S10968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 4, 2005 timeframe. That is important to the County Technical College. Later, he at- arms fire. Allen was first evacuated to two leaders. Hopefully, we can achieve tended The Ohio State University and the 31st combat support hospital in that tomorrow. If we do, then I would Ohio Valley College, where he earned a Baghdad and then to Landstuhl Re- take the appropriate parliamentary bachelor’s degree in organizational gional Medical Center in Germany. A steps to remove from the appropria- management. He eventually went on to burn team later transported him to tions bill these matters. work for Broughton Foods in Marietta Brook Army Medical Center in Texas, So I thank the two leaders and reit- and Century 21 Realty. where he died on September 30, fol- erate the essential nature of bringing Allen loved his family more than lowing a second surgery. this bill forward. I feel very strongly anything else in the world. He and his Thankfully, Allen was able to spend about it. And I thank my colleague devoted wife, Gail, were the proud par- his last days and hours surrounded by from Alaska with whom I worked ents of five children—Roman, Kennan, loved ones. Gail and their oldest son, today. I am not suggesting—anyway, Euanna, Bobby, and Frankie. Allen was Roman, were able to be with him at the we worked it out, followed the rules, a terrific father—caring, committed, hospital. Gail’s close friend, Karmen and that is it. I thank the leadership. and supportive of his young family. He Lockhart, said that ‘‘we knew so many Mr. President, I yield the floor. protected Gail and his children as a people praying for Allen, but God NOTICES OF INTENT husband and father—and also as a sol- didn’t answer our prayers the way we Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, in accord- dier. wanted. But, I believe he answered Al- ance with rule V of the Standing Rules Allen loved his country and felt a len’s prayers, not to take other sol- of the Senate, I hereby give notice in duty to protect it and make it a better diers, but to take him. I believe he writing that it is my intention to move place for his family. He served in the gave his life so others could be saved.’’ to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for Army Reserves for seven years as a Pastor Witmer was also able to be the purpose of proposing to the bill, member of the 660th Transportation with the Nolans at the Army hospital H.R. 2863, the Department of Defense Company based out of Zanesville, Ohio. in Texas. Pastor Witmer said that Appropriations Bill, the following As one of the more experienced mem- ‘‘Allen was sure of his eternity.’’ His amendment: Amendment no. 1999. bers of his unit, Allen took it upon unshakable faith is what allowed him (The amendment is printed in today’s himself to mentor the younger soldiers. to give so generously of himself and RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) Dan Johnson, a close friend in his make that ultimate sacrifice. Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, in ac- unit, described Allen as a ‘‘completely Young children often have a way of cordance with rule V of the Standing selfless individual. He would drop any- putting even the most tragic of events Rules of the Senate, I hereby give no- thing to help someone. He talked about into perspective for us. After learning tice in writing of my intention to move his family all the time. I feel very of his father’s death, Allen and Gail’s to suspend paragraph 4 rule XVI for the lucky that I had the chance to know son Kennan, who was nine years old at purpose of proposing to the bill, H.R. him and to work with him.’’ Johnson the time, said this about his father: 2863, the Defense Appropriations bill, further emphasized, ‘‘What I remember ‘‘The Lord must have needed him more the following amendment: No. 2025. most about Allen is that he always had than I did.’’ In those simple, selfless (The amendment is printed in today’s a ‘can do’ attitude. I never heard him words, this little boy is saying so RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) complain or gripe about anything. We much. His father would be very proud. Appropriately, Allen was remem- f got to be close friends.’’ SP Robert Lovell, who served with bered in a beautiful funeral service MORNING BUSINESS Allen since 1997, also cherished their held at the Faith Bible Church, the friendship, saying the following: center of his spiritual life. Nearly 500 people attended the service. Allen re- HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES Allen was always the first to volunteer. He was deeply committed to his religion. What ceived five medals posthumously: The ARMY SPECIALIST ALLEN NOLAN I miss most about Allen is that he was al- Purple Heart, the Bronze Star, the Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I rise ways there if you needed help or counsel. Meritorious Service Medal, the Army today to pay tribute to Army SP Allen Allen was one of my best friends and has Commendation Medal, and the Good Nolan, from Marietta, OH, who was se- been since we first met. Conduct Medal. His medals were pre- verely injured in Balad, Iraq, while BG Michael W. Beasley, commanding sented to Gail at his funeral, which in- serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. He general of the 88th Regional Readiness cluded full military honors. died from his injuries on September 30, Command, RRC, said that ‘‘Allen was a When I think about the life of Army 2004, at the Brook Army Medical Cen- wonderful soldier. He frequently volun- SP Allen Nolan, I am reminded of ter in Houston, Texas. He was 38 years teered for the most complex and dif- something tennis great, Arthur Ashe, old. ficult missions. He was also an excel- once said about what it means to be a Throughout Allen’s life, he touched lent mentor and trainer of the younger hero. He said that ‘‘true heroism is re- countless people. His family and close soldiers.’’ Other men in his company markably sober—very undramatic. It is friends describe his loyalty and devo- described how he would lead them in not the urge to surpass all others at tion to his family, his community, his prayer before going out on a mission. whatever cost, but the urge to serve church, and his country. Allen’s strong They talked about how much comfort others at whatever cost.’’ That’s Allen religious faith was central to him. As that gave them. Nolan. He was a noble man willing to Pastor Ray Witmer III, of Faith Bible Not surprisingly, though just three serve others—his family, his fellow sol- Church in Williamstown, OH, where months away from retiring from the diers, his country—at whatever cost. Allen and his family were members, Reserves when his unit was deployed to And for that, we will never forget him. said this about Allen: Iraq in February 2004, Allen did not I know that Allen’s family and The phrase that keeps coming to mind— hesitate to fulfill his duty. He and Gail friends will forever cherish the mem- words that Allen actually had said many both considered the war in Iraq an in- ory of their son, brother, husband, and times—is that he is a father, husband, son, tegral part of the war on terror. Allen father, whose love knew no bounds. soldier, and foremost, a Christian. believed he had a mission to carry out They all remain in our thoughts and Allen Nolan was all of those things— and was ready and willing to do what- prayers. and more. Robin Nolan described her ever was necessary—whatever was ARMY CORPORAL KEVIN W. PRINCE brother-in-law as a ‘‘strong family man needed. Mr. President, this afternoon I also who enjoyed hunting and fishing.’’ She Allen had been in Iraq 9 months, wish to honor and to remember a fel- said that ‘‘he was always willing to when he was scheduled to return home low Ohioan and a brave soldier. Army help out. When my husband was ill last for 2 weeks on September 20, 2004. How- CPL Kevin W. Prince, of Plain City, winter, he was such a big help. He was ever, he was injured on September 18 OH, was killed on April 23, 2005, when a a very, very good brother and father.’’ when the fuel truck that he was driv- homemade bomb detonated under his Allen Nolan graduated from Warren ing north of Baghdad was struck by an Humvee. Corporal Prince was on patrol High School and received an associate improvised explosive device and came in Iskandariyah, Iraq. At the time of degree in business from Washington under a missile attack and a small his death, He was 22 years old. VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:58 Oct 05, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G04OC6.037 S04OCPT1 October 4, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10969 Kevin was born on July 13, 1982, in even at Fort Irwin. After Kevin’s Once in the Army, Aaron volunteered Canton, OH, to loving parents, Ronald death, a friend from Fort Irwin wrote a to go to Iraq. He didn’t have to go. He and Susan Prince. When he was 2 years brief memorial for the guy who looked wanted to go. He joined the 73rd Engi- old, his family moved to Plain City, out for him and became his friend: neering Company, 1st Brigade, 24th where he grew up.
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