Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 4-7-2000 The iH lltop 4-7-2000 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 4-7-2000" (2000). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 264. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/264 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IJ ------------------------------------l ILLTOP The Nation's Largest Black Collegiate Newspaper VOLUME 83, NO. 26 FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 2000 http://hilltop.howard.edu Mock Trial Debate Team Wins Big ~lt Tournament This Team Advances To Iowa Championship Next Week I ll.A POii.TEii. Harmon won for being a forensic patholo­ students go there and compete and win As of Tuesday, Horton said she didn't Week's Campus Editor gist,and Horton captured the award for her b.:cause they had been working on the case know where they were going to get the performance as a forensic anthropologist in all year, Walker said. money because they had used all the money he Howard University Mock Trial the final round. Although the team came home victoriou, in their budget for traveling and hotels Hilltop debate team finished first !><:fore 48 ·11,e students were very strong with their they almost missed an opportunity 10 com­ when they competed in other competitions. Tteams from colleges across lhe coun­ communication skills and that's what I pete for the national gold flight competition The team would not need any money if they try last weekend 10 win the national silver did not have 10 compete in the sliver flight flight championship in St. Paul, Minn. round and been invited 10 the gold flight DREWPOWER! The sixteen member team. which is set up national competition, but 1hey did not place into two squads ofeight people placed first Ist, 2nd or 3rd in 1he regional competition. and second respectively. They will move on Horton said money was a concern for the to Des Moines, Iowa where they will com­ 1eam earlier in the ye.-u-, but they were told pete for the national gold flight champi­ by the president's office no110 worry about onship against more than 60 colleges and money. Tuesday when they found out that universities from April 14-16. This is the they needed money they tried 10 get in con­ first time since the team won the silver tact with the president. but they could not. flight competition in 1997 aad went on to so they contacted Pro, ost Antoine Garibal­ win the gold flight chan1pionship. di. Garibaldi told them the Unil'ersity did The first squad that came in first finished not have money to give them for 1ral'eling. the tournament undefeated in fou r rounds of Garibaldi was una,'!lilable for comment by competition against schools such as Boston Hilltop press time. College, St. Louis University , Purdue and Janene Dates. dean of the school of com­ many others. munications said the team is definitely going '11,is felt so great," Lenore Horton, a to Des Moines and that there was some senior legal communications major said. kind of misunderstanding. '"I don't think Horton is head captain of the debate team. that that's the case," Dates said. ·11,e Uni­ She said she and her team mates were a lit­ versity bas always been supportive of the tle surprised when the judges called their debate team." names as the winners. "Al first we were just Meet Jaha Howard. Lawrence Gar­ Dates office gave the team $4,000 and the rett, and Margues Rice. These three sining there and they said the plaintiffs had other S8,000 was promised to the team by Drew Hall Dormitory freshman won, but Lhis wasn'1 a civil case, so we just Anis Hampshire-Cowan. secretary of the looked around and our coaches were like have swiftly made a name for Photo Courie,)· or the Mock Truil Ocbot le:un Board of Trustees. Walker said. themselves as the future of that's you. that's you," Horton said laughing. The I IO\\flrd Unhersit) ~lock Thial debate ream finhhed £irst before 48 teams from colleges ncnxs the First year 1e.1m member Keith Royal Howard University politics. Horton and several other team members, counlr) Ja,t \\tekend to win the national ,iher flight champion'ihip JJl St. Paul. Minn. played a witness for the second team. He including Yiraldi Dirocie, a junior political said he was almost overwhelmed by the See CAMPUS, <\' science mrtior. mid Mia Harmon, a freshman think they were judge on the most." Anor­ in next week. They were having trouble gel• e\'ent. ·11,e level of pride that came from our political science major won All American ney Dr. Felicia Walker, coach of the debate ting the S 12,000 needed 10 fly all I 6 mem­ team was unlike anything Witness awards. Dirocie won for her per­ te.1m said. Walker said she wa, crying after bers and the three coaches 10 Des Moines formance as an eye-witness to a murder, the students won. II was rewarding to see the and have a place to stay. See DEBATE, A4 Senior Premiere SHANTRELLE Alabama-Raised, Howard University-Born P.LEWIS Frank B. Tun1er and Jerron E. Redrick find educational, spiritual, and professional growth at HU By]\ IA O\tEII.S.\LL her of black people on Wall Street. Redrick Hilltop Staff Writer came to Howard, despite his father's frus­ tration with the way the administration ome students come to Howard 10 get handled his older brother's record.s when he a degree. Other students come to get attended the University. Redrick heard Sprepared for jobs when they graduate. from his brother and his cousin, another But for Alabama natives and close friends, Howard alumnus. that Howard Univel'ity Jerron E. Redrick and Frank B. Turner, life was a lot or fun. But when Redrick their mission at Howard i, one of educa­ ncmally came to Howard. he found that fun tional, spiritual. and professional great­ was only the half of it ness. '"I couldn't have received a bettercollcgt­ In the four yeaN thnt the tv. o have walked experience an}·where else;· he said. '"To the hills of the Mecca, and have moved come 10 Howard University a, a fre,hman from eager, yet nameless freshman to some and to leave having a direct line to top busi­ of the most respected seniors on campus. ness le.1ders, being exposed to many dif­ Whether i1 be School of Business Student ferent facets of life outside the classroom Council. UGSA or Residence Life, both and to come across great professors inside Check out the Senior Premiere on finance siudents have tackled a myriad of Shantrelle P Lewis. the classroom, is like some kind ofdreamt large campus organizations, leaving each up college experience. I couldn"t have !n belier shape then when they first stepped planned it," he said. See LIFESTYLES, I Ill. Although they have had their personal II all stm1ed on their decisions to come successes, the pair is proud 10 state 1hnt to Howard. Turner came to the University Pl10to By 01.uidra Andmoo many of their accomplishments at Howard a na11onnl merit scholar upon hearing that Good Frknd!,, St.'flio....,Jem,n Redrkk nnd Fr.ink TumC'r h.nc found ,ucces., nt Um,nnl l:'nht'l"ih and Howard University bred the gre.11est num- "ill no" mO\tnfl t(, \\1IJJ Stn"t't. - See REDRICK &TURNER, A4 New Stores Cater to Students' Needs Pro-affirmative action forces seek By KF.LU D. EsrnKs Parker, who has a strong sense of community, repeal of California's Proposition 209 R01\1EO MUST City/Nation & World Editor said that the last Wednesday of every month, a percentage of the proceed, mnde will go towards By W11, 1, EVANS sales to creme a stale education fund. DIE TI1e 2300 block of Georgia Avenue is going scholarships for Howard students. Daily Californian Half of the fund would be used 10 through changes for the better many students are '"I don·t believe in taking from your environ- (U. California-Berkeley) eliminate all student-related fees for happy 10 say. California residents in the ,1;.11c\ pub­ lic colleges and universities. Ward Beauty Supply and Subway, a sandwich (U-WIRE) BERKELEY, Calif. - deli, are joining the neighborl1ood promising to "A middle-class family with IWO Advocate, of affirmntive action are provide students and the community with first-rate cluldren can barely afford a house service. currently circulating petitions for two and a car now;- Evans said ...The best The University, which owns the building that separa1e ballot initiatives - one of investment we can make is 10 provide the two businesses now occupy, wanted to ensure which also ends siudent fees - to them access 10 higher education." that the businesses were in the best interests of the reinstate race and gender preferences The other half of the fund would students and the surrounding community. in California. be managed by tl1e stme·s Superin­ --we looked for services to support the com­ Ron Rodriguez. the official pro­ tendent of Public Instruction 10 cre­ munity," said Margo Smith, executive director of ponent of a constitutional amend­ ate college-bound programs for eco­ auxiliary enterprises ...Those two just seemed 10 ment 10 repenl Proposition 209, was nomically disadvantaged children.
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