September 28, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1769 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO KHI SERVICES, INC. ported by numerous animal shelter and hu- clearly a substantial transformation. Unlike golf mane society directors, including the Denver clubs of the past, the final manufacturing of HON. CONSTANCE A. MORELLA Dumb Friends League, that serves my com- modern golf clubs is a high-precision, multi- OF MARYLAND munity. Bob Rohde, the executive director of step process by skilled U.S. technicians re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Denver Dumb Friends League is one of quiring significant attention to detail. They use laser guided equipment and highly sensitive Friday, September 27, 1996 those individuals who has made a difference in making animal care and control the life sav- scales to determine the weights of individual Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay ing profession it has now become. components and final clubs. Any slight vari- tribute to KHI Services, Inc., based in Rock- I ask that you and all Americans join me, ance causes the rejection of a club that does ville, MD, on the occasion of the corporation's the Humane Society of the United States and not meet company of industry swingweight 25th anniversary. Over the past quarter cen- local animal shelters like the Denver Dumb standards. tury, KHI Services, a community-based, resi- Friends League, in celebrating National Animal The U.S. golf club manufacturing industry is dential, therapeutic treatment program has al- Shelter Appreciation Week during the first a significant domestic employer that deserves lowed over 1,600 people to confront their week of November this year. to be treated fairly by trade laws. New and problems and set realistic goals to improve f proposed country of origin marking require- their lives. ments simply fail to recognize the techno- In 1971, concerned private citizens with fi- AMERICAN LEADERSHIP IN GOLF logical progress this industry has made, at the nancial assistance from Montgomery, and the CLUB MANUFACTURING NEEDS demand of golfers everywhere. By enacting State government, and the Federal Law En- FAIRNESS IN NEW TRADE REGU- legislation that reflects current industry prac- forcement Assistance Administration, created LATIONS tices, we restore trade fairness to the U.S. golf KHI Services as a nonprofit corporation to fa- club industry, preserve good American jobs, cilitate the work of the Karma Academies. HON. RANDY ``DUKE'' CUNNINGHAM and enhance our trade competitiveness. Since its establishment, KHI Services has de- f OF CALIFORNIA veloped a number of programs, including IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED ENTER- Karma Academies for Boys and Girls, the PRISE PRIVATIZATION ACT OF Friday, September 27, 1996 Howard Academy, the Thomas O'Farrell Youth 1996 Center, and a counseling and community serv- Mr. CUNNINGHAM, Mr. Speaker, golf was ices program. not invented in the United States. But the Unit- SPEECH OF KHI Services has never deviated from the ed States leads the world in the manufacturing HON. PAT WILLIAMS concept of family involvement to provide on- of quality golf clubs. Golfers know that most of going emotional support to adolescents in OF MONTANA these manufacturers are headquartered in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES times of crisis. A primary goal of the corpora- California, predominantly in Carlsbad in my Tuesday, September 24, 1996 tion is to maintain the family's active involve- congressional district. They dominate this $2 ment while the child is in residence, wherever billion industry because they lead in research Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- possible, to promote the necessary changes in and development of new materials that im- port of H.R. 1720 to privatize the Student family functioning crucial to that child's suc- prove the performance, durability, and appear- Loan Marketing AssociationÐSallie MaeÐand cessful return home. ance of golf clubs. Major American investment the College Construction Loan Insurance As- I am proud to pay tribute to KHI Services, have been made in the research, develop- sociationÐConnie LeeÐand am pleased to Inc., and I am honored to add my voice to the ment, design, and manufacture of golf clubs, see this bill finally coming up for floor consid- praises of the many friends and family who components, and their materials. eration. I understand that privatization lan- gather to salute this fine corporation. To remain competitive, these companies at guage may also be included in the CR, and I f times source components, such as golf club hope we can do all we can to ensure the en- heads, offshore. Their high-paying research actment of this legislation this year. NATIONAL ANIMAL SHELTER As my colleagues know, the bill in front of and design and final manufacturing operations APPRECIATION WEEK us today was part of the Careers Act that remain here in the United States. Modern passed this House more than a year ago. Un- quality domestic golf clubs undergo precision fortunately, that legislation was weighed down HON. DAN SCHAEFER operations involving many skilled U.S. techni- OF COLORADO in conference by repeated objections from the cians, using leading edge assembly and test far right, and I'm somewhat disappointed that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES equipment here in the United States. Friday, September 27, 1996 after more than 2 years, this is all that can be Unfortunately, the prosperity of American salvaged. Mr. SCHAEFER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today employer is threatened and disrupted by coun- The time to privatize Sallie Mae and Connie to ask my colleagues to join me in saluting try of origin marking rules and regulations. Lee has come. There is little doubt that both America's animal shelters and the tens of These have been adopted and proposed by of these Government-sponsored enterprises thousands of caring individuals who are em- the U.S. Customs Service. They include the have fulfilled their intended purpose, and no ployed by or volunteer in these facilities. Just NAFTA marking regulations, the proposed longer need Federal subsidies to support the like other essential services our communities marking regulations, and ultimately the Uru- secondary loan market. Back in 1972, when depend on, animal shelters and the people guay round country of origin changes sched- Sallie Mae was established, there was a need who work in them are services we often take uled for implementation in several years. The to generate capital in the student loan market. for granted. U.S. golf club industry has been able to cope However, there are now more than 45 dif- The Humane Society of the United States, with U.S. Customs regulations prior to imple- ferent participants in the secondary market, which has provided training and support to mentation of the NAFTA marking rules. But and it makes sense for the Government to re- local animal shelters and humane organiza- the new country of origin marking require- duce the burden on taxpayers by releasing tions for over 40 years, has declared Novem- ments have become real trade and economic these entities from governmental control. Both ber 3±9, 1996, as National Animal Shelter Ap- barriers. Contrary to their stated purpose, the Sallie Mae and Connie Lee want to be preciation Week. They are asking for us to new requirements are less understandable, privatized and have spent many hours nego- take a minute of our time to show our appre- more subjective, and more burdensome that tiating with us to make this separation a re- ciation for what shelters do to help animals previous marking requirements. ality. and people in their communities. The marking problems can be resolved by I urge my colleagues to support privatization The idea for a national week of recognition recognizing that the process of final manufac- on this bill or any other legislation that may and appreciation for animal shelters is sup- turing of golf clubs in the United States is contain it. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 28, 1996 H.R. 1720 also contains provisions estab- TRIBUTE TO THE 85TH ANNIVER- Well it is, but not that China. Beijing lives on lishing the Library Services and Technology SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE the belief that economic prosperity is the key Act. This authority creates a new Institute for REPUBLIC OF CHINA to the preservation of the regime. The Com- Museum and Library Services that will inte- munists lay claim to a false god to which no grate our Federal library and museum pro- HON. JOE SCARBOROUGH one any longer bows, and sit atop the grams to consolidate funds and promote in- OF FLORIDA powderkeg, hoping to keep the economic en- creased cooperation between libraries and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gine going in order to save the regime. That is a fools gamble, and all right thinkers know museums across the Nation. This new part- Friday, September 27, 1996 nership will focus funds on assisting libraries that the future lay across the Straits of Tai- in acquiring new technologies and increasing Mr. SCARBOROUGH, Mr. Speaker, I rise wan. access to library services for individuals with today to pay tribute to a beacon of freedom on On that island there is also prosperityÐ special needs, including children. This new the far shores of the Pacific. A nation that has, wealth that would have seen unimaginable but in its own way and in its own part of the world, merger was developed in cooperation with, 30 years ago.
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