'I ; I 'I Judge orders disclosure of power plant proposals J\:Beaches Power-Tan Holdings consor­ tium, which wanted the court to prevent CUC from awarding the project to Marubeni before the disclosure of the documents. in 'bad shape' The consortium was one of the losing bidders for the con­ By Ferdie de la Torre discussed by members of the Ho­ tract, which was awarded by Variety News Staff tel Association of the Northern CUC to Marubeni. THE MARIANAS Visitors Au­ Mariana Islands (HANMI). Citing the size and impo11ance thority Board yesterday decided Ron Sablan, who is also of the project and the need to it will seek dialogue with the gov­ HANMI president, pointed out ensure that the selection pro­ ernor and other government agen­ that HANMI's legal counsel even John A. Manglona cess was fair, the conso11ium cies to declare under a state of suggested that the hotels affected By Zaldy Dandan filed a protest last month before emergency Gara pan's beaches for might have to put out notices in Variety News Staff the Office of the Public Audi tor allegedly becoming health haz­ their rooms in reference to the SUPERIOR Court Associate (OPA). ards. polluted waters. Judge John A. Manglona yes­ Yesterday afternoon, the con­ MV A board chairman David "We want to make sure that we terday gave the Commonwealth sortium filed a motion forTRO M. Sablan said he or at least some will take care of the problem be­ Utilities Corp. a ·week to dis­ in the Superior Court. members of the board will re­ David M. Sablan fore it gets any worse,"RonSablan close all proposals submitted for In his ruling, Manglona quest a meeting with Gov. Pedro said, explaining that HANMI's the $120 million 80-megawatt agreed with CUC's lawyer, Tenorio and representatives from enjoy the value that we have on concern was based on the Divi­ power plant project, and docu­ Lecia Eason, who argued. that the concerned departments to these beaches ... no more tourists sion of Environmental Quality's ments showing how CUC evalu~ the consortium has yet to ex­ quickly "get these things done." coming," ·sablan said in an inter­ tests, stating that the beaches are ated these proposals. haust the administrative process "I can only assume it is an emer­ view. not safe for swimming. Manglona at the same time involved in the filing of a pro­ gency. If in fact, the entire north­ MY A director Ron Sablan Ron Sablan said he had brought denied a motion for a temporary test. ern part of Saipan has dirty brought up the topic during up the same concern two years / restrainingorder(TRO)filedby Manglona said he will allow beaches, we better clean it. And yesterday's board meeting, say­ ago to the government, but unfor­ / the Alson-Tomen-Singapore Continued on page 5 that I consider an emergency be- ing the environmental issues con­ tunately it hasn't been acted on. - cause if we don't clean it we don't cerning the beaches were recently Continued on page 50 i1Ti.ci~"DynastyII1c~S 1 :: $6M loss in 3 m.onths · By Aldwin R. Fajardo another $18 million for the next Variety News Staff 12 months. We must reduce our . WITH ARRIVAL figures drop­ fixed costs immediately to a ping to a record six-month low level where we can break even," last month and economic fore­ Liew explained. casts still very discouraging, Tinian Dynasty is spending a Tinian Dynasty Hotel and Ca­ monthly average of $2 million sino is taking painful cost-cut­ in employee payroll and ben­ ting schemes to abort a possible efits alone. Its total fixed cost. $18 million net loss. including payroll and allow­ The hotel-casino resort has ances, amounts to about $3 mil­ already incmTed more than $6 lion a month. · million in losses since it soft­ Liew stressed Tinian opened three months ago, ac­ Dynasty's average current level cording to an internal memo­ of profit reaches only about $2 randum signed by Kui Fah Liew, million per month, represent­ general manager of Hong Kong ing a$ I million monthly short­ · Entertainment which operated fall. Company officials are not Marianas Visitors Authority board chairman David M. Sablan (middle) presides over a board meeting · •• the Tinian Dynasty. expecting the market to tum yesterday at the conference room of the MVA headquarters in San Jose. The board registered concerns over · "We cannot afford to lose Continued on page 50 Photo by Ferdie de la Torre -·- ...... ···- .. ... pollution at some of Saipan's beaches. ·---···--·-·... ···-·' ---·- - --·-·----'·-- ···-···· '··--·--·---- r·:'1• ,,." ",:'•' ,--:-, .... ,;1'1, .~:~.:-_ . ~ • .. '' ,'.-· .:___ • •,' ••••• ,. ' •.•· .... ,., •• •• ,.',JM,. • '• • • ,.,-. _.' •• .",, • _ .. ,• • •• ._, •••·-~-·' .~. • .. :· - .. J ••,._ .. •,J_·: ... ·-· ••: .. ~- •: '. ',n, ._ •."'', .. • ' •• ··,J•.' Child abuse 'getting worse' i::i Guam poll body turns down request of 2 /:! By Haidee V. Eugenio tims to lead normal lives after Variety News Staff their ordeal, more than just re­ l.•.:,·.:1.! gubernatorial camps for morbe1··111<J.wl·n,_,1·a11 r1t,oc1 'h. ers i.·.:.. ·.~.•.·./ AN AVERAGE of 2.27 children porting them to authorities. j By Sara Grant acted in 1994, states that only one "" ~ ~ ( are being abused every day from "When these kids come back to 1~ Variety News Staff poll watcher per party per pre- "I-low many do we want for [,Jj January to June this year, latest school, we want to continue help­ HAGATNA, Guam - Two cinct will be allowed. each precinct," he asked, '"and data from the Division of Youth ing them. The principals are ask­ gubernatorial candidates re- The board received letters from wou Id that make the election Services show. ing if they can be part of the quested extra poll watchers to Tom R. Camacho, the deputy trea- run more smoothly, or wou Id it In view of this, the Public process because oftentimes they monitor the upco1.11ing primary surer for "Friends of Tom and just complicate things?" School System is keen on work­ refer children who are neglected election, but the request was Lou," and gubernatorial candi- Also discussed was whether ing with DYS to ensure that vic­ or abused and that's the end of yesterday turned down by the date for HITA Angel L.G. Santos, the board will place limitations tims of child abuse get continu­ their story," !nos told reporters Guam Election Commission who requested that they each be on campaign contributions for ous help once they go back to during yesterday's meeting with which ruled that the cu!Tent granted an extra poll watcher. the senatorial race since the pri- school. DYS officials and school princi­ policy will remain in effect. Board member Fred Horecky mary has been canceled .. PSS Commissioner Rita H. Inos pals. The policy, which was en- questioned the effectiveness of Continued on page 50 said schools want child abuse vic- Continued on page 50 Pc(c (. ~L({~ -:,·~n,ft,.....,*.·'. ] I I 2:MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-'AUGUST 14, 199!i ', -----FRIDAY, AUGUST' 14; 1998" -MA'RIAN'A.S VARIETYNEWS AND vmws-3·" j Customs official airs concern: 'i $1.2B Holocaust :I settlement OK'd· 'NMI drug transshipment point' By MARIA F. DURAND claims against two commercial By Haidee V. Eugenio He remarked tlmt drug traffickers Mafnas, togetherwith Ingram.yes­ dealeron Mr. Ishiba,hi. This case is sons to wait at a hotel in Saipan for '.\EW YORK (AP) - Jewish banks - -UBS AG and the Credit Variety News Staff think it is easierto ship illegal drugs to terday called a press conference for succesful because of the spirit of co­ someone to pick up the substance. groups. Swiss banks and lawyers Suisse - plus the Swiss National TI-IE DMSION ofCustoms Setvice CNMI than to any other place. the west of Kojo Ishibashi and operation between law enforcement This led to the arrest of Izumi. for Holocaust sun·ivors reached a Bank. other Swiss banks, the Swiss yesterday dismissed the allegation 'That's what the (drug) traffickers Michihide Izumi on Monday in con­ agencies," said Mafnas. Mafnas said last June, there was a S 1.2 billion settlement over claims govemi;rient and Swiss industty. that it has more lenient system of think but like I said, we are closing nection with a drug bust allegedly Izumi arrived at Saipan Airport on bigger drug bust involving over $2 to assel~ lost during World War II. said Marc Cohen. a lawyer for the cargo and passenger inspection, after every doors based on infrnmation involving 352 grams of crystal meth­ Northwest Airlines flight 62 from million worth of ice (6 lbs., approxi­ The money will be paid out over banks. receiving repons that CNMI is being that we receive," said Mafnas. amphetarnine or "ice." Japan Monday at 2 p.m. While a mately 2,700 grams). three vears for the release of all Tens of thousands of Holocaust used as transhipment point for illegal He added that local law enforce­ Ishibashi was charged with pos­ Customs officer was patting down TheCustomsdeputycommissioner claim; including dormant account victims deposited money in Swiss drugs such as ··ice," marijuana and ment officers are putting extraeffons session with intent to distribute meth­ Izumi, he felt a suspicious bulge on said that a press conference will now banks as the Nazis gained power in heroine. in inspecting all incoming cargoes amphetarnine, while Michihide Izumi the defendant's lower back under­ be held after every drug busL Europe.expecting toretrieve it later. Customs Deputy Commissioner and passengers on every ports of with importation of methamphet­ neath the shirt which was later found The Customs Setvice, which. is Survivor Gisella Weissehaus Joe C. Mafnas said the agency has entry like the Saipan International arnine and possession with intent to to be "ice." under the auspices of the Department originally sued the banks on OcL 2.
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