DOCUMENT RESUME kb ks 018 O'n AUTHOR Saluter, Arlene F. TITLE Marital Status and Living Arrangements: March 1985. INSTITUTION Bureau of the Census (DOC), Suitland, Md. Population Div. PUB DATE Nov 86 NOTE 98p.; Statistical tables contain small print.For related document, see SO 018 073. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Statittical Data (110) -- Collected Works- Serials 022) JOURNAL CIT Curnent Population Reports; series P-20 n410 Nov 1986 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Census Figures; *Divorce; *Family (Sociological Unit); Females; Males; *Marital Status; *Marriage; Older Adults; One Parent Family; Spouses; Young Adults ABSTRACT _This report presents_detailed itiftittation:onthe marital status and living_arrangements of thenoninstitutional population_of_the,United States by age, sex,race, arid SpaniSh origin. The text of this,report compares the mid-deCadeCensus estimates based on the Marchi 1985 "Current PopulationSurvey" with the survey data from 1980, 1970, and 1960. Thereport Contludes that many changes in maritaI_status and living arrangementS haVe OCCUrred over_the last few decades;_Changes in marital status_include postponement of the first marriagefl_ a growingproportiOn Of_ never-married persons; and the growth of,the "singles"popUlation due tb divorce and_separation. Changes inj_living arrangements ihdlUde increasing_numbers of:children who live_in single-parentSitdatiOnt, of young adults::who live with their___parentsi ofpersons WhO live alone, and of adults who reside in unmarried couple householdt. Highlights_of the report are: during the_1980s_, the proportienOf neVer_married women, aged 20 to 24, has been_the_largestever reCtirded; there wereill9 unmarried men aged 25 to 34 forevery 100_ WOMeti aged_25 to_34 in 1985; between 1970 and 1985 the divorceratio rote front 47 to 128 divorced persons per 1,000 marriedpersons with spouse present; and 23_percent of children under 18 lived withOhe parent_in 1985, compared_with 9 percent in 1960; In addition,60_ percent of men and 48 percent_of women, aged 18 to 24, livedat_hOme with theit_paretitS_in 1985; most elderlymen still lived with their wivesi_vhild elderlyiwomen were_more likely to live alonethan with their_husbandt in 1985i_The:rapid growth in unmarriedcouple household during the 1970s has:slowed in recentyears; Charts, tablesi atid_appendix tables which pertain to the dataare included in the document. (APG) CURRENT POPULATION REPORTS Population Characteristics Senes P-20, No. 410 Marital Status and Livin0 Arraiii0thanU: Mitiith 1985 .11074rti 11V 3 U.S,DERARTMENTOF EllOCATION Ofrwe a Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) irs d u oded rece trmoemnItheas-pebersoenn orer porroaucnuatioasn orogrnatTR)3 O Mmor changes neve been madeto anprove reproductron qualay Rcenis of 'new or oPavonsslatedinans-docu- ment do noi neceasanly represent OERI posmon or poley offictal U. S. Department of Commerce BUREAU OF THE CENSUS BEST COPYAVAILABLE 2 Acknowledgments This report was prepared by Arlene F. Saluter, under the gcneral direction of Donald J. Hernandez, Chief, Marriage and Family Statistics Branch. Assistance with statistical tables and testing was provided by Gerda K. Mudd, and the charts were prepared by Edith L. Reeves; Typing assistance was provided by Debra N. Middleton and prepublication review coordination by Marion Gordon; Critical review of the text and text tables was provided by Campbell J; Gibson, Demographic Advisor, and Martin O'Connell, Chief, Fertility Statictics Branch, with overall direction for this report provided by Arthur J. Norton, Assistant Chief, Population Division; Programming of the detailed tables was provided by Thelma N. Varhach and Phyllis Swanson; and survey operations were coordinated by Ronald Tucker, Demographic Surveys Division. Sampling review and appendix C were provided by Michael J. Roebuck, Statistical Methods Division. 3 CURRENTI-DOPULATIONREPORTS Population Charactaristics Series P-20, No. 410 Issued November 1986 Madtal Status and Living Arrangements: March 1985 U.S. Department of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary Clarence J. Brown, Deputy Secretary Robert Ortner, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs BUREAU OF THE CENSUS John G. Keane, Director 4 BUREAU OF THECENSUS John G. Keane, Director Kintannora, Deputy Director William P. Butz, Associate Director for Demographic Fields Roger A. Herriot, Senior Demographic and Housing Analyst POPULATION DIVISION (Vacant), Chief SUGGESTED CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, SerieSP=20, No. 410, Marital Status and Living Arrangements: March 1985, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D;C., 1986; For sale by Superintenaent of DOcuments, U.S. Government Printing Office,Washington, D.C. 20402. 5 Ill Contents Page Introduction 1 Age at first marriage 2 Percent single 3 Ratio of men to women 4 Divorce ratio 5 Living arrangements of divorced persons 6 Living alone 7 Children under 18 years 8 Children living with one parent 8 Children by characteristics of the parents 10 Living arrangements of young adults 11 Living arrangements of the elderly 12 Unmarried-couple households 14 Related reports 16 CHARTS Figure 1. Median age at first marriage, by sex: 1890 to 1985 2 2. Percent never married for men and women 20 to 34 years: 1890 to 1985 3 3.Ratio of unmarried men to unmarried women, by age: 1985 4 4.The ratio of divorced person per 1,000 married persons with spouse present: 1985, 1980, 1970, and 1960 5. Percent divorced, by age: 1985 6.Living arrangements of divorced men and women; 1985 7. Persons living alone, by sex: 1985,1980, 197G, and 1960 7 8.Median age of men and women living alone; 1985, 1980, 1970, and 1960 7 9.Living arrangements of children under 18 years: 1985, 1980, 1970, and 1960 10.Children under 18 years living with one parent, by marital status of parent: 1985, 1980, 1970, and 1960 11. Living arrangements of young adults: 1985, 1980, 1970; and 1960 11 12. Noninstitutional living arrangements of the elderly: 1985 12 13. Noninstitutional living arrangements of the elderly: 1985, 1980, 1970, and 1960 13 14.Number of unmarried couples with and without children under 15 years: 1960 to 1985. 14 15.Unmarried couples with no children present, by age of partners: 1985, 1980, 1970; and 1960 15 DETAILED TABLES 1. Marital status of persons 15 years and over, by age, sex, race, and Spanish origin: March 1985 17 . Family status of persons 15 years and over, by age, sex, race, Spanish origin and region: March 1985 20 . Family status of persons under 15 years, by age, se,', race, and Spanish origin: March 1985 26 4.Household relationship and presence of parents, f3r persons under 18 years, by age, sex, race, and Spanish crigin: March 1985 28 5. Pres-..nce and marital status of p0 7ent, for persons under 18 years living with only one parent, by age, sex, race, and Spanish origin: March 1985 32 6 lv DETAILED TABLESContinued Page 6. Marital status of persons 15 years and oVer, by familyStatus, age, sex, race, and Spanish origin: March 1985 36 7.Housheolds with two unrelated adults, by marAal statut, age, and sex: Mar Ch 1985 . 46 8.Marital status of family householders and related Subfamilyreference persons, by age, sex, race, and Spanish origin: March 1985 48 9.Living arrangements of children under 18years, by characteriatica and marital status of the parent: March 1985 51 APPENDIXES A. Historical Tables 67 B. Definitions and Explanations 77 C. Source and Reliability of Estimates 81 Source of data 81 Reliability of estimates 82 APPENDIX TABLES A-1. Median age at first marriage, by sex: 1890 to 1985 67 A-2. Percent single (never married), by age andsex: 1985, 1980; 1970, and 1960 67 A-3. Percent never married, by sex and age: 1980 to 1985 68 A-4. Unmarried men and women, by age: 1985, 1980, 1970,and 1960 68 A-5. Divorced persons per 1,000 married persons withspouse present, by age, sex, race, and Speniah origin: 1985, 1980, 1970, and 1960 69 A-6. Divorced persons, by Selected characteristics: 1985, 1980;1970, and 1960 69 A-7. Persons living alone, by sex and age: 1985, 1980, 1970,and 1960 70 A-8: LiVing arrangements of children under 18 years old: 1985,1980, 1970, and 1960 . 71 A-9. Children under 18 years living with oneor both parents, by marital status of parent: 1985, 1980, 1970, and 1960 72 A-10. Children under 18 yeara living withone or both parents; by characteristics of the parent: March 1985 73 A-11. Living arrangements of young adults: 1985, 1980, 1970,and 1960 74 A-12. Living arrangements of the elderly: 1985, 1980, 1970,and 1960 75 A-13; Unmarried couples, by preaence of children andage of partners: 1985, 1980; 1970, and 1960 75 A-14. Unmarried-couple houSeholda, bypresence of children: 1960 to 1985 76 1-1; Standard errors of eatimated numbers: Totalor White 84 G-2; Standard 3rrors of eatimated numbers: Blackor Spanish origin 84 C-3; Standard errors of eatiinated percentages: Totalor White 84 C-4; Standard errors of eatimated percentages: Blackor Spanish origin 85 C-5; Factors fl to be applied to tables C-1 through C-4to estimate standard errors 85 C-6; Factors f2 to be applied to tables C-1 through C-4 and C-7to estimate standard errors of estimates, by year 85 C-7. "a" and "b" parameters for :alculating approximatestandard errors 86 C-8; Denominators for percent single shown in table A-2 1 86 C-9; Numerators and denominators for divorced to married,spouse present, ratios shown in table A-5 87 Symbols Used in Tables Represents zero or rounds to zero. B Base less than 75,000. X Not applicable; NANot available; Marital Status and Livingrrangernents: March 1985 MPIIMINIZMMM INTRODUCTION This report presents detailed infor- arrangements include increased Twenty-three percent of mation on the marital status and proportions of children who live in children under 18 years lived living arrangements of the single-parent situations, of young with one parent in 1985, com- noninstitutional population of the adults who live with their parents, pared with 9 percent in 1960.
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