University Library horary * '"B™ «^ THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER j TWELVE VOL. XXII. NO. 37. I PAGES. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1890. WHOLE NO. 1133. ballots was awaited with anxiety by New 31iiNi<- Storr. THEY WAXED WARM. the large crowd who had gathered to .). F. Schaeberle, formerly of this . HEADQUARTERS FOR hear the result. The vote stood: city, but for many years a toucher of Eberbach 1260 Music in Pennsylvania, has returned to EXCITING SCHOOL CAUCUS AND A Smith - <"!> Ann Arbor and opened up a, first-class EXCITINC BIJSCTION. bs 641 music store at No. 8 W. Liberty-st. Mr. '••• 618 Schaeberle, who is a brother of the A6RIGULTURA L Finney 583 famous astronomer, Prof. J. M. Schae- Caucna LwrtTlrowdayNIglit in session berle, of Lick Observatory, is a music Several H«nw»—IiOtt of (rooked teacher of considerable ability and will Worn—Many More Ballot* Cast Than Michigan Crop Report l»r September. For this report correspondents have in connection with his music business People Present. take a few private pupils. Mr. Schae- IMPLEMENTS! It became apparent early last week secured from threshers the results of BRING YOUR BOY 4.253 jobs, aggregating more than 63,- berle has fitted up very pleasant that the caucus called for last Thurs- s 000 acres of wheat threshed in the quarter! at the above number and ha ALSO BEST GRADES day night, to nominate school trustees in stock a large number of high would be •* lively one. It was common State, the yield from which was 740,- This Week and Have Him 284 bushels, an average of 11.73 bushels musical instruments which he is offer- talk on the streets that a certain ele- ing at moderate rates. Those of our ment would put up for nomination a acre. In the southern counties more than 55,000 acres threshed readers who are in want of any sort of Fitted Out with a HARD AND SOFT COAL! ticket composed of men who would musical merchandise will do well to work in conjunction with certain men averaged 1UJ8 bushels per acre. In the central counties the average is call upon Mr. Schaeberle and examine on the board to make some radical his stock. He is also prepared to re- changes in the Hi-h Scnool. This was 14.69 bushels, and in the northern SPLENDID Coal for Threshers a Speciality ! counties 13.61 bushels. pair and tune all kinds of stringed in- denied by those who, it was said, were struments. Mr. Schaeberle also has in the combine. The slate mentioned The amount of wheat reported marketed since the August report was some good pianos to rent at reasonable Isted of Hon. .!. T. Jacobs, Mr. rates. NEW . Ottmar Eberbach and Mr. Arthus shed is 182,199 bushels more than HENRY RICE Brown. Whether or not there was a reported for the same time in 1895, and The Annual School Meeting. particle of truth as to the so called com- tin amount reported marketed in the After the election Monday the SUIT bination, one thing was apparent: the o months ending with July, is annual school meeting was held. Al- 9,683,173 bushels or 1,587,62b bushels for less money than you have ever been FINNEGAN BLOCK, DETROIT ST. predicted slate appeared on scheduled though hundreds had stood around the accustomed to pay. time and came p ig through less than marketed in the same months polls all day, not more than 75 or 100 time and near going through We have the largest Stock in [the of the previous year. people attended the annual meeting City to Select from—Our Suits are Telephone 163 Ann Arbor, Mich. without even a scratch. There were Oats are estimate to yield in theheld after the ballots were counted and nade as good as it is possible for man- several things that stood in the way.State about 30 bushels, and barley Si the result announced, notwithstanding cind to coustruct. The cloth is select- The friends of Dr. W. B. Smith did not bushels per acre. Beans promise *7 the fact tlgat at the annual meeting the sd with Special View to durability and relish the idea of seeing him turned .he prices weed will prove a great per cent, potatoes 79 per cent, winter question of spreading a tax of $30,000 Saving to you, down, because, as they declared, he apples 116 per cent, and kite peaches upon the city property was to come up. For Sale at Cost would not join the combination. Then, 98 percent, of average crops. The soverign voters, including the WASH- too, there were the ladies who attended The average rainfall in the State ladies, had elected three trustees, and INGTON the caucus in force to make an effort to during the month was 4.08 inches; in A Foot Ball Free that was work enough for one day. The BLOCK. Pictures, have another lady representative upon the southern counties 4.10 Inches;cen- mere question of a $30,000 tax could the board. They were not represented tral 3.27 indies: northern. 4.48 inches. take care of itself. At the meeting Mr. • Picture Frames, upon the aforesaid slate and hence were and upper peninsula 4.70 inches. Com- Cramer moved that the recommenda- this week with every suit sold. a ALL KINDSiOF ready to break it—that is, those of them pared with the normal there was antion of the Board of Trustees that •who caught onto the situation. The in each section ranging from $30,000 bo assessed to support the Art Goods. opposition, however, was sadly in lack inches in the central counties to schools for the next year be adopted Must go at],Cost. of organization and the first two names 2.01 inches in the northern counties. which was done by a unanimous vote. •went through without much difficulty, The average excess for the State was The motion of Chas. E. Hiscock that Ladies' —AT— although several ballots were necessary 1.84 inches. the board order the annual report to arr ve at a result. Even the third published in one or more city news- BLAKE'S candidate on the aforesaid slate, would Elect Officers. papers was also adopted. The question Mackintoshes, have been nominated without much The Board of Trustees of the city as to whether or not a houseishould be * WASHINGTON BLK difficulty had not Mr. Brown, just before schools held their usual 'monthly meet- built for the janitor at the fourth ward $5.00 BARGAIN $5.00. the third ballot was taken, thrown a ing Tuesday night. Only a small school created some discussion, and bomb into hh friends' camp by with- amount of routine business was tran- was finally carried. The expense is For $5.00 we place on sale the great- drawing his name in favor of the ladies' sacted. Nine fire extinguishers were not to exceed $800. The meeting then est bargain ever shown in Ladies' candidate, Mrs. Ida C. Finncy. This Mackintoshes. They are all wove order purchased at an expense of 82.50- adjourned. double texture, Serge Double Cape, THE HURD-HOLMES COMPANY, demoralized Brown's friends to such an The secretary of the board was author- extent that Mrs. Finney secured the of 110 inches Sweep Skirt—120 inches ized to secure bids for printing the Death of Lovell Harrison. sweep you have. Never purchased as 25-27 Detroit Street, nomination by a bare majority, a large .rood for $8.00. Come this week and proceedings of the board in one or mor3 Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock number of the supporters of Messrs. of the city papers. The salary of the jet them for Smith and Brown sticking to them to there passed away to his eternal rest, secretary was raised $75 to compensate in his ninetieth year, Lovell Hai- the very last. The caucus was turned ' ir the -additional work of furnish- "Rogers" Old Stand. into a regwlar farce before the end was an old and esteemed resident of Ann ing copy to the, printers after each of Arbor. Mr. Harrison came to this reached. A wellknown lady, sitting on the twelve meetings. The secretary was The Scientific Steel Corn Harvester, Spring Tooth and Disc Har- the front seat within a few feet of the country from Norfolk, England, his authorized to issue bonds to cover the birthplace, in 1837, locating on a farm rows, etc. Choice Timothy. hat in which the ballots were deposited expenditure of the addition in the rose and openly charged that she had four miles from this city, where he third ward. The bonds of the treasur- lived lor some 30 years. In 1868 heFall and Winter seen one man drop two ballots into the er were fixed at $40,000. hat. One of the candidates saw fit to moved to this city to his home on S. The new board organized by electing Thayer-st., where he has resided ever make light of the charge and remarked Mr. J. T. Jacobs, president, John R. RICHARDSON'S that the fellow should not be allowed to since. Mr. Harrison was a lifelong Wraps Miner, secretary and J. E. Beal, and consistent member of the Metho- vote next time! Just after one ballot treasurer. -was taken a careful count of the people dist church, an earnest and faithful Of course you want the best style, the KOLA CHEWING GUM. The various committees for the en-Christian highly esteemed by his .latidsomestCape or Jiicket you can find. present showed that 33 more ballots suing year were appointed as follows: CONTAINS THE ACTIVE PRINCIPAL OF THE had been cast than there were persons friends for his sterling qualities of in-The way you will be sure to get it is to Teachers and Text-books, Bach, made your Selection in the early season in the room.
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