~ , ;;." , ,-, ,.. , ' ~. - - STATES OF ~ HOROWnZ, MATCH '-,,'" ,- ;C Tim<1'RElIlD~'S ,NEw YEAR MESSAGE - ' G. Sturgis, . ~ - . - A rq:W MOVE IN AN OLD DEFENSE - O. L mvestad " , , ~ SAM, LOYD CENTENARY PROBLEM TOURNEYS '. " - -~- ~--~~~~~-~-~- JANU~y,l941- MONTHLY 30 ceots ANNUAI.I.¥ $3.00 Out of Print and Used Books Handbuch des Schachsp'lels $12.00 Specially Priced (8th Edition) Helteres aus der Schachwelt $1.50 American Chess Playel"'s Handbook $2.00 150 Endsplelstudien-Rlnck $2.50 Art of Chess $2.00 Lehrbuch dos Schachspiels $2.00 Principles of Chess $1.75 Dufresne Chess Openings $1.50 Meine Beste Partien-,-1908·1923 $3.00 Jame,s Masol} Dr. A. Alekhine , Melsterstucke der Schachkombina. Chess-L. Hoffer $1.50 tion-Weiss $1.00 Chess Endings for Beginne'rs $ .75 Paul MOl'phy-G. Maroc.zy $4.75 P. F. Blake Richtig Opfern-R. Spielmann $1.50 Chess Generalship SchachmeisterpartJen_B. Kagan $1.00 Grand Reconnaisance, Vol. I $2.50 Schachmel-ster- Steinitz-Bachmann $4.50 Grand Manoevres, Part 1, Vol. 11 $2.00 • SohaehstrafegJe_Ed. Lasker $2.0{)' Fran,klill K. Young Schnell Matt-Ruther & Bachmann . $2.00 Chessmen-Donald M. 'Liddell So Oarfst Du Nicht Shach Spielen $5.00 'E, Znosko-Borowskl $1.00 Chessmen in Action $ .75 W. P. Turnbull FRENCH Chess Openings $1.75 Comme-nt il Faut Commence'r une Freeborough & ~kln Parte d'Ecllecs-E. Znosko-BoI'­ Chess Sacrifices and Traps-Emery $1.25 owski $1.75 Chess Traps and Strategems $ .50 Valeur Theorlque-Alekhlne $1.00 E. E. Cunnington (Baden-Baden 1925) Combinations and Tra·ps-V. S5081n $ .75 Cook's Compendium $2.00 SPANISH Every Game Checkmate $U5 Analisis del Juego de Ajedrez $1.00 W. H. Watts & P. Hereford Philldor Forty Two.Movers-R.' B. Cooke $' .75 Caro.Kann.....:.D. M. Reca $1 .00 Morgan's Chess Digest $15.00 Cien Par.tidas de Ajedre~Ardld $2.5() (Complete 4 volumes) (paper cover) $2.00 Pitfalls of the Chessboard-Grleg $1.00 Ideas Modernes en las Aperturas $1.00 Pollock Memories $2.00 Suggestlones p'ara la Estrategia Mrs. F. F. Rowland AJedrlstloa-Tartakower $1.00 Science and Art of Chess $~OO La Apertura Mode rna-P·D4 $1.00 J. Monroe • E. Bogolju'bow $1.25 - The Return of Alekhlne-Purdy Lo que Debe Saberse de laoS Aper. 1 20 Years of the Rice Gambit ,_ $3.00 turas-RO"manowsky $1.00 _ Los Grandes Maestros del Tablero $1.50 Foreign Books R. Reti GERMAN MIscellanea Enxadrlstroa-=Monteiro .$ ·;50 Bernhard Kagan-Seln Lebensblld $ .75 Mis 'Mejores Pa'rtidas-;:....190g·1923 $1 .50 .,.. Dr. A. Alekhine Caro.Kann $2.50 Ol e Engllsche Partie $2.50 RUSSIAN H. Mueller History 0.1 Chess Tournaments $3.00 Das Buch der Schachmelste'rparflen 300 Chess Prol::ilerns $2.50 Volumes II to VI. each . $1.00 J. Meises Der Angrlff In der Schachpartle $1.50 We nave many books In A. Brlnckmann Foreign Language" Die Praxis Melnes Systems $5.00 which we do not Itst A. Nimzovltch • Dr. Hartlaub's Glanzpartlen $~OO • Eroffnungstheoretlsches-A. Becker $ .'75 Inqu,iries Are Invited Fuehrende Meide"";'Tartakower $1.00 • . Send all orders DIRECTLY TO: THE CHESS REVIEW, 25 West 43rd St., New York, N. Y. No INDIVIDUAL is authorized to accept order~ for -us. OFFICIAL OR{'!.N OF THE UNiTlilJ STATES Of AMERICA CHESS FEDERATION Publi~h~.J hi . mOll (h lj' J U llC' S<·p«·",h(·, : puhlisl""t! '":Ike "'onthly OOobcl·/llay I.)' T!!E C!!ESS Rf\'IEW. 2~ \Vcst 'B ,t! SlrCd. N~w Yu rko N . Y. Tt·!t-phone \V!s(onsin i ·.' i·!2. DUnlbt;( suh1:K"';pt ;,,,,,: O nto Y{'ar S.'>.OO: Two Years S).~O: Fin' YeaL, SI2,~O, Sin.>:k cop)' .,0 n·nts. f ort·;,>:" ~nhsniptio"s , S .'> . ~O pn )'ear excq,t U. S. l'oSS{·ss;ons. Can;,<I;,. /IIexico. emtra! and South Amer;ca . S;n;.:1c (OP)· .\ 0 (ents, --R~ntU'ed as st'ConJ class matter July 26, 1\)·10, at REVIEW th{, post otlic~ at Nt·w York, N. Y., under the A(t 1. A . HOKOWITZ of lI.farch 3. If!7Y." I. KIIS(WAN I:"di/o r • . Reshevsky-Horowitz Match Samuel Reshevsky, United State.'i chess Horowitz's record includes the American champion, has accepted the challenge of Israd Chess Federation championshi p, which he won A. Horowitz, and the two gladiators are to in Philadelphia in 1936, and a tie fo r the title contest a 14 game match for the title, to com_ with Kashdan in Boston, 19W. H e has played mence in New York City on April 20. The on thre:c of the winnin,g teams in internat ional negotiations were completed late in Den:mber, competitions, in Prague:, Warsaw and Stock. on the eve of Horowitz's departure on his trans· holm, each time compiling one of the best co ntinental tour. scores in the congress. The match has been approved br the United The match is to be for a purse being raised States Chess Federation, wit h the understanding by subscription on the part of clubs and in . dividuals interested. The majority of the that the winner i.'i to keep the title until the games will probably be played in New York, next championship tournament, which is due with one or more in Boston, Philadelphia, in the Spring of 1942. It will be the first Washington, and possibly other re:nters of chess match for the U . S. title since 192.), when enthusiasm. The Treasurer and Refere:e-of the match Me ~ti ll to be appointed. Samuel Grad. Frank James Marshall defeated Edward Lasker stein, New York attorney, is in charge of the in an epic struggle. It wi ll be remembered that preliminary arrangements, Marshall retireJ as the undefeated champion Tbe Cbess Rn'iew will of course publish in 1936. Reshevsky won the championship in all the ,games of the match, and we expert to an open tournamt'nt that yea r, and repeated obtain annotations to the games hy bot h pla)'ers. in 1938 and 1940. In addition, we shall probably be the puh. Horowitz did not take part in the 1940 lishers of the oOiria l book of the match. This tournament, due to his accident la~t Februa ry. will contain pictu r e~ and hiowarhical notes He beat Reshevsky in their individual en. of the contestants, and a hislor), o( the An1("r. counter in the 1936 meetin,!-;, and drew wi th iran r hess championship since the days of Paul him in 193H . They ha\'e met over the chess. Morphy. board on a numher of other occasions, with Further detail s. and a full advan('C schedule Reshevsky holding the edge in the total number of the games, will appe:lr in la ter issues. of victories, and the champion will probably be favored to retai n his title. The match should be productive of excellent chess, and REMEMBER TO .... may prove the highlight of the year in Amer. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION iean chess doings. 1 The President's New Year Message Friends of chess evcfywhefe:- not ha\"(" b<:cn possibk. Your president is The United States Chess federation is one Jeepl)' appreciative. We now commence: our year old! Th~nks to our multitude of friends second YCiU of life. The Federation wi .~hc$ r am happy to report at the end of our lirst you a vcrr happy and prosperous New Year. lisea! year that we arc a strong, healthy, and More and still hellef (hess to each and CVC[y progressive organization. We now have memo one of you! ber dubs and individual members in most of We look forward to 19·11 with confidence. the states of the Union. Before long we hope We hope that you approve the work which that there will not be a single state in which we have accomplished and which we hope to we arc not represented. do in the future. We believe that you do ap­ Many may ask what we have done and wlut prove. W e h'I \"C confidence you will hdp us we have accomplished during the past year? to grow and prosper as a Federation. But our We have puhlished an H6.page yearhook which goal {an not be recachcd without an cffort­ we have distributed free of char,!;e 10 each of a united effort. We cannot hope to lX;'comc our members. We . have actively sponsored truly strong unless cach of ),Oll will do your chess everywhere throuJ.ihout the U nited :Stales. part. No matter how hard our o/TlCers and We have encouraged the formation of chess di rector:; mily work we cannot reach our ob. dllb.~ and chess groups. We have aided them jectives unless /1' 1' ,If I jJlIJ'iJ. You believe in with advice on matters of org'lnization. We what we have done, don't rOll? You think have recommended and we stand ready to well of what we, are trying to a('complish? hdp in the formation of State Associat ions. Then help us, please. How? First of all by We have l!c\'oted spccial attention 10 popular. joinin,g the Federation if you arc not alceady izinj; the ,!;ame with the youth of our (Qulltrl·. a memher anJ get your ffiends to join, too. We have encouraged children in particular to If you helong to a chess dub which is not learn 10 f'LIY the gilllle, a.s it will be a source a unit of the U.
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