w; Arching cane-like branches with smallish, pendant, bell shaped flowers of pale yellow petals and deep red calyx.; Flowers: Sum/Aut; Flower Colour: Bicolour; Sun/Semi Shade; Adaptable Abutilon sp "Gold Plate" Shrub; 1m h x 1m w; Flowers: All Year; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Abutilon x hybridum Shrub; Chinese Lantern; 1.2m h x 1m w; Medium shrub with orange bell-like flowers.; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Orange; Sun/Semi Shade; Adaptable Abutilon x hybridum "r" Shrub; Chinese Lantern; 2m h x 1m w; Bright scarlet flowers; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Red; Sun/Semi Shade; Adaptable Abutilon x milleri Shrub; 1.5m h x 1m w; Evergreen shrub to 2m tall, with narrowly ovate, 3-lobed leaves and pendent, bell-shaped flowers 4cm long, with apricot-yellow petals and dusky red calyces; Flowers: Sum/Aut; Flower Colour: Apricot; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Acacia pulchella ssp lasiocarpa Shrub; Prickly Moses; W.A.; 1m h x 1m w; Rounded prickly shrub to 1m with feathery leaves and golden ball flowers in spring.; Flowers: Spring; Flower Colour: Yellow; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained; Drought Tolerant Acanthus mollis Perennial; Oyster plant; 1.8m h; An evergreen, soft wooded perennial which grows in an upright clump to about 1 metre x 1 metre (3’x3′). The dark green, glossy leaves are lobed and toothed. Purple and white flowers appear on tall, erect spikes from November to January.; Flowers: Summer; Flower Colour: White; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Achillea "Credo" Groundcover; Yarrow; 0.8m h x 0.3m w; Fern-like foliage and masses of tiny lemon daisy flowers. Spreads rapidly via rhizomes.; Flowers: Sum/Aut; Flower Colour: Lemon; Sun; Well Drained Aeonium arboreum Succulent; Canary Islands; 0.5m h x 0.5m w; Succulent with pink-tipped rosette leaves on a basal stem. Flowers, which are usually cream or yellow, come out of the growing points in the center of the rosette. In most cases the plant dies after flowering.; Flowers: Summer; Flower Colour: Yellow; Sun; Well Drained Aeonium arboreum var Succulent; Black Tree Aeonium; 1m h x 0.3m w; The 20 cm rosette of almost atropurpureum "Schwarzkopf" black leaves on an up to 1 m light gray trunk is very showy.; Flowers: Summer; Flower Colour: Yellow; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Agapanthus orientalis "Mini White" Bulb/Corm; 0.9m h x 0.5m w; Low strappy plant with white flowers. Sourced from GBG perennial border.; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: White; Sun/Semi Shade; Adaptable Agapanthus orientalis "Purple Cloud" Bulb/Corm; African Lily; 1.5m h x 0.7m w; Strappy plant with large dark blue/purple flowers. Sourced from GBG perennial border.; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Purple; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Page 1 of 29 Genus/Species/Cultivar Notes Agastache foeniculum Herb; Anise Hyssop; Nth America; 0.65m h x 0.65m w; Perennial plant in the mint family, Leaves are anise scented.; Flowers: Sum/Aut; Flower Colour: Purple; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Agave attenuata Succulent; 1.5m h x 2m w; Non-spiky broad, grey green leaves 50-70cm long. Creamy flowers on a 1.5m spike - after flowering the plant dies, but it produces pups.; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Yellow; Sun; Well Drained; Drought Tolerant Ageratum houstonianum Groundcover; Floss Flower; West Indies. Central America; 0.5m h x 0.75m w; Fluffy blue/mauve flowers. Erect or semi-prostrate herb to 1 m tall. Environmental weed in NSW; Flowers: Summer; Flower Colour: Mauve; Sun; Well Drained Ajania pacifica Perennial; Japan; 0.4m h x 0.8m w; Spreading loose mound of foliage, with white hairs underleaf. Sprays of gold flowers.; Flowers: Autumn; Flower Colour: Yellow; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Albuca nelsonii Bulb/Corm; Nelson's Slime Lily; South Africa; 1m h x 0.5m w; Robust evergreen clumping perennial - flowers white with green stripes.; Flowers: Spring; Flower Colour: White; Semi Shade; Adaptable Alcea rosea Perennial; Hollyhock; 2m h x 0.3m w; Tall columnar plant; Flowers: Summer; Flower Colour: Various; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Alcea rosea "Apricot/yellow double" Perennial; 3m h x 0.5m w; Flowers: Sum/Aut; Flower Colour: Apricot; Sun; Well Drained Alchemilla vulgaris Shrub; Ladies' Mantle; 0.3m h x 0.2m w; Flowers: Summer; Flower Colour: Yellow; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Allium sp Herb; Vietnamese Chives; Vietnam; 0.5m h x 1m w; Flowers: Spring; Flower Colour: White; Sun; Well Drained Aloe spinosissima Succulent; 0.25m h x 0.8m w; Hardy fast growing clumping succulent. Heads to 25cm, clusters to 80cm. Creates a great show of flowers late in winter.; Flowers: Win/Spr; Sun; Dry Aloe vera Succulent; N. Africa; 0.6m h x 0.6m w; Medicinal succulent; Flowers: Spring; Flower Colour: Yellow; Sun; Well Drained; Drought Tolerant Aloysia citriodora Shrub; Lemon Scented Verbena; South America; 3m h x 3m w; Lemon scented foliage, used for tea. Pale mauve/white flowers in clusters.; Flowers: Sum/Aut; Flower Colour: White; Sun; Well Drained Alstroemeria psittacina Perennial; New Zealand Christmas Bell; Brazil; 0.6m h x 0.4m w; Name comes from red and green flowers that come at Christmas. Easily grown but can spread rapidly and prove difficult to eradicate.; Flowers: Summer; Flower Colour: Red; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Alstroemeria sp Bulb/Corm; PB; Peru; 0.8m h x 0.4m w; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Various; Sun; Well Drained; Frost Tender Alstroemeria sp "w" Perennial; 0.75m h x 0.5m w; Flower Colour: White; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Alyogyne huegelii Shrub; Native hibiscus; S.A., W.A.; 2m h x 1.5m w; Hardy rounded shrub with variable lobed leaves and lilac hibiscus-like flowers.; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Mauve; Sun/Semi Shade Aquilegia "db" Perennial; Granny's Bonnet; Europe; 0.8m h x 0.4m w; Clump-forming perennial with blue-green foliage (small fan-shaped leaflets) that emerge from a woody rootstock. The flowering stems usually reach above the foliage and carry spurred, bell-shaped, often pendulous flowers.; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Blue; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Page 2 of 29 Genus/Species/Cultivar Notes Araucaria bidwillii Tree; Bunya; S. E. Queensland; 35m h x 10m w; C21. Distinctive evergreen conifer with evenly spaced, horizontal branches. Young trees are cone-shaped and beautifully symmetrical. Bunya-bunya makes an excellent houseplant; in a container, it will stay small for years.; Sun/Semi Shade Argyranthemum "dp" Perennial; Marguerite; Canary Islands; 0.7m h x 0.7m w; Compact plant which starts flowering early in the season and blooms over many months. Double pink flowers; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Pink; Sun/Semi Shade; Adaptable Argyranthemum "w" Perennial; Marguerite; Canary Islands; 1m h x 0.5m w; Compact plant which starts flowering early in the season and blooms over many months.; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: White; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Aristea ecklonii Grass; Blue Stars; Central & Sthn Africa; 0.4m h x 0.2m w; Spreading evergreen perennial with stiff, upright, grasslike leaves in a tight clump. Flowering stalks covered with dozens of small blue saucer shaped flowers stand above the leaves. Each flower lasts for only one day; Flowers: Spr/Sum; Flower Colour: Blue; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Artemisia arborescens Shrub; Tree Wormwood; S.E.Europe; 1.5m h x 1.5m w; Perennial shrub with aromatic silver-grey leaves and cream to bright yellow flowers. GBG Silver border.; Flower Colour: Cream; Sun; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant Artemisia arborescens "Powis Shrub; Mediterranean; 1m h x 1m w; Hardy perennial shrub with aromatic leaves in Castle" silver filigree and cream to bright yellow flowers. GBG Silver Border. A. Arborescens x absinthium.; Flowers: Sum/Aut; Flower Colour: Cream; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained; Drought Tolerant Artemisia lactiflora "Guizhou" Shrub; White Mudwort; 1.2m h x 0.45m w; Silver-grey foliage with showy plumes of tiny white flowers with mahogany stems.; Flowers: Summer; Flower Colour: White; Sun; Well Drained Artemisia ludoviciana "Valerie Finnis" Perennial; Wormwood; 0.2m h x 0.9m w; An outstanding silver leafed plant for the front of a sunny border growing to 20cm and slowly spreading. GBG Silver Border.; Flower Colour: Cream; Sun; Adaptable Arthropodium cirratum Fern/Shade; Renga Renga Lily; N Z; 0.8m h x 0.5m w; A hardy, evergreen, clumping perennial that bears panicles of graceful sprays of starry white flowers. These flowers are produced on 60cm stems above tufts of broad, strappy leaves in late spring.; Flowers: Spring; Flower Colour: White; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Asarina antirrihiflora Climber; trailing snap dragon; 0.05m h x 1m w; Flowers: Win/Spr; Flower Colour: Purple; Sun/Semi Shade; Well Drained Aster "Dark Blue" Perennial Aster . "Barrs Pink" Perennial; 1.5m h x 0.4m w; Flowers: Sum/Aut; Flower Colour: Pink; Sun; Well Drained Aster x frikartii Perennial; Easter Daisy PB; N. America; 0.6m h x 0.3m w; Long-flowering perennial. Blue flowers have a yellow centre.; Flowers: Autumn; Flower Colour: Blue; Sun; Well Drained Aster x frikartii "Monch" Perennial; Easter Daisy; N. America; 0.4m h; Long-flowering perennial which bears large 2½-inch lavender blue flowers with
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