Heavy Vote Expected on Thursday One of the most controversial topics conccrning Drexel students For Bus Ads Only today, will he decided on Thursday, May 27 when class elections will be Double ruts will be siven held. All that is necessary to be able to vote is a matriculation card. to all students of the Busi- The voting will take place in the Great Court from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. ness (’ollege who do not at­ tend both morning; nnd after­ Because of the interest generated thus far, I.C.G. has worked in noon sessions of Bus Ad Day, conjunction with Men's Student Council to obtain voting machines for Tuesday, May 25. The day’s the election. Demonstrations will be held all day Wednesday, complete program will begin at 1) a.ni. with a sample ballot,, and tl»e machines v,'ill be used for the actual voting witli registration and con­ tinue until 2:30 p.m. At that the following day. tinu* all who signed up to so Ballots have been mailed to industry students by Student Council. to International Airport will They must have their ballot completed and postmarked no later than meet in the Great Court and leave in the buses provided. midnight Thursday in order to have the ballot counted. Students in industry cannot vote in school, but must mail their ballots in. ---------- —-------------------------------------- A student can only vote in the Pi.v by Mechlin Pix b\ Ilartuust class which appears ou his matric­ Danny Promislo Joe Willard ulation card. As an example, a Coeds to V ote student nuiy have pre-junior stamped on his matric card, have enough credits now to be con­ For New Leaders sidered a junior, and be eligil)le All Drexel coeds will "go to the to run for a senior class office. polls” to vote for next year’s class This njan can only vote for junior officers and VV.S.G.A. board mem­ DREXEL INSTITUTE class ofilcers. even though he is a bers on Thursday, May 27. The OF TECHNOLOGY candidate for a senior office. PHILADELPHIA, PA. voting will continue from 9 a.m. A list of the men who filed peti­ to 3:30 p.m. tion for olHce a|>pears in the ad- There are fifteen offices to be ,joining columns. This list is not VOLUME XXXI MAY 21. 1954 NUMBER 6 filled, those of class president, vice- nece.ssarily a list of the candidates. president, secretary, treasurer, The petitions must be checked by and W.S.G.A. representative. Student (\>uncil, as must the Below are listed the names of candidate. Anyone ineli)>:ihle to Drexel Trustees the girls who are running for class run or filing: a void petition will Candidates For Next presidents, and the activities in be dropiied from (he list, as it which they participate. A com­ appears in this paper. Name Chairman plete list of all candidates appears In all there are 3 6 offices to be Horace P. Liversidge, chairman on a succeeding page. filled. Each class elects a presi­ of the board of the Philadelphia Thursday's Elections SOPHOMORE dent, vice-president, secretary, and Electric Company, has been elected Joanne Drown treasurer. There are four repre­ chairman of the board of trustees Phi Mu sorority, Glee Club sentatives to be chosen for both of Drexel Institute of Technolosy, Ann Dougherty Student Council and Men’s A.A. Senior Class He succeeds A. J. Drexel Paul, Sr., Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, in tlie senior class, three of each in grandson of the founder of the Coalition Others varsity hockey, Newman club the junior class, two of each in Institute. Cornelia Scott the pre-junior class, and one of President: Joe Willard Dan Promislo An 1897 graduate of tlie Insti­ Delta Sigma Epsilon sorority, each in the sophomore class. Vice-Pres.: tute, Mr. liiversidse was the first Bruce Erb Gene Hug varsity hockey and badminton. The votes will be counted five alumnus to be elected to the board Secretary: Home Ec Club, President of (lays after the elections take place, A1 Oleniczak Lou Forconi in 1022. He is the first person Freshman class iiesults will be posted on the bul­ Treasurer: Larry Lady Skip McCombs otluM’ than a member of tlie Drex­ letin board and will appear in the el family to serve as board ehair- JUNIOR Stu. Coun.: Dick Diettrich Bob Morris Triangle, if available by publishing nuui. Others who have served in Nancy Nielson Ralph Berglund John Gerlach date. the chairuuin.vlii]) have be«‘n the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority, Jim Dettre Porky Waterfield founder, Anthony J. Drexel, 181)1- Triangle, Lutheran Club, Or­ George Rosenkoif Joe Michalak James W. Paul, 1804-1J)08; chestra, W.A.A., varsity hockey Student Building Lawn George Taylor Alexander Van Hens.selaer, 1J)08- Ann Heibert Men’s A.A. Ron Pinkiewicz Rege Kubit 1J).‘J;J; and A. J. Drexel Paul, Sr. Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, Scene of G ay Carnival Tom Wonderly Frank Calabrese since 1»;J3. Lexerd, Home Ec club, Vice- The lawn of the Studeiit Building Richard Walker Dave Muir As co-chairman of the Institute’s President of Sophomore Class will be tlie scene of a gay Carnival Mike Pulscak Ed Laguna Development Program, Mr. Liver­ SENIOR on Wednesday. This event will con­ sidge has played a major role in Marian Irvine tinue from 9 A.M. until late in the the current expansion of the Insti­ Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority, afternon and will feature game Junior Class tute’s facilities for higher tech­ varsity basketball manager, Tri­ booths where the students and fac­ angle typist. Gamma Sigma ulty members can try their luck Coalition Others Sigma in competition. Molly Miller President: Bill Harley Bill Musto The Student Building Committee Blair Simon Gamma Sigma Sigma, Triangle, which has planned the carnival is Home Ec Club, Hockey, La­ as follows: Carl Stabler, chairman; Vice-Pres.: Tony Lanutti Howie Salasin crosse Bill Musto, Skip McCombs, Carol Secretary: Bob Ranonis Xancy Nevin Roddy, Bob Thomas, Chuck Mattis, Home Be club, Rouge and Robe, Gus Costalas, Anne Lankford, Treasurer: Frank McDonough Ken Rush President of Freshman and Lionel Dreebin, and Gretta Payon- Stu. Coun.: Dave Wiley Dave Krimmel Junior class seck. Bob Glazier Bill Miller Jack Mendelsohn Gordon Macshane Men’s A.A.; Stan Woerth Dick Irrgang Joe Campbell Ed O’Brien Upper Class Awards Will Ed Pietrzak Be Presented In Auditorium Pre-Junior Class Institute Day, Drexel’s Annual arship. “day” for the presentation of Otiier awards will be the Tau Others Coalition scholarships and awards, will be Beta PI Award and announcement President: Bud Roemhild Steve Marcus held on Wednesday, June 2, in the of its new members, the Si^;nui Kho auditorium. All students are Award and announcement of new Vice-Pres.: Bill Myer Waily Jakacki urged to attend the program and members, lllue Key Medal and new Secretary: John Scarborough Gene Mora nical, scientific, and professional will be excused from classes for members of Blue Key Honor Treasurer: Abe Frumkin George Sides education. Currently under con­ this purpose. F'raternlty, Eta Kappa Nu Award, struction is a $1,600,000 Basic Prior to the day of the pre.senta- Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Stu. Coun.: Don Kell Dick Wittig Sciences Laboratories Center. tions, the trophies and plaques to So< iety pla<|ue and presentation of Harvey Weisenfield Larry Humes Ainiiated with the IMiiladelphla be awarded will be placed in the Student Council certificates. Men’s A.A.: Frank Arnold George Ulrich KhTtrie (’onipany for more than trophy case in the Great Court. Dr. Creese will then present to Ed Moore G. Szukalski a half eentury, Mr. Ijiversidge has Dr. James Creese, President of the winning sorority and frater­ numerous industrial, and profes­ Drexel, will act as Master of Cere- nity the Pan Hellenic and I-P sional afliliations and an extensive nu>nies and will award the follow- cups, respectively, for outstanding Sophom ore Class record of community service for 1ns: achievement in scholarship record. which he has received the follow­ Upperclass scholarships, Theta Following this on the program Coalition Others ing reeognition; James H. MeCiraw Chi Award, Delta Phi Epsilon will be the introduction of the Award for Cooperation, ll>«2; Award, Class of 1907 Medal, J. newly selected president of Wom­ President; Ed Karl Pete Oeth Muirell Dobbins IMoneers of In­ Peterson Ryder Award for Women, en’s Student Government Associa­ Vice-Pres.; Dave Rittenhouse Joe McCall dustry Award, lf)44; the Edward J. Peterson Ryder Award for Men, tion by Dean Young, Dean Myers Powell Fund Award, of which he Library Rowland Memorial, PI Tau will present to the assembly the Secretary: Pete Mohm Lee Wagner was the first recipient, 1051; and Sigma Award, Alexander Van new leader of Men’s Student Coun­ Treasurer: A. Nugopian Dale Miller the William Penn Award of the Rensselaer Service Awards, Belle cil. Certificates to members of Stu. Coun.; Bill Barney Steve Mahoney Chamber of Commerce of Greater S. Matheson Scholarship, J. Peter­ Who’s Who in American Colleges Jim Stankiewitz Philadelphia. He is recipient of son Ryder Scholarships, and the and Universities will be given, and LIVERSIDGE on Pa«e 3 Charles J. Armor Memorial Schol­ the members Introduced. ^ Men’s A.A.: Harry Tempest 1 T H E DREXEL TRIANGLE May 21. l ;,S4 Page 2 Senior Week Spring Sports Banquet Candidates For Girl’s Elections A t Ben Franklin SENIOR CLASS JUNIOR CLASS SOPHOMORE CLASS Plans Listed Tli(? Menjamin Franklin Hotel will PRESIDENT PRESIDENT PlaiiH for Drexfl’s annual S(!tiior PRESIDENT be the scene of the Spring Sports Nancy M<‘ls«n •loanne Iti-own Woftk liavc been announced l)y Dick Marian Irvine Hanquet on Thursday, May 27, at Ann S«*lbrrt Ann DouKlierty fJlazier, class sccrcfary.
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