
r.:'?.?1. (-fc-. f:-V >v»\: - ''X-' ( , . - ;•.-/....•. • ' .•;;•. .•."' •;,'• v ' .: I, • •• •v-~> :, •'• • -.' ' '•!• ••-./ • •. |ijf;-::-:;.'|:>"'DV-'UOCfc *Nb; 42. CRANFOJID, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 5,1964 ***'•• '.*'' '•*.Vi ^."L, .••» eaches 83% of Goal; ..-• .';>,-.-v; ... I--v ••;••; Following is ;h^^r«h^dy^'9b A complete tabulation of In f^estdgntial elections during the past Ttunday't ballotifig here, :unr torn,be Jo^m page 8. .c> wfe^ifebi^\tji qatofortf,... ^ pettiocrata were elected ^ ..".;. i;-...;. ..;,.•..'..'•>;. v..»,-• I,y55 194^Dewey *nd Bricker(R>.:•;,;:.•• .:•..:.;V>•.. > -'• >> -:<: 5,106 li^tlonvwido I&n(}$licl6 th^t 8flW'! ^^^; -; ^ ••:•,•/•>• •••'• • • l#?t President Lyndon B. Johnson r-:* IPSil .meeting* will' rty the township by a pk unttf every card is wwked, w&m mm iah prante anhqunced. Meet- f or the comings week will be i •. i StevensorrandSparVman . Comes the first ;&eiM&&1@r mm at 8:30; pirt. tomorrow,' Sun- ^enlng and Wednesday eve- i956~tis6nh<)w^r; and^^cbr) (R) . >v.......I,i..'.:.'... 8;7?0 teelec^toTownBWpCominittee.^ nl^. All Bessiohs will be held ^JKr^|;:S1toance^ow^ In the community room of the Mu- 19i6.0^?Nixon and icid ; : m TalcipaT Building! Reports may be ; iiu-^ii *..' Bj..^^.«.i.jq^f:» -the .• Republl*. -. pa i • :; Kennedy and Johnson •'•by .• 8/;''.§Q7" '.'voW'f-'. ii flli^ •duririg:;buslne8S hours daily pluraUty, 6,m to 6,(M)1, incJudin« at campaign headqiiarterii, rodstrt : : mm- v a^^-baito^; :; v^y.^ f$. \ I \>,; 'p ' :":••:' * ••" "• ' " ^.;,^.^.:.'...:v5,245 to ' ''•' :''• :-;^TCS«>ldttb Gifts reccignltion was ! : \v.'•#;•,'>' &• ;-S^inour/; ;Dem<>cra't^:l won^ ; ^:;|: given ttf Dr; and Mrs: Albeit Lewis m 'and- the Elizabethtbwn Gas Co. ' CHARLES O. • Ernploye solicitation was initl- HAROLD 7. collector. >ted today in the following Cran- Local GOP Defeat Attribu $# fe ford firms: Clark Door Co., Tech- ^ * ;'• •" ^•/V1 ^v* ' '• jjdcal Wife, Part-Manufacturing Seymour PI Coi and Allen Printing Co. : To Lack of Liking for Ba can candidate, was 892 votes. |> BfabjprRite Market i. contrftfated , _ ^ Jlbs» of two lpcM ofHcials In $200 this week, it was revealed by T1 dents' United Fund Tuesday's; election «as attributed to the lack pf eritht^slasm by'lb<jal Cranf ord to Have •fit (Coijitinueit < Chawes G-: iwater, tfce R^publkan Presidential app Rd, the first candidate, Mrs^ Harold A» Glovier,- rfected '•'>'-t-'lk ardpowperthwalteaataxcollectbt GOP • municipal chairnian» ^wtd ; i yesterday in asselssiiW :tjNe results Oft 'JNmVIWSr • 15-;T^ ifi«e^ Hrtis.*irf:^ '9f;'the'election. ,; /••--•;,',•.•;•;,,;•:.. «,/l rtll have two members •'I ^ish to congratulate the ^wo of the nltte-niah Union CoUnty ii Syr^-v^i - t>emocratic victors for locial!' of- Board of Freeholders for the first licfes,":' Mrs. ~ iGldvier;1 "• cbajUnttedj time irt ite blstdiy as a result ot 'and I will give them all the coj, Tuesday's ws d^e ^arg ,niet_ '7-<fh . s>.\- national ^cehe,l believe^ rice-president: pf Precision Light indents faV? been selected Corp., Dunellen, was one of, four f 4W ' MfWX Biwoocifats i4^"-J •'-'- u •-•">?---^ mm f Johnson becarnjB '•'•>;'i i'i'l High School, : Ara- serwd a? table .goni, "iiii :b*> •hd* IlWaj but was a esldent of inany residents who : :sepli ^^ ^«||be^^i^ «fecl$G',, ;v\:.' '..: Cranford ajidyl „. ••, The lp&l resident pbMed 117,318 i^ljiatinmono gymtiadumplay/V^Mr. Pottf isaid. \a srolpr. ini Jonathan Cause to join (the loqal Republican toilhit p1iedg!e^.he<. ... ;'|^\p^ -wore diicu^s^W^.-re? 'votes'.^J|pe other-, Dembcratic vic- "I believe y)e put on a g»od\-%j)jfc?\ and Dayton gional Wgh prganizatiQn and help advance Re- tors fc*.full terms are, Johh-Vi 42 mc*ths to ^ )?ublicanism in-Cranford* : paign: w as" did our opponents^ 3i iajt^.-!-ii£LSinSi Doiiohue, reelected, 120,889, and AParehtly local residents now be- f VW^ Hg : The Carav for the Edward J. WUusz, 117,318. The lieve mlnb^ity representation * ^*.(e#^i0;j!$i1^:%) I— Schools: EllgH«1tw-'particiiiaUon f ^neyu y Outer Space Column unsuccessful • Republican contend- heeded oh our goverwng bod^.?* :'U.: Chemical Indu^y Council, of New Appearing on taie editorial page ers for the full terms finished as The ^successful candidatel;M l^A'djrass^ Jfe^ ^^k niore thaiji 180 of this issue •&' the QtizeiS and follows: Freeholder George J. For- pressed his thanks to all votera #ho 'Cultural Basis chalrnian, saldi :f(Granfbrj4 teachy to Chrpnicle is the first of a series of rester, 101,312; Freeholder Mat- supported his candidacy. A gpod monthly ',cplumhs .on "The" World thew J.Rlnaldo, Jr., 100,784, and deal of the credit for the success atud*nts attending pf Space", to, be provided by the Henry P. Wester, 96,233. of Tuesday's election, he statedJ;"i3 I tutibns, cards Will bf Amateur Astronomers, Inc.,. in con- FoU the unexplred term, Hugh due those Democrats who,' "Cultural Basis for living^' will / ! iiIlt; i1 ^e 'center; <Jn" * '- ig lectujre-demonstrations by nection with the Sperry Memorial CaldwelJ, Democrat, defeated worked hard for roariy years Jor be the ihemfe for this yeairts Cran- leading ficieniists and tours of Observ^tbry to be Constructed at h Griffin, 116,171 to 94,040. this year'fi.victpry. He added,that frird High School Seminar at Un-t on Page 2) Unipn Junior College. / (Continued on Page 8) the Young Democrats arei . ing of particular thanks lor their Ion Juii|or College, it Was an» •wili^i part in making the campaign •^uti^-today-'^y-DrVK^^'^-' 'wife , success. '.,•. "'• - ..'.-''', >,-. .-••"•^ Ivereen, UJC dean and seminar C^eraprbposalsk were: mlttee. It will be open jtm :: "I am now setting my sights on ! arid Saturday evenings^ from 8 to J director. - . ;r.r ' ••.•'•;-.•",• ,•;'.•-',':-'•'. ' doing the best possible job J can Dr, Iveti5en said Jhercwill be Mm nier' *i(tol compensation - and 11:30 so long as it does not conflict for ,the township as a whole," he w lisa with a school program. concluded. Mr. Siegfried daid Jte seven speakers in fields of com* name given to a movement in the The admission will be 50 cents By Local Legion and VF did not wish ,to comment at thte parative reUgions, urbanization, ( Natiosnal Education Association, to per evening^add the proceeds Vre to time on arry- particiular projects arthitepture, communications, mu- be used torcen^er activities.' |"ood Crariford Post 212,, American A two-part. Veterans' Day cele- he has in mind to try 'to acconi- free t&cher^from the-non-teach-. Legion,, will hold its 33rd annual sic, city planning and social an- ing work, thatconsvimes winiich of and soft drinks wiil be served at bration .will be; conducted by Capt. plish When he becomes a member thropology. V ,-.'•.,. - .-, nominal prices. Students are^ al- Veterans* Day dinner at 6:30 p.m. of the committee. ^>" their tlrr\fe; time thatocpuld^ be Wednesday at the Casino. N. R. Fiske POfet 335, VFW. The seminar is open to all jun- much bet,ter • spent in teaehiiig, lowed to bring a guest irbixi «ut of 7 There will be a service at 11 a.m. A native of Map|ewood, Mr! iors and seniors at Cranford High ^own on Saturday nights only,'pro- ~The, principal speaker - of the Siegfried ; was graduated: -. ttpth stu"dent-teacher ^conferences an" f vening will be Dr. Paul V. Buona- Wednesday a^; Memorial Park at School, , . ' •:',. - '" :• udy.,/ ..:;:.:,; viding all others qualtficationi are the Maplewood Public Schools and ThjBf first lecture will be presented guro, who will'discuss, "The Amer- which wreaths will ,be- placed at has a bachelor of science degree "We alsb discussed jprn r Since^the center is for th^ bene- ican Legion, and; Education;" Dr tonight by Dr. William A. Johnson which appeared some we ago in fit of teenagers, it was-decided the riionuments. Thomas Korner, In electrical engineering from Ne^jr. of Madison, professor < of religion Buohaguro is coordinator of spe- (Continued on Page 8) that a student goyernlrig Body, be cial services, school, community chairpaan, invited the public to at- and chairman of the department of the Amerkaa Federa>i6n of Teach- responsible for its day-to-day de- relations and special studies in the tendjf'" •.-;.•••:. -,..•.;• •"• ";" religion^ in the College of Liberal ^re. The a^cle lkted Crahfoifd'ai cisions. ' Members of ttie student Cranford school system. He has •Thflf post also will sponsor its Arts of Drew University. Madison. one of this prgaptBation's j44 target board of directors Yar«- Wtpiam Parents Told J Other' speakers and their topics a, "bachelor's degree "from St John's annual Veterans' Day breakfast at areas in N§w^fersey. the CTAJhas West, Michael Delia Rosa* Donna Ufniverslty, a master's degree from 1 DR. WnXIAM A. JOHNSON are:. NOveniber 19 — Herbert shown ireaiT concern about this, Williams, Linda Fisher, Ro,bpr Columbia University and. a doc- 9 a.ni. Sunday at Veterans Mem- Social life Aim" I Gans of the Institute of Urban and w^would like to remain the Jagusak, Lyn Potts, Polly Wfllger torate ftfrom the Rutgers tTni- orial 'Home. Chinries Er Kinney, Studies, Teachers College, Colum-r s/>l€ ]3^presentative of the teach- oth, Nanette Gopdhart* Nancy Leo- verslty! School of Education. national and state VFW officer, Of Many Students bia Universlty^'-urhanization; De- Junior League cember 10 —.Dean Qrlando Gross! er's jif- Cranfbrd.?' « ", /> . ; (Continued on Page 8) -,'• Dr. teuonaguro,~a~ resident of will be principal speaker. Prtrf. SaulOrkin, director of ad- Cranford, has been associated with missions, told more H:hari 500 per- c« the School riif Architecture, Pratt the Cranford school system, for Other speakers will be Vincent Displays Articles Institute, Brooklyn, N,. Y., archi- L. Brinkerhoff\ of Cranford, state sons who attended Parents* Day tecture; January 7 ^ Richard 21 years in such capacities as 1 Students Invited to Hear Talk junior vice-commander, and John on Sunday -at Union Junior Col- For Ingathering Heffner of, Rutgers University, teacher of English, varsity base- -McLaugbliri, state VFW command- lege that he was unnerved but not ball coach, guidance counselor and surprised by a recent survey of The Suburban trust , Co.'s who was head of Channel 13, com- vice-principal of junior schools.
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